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  1. I cleared my cache and nothing ! still not working getting ready to call quits tbh!
  2. No help But thank you so much for this ! i think i need to use clear cache ;(
  3. I have done both adding and wearing , Other avi's aren't showing up , or bits of them are like hats and shoes its weird
  4. My Avatar Cannot wear Some mesh hair or Clothes i have took off all Alphas and Attached the clothes just to be Shown as invisible It still shows me as naked and when i click on where the Item should be It high lights it to show me i'm wearing it? Any help would be Amazing Thank you! <3 x
  5. I cannot find any land to rent i'm a little bit rusty in the housing scene as i have owned the same house with my husband for a year but after a disagreement we decided i should move out , i've been to 4 different real estate places and they over complicate everything and most ask for very unreasonable prices! I just need a land big enough to put a 2 bedroom house ( like a neighbour hood preferably) my budget is 1k-1.5k a month <3 but i am willing to pay weekly Thank you guys <3 Much love huggles and smoochies :*
  6. tehehehehe! , i will totally give you guys a message x
  7. Hello, I'm Chloe i have been on Second life for a year now Don't get me wrong i love the game but it gets really boring without someone to talk to . I love Roleplay ( Family roleplay is my favourite ) but i have never been part of a family before ;( I would rather use voice chat but text is okay too <3 I can be any age you like but im looking for a long term family :3 My interests are Youtube ( im a youtuber ) , Books , CATS , Warm hugs i wont be online till the 16th of july because my desktop broke and i am waiting on my new one to come xoxoxo Chloe h
  8. Hello i'm Chloe I am a Proud mother of 1 ( I am also expeciting ) xD i have been looking for a popular neighbor hood because all the places i have been to are well ''dead'' like no people AT ALL ! i just want a home not a house -_- my other house was just hell i was juggling a job and child in a dead ass neighbor hood ..... fun But i hope i get some reccomendations much thanks Chloe xx
  9. Hi guys i said my sister can move in but im un sure of how she can ahahaha :) shwe cant rez her things or anything i am renting a home so idk what to do?
  10. Hello My name is Chloe Campbell Ever since i was young i have loved to sing !! I sing most Songs in slight higher key For my first book i am willing to work free :matte-motes-evil-invert: But i wont stay like this for long <Much love Chloe>
  11. Hi im very interested in this Job Im 19 in real life . and i am very proud of my virtual Body so please get in contact and we can meet inworld
  12. clomoefoe


    Hello i just bought a luboff baby boy and i adore him but i attached him to my leg - as ya do- lol but i cant hold him like normal anymore ! he is the newborn >.< please help :( i am in panic !!! i have wrote to Lisa _ the maker_ o f lyuboff but please helpppp
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