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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. Read the instruction notecard that came with the product. If you didn't get instructions or don't understand them, you best bet is to contact the creator, their customer service reps or join their support group, if they have one, and ask for support there.
  2. We didn't do a thing. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  3. There was a stripper HUD sold on MarketPlace. It was just animations though, it didn't actually remove your clothes. You had to do that yourself. I don't have a link but you can search for it yourself. Stripper HUD.
  4. Just to add... You are not required to prove that you are not some old guy or anyone else in RL. It is no one's business but your own who you are in RL. Next time instead of caving into such foolishness, just block people like this and TP away from them.
  5. Many good points have been raised here. I'll add one more. Many designers are women and while many women RP in Gor, many women have a distaste for anything Gor and have no interest in designing for it. I am not trying to start a debate on Gor and it's merits here. Just stating a fact. The suggestion that you approach people that already sell clothing for Gor is probably a good one.
  6. Request a Process Credit under Manage $L on your dashboard. You must have a PayPal or Skrill account to transfer it to, who can then transfer it to your bank. LL does not do direct to bank account transfers.
  7. No I don't use it except on very rare occasions, with the exception of an 'emergency' outfit I can dump on myself quickly if I arrive naked somewhere due to a system glitch etc. I mix and match to make outfits a lot and I rarely want to mix and match the same way. I have a well organized clothing and accessory inventory and can find what I need fast.
  8. You could buy a 512sqm lot on the mainland and rent it out to take advantage of the free tier you don't use. You may want to put a low prim building on it or a skybox as someone renting such a small low prim place is likely to be a newb. Of course too there is the cost of the land itself, which is not free, and you may or may not recoup that cost as keeping it rented may be a problem depending on location and how nice the home is if you put one on it. The better the location the more it will cost you.
  9. You make an overlay of the clothing, either with flexis or a copy of the mesh and texture it with a special texture. It's an alpha texture with tons of very tiny one or two pixel sized dots all over it. You set the repeats very high, can't remember off the top of my head, but like in the 1000's. Texture Me True, the texture store has a pack of different color textures that are made just for this and has specific directions. You can experiment with the suggested settings. The color of the dots and number of repeats and glow setting you use depends on what effect you want. For a wedding dress you probably would want a silver, or pale pastel color, even a multi color pastel would be cool giving the dress an opalecent look. The pack above doesn't have that or pastels, but you can easily mod the textures for what you want or use them as a guide to make your own. I found that if the dress is mesh, using another mesh model to texture like this works well. You can but don't have to link it to the regular dress. Not linking it gives you options. You may need to use the next size up for the shimmer layer depending on the style of the dress.
  10. It can't be reversed. Once your payment info is charged there is no reversals. LL under the TOS does not refund money under any circumstance.
  11. The smaller land on the 'other side' of the map is the old teen grid. The area you are wondering about has always been that way since the continent was enlarged to its present size. That's the first continent. You'll notice that the land itself is not squared off to the sim line, except where people have placed prims. It's the water that is part of the sim that is and makes it look from a distance that it's not 'finished'.
  12. You need to keep check on this link: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Status-Grid/bg-p/status-blog The maintenance is not over yet. Also no one can tell you when and if or how long unscheduled maintenance will be. That's why it's called 'Unscheduled'. They are fixing stuff that went unexpectedly wrong. Sometimes they will post estimates at the above link but they aren't always right. So check that link periodically until you see the issue is marked RESOLVED
  13. Be sure that any group chat box and any notices you received are closed then go to the group page and uncheck Notices and Group IM's then SAVE.
  14. Above 300m so it won't be seen from the ground. At or below 4096m so scripts will work. Above this height it's iffy. Anywhere in between is fine. However if you have neighbors it is neighborly not to put your builds at the same height as theirs.
  15. Check the <0,0,0> location on the sim. The sim will sometimes put things there that it doesn't know what to do with. You may find a whole pile of stuff there, so look carefully.
  16. Assuming you are the Owner of the group, sell the land from one account to your other account.for $!L. DO NOT set it to sell to "anyone" when you set it for sale, or a bot might come along and scoop it up.
  17. One last possiblity is that the purchase would exceed your transaction limits. Log into secondlife.com and go to this page to see what your's are: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/buy.php#limits
  18. If you have Caspervend you can set it up to keep track of MP customers and use it to send updates to them.
  19. Sometimes it takes a while for your ability to visit M and A rated sims to catch up with your age. If you are sure you have your preferences set to be able to go there, file a support ticket it it's been more than a few days.
  20. If you mean is there an option that will tell you when someone is making a copy of an object, the answer is no. Other than copies made illegally by a copybot viewer (which itself is illegal to use in SL), no one can make a copy of an object other then the creator or the owner and the owner can only do it if the object has copy permissions.
  21. No you don't need a premium account to sell $L's. You must have bought $L's in order to sell any.
  22. SL is not Facebook and it is a lot more than a "Over-Glorfied Chat Engine"
  23. You have to wear Slink compatible shoes with Slink feet. Be sure you are wearing both the Slink shoe base (or the one that came with the Slink compatible shoes) and the alpha. If you are, it sounds like those shoes aren't compatible. It would help if you posted a pic of what your feet look like when you try to wear them. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information or a pic. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
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