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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. There is no way to change your user name except to start a new account. You can change your Display Name however.
  2. wherorangi wrote: Spicy Braveheart wrote: Today, I had an interesting conversation with someone, who had their group spammed by a renter of mine. The person complained to me that I needed to control what this person spammed in his group. Let me make it very clear to all group owners out there. IF you have a group and someone is spamming information YOU do not want in it. Go directly to the person who is spamming you. You own and control YOUR group! Landlords have no control over what another individual may or may not post in your group. i kinda disagree that you as a landlord can opt out altogether you do obtain rental payments from the spammer. And given that landlording is intended as a for-profit activity then am not sure that a landlord in this position can just go: Is none of my business what my tenants do a word to the tenant would be in order I think, and not so much a public disclaimer absolving yourself. You do profit in part off the monies they do earn this way Where does it end? If a landlord has a responsibility to take action against spammers, they have a responsibility to take action if I IM them and complain about another behavior of one of their tenants. You can't say they have a responsibility in one instance but not another. If so, who decides what is their responsibility? The landlord has NO responsibility for the action of their tenants outside of the lease.
  3. There are RL laws that govern this type of thing. You report it to the person or company that holds they Copyright to the item or image. They are the only ones that can file a DMCA notice with LL and have them removed and sue for damages. Note that not everything you see may be a violation of IP rights as the merchant might hold a license from the IP rights holder that allows them to sell in SL. Some companies don't care either as they view it as free advertising and publicity. For example: Coke gave blanket permission to all SL residents to sell Coke branded products years ago.
  4. Conifer Dada wrote: This is why I think an official LL rental system would be a good idea. By this I mean an option on the 'about land' tab to rent your and out, where you can set the fee and timescale. By this method tenants could be safeguarded, so that even if a landowner defaulted on their tier and forfeited the land to Governor Linden, the tenant could still be safe for the remainder of the rental period. This kind of thing already exists with selling something by setting the prim for sale. However LL does not refund money if you pay for something and don't get what you pay for. The bottom line is LL does not want to get involved in transactions between residents and won't.
  5. For me, I like the DJ to voice IF they have a good voice and something good to say. I don't want to hear bad voices or a DJ or one that runs on saying nothing. So it depends on the DJ. I don't care if the DJ is in a booth, but they should be 'upfront' if they are on the dancefloor so they are easy to locate. I hate having to search in a crowd for the DJ if I have a request.
  6. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. You best bet is to contact the creator, their customer service reps or join their support group, and ask them for an example as there are a number of ways that this could be done.
  7. Are you sure he wasn't banned? Have him look in his email to see if he got a email from LL. If he sees nothing check the spam folder.
  8. You can't talk to the MP manager directly or any Linden for that matter. They will not offer any support to you by phone. You can file an abuse report and explain the problem and give what evidence you have that someone is flagging your products unfairly and en masse. If you don't know who it is, used Govenor Linden as the name of the person you are reporting.
  9. Since only premium members can buy mainland there is no reason to give them a discount. Basic members cannot buy mainland. They can only buy entire private regions.
  10. Mesh heads are have a set shape of the face. Although skins will effect the overall look, not being able to change the shape of the face on a mesh head will very much limit the looks you can achieve. If you gravitate to certain looks in skins, I'm afraid the look of the face will change very little. This is why so many people just use the mesh bodies but not the heads. With the heads you are going to look very similar to everyone else with that head.
  11. Funny I have Firefox 46.0.1. I checked it using the web site they gave in this blog post about the issue and it said it was ok. I haven't tried buying $L's with it though. Try updating it again using the link given in that post for Firefox. If it still doesn't work I'd call billing to see what the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  12. Perhaps you can open a PayPal account and use your Debit Card to back that up so that your account can be Verified and then usable in SL. I am not familiar with Mexican PayPal or the Debit Card you have to know if they will work or not but you could check with PayPal.
  13. First you are not allowed to name names on these forums. Remove the name of the shop please. Second, I don't know why you think you should get more clothes. Did you pay for them? If they are free or a prize in a game, there may be a limit to how many you can get for free or win. There is no way for us to tell as we answer questions about how SL works or doesn't not how shop vendors work since there are hundreds of different kinds and no one could be expert in them all. You best bet is to contact the shop owner and ask them, or join their support group and ask in the group.
  14. Manual returns You can return any object on your land to the object's owner. Simply right-click the object and select Manage >Return. Returning groups of objects The ABOUT LAND window lets you pick whole groups of objects to remove at once. There are three categories of objects, as listed in the Objects tab of the ABOUT LAND window (accessed by selecting World > Place Profile > About Land): Owned by parcel owner: Objects owned by the landowner or deeded to the group. Set to group: Objects owned by group members that have been set to the group. Owned by others: Objects owned by people who are not in the group as well as objects owned by group members but not set to the group. To remove all objects belonging to one of these categories, simply click the Return button next to the appropriate type of object.
  15. I think you are confused. You can only send a landmark in a group notice not chat. You can only send one thing that is directly attached to the notice per notice. To send a landmark in a group notice you either put it on a notecard with other info and attach the notecard to the notice, or drag the landmark into the notice's attachment area. If you put it in the notecard, the landmark isn't going to appear in the group notice. People will have to open the notecard to see it. However you can note that the landmark is in the notecard as part of the text of the notice. You can't send a notecard or a landmark in group chat. You can only send a SLURL in group chat. To send a slurl, go to the place you want people to land, open your map and click the SLURL button to copy the SLURL, then paste it in the group chat. You can alternatively paste it in a notecard to save it if you will be using it more than once.
  16. You must have a PayPal account on file to cash out. Once you sell you $L's the money appears in the US Dollar Balance. You then need to request a Process Credit to have it transferred to PayPal. Most credit processing requests can be completed within 2 business days*. However, certain requests may take 5 business days.
  17. The balance shown in your viewer is sometimes wrong. Check your balance on you dash board on the website. You can also check your transaction history there to see where your money went if indeed it went somewhere.
  18. I am sorry to tell you that you don't. This was business between two residents and LL will not get involved in it as stated in the TOS. All business transactions are made under the warning "Buyer Beware".
  19. MasterJunior SecretSpy wrote: $15 every 3 months will still put me at $60 in fees compared to $12. I mean they take a % on the sale, on the conversion and now the transfer? That's just greedy. I don't see how they could be hurting for cash with all those monthly server rentals and all that they are getting from market sales. I prefer to take it slow and maximize my profits. When I have time i will find a way to get in contact with them and let them know directly. Make it an option. You are wrong about the fee. It is $1.5% up to a maximum of $15. You can cash out the equivalent of $10K US and still only pay $15 in fees. You will never pay $60 in fees. So cashing out every three months will save you fees.
  20. First be sure you didn't get it. If you bought it from the Marketplace it should be in the Received section or folder in your inventory. If you bought it in world it will be in your Objects folder or in a folder of it's own. Look in the Recent section of your inventory. If you didn't get it and were charged for it (check your transaction history on your web dashboard) then you can request redelivery. You can contact the merchant and send them a copy of the transaction from your transaction history (if inworld purchase) or the order from your order history on marketplace if you purchased it there and request redelivery. Note that some merchants have redelivery terminals in their shops that will redeliver the items even faster. You can also file a support ticket and request redelivery if you bought the item on Marketplace. If contacting the merchant be polite and be patient. Delivery failure is rarely the merchants fault but due to Marketplace malfunctions, inworld lag or script errors. Note too that they have RL's too and may not be online every day.
  21. Answers is here to answer questions about SL itself and how it works or sometimes doesn't. Your questions are beyond the scope of this section. You should ask your questions in the adult section of the regular forum. You can also have your curiousity satisfied by going to the adult HUBs in world, especially those devoted to BDSM.
  22. Most animation engines require that you record the new position in a notecard to make the change permanent. In some the script will remember the position but will 'forget' it if the script is restarted or reset. The notecard is in the edit contents of the prim containing the engine. What you record is generally shown in chat for you to cut and paste. Sometimes this info is automatically chatted when you save a new position, other engines require you to click a button or give a command to have it chat the position. This is about all I can tell you without knowning exactly what animation engine is being used.
  23. File a support ticket. The sim address that teleports use is mixed up and LL needs to straighten it out.
  24. Chris Frentis wrote: I had to block somebody today who said something derogatory to me. I don't like doing it but if you don't you run the risk of becoming like them if you interact with them. You did the right thing. That's what Block is for. I have no problem blocking people who can't be civil. People don't have to like me, because there are people I don't like either. But I show everyone basic respect because everyone deserves it and that's what adults do. If someone isn't willing to show that to me, they basically give me permission to not hear anything they have to say.
  25. No one can contact LL for support except for non technical billing support, even those in countries that have phone numbers. If you are premium you can use live chat. If you aren't perhaps you have a friend, or can find someone from Belgium who is premium, that can contact live chat and find out what is going on.
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