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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Remove the name from your post please. It is against the rules to name people here. Of course it is not ok to do this. If you have proof or can give specific dates times and locations, you can file an abuse report against him.
  2. This section is for asking questions about SL itself. We do not provide information like you requested. There are too many things out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. You could ask in the regular forum to see if some tech savvy person who sees it may know the answer. However you are most likely to find an answer asking a technical person familiar with your equipment and coding in a wider forum. Try Google.
  3. If you used auto return, they came back grouped in one object that is called a coalesced object. You can see these in your inventory as icons that look like a lot of tiny boxes that make up one box. They are named with the name of one of the objects in the group. Go to a sandbox and rezz the coalesced object out and pick up the items individually. If you don't see a coalesced object when you relog it will probably appear.
  4. LOL It's obvious the picture itself is 'squashed' in the second pic, not her face. I suspect that one was taken as a 1:1 ratio whereas the other was probably a 4:3 squashed to a 1:1. You can tell by the earrings. They are also squashed looking. I've never known or heard of that type of problem being the eyelash creators fault. It is how the viewers are rezzing them and obviously the SL viewer is having an issue with it, at least for her.
  5. You choose a starter avatar when you create an account on https://secondlife.com It is your starter avatar and can be changed and upgraded once you get in world and learn the ropes a bit. When creating an account know that the user name you select will be the name that is shown over your avatar in world. If you don't get what you want, you can use the Display Name feature to show the exact name you want once you establish your account. See this information for all you need to know about getting started in SL quickly.
  6. Amethyst Jetaime


    Please give us more information. What exactly happened? Did you get a message and if so what did it say. If not, how far did you get in the log in process before it stopped? Are you sure you are using a computer that meets the minimum system requirements? Open your viewer and don't log in. Just go to HELP>ABOUT (name of your viewer) and copy and past your system info here. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  7. Are you trying to use your payment method (example PayPal) password? They need your SL password there.
  8. Linden Lab does not accept pre paid credit cards. That is what the problem is. See this: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/List-of-accepted-payment-methods-by-country/ta-p/2953878
  9. The key is to find a sim where the neighbors are in your time zone or within an hour or two of it. It also helps if the emphasis of the sim is on community, with planned events so you can meet your neighbors.
  10. I have the Slink Physique for females and I'm able to wear all the mesh clothes that I had before I got the body that were fit mesh or standard sizes, as well as most of the mesh clothes that have come out since. The body will respond to most sliders so you can change the shape if you want.
  11. Not really. You can sort your inventory alphabetically so duplicate copies are shown together.
  12. If you have the transaction history that shows you paid and the transaction went throught, send a copy of it to the merchant and explain what happened. They should send you the missing items.
  13. LesleyAsh wrote: ... being in the UK I am unable to send mail to the US and so I am resorting to this forum in the hope that the Lindens will read this ... Wow when did mail service between the US and UK stop? btw. Lindens very very very very rarely read these forums and even more rarely reply and NEVER act on support issues. You need to file a support ticket to get any action or information on this.
  14. You would need an applier from the creator of your furry avatar's skin to match that mesh body to the other parts of your avatar. The applier would need to be compatible with the avatar too.
  15. First remove the name of the Sim from your post as it is against the rules to name and shame here. I am sorry to tell you that you have no recourse. LL views this type of dispute as a dispute between residents and does not get involved. Under the TOS they are not responsible for the behavior of one resident to another. From the TOS 9.1 Linden Lab is NOT liable for its users' actions, and you release Linden Lab from any claims relating to other users. You agree not to hold Linden Lab liable for the Content, actions, or inactions of other users. As a condition of access to the Service, you release Linden Lab (and its officers, directors, shareholders, agents, subsidiaries and employees) from claims, demands, losses, liabilities and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any dispute you have or claim to have with one or more users, including whether or not Linden Lab becomes involved in any resolution or attempted resolution of the dispute.
  16. Chrismaky wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: You have way over simplified mesh vs. prim. It is NOT easy building realistic and efficient items in prims or mesh. If it was there would be no need for content creators since everyone would be making their own stuff and saving tons of money since SL started. In answer to your question though, I vote with a big NO! There are too many people in SL that enjoy creating things using regular prims just for their own personal enjoyment and as a creative outlet. They have neither the time, talent, money (for uploads) or the incentive to learn how to create mesh. Mesh has to be created outside SL and that is a big drawback for a lot of people. If they were going to spend a lot of time outside of SL doing that, for a lot of people who just come here to create what is the point of being in SL then? But what if simplified mesh creation replaced the prim building tool? I don't believe anything is impossible and I do believe the very core of Second Life, the building tool itself, needs to be upgraded...made simpler to use and using a mesh creation engine. I am not saying right now but way down the road. It is totally a possibility. OK, once more. Prims ARE mesh. Everything in SL is mesh. However we say prims vs. mesh to distinguish between the inworld creating method and the outside of SL creation method. I don't think anyone would argue that it would be wonderful if the inworld building system were improved. But your original post is advocating doing away with anything created inworld and using only mesh created outside of SL. That is what I was responding to.
  17. Actually I agree with what you posted. There is a big difference between being told it is your responsibilty to take a tenant to task over something that is not a lease violation vs. choosing to speak to such a tenant as a good community leader.
  18. You have way over simplified mesh vs. prim. It is NOT easy building realistic and efficient items in prims or mesh. If it was there would be no need for content creators since everyone would be making their own stuff and saving tons of money since SL started. In answer to your question though, I vote with a big NO! There are too many people in SL that enjoy creating things using regular prims just for their own personal enjoyment and as a creative outlet. They have neither the time, talent, money (for uploads) or the incentive to learn how to create mesh. Mesh has to be created outside SL and that is a big drawback for a lot of people. If they were going to spend a lot of time outside of SL doing that, for a lot of people who just come here to create what is the point of being in SL then?
  19. You can create a PayPal account and use your debit card there to get the account verified. Once it is you can use it as your payment info in SL. That's what I do.
  20. It is a violation of copyright laws and the SL TOS to create avatars that are characters from ganes such as borderlands. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Intellectual_Property
  21. You should have gotten an email explaining why your account is on hold and what, if anything, you need to do. If you didn't get it, check your spam folder as they sometimes end up there. If the email didn't say you need to do anything, then all you can do is be patient. Continue to check email (and your spam folder) as you will get another email if you need to do something or when the issue is resolved. If LL requires anything from you follow the directions they give you carefully for how to submit it. Failure to do so will result in longer delays. Calling LL does not help at all unless they specifically tell you to do that and if they do, a phone number will be provided.
  22. You apparently are not eligible to go to gaming sims as you don't meet all the requirements. If you meet all the requirements, it could be you get your internet through a state that is not eligible to game. If this is the case your only remedy is to change your ISP. If you are sure you meet all the requirements file a support ticket. It may just be an account glitch. Requirements: Have current billing information on file Are at least 19 years of age Do not reside in a prohibited state listed below Are not connecting from a prohibited state Prohibited States & Countries Residents of the following states and countries may not participate in Skill Gaming in Second Life: Arizona Arkansas Delaware Florida Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Nevada South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
  23. I still use my Huddles and haven't found anything that works better for customizing dance selections. I like that I can make up notecards with different dance sets for different styles of music and that it holds so many dances on a notecard as well as a lot of notecards. I have dance cards of just female dances, but also notecards of unisex dances both for the same style of music. With a click I can change the style of dance I am doing or change from female only to unisex when I have men dancing on my Huddles. I also like that I can invite so many people to dance (up to 50 if you follow the directions for adding capacity) I've had entire clubs dancing on my Huddles before. Just be sure you have the latest update if yours is several years old. As far as where to go get dances, this is purely a matter of preference, the kind of music you like and the dance style you like. The main thing is to get Mocap dances, which are made using real life dancers. Also animations can last up to 60 seconds now, while it used to be only 30. So you may want to look for those. Watch prices. Some places charge a lot more than others and I personally don't see any difference in quality.
  24. Hard to say without seeing it but it sounds like something that is being worn by your avi like an AO or other HUD that is supposed to be transparent but isn't. Look at your "Worn", which depending on your viewer is a tab in your inventory or can be brought up by typing 'worn' in inventory search. Start taking objects off one by one and see if it disappears. To post a photo edit your post and click Photos under the Rich Text tab. Choose to Upload at the top of the box that opens.
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