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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Deja Letov wrote: I'm not talking about just the isues with the Marketplace from a functionality standpoint, I'm talking about the Marketplace from the point of view that it is killing the inworld aspect of SL Wish everyone else could see this... Sucking away at the community aspect for mass proffits
  2. Amazing how much of this goes on and no one can stop it?
  3. Have you thought about partnering with a popular club or renting adspace at a popular place. Or talk to the owner and see about prmoting your rentals to their group. Also here in the forums there is a lot of advertising in the land section. Not sure how that is working for anyone. there is a lot of rentals and a lot of land in sl. you have to go directly to the people. Search is massive. there is too much to filter out and it suxs when it comes to relevance
  4. Land. Either rented or purchase a sim. Make sure your land can not disappear over night Money. Have lots of it for events and staff items necessary for your theme/build. Buildings, chairs, couches, etc etc. adboards (helps pay the bills) Decor Dance balls and dance systems donation boxes for the club (helps ;pay tier) contest boards can be cheated easily. Try running conventional votes have staff on hand 24 hours a day if you can. Helps cut down greifing Patience (not sold anywhere) Never let somone run your business or controll it. they will never share the same vision or passion as you do
  5. mikka Luik wrote: Hmmmm, well I'll adopt the simplest solution there and just address everyone by their UUID - simple, democratic, totally same format for everyone - problem solved =^^= f9f8f276-9e5c-4f71-8509-d3ed1b0047XX at your service Lol Isn't that how they identify them selves in prison? I am from Grid Block A, cell 32 ID f9f8f276-9e5c-4f71-8509-d3ed1b328fg
  6. Go to your transaction history and see if there is a record of it being sent. If there is no record of it being sent. then the resident could be telling you a story. If there is a record of it being sent, and you have not received it in world, then file a support ticket. My guess is this resident is telling you they have sent it, but haven't. Ask them to also send you a copy of the transaction, from their transaction history, so you can use it to file the support ticket. If they can not produce a proper transaction history from their account, then the payment never was sent. https://secondlife.com/my/account/transactions.php?lang=en-US
  7. try relogging to force a update on your viewer. and double check your transaction history to ensure it was indeed sent The region you are currently in may be experiencing issues. try relogging into a different region as well
  8. You might try deleting your cookies and web cache. Possible there is a slight cookie error attached to that specific avatar, and reopen the web browser
  9. I buy dragon stuff all the time. There are a lot of dragon items in Sl. Always welcome new things
  10. Why not box the items your self and make copies your self. Why leave it up to others to do your chores lol
  11. Try clearing your cache and relogging... If the objects were returned to you that was rezzed on land. Then olook in your lost and found folder. They will be oddly named and the icon in your lost and found will look like stacked boxes. Those will be the coalesked objects
  12. Hmm. Wonder if they used particles.. images that follow the avatar
  13. Not sure why it is so slow. Maybe heavy traffic or a bug. . You might try clearing you web cache...... It is running slow for me also
  14. It would requre a prim to target and follow the resident. I do beleive it is against TOS to use objects to follow residents without their permission.
  15. You should send the owner a notecard. Most owners and business people in sl end up getting their IM's capped because of too many offline messages...so there is a good chance he/she is never seeing your requests. Using a notecard will gurantee it gets there. You will find that most merchants and landlords prefer notecards, because they never get all of their Im's I recommend to always use a notecard when trying to contact a merchant in SL.....
  16. You will also have to go to the beta website and take the copyright test again as well https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh-landing.php? Also to update your account to the beta grid you have to change your regular password and wait 24 hours.
  17. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote Unfortunately yes i did. And i did because it was a post which spammed a known group by my virtual sister (who as i said her account was hacked too - i mean someone else was posting with her account) so i would never thought that it was a trap. Thanks for your reply Aurelia. On the other side my question remains. How Linden Lab can protect all the unsuspected residents? It could be happened to anyone. It can happen to anyone, anywhere. any platform. I think you should just take better evasive actions like not clicking spam links in world. and maybe think about having a alt account as a banker. Entirely secrate account that you never use or log in except to send your self money. Make the password incredibly hard to guess, and lock down your viewer to where your password is not saved, Linden Lab could adopt more risk api flags like for instance. If your avatar send copius amounts of money to another avatar and your IP suddenly changed to one out of the ordinary then the moneys should be blocked for 24 hours.
  18. you can not save your avatar as an obj. the XML file is only settings you have to import an avatar mesh and then use the xml to set the avatar settings to match your shape. blender has an option to import an xml file after you import the avatar mesh. The xml file when imported makes the shape like your avatar in SL.. but not sure how 3ds max works. . If you are using 2012 then the fbx plugin for Sl wont work. There are special plugins you need for Sl avatars to work in 3ds max Search these forums for 3ds max plugins and search google for 3dsmax compatable plugins for second life Download the meshes here http://abbloch.com/slAvatars_OBJ_Fixed/
  19. In SL open the Develop menu at the top of your screen and then go to Avatar/Character test/Appearance to XML That will save your avatar shape to XML file to be loaded into other programs You can download the second life avatar from the wiki . But I think there is a special way to import thru 3ds max, If you use blender you can get avatar.blend file and load the xml from your appreance and model from there..
  20. I did a A Direct Delivery with the linden bear and got notification in world. But there is not a record of the transaction in my transaction history on my dashboard
  21. Vick Forcella wrote: OMG-children can cam outside PG (can they?). Not sure about that But I can see where it says "Nude art that is not sexual. is okay" So yea confusing a bit. It has to be behind closed doors. So maybe it is they are rezzing first and quite visible Hopefully they answer your ticket with some clarification
  22. Ceka Cianci wrote: Dilbert Dilweg wrote: Maybe the problem is that the items in question seem to be the first thing to rez. No protective walls which makes them visible. I was always under the understanding " No nudity even if in your home" Anyone can zoom in and see and the rezzing issue the only place nudity is not allowed is on mainland moderate outside and General at all.. you can be nude outside on moderate estates unless the sim owner doesn't allow it.. and private estates you can even have sex outside if you are not advertising or drawing the public..now with being able to close off land from sight outside the pardel or sim with land settings..they may even consider those settings as putting your land out if sight and behind closed doors..you can't see in from outside unless you walk in..i don't think even camming in works with those settings on.. i'm wondering if those settings had something to do with the ratings changes.. it makes sense that they would hehehe ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Those settings do not block objects on the land from being seen. It only blocks the people from being seen, and heard(Blocks the User activity which the TOS uses the terms "Activity"). The issue here is, the objects being returned. If the walls are not rezzing before the nude photos, and the nude photos are clearly visible from the outside, then it may very well be the problem But it clearly states "Nude art that is not sexual." can be okay. So I can see how you would be confused.
  23. Business is not easy in Sl. Always best to start out small and see how it goes. Everyone thinks just building a club is gonna bring in the cash. It takes a lot of work. Marketing and time And yes if you are going to have a club. You need someone to manage it. You may not have experience but users you hire may. Hire hosts and throw events. Get you name out there by throwing cash events and get the people fired up about it and see how they respond. Business in Sl is no different than RL. You have to drop some coin to get it going, and work at it. It doesn't come automatically I don't think closing is the option right now. I think you need to just research more and findout what works.....
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