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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. I have had no problems running SL with Windows 10. I just made sure all my drivers were updated, not only graphics but my network card as well. Those that had or have problems didn't do that, or perhaps their machines are older.
  2. Unless you created that yourself, you can't reproduce it in SL without the original creators permission. Otherwise you are violating RL copyright laws as well as the TOS. That said, custom avatars such as that are expensive. Figure $60US an hour for high quality.
  3. The easiest way is to save the money in RL then buy Lindens with it. $3000L is only about $12.00 US. You can easily save this if you arrange your RL spending priorities a little bit. Examples: Brown bag your lunch instead of eating it out a few times. Skip that fancy coffee from the coffee shop. Stay home one night instead of going out with friends to a bar. OR, once your avatar is over 30 days old get a job in SL and save for it. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life The thing that you DON'T want to do is beg for the money from other residents. Most places will boot you out fast for this. It's also a sure way to lose respect and not to make friends or destroy an existing friendship. SL is not a necessity and you shouldn't ask any one to pay for your SL.
  4. It is your right not to voice verify if you don't want to. On the other hand an employer has the right to set qualifications for jobs as long as it doesn't violate the TOS. That said, voice verification proves nothing. A guy driving a female avatar can alway get a woman they know to 'voice verify' for them and a woman driving a man's avatar can get a RL man to 'voice verify' for them. I'll use voice with no problem all the time, but I refuse to 'voice verify' for any reason as it's just plain silly.
  5. You should use the contact info to ask permission to use it. It never hurts and it's cheaper than a lawyer.
  6. Canoro wrote: we have to consider that not everyone is from the US and the US laws don't apply globally, laws range of effectiveness are limited by its jurisdiction. many people understand the laws of their countries, how those countries manage those concepts, so they may write what is considered enough protection in their country concepts, but it may be different how the US see the same thing. People have to agree with the TOS which says that the US and California laws govern SL. if a person from another country, lets say Timbuktu, break a US law, would he have to save to buy a ticket to the US so he can get in jail? If the crime was serious enough though they may be extradited here to stand trial. I doubt that would happen though with anything SL connected. Laws from other countries are not enforceable in the US unless there is a treaty agreeing to specificaly enforcing a particular law. The problem with enforcing anything though is that most things in SL are not worth the expense.
  7. File a support ticket and explain the issues. You can file a ticket for MP support even if you are not premium.
  8. They probably search by topic rather than read back that far. As for myself, no I don't go back that far. Maybe a day or so.
  9. The emails would have gone to the email account you have on record. Have you swtiched emails since you registered and if so did you update it on your profile? File a support ticket and ask them if an email was sent and if so, can they send a copy to an email address you specifiy.
  10. What types of things do you want to create? Fashion, furniture and furnishings, houses, landscape items? Do you want to sell direct to consumers or sell full perm models to other creators to use? High quality original designs are always welcome in all categories. Create what you enjoy creating.
  11. Check your email. You should have gotten one from LL about this. If you don't see one, check your spam folder. Accounts can be put on hold for many reasons. It may not have been anything you yourself did but part of an investigation into something else. For instance if you were paid for something with money that was stolen from another account. You really can't do anything about it until LL releases your accounts or suspends or bans them. You will be notified if that happens and be given instructions on how to appeal if you can.
  12. System clothes still appeal to a lot of people that don't like mesh. With appliers they also appeal to people with mesh bodies. I'll confess though that I buy mostly mesh clothes and only use the appliers to layer under mesh when I can't find mesh that fits the bill. Just to add... I think you are wrong about mesh bodies having less uniqueness. Sure if people buy the bodies and use them as they come, with the skin that comes with them then they'll be a lot of people that look like them. However mesh bodies do respond to shape sliders. The result is my mesh body is the same shape my legacy avatar body was, a shape I made myself. Using a different skin that didn't come with my body also helps. The result is my avatar looks the same as it did overall, except that the well known problem areas of the legacy body are gone.
  13. Do what it says and file a support ticket. You don't have to be a premium member to file a support ticket for the Marketplace.
  14. You will need to file a support ticket and work with LL to show you are the owner of the account. Usually this means answering a security question or something similar. If you can't do that they will probably ask you to send in some form of RL ID. Once you prove you own the account they will reset your password so you can log in and change your email address. If you cancelled your account, rather than just didn't log in for a long time, there will be a fee of $9.95US to reactivate your account. Note that if your account is reactivated after you canceled it, there is no guarantee your inventory will remain fully intact.
  15. This most always is caused because you lost your internet connection momentarily. You may have the best and fastest and best internet in the world, but that doesn't mean it won't lose the connection with the SL Servers. If you are using wifi connection, switch to an ethernet cable. If you are using satellite, you should know that most services don't do well with SL.
  16. DId you update your drivers? You have to do this if you recently upgraded to Windows 10. If you are sure your drivers are up to date, copy and paste your system specs into your post, as this info is needed to give you more help. Launch the viewer but don' t log in. Go to HELP>ABOUT (name of your viewer) and copy and paste what you see there. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit. .
  17. Tomorrow you will be able to buy more. Your limit will go to $100US for a week then to $300US the remainder of the month. 
  18. It sounds like the vendor may be malfunctioning. Contact the merchant and let them know. Chances are a simple reset will fix everything.
  19. Yes you can change houses up to 5 times in 24 hours. You have to abandon one house though before getting another. I have no idea why you can't abandon the house you have or why your friend can't come there. Contact Live Chat who can help you solve these problems.
  20. It all depends on the type of texture you want to make. You will need a graphics program to make them. Some are very expensive, some are free. Here is a link to the various tools as well as tutorials: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Tools
  21. The rock is the Firestorm bridge. You can find it in your inventory and detach it if you'd like but then a number of features won't work anymore. If you see the rock, then detach it and delete it. Firestorm will create a new bridge. The orange sparkles you refer to I assume are the sparkles you see when you edit or point to something etc. You can turn them off in the viewer Preferences under the Firestorm tab. Note that you won't see them anymore but other people still will.
  22. No one's famous in SL in the traditional sense. For every person named here there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people in SL that never heard of them before. People can be well known within communities, such as the art, the fashion, or music communities.
  23. When things go slow it's due to lag. The cause of lag varies and the lag could be in the region server or your viewer. If other's are not bothered by it, it's in your viewer. Read this: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923 If you are crossing region borders with your speed boat and are going fast, that's what happens. Slow down and go over the border slowly. It also helps to remove all HUD's and scripted objects that you may be wearing.
  24. Ask someone to dance, or wait to be asked. They have a dance machine that you touch and it will rez dance balls for you and your partner. Just sit on the balls and say Yes when you are asked if it is ok to animation you. One of the Hostesses will be glad to point out the dance machine to you.
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