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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. There is a tool that you can use to do this. It maps your land and puts prims that follow it over it which you can then texture. I can't recommend a product here by name so you'll have to search MP for it using "land texture" as your search key words.
  2. LL views alt accounts as an entirely seperate account. So having an older one probably won't get you anywhere. However you can submit a support ticket and ask that your limit be raised and give what proof you can that you own the older avatar and also say why you need it raised.
  3. They may have a bot that searches it out, but it's best to contact them by IM or notecard depending on the preference they may express in their profile, if any. You'll get it sold faster most likely
  4. LuxCross wrote: ... I want to be able to just block off anyone camming inside of my property. That's impossible unless you own a whole stand alone sim. Anyone can cam through walls or prims.
  5. There is no way you can on the website. If you call billing they may be able to do it but may not. No harm in asking though. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  6. Canoro Philipp wrote: ...I read comments from all around the world that they are being forced to leave Second Life, that they have better priorities in life than buying a new computer.. Obviously they have decided SL is not a high priorty to them then. So while it is sad to see a friend leave for this reason, it is THEIR CHOICE. It is not a good enough reason to confuse things with different versions of SL because of their choice. Everyone posted against this. So you should just accept that your idea is not supported now.
  7. Hopefully since the prim is over LL protected land they will remove it. Unfortunately the owner of the 56,000sqm can put it up again over their land most likely.
  8. This wouldn't work at all. It's just to complicated to administer too for merchants and LL. If people can't use SL because they have an old computer that is I am sure upsetting to them. But all things move forward. If your computer is that old you probably can't do much with it anymore but use old software email and light surfing. If SL is so important people to them, they can save for a newer computer or upgrade parts to their current one. They could get a part time job and earn the money, even if it was just flipping burgers. Many corporations get new computers ever few years and donate the old to charity places that sell them in thrift stores. I know someone who for years bought their computers there for a song and they weren't that old. You can even buy stuff there to put build a computer if you keep an eye out and keep checking there.
  9. Put a box in there that looks like a crate and labled DANGER DO NOT TOUCH. Then have it chat out something if it is. That way you'll know if someone is trying to play with your head.
  10. The mainland is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing that you can do what you want and a curse that your neighbors can too. You can have the best neighborhood on the mainland and have someone sell out to another person who comes along and builds something hideous or causes other problems, Bay CIty and other planned communities being the exception. When you buy most mainland you have no idea what the sim will look like in the future. It's always a gamble. If you want a community with rules then you move to private regions that have them or the few areas of mainland that have covenants. The fact is that most mainland is a place were anything goes and people that want no rules go to the mainland where there is no covenant and no one can tell you what to do (as much as you wish your vision would prevail). The rule there is that the person paying gets to decide. Under the TOS, no one has a right to go on another's property if the owner doesn't want you there for any reason or none at all. You had to agree to this to get in SL. Not everyone wants 'community'. As far as ban lines devaluing property, I don't see it. If property is up for sale there, I can see it if the neighbor has an ugly or inappropriate building for the neighborhood, but having ban lines on your own property won't matter because anyone with sense will turn them off while the property is for sale and the buyer can then decide to use them or not. Further, if you don't like to see ban lines from your property that block the view you can turn them off visually. I will say that I always thought mainland would be more in demand and get better prices if LL did establish various zoning rules. Not only by type, commercial and residential zones. but zones for people like you that want community and no restrictions on entering other people's land, and zones for those that don't want community, don't want people coming on their property or don't want rules. We used to leave all our mainland property on the Blake Sea open until the people on the sim next to mine harassed us and invaded our privacy obnoxiously several times a day, even when we were there. We tried to negotiate with the owner but were told where to get off. Blocking/derender was not effective because the population changed constantly and we got sick of ejecting and banning people all the time. Our only choice was to install an orb at ground level to do that and protect our privacy (yes we had to protect the entire property due to this). We certainly weren't going to move, as we liked our location and very reasonable rent.
  11. That would be too easy of a solution and also cost money.
  12. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote:  Bringing this up once again is beating a dead horse. Gamers will never convince non gamers that SL is a game and non gamers will never convince gamers that it isn't. To me it's simple. SL is a virtual world where you can play games, BUT YOU DON"T ALWAYS. What I and many of us do in the virtual world is not a game. For those that say we all play characters, I disagree. I am my RL self in SL and my avatar is just that, a representation of myself in world. Those of us like myself don't 'play' SL. Why do you have a representation of yourself in a virtual world? Obviously to meet and interact with other people I couldn't otherwise and to create things on this creative platform.
  13. LL has never released a 'filter list' for MP to protect against people who would game the system.
  14. Ilithios Liebknecht wrote: ... However... If the orb owners who are a nuisance actually cared about not being a nuisance... Calling people names because they choose to exercise the rights LL gives them AND that they pay for, not you, is not going to sway them to your way of thinking. But you have a history of that when people disagree with you.
  15.  Bringing this up once again is beating a dead horse. Gamers will never convince non gamers that SL is a game and non gamers will never convince gamers that it isn't. To me it's simple. SL is a virtual world where you can play games, BUT YOU DON"T ALWAYS. What I and many of us do in the virtual world is not a game. For those that say we all play characters, I disagree. I am my RL self in SL and my avatar is just that, a representation of myself in world. Those of us like myself don't 'play' SL.
  16. LL is updating the avatar to include more bones (Project Bento) and mesh will improve as a result. However the creators will have to update their work and will probably NOT offer free updates due to the work involved in the update. You can read more about this by searching the forums for "Bento". This update is in beta now and will soon be released as a grid wide standard. I would hold off buying one unless you don't mind buying another when Bento is the standard, or you will be satisfied with the current mesh bodies.
  17. If the avatar is sitting they may be sitting on furniture or a bed not just a vehicle. Alwin is right, a land owner is not required to give you leave to "explore the grid" on their property. They wouldn't have a security orb if that was OK by them.
  18. ChinRey wrote: Bree Giffen wrote: You get an IM by a linden. They tell you that due to a freak accident your avatar has been wiped clean. A Linden contating me in-world to tell me they had an accident? I would have logged of immediately and checked RL to see what else was different in that new alternative universe. 
  19. If the HUD depends on an outside server and that server goes down for any reason or your account on it is wiped, this could happen. If it doesn't depend on an outside server and it will let you, resetting the scripts will fix it most likely. If it's a server problem or you can't reset the scripts, contact the creator or their representative if they have one for help.
  20. If you are able to log into your account, you don't need another one given to you with the same name and birthdate. This actually happened to me. I log in and my entire inventory was gone. I was a grey ruth since my shape and skin were gone too. Luckily I owned a sim and had conceirge service and so called them. It took some doing and time but LL did restore my inventory. You inventory never is wiped away unless the entire asset server it's on is wiped clean and even then they have back ups. You inventory can be disassociated from your account however and need to be reassociated. That's what LL did to restore my inventory.
  21. DejaHo wrote: Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Another vote for the one guy with three accounts hypothesis. He may have observed you with the other two, or talked with someone who did, and was paying enough attention to remember, More like one female with three male accounts hypothesis. The parts snipped above is more how a female plays in SL, don't you think? Actually my experience is that males usually do this not so much females.
  22. You can buy a mainland sim, but you will only own the land and not be an estate owner. These would have to be purchased from another resident or at auction. or You can buy a full private region; either a 'grandfathered' region from another resident or a region from another resident or one from LL and pay the $600.00 one time fee to get the grandfathered rate. Buying a private region from another resident is generally a lot cheaper than buying one from LL.
  23. I certainly agree that people should use the permission system and set their land to no rez. This saves themselves having to return things and is also the best thing for the neighborhood. However, people are human and sometimes foget or are 'bad' landlowners. If the land permissions are not set it still doesn't give people any excuse for squatting. They are using resources that don't belong to them without permission and that's stealing in my book.
  24. I too am about 50/50. I buy textures as well as make my own depending on what I'm building.
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