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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. You need to provide more information. Please launch your viewer and go to HELP > ABOUT (name of your viewer) and copy and paste your PC specs into your post. You don't need to log in to do this. Please do not create a new post . Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  2. Unsolicited advertising is spam and spam is against TOS. You have a lot of gall thinking you can send bots to other people's sims, some with clubs on them, advertising your own club/sim. Would you be ok with me coming to your sim and sending IM's to all your patrons asking them to come now to my club? Just don't do it. It will have the opposite effect you want and it will get you and your bots banned from most sims in SL if not SL itself.
  3. Electorite wrote: i have a theory to require people to use facebook or twitter logins to sign up for second life, because somehow facebook manages this kind of thing a little (remember when facebook deleted so and so's second facebook account?). i don't think facebook is 100% at it, but it seems like second life doesn't manage anything beyond avatars at all, so second life only bans avatars and not people who make the avatars. this is causing a big problem with "counter" abuse reports and harassment without accountability in dozens of sims (i will not name which sims to protect those groups and businesses from even more harassment). someone told me this person has started doing death threats in instant messages. i told the victim to report it to SL. should they also report it to the police? I don't use Facebook or Twitter and a lot of SL people don't. I'll leave SL before I have to sign up for either of them. Facebook in particular is a huge invasion of privacy. You are wrong that SL only bans avatars and not people. If the TOS violation is serious enough or the person causes problems constantly, SL can ban the person.
  4. It isn't just traffic, which plays a minor part in search listing order. LL uses a secret forumula to determine seach order and they aren't saying what it is so that people can't game the system. However such things as how many people have you in their picks and parcel size, among other things, as well as traffic are used. .
  5. A region owner can ban you for any reason or no reason at all. They are not required to tell you or anyone else why they banned you. Sometimes if you ask politely they'll tell you. They are the only ones that can.
  6. No Lindens are here and we can't restart your sim. If you own the sim and it is a private island you can restart it yourself, otherwise the sim owner or estate agent can. If it is a mainland sim you or your landlord will have to contact Live Chat and get it restarted. If restarting it doesn't correct the problem, then a support ticket will have to be submitted by the sim owner or an estate agent (private sim) or for mainland, by your landlord or if you are a premium member, by yourself.
  7. Impressions is the number of times the ad is shown to someone. There are more ads than there is space to display them so LL rotates them. You don't see your ad because they are rotated and it just hasn't been displayed to you. You may never see it unless you spend hours refreshing the screen it should appear on.
  8. You can't 'alter' or mod most mesh that you buy from other merchants. The few that allow mods will only allow you to change the texture or color. The exception is if you are able to find something suitable that is being sold as a mesh model with the intention of a merchant texturing it and reselling it. You would need to find one that includes download access to the .dae or an .obj file so that you can take it into Blender and make your mods. Not many do and those models that do include them tend to be pricey. However generally this will be still be a lot cheaper than custom made work.
  9. Make a copy of the avatar before you do anything to it. Go to sandbox or land that you can rez on. To change the color Rez the avatar piece on the ground by dragging it from your inventory to the ground Click it and select EDIT from the menu Go to the Texture Tab on the box that will appear There is a box there labeled COLOR. Click the box and a color picker will appear. Choose your color and click OK Close the Edit box and take the piece back into your inventory. You may want to rename it to distinguish it from the original. Repeat with another avatar piece until all pieces have been recolored.
  10. There are no 13-16 year olds in SL except those locked on private sims sponsored by an organization like a school. These islands are closed to the general SL population. The kids can't TP off their island, IM you, join groups other than the ones sponsored by their organization, or even look in search, so you have no chance of talking or friending anyone on these islands. To avoid older teens, stay away from G rated sims, which is the only place they are allowed to be. Of course, as you know anyone can lie about their age, so there may be a kid who lied about their age to appear to be a legal adult. However it is rare. Most kids can't carry off acting like adults all the time and some even will admit to someone they are a minor. Kids like this are soon discovered, reported and banned for life.
  11. I doubt they will say anything more than they have already.
  12. Because your role in the group makes you partly responsible to pay group expenses. If you don't want to, contact the group owner and explain what is happening. Many group owners don't realize th is happening and can stop it. If they don't, leave the group.
  13. I doubt it but no harm in asking. File a support ticket. No Lindens come here.
  14. LL has no control over what someone does on another web site. HOWEVER, you should check with that website and see what their policy is about posting pictures without the permission of the subjects of the pictures. Perhaps she violated their policy OR you could request that they be removed.
  15. How about disclosing your name, university, name of faculty that oversees your research etc and other information the way you are supposed to do BEFORE you ask one thing? Only a very small number of all SL residents ever come to this forum and an even smaller number answer. ANY results you get here are statistically invalid. How about actually logging into SL and doing your own research rather than relying on people in the forum to do your homework? We are not Guinea pigs or people willing to do your work for you. Many of us hold even advance degrees and know how you are supposed to research your papers.
  16. It is a myth that a merchant can have any and all negative reviews removed. They can't. LL will only remove the ones they agree are unfair, personally attack the seller or otherwise violate the review guidelines.
  17. That's an odd lot size and you aren't going to get 500 prims with it unless the landlord allots you more. The closest standard lot is a 2048 with 468 prims.
  18. The answer to the first two is no. The answer to the last one is no also simply because the TOS states LL doe not refund money for any reason. So you'd lose your $600 and still pay higher tier, and that makes no sense.
  19. If you chose your home, you should have received an email with a link to take you to your new Linden Home. Check your email and if you don't see one, check your spam folder.
  20. AnimalChi wrote: I really doubt the claims that there is no way to track another avatar's location without having sensors everywhere. Alternatively, the person being tracked could be wearing something that allows the HUD to track them. It could be voluntary or they could have been tricked into it. For example they could have been given jewelry as a 'gift' with a hidden tracking script. The person that sells the HUD could also have a lot of bots that are tp'ing to sims and checking what avatars are on it. If you will note, they don't claim to be able to find someone in real time or that they can always find them. If found, the HUD will tell you where the avatar 'was' but they don't guarantee that they will still be there. These two alternatives still are working as sensors. Explain to me how I can visit a sim that I've never been to before, look at offline moderator list, go back to a sim that I regularly hang out in, and later that day see the offline moderator from the other place teleport to my hangout? I had never seen that person in the sim that I frequent, yet the same day I visit his sim, he conveniently decides to venture out and find me? I don't believe in perfect coincidences like that. Especially considering the sim I hang out in was not a popular area. New people were rare. Believe it or not, it is either a coincidence, you gave this person mapping rights, you are wearing something that was given to you that can track you or you are just mistaken. Also, what's with those reviews of the Find Your Friend hud? People shamelessly, happily thanking him for allowing them to track people down.... People who didn't consent to being tracked down.. As if they're doing nothing wrong..... There's a reason we have the OPTION to allow friends to find us or not. If people are being rewarded for leaving good reviews as stated in the OP, is it any wonder people are writing false reviews praising the HUD? Alternatively, he could be using alts, getting friends to post reviews or paying people. It's illegal but it happens. You of course are free to believe what you want to believe. However, before you decide I suggest you either study scripting so you aren't ignorant of what can and can't be done with a script or find an expert scripter that you trust and ask them these questions. They will tell you the same thing.
  21. I agree that gacha's are like gambling, other than you will get something all the time. You generally end up paying more for things than you would if you just bought them outright, unless you are lucky and get what you want on the first try or two or the price per try is very low. I think people like it for the same reasons they like slot machines. Merchants like it because as already said, they earn more money from them than they would if they sold the items for what they are really worth. Personally I don't like gachas.
  22. There is no way for someone to locate where you currently are without you giving them mapping rights unless they have a sensor on every sim in SL. As Karen said, this is a scam and a perfect example of buyer beware.
  23. Sometimes you get a box and open it and there are more boxes inside that you have to open. Rez the item that you got when you opened the first box. If it is another box, then open that one too.
  24. Perhaps the owner is sick or has a RL emergency. Check the group and see if someone else is listed as an agent, officer or other owner. If so they should be able to give you a group invite. Since you didn't have use of the property while waiting for your group tag it isn't unreasonable to ask that the rental period be adjusted to start on the day you get your tag. Most legitimate landlords will do this.
  25. Giving an award or paying for a review is only legal if you do it for all reviews good or bad. Those merchants paying only for good reviews or five star reviews are doing something illegal and should be flagged and reported.
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