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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. LordHappycat wrote: No, you can't. Because, if that was the case, we'd be able to buy lindens by a single dollar. Yet, for some reason, it was decided back then that $2.50 was the bare minimum. So much for influence. You have no grasp of how credit card and paypal transactions work for merchants process payments. LL has to pay transaction fees to credit card companies and paypal. While they are most likely only a few cents or a small percentage of a transaction, it is not worth their while to process a $1.00 charge by the time they pay that and the employee's time in processing it. Most merchants in RL that accept credit cards or PayPal have a minimum amount you must charge at one time. Most of the one's I see in RL are for $10US at least. Some are higher. So be thankful LL will charge $2.50. All in all not much. If that 'breaks' you, you should reconsider spending any RL money in SL. As far as what a $L is worth compared to RL money, even if the exchange rate was double what it is, you'd pay more for items. Many merchants when they price things do so in terms of RL money and how many they think they'll sell, then translate that into $L's. Just for example purposes, if a merchant thinks they'll sell 10 of an item, and wants $10.00 for their time and expenses, they would charge $1US or about $250L for each one just to break even. If merchants are not paid fairly for their time and expenses for creating things and allowed a small profit there would soon be nothing to buy. Even so most merchants don't charge near what they could make in RL doing graphic or 3D work and make only pennies an hour in SL. Merchants that provide freebies are being really generous as things generally take hours to create.
  2. You can set your Preferences > Notifications to notify you when you receive money. If you do, you will see a dialog box with the message.
  3. If they are mainland, advertise them in the mainland forum, otherwise in the full sim or homestead forums depending on location.
  4. Even if you are not a premium member, you can file a support ticket for MP issues. I'd do that.
  5. From what I read, LL is providing the platform and it is up to creators to create the 'experiences'. They may have one area that you initially log into as a new resident, but that's it. You won't be able to travel from one experience to another either, unless those creators choose to allow that. Hopefully though they will have some type of 'tp' system so you won't have to log out and back in to a different experience. Land as we know it is not going to be part of Sansar unless a creator decides to create that 'experience'.
  6. If there is a rental group that owns the land, get the landlord to add her as a tenant. If you show as the owner, create a group, set or deed the land to the group, and invite yours sister to join the group giving her the authorities she needs. Details here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Creating-managing-moderating-and-disbanding-groups/ta-p/700111 https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079
  7. From the official wiki page for the contest The entrant whose Entry receives the most points shall be the Grand Prize Winner, the entrant whose Entry receives the second-most points shall be the First Prize Winner, the entrant whose Entry receives the third-most points shall be the Second Prize Winner, and the entrant whose Entry receives the fourth-most points shall be the Third Prize Winner Sort the pictures by Top Entries for results
  8. I couldn't find it on MP as a single backpacke but I found it as a full perm item complete with a number of textures. While it is $500, you could make one for yourself easy enough, and sell them to make back your investment, and maybe more. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UG-Ark-Backpack/8206847
  9. The adult way to handle this situation is to ask him to stop IM'ing you immediately when you log on and/or cut back on how often he does. He may think his attention is welcomed. You should explain to him what you said here as to why you don't like it. If he respects you as a friend, he'll do as you ask. If he doesn't then you can show off line to him, block him or drop him as a friend.
  10. Groups don't steal your Lindens. It is up to you to check to see if you are responsible for group liabilities when you join. It is right there and clear to see if you look. Groups are for more than promoting stores or as social groups. Some groups own land together and it necessary to spread certain land costs among the groups. That is actually the reason groups were created to start with. Using them for promotion and social reasons was never intended or anticipated by LL, as short sighted as that sounds. So when you join a group, check the group liabilities to see if you are responsible for any. If you are and don't want to pay, leave the group BEFORE you are charged. You can also check with the group owner to see if that is what they intended. Many don't and don't realize they need to uncheck that block. Of course the flip side of group liabilities is dividends. If you are responsible for liabilities, you also get a equal share of any money paid to the group.
  11. I'd go to the inworld store if they have one to see if they offer that backpack seperately if they don't on MP
  12. Lotteries are gambling unless they are free to enter.
  13. Remove the avatars name from your post. Naming people to complain about them is not allowed here.
  14. The Lindex is a money market exchange, not a fixed rate exchange. You actually buy and sell $L's on it from and to other residents, and LL just facilitates the transactions. Like any money market the value of $L's to your RL currence will change with whatever the suppy and demand is, or if you RL currency is not US$, the exchange rate for your currency to $US. See here for more information: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  15. If the sim has been restarted and is still having issues, you need to file a ticket with LL. If you are the estate owner you can do this, otherwise get your estate owner to do it.
  16. Make sure media streaming is enabled under the Preference menu.
  17. Some stores have redelivery terminals available. Go and check these. Note however that some will not redeliver items you bought on MP, although some will and none will redeliver no copy items. If you can't find a redelivery terminal that works for you, you'll have to ask the creator, as Maddy suggested.
  18. I agree with you Pussycat. I've never been interested in owning mainland because of the lack of zoning there. I do rent land on the Blake Sea, but I can leave it at no loss anytime and the fact that it is on the Blake sea keeps parcels near me residential. For most of mainland no matter how pretty a mainland parcel is, there is no guarantee something ugly and inappropriate won't be built next to your land in the future. Even if you own a full sim, the one next door may be or become unsightly to you. If someone wants a full sim now, this new policy may induce many that would buy a mainland sim to buy a private estate sim instead. Not only would they not have to deal with the lack of zoning on mainland, they have full estate rights, which mainland doesn't have. It's just a matter of if they have the $600. If they buy on the secondary market it may even be cheaper than a mainland sim in some cases even with having to pay the $600 since many full mainland sims go for a lot of money.
  19. Your best bet is to get recommendations from the creator or ask in their group where other members find clothes.
  20. I appreciate your thinking on this and for many sim owners this will be a no go. For others it may make good sense. I don't think that SL is going to die as soon as you think. I've talked to so many people who have already decided they will not be leaving SL for Sansar, as they have spent too much on inventory etc. just to give it all up. Sansar would really have to 'knock it out of the park' spectacularly, both technically and in terms of cost to them, to lure them there permanently any time soon. Cost includes drastically lower land rent as well as a really low cost to build their inventories to an acceptable level. From all I've read and heard about the new grid, I think Sansar, while welcoming any SL residents there, is targeting another market than SL residents and both virtual worlds can co exist. I don't think LL would be spending money on the further improvements it is making to SL or working on, if they though it would die shortly after Sansar opens. Sansar is going to take a few years AFTER it opens to have 'fully developed' experiences and the variety of inventory content available that SL has now. That's provided content creators flock there and start putting out content at a good pace. While I realize my evidence is not scientific, what I have heard from most casual users of SL, (ie not content creators) and what I've read about Sansar, leads me to personally believe that SL will be around for the forseeable future unless LL pulls the plug. I may be wrong but don't think I am. Also, for all we know at this point, Sansar may turn out to be a big fail.
  21. Late to this debate as I have been gone for a bit. This question has been beat to death numerous times over the years. The use of ban lines and orbs will never be restricted prohibited by LL as the TOS allows land owners/renters complete control over access their land and air space without restriction. All SL residents can be divided into two groups. One that thinks they should be able to go where they please without regard to the landowner's wishes. This group is wrong. However, there are plenty of places where you can go to fly or sail. The Blake Sea and Other LL owned places for one. Many large estates, some that have a large number of sims connected together, prohibit ban lines and orbs or restrict their usage to just inside a home. Go there to fly/sail if they allow the public or if not, rent land there so you can. Don't try to fly/sail in areas where you know you may run into orbs that will send you home. The Second group thinks ban lines/security orbs are ok. This group is right unless the covenant on a private estate prohibits or restricts them. (However I am of the school that a little consideration is called for to allow access to water near sailing areas or air space above a certain level for flyers, IF they are not otherwise bothered by griefers or uninvited drop ins that invade their privacy, or they need to restrict access for role play or combat reasons. So, sometimes they are needed.) There is nothing you can do to change this, so accept it and move on. To the OP: Stop beating a dead horse. It will avail you of nothing except helping raise your stress.
  22. Unfortunately no. You can download your Orders report to a spreadsheet and if you are good with them and with a little work find the information you are looking for. That's what I do.
  23. No one is obligated to pay for some one else's Second Life. A simple NO is all you need to say. If they persist, block them. In many places begging for $L's is forbidden and you can report them to the landowner or staff, if there is one, who has the option of banning them.
  24. Usually if a gift is restricted to particular group members it must be set to group or there is a notecard to configure it. Most will also give the gift to the owner if you test it. There are so many different types of givers it's impossible to know precisely what the problem is. If you have an alt let them test it. Otherwise have a friend do it. If it still doesn't give the item contact the scripter who should be able to help you resolve any issues.
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