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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. He could have talked to someone who knew about the previous relationships.
  2. I'd forget locking your doors. Anyone with just a little bit of knowledge can easily get in even when they are locked. Locks on doors are just an illusion of security. Your better off getting a security orb to keep people out.
  3. You need a script to do this. You can write one yourself, or hire someone to do one for you.
  4. Friends should respect your need for privacy. IMing someone to ask why yuo unchecked them is not doing this as they obviously feel you should be available to them all the time. You are not required to respond to IM's immediately. You can IM such friends back at YOUR convenience and tell them you do that when you need privacy and please respect that. People who don't respect my privacy are removed from my friends list, as a real friend will always do this.
  5. Unfortunately it will shift around no matter where you attach it. The corset will follow whatever point it is attached to as that part of the body moves around. The only way to avoid it is to make it rigged mesh.
  6. OzwellWayfarer wrote: I dont think its a big deal either way. If you find you have squatters, it will take you just a few clicks to get rid of them. Autoreturn and ban. Simple. It still doesn't make squatting right. And if the land is not being used even though it is being paid for, well isnt that a massive waste? Of the landowners money, of system resources and electricity? Yes, but that is a seperate issue and doesn't make squatting right. Besides if I want to waste my own money and resources that's my business. It is not hurting anyone but myself. If someone has enough money they can leave expensive virtual land unused for months on end.....why is it so objectionable that someone squats that land if they can? I dont see any real problem. Its not like RL where they can totally take ownership of your property. Even if they build a house on your virtual land, the landowner it still in total control of the sim environment. If you inherited a piece of expensive jewelry you never wore, I guess it's ok if I 'borrow' it and wear it for a while without your permission. Yes they can build on property through ban lines or a orb, but they can't use it. All of this is just a false justification for squatting.
  7. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: wherorangi wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: 4) Therefore, how is doing what the permission system of that parcel allows using it "without permission"? wooo! good question this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate: 1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door) 2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not Number 2 for sure. Alot of people get upset if people put up ban lines or security orbs that send you home or eject with little to no warning. If they want to keep things open keep those "ugly" ban lines off, then they should respect people's rights regardless if the land is set to no rez or not. If someone doesn't have a high fence around their property in RL, does that make it OK to build something there? Of course not. So why is it ok to squat in SL? Is it okay to be an absentee landlord who doesn't maintain their property and allows it to become a public nuisance, as their sole interest in that property is to get their neighbors to pay an inflated price for it? How about if the absentee landlord doesn't actually have to pay a nickel to maintain this particular plot of land because it's free to them due to a loophole in the tax laws? ETA - Interestingly enough, ban lines and security orbs won't prevent someone from building a house on your land if the permissions allow it, and "no public access" won't prevent someone from building a house and living in it above ban line height. Of course it isn't right that a landlord doesn't maintain their property. But that is a seperate ethical issue from squatters. Two wrongs don't make a right. You are right about ban lines but some security orbs can be placed at intervals so the whole space is protected. See all the threads about airplane pilots complaining about this.
  8. You need an animation to grab and lift the head and a head that detaches from the main body that can be modded. You then have to have a script to lift the head in time with the animation. You can write the script yourself, or hire someone to do it, I doubt you'd find one for free or for sale. I've never tried something like this but it may be difficult to time the head lifting to the animation so that it looks like the robot is actually lifting the head. Even if you get it perfect, other people may see it as slightly off. Maybe someone that has experience doing something like this will chime in here and say for sure.
  9. A HUD like that would not work on a mesh head, even if you added prims to it. A mesh head that is animated comes with it's own animation HUD and the head itself is constructed to animate. A HUD for a regular avatar head relies on animations built into the system provided by Linden Lab that only animates the avatar, not prims.. I am afraid there is no way to make your eyes blink with your mesh head.
  10. There is no reason for this that I know of Sounds like just a system glitch. He can always file a support ticket to have LL check his account if he's premium but it probably will go away another day. You could try to reset the scripts to see if that helps. What you have is an MLP animation system, which is open sourced. Instructions for it are supposed to be in the Edit contents tab of the object. You can also refer to this wiki page
  11. They won't do it Sunday. Not only is it one of the busiest days for people on line, but the full staff at LL isn't at work. They won't pay overtime when it can be done during the week days when it effects less people.
  12. If an outfit is no copy / transfer you can send it to your new account, otherwise you can't save your outfits.
  13. wherorangi wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: 4) Therefore, how is doing what the permission system of that parcel allows using it "without permission"? wooo! good question this is a whole debate all in itself. As I see it, is 2 sides to this kinda debate: 1) online is a technical environment. When the technical environment doesn't prevent us from entering into a online property then is ok to enter. If the owner doesnt want us to enter then is incumbent on the owner to prevent us (lock the door) 2) online is a integral part of the RL and is indivisible from the RL. When a owner leaves their door open, then is not ok for us to take that as permission to enter in this kinda debate I am totally for 2. Is the ethical position not that I am a angel or anything. Is just that the 2nd is a ethical position and the 1st is not Number 2 for sure. Alot of people get upset if people put up ban lines or security orbs that send you home or eject with little to no warning. If they want to keep things open keep those "ugly" ban lines off, then they should respect people's rights regardless if the land is set to no rez or not. If someone doesn't have a high fence around their property in RL, does that make it OK to build something there? Of course not. So why is it ok to squat in SL?
  14. Unless I had a specific role to play there I'd be invisible. Sounds like a lag fest to me. If I had a specific role to play I'd dress in whatever is appropriate. Most likely a business suit unless it was formal.
  15. Aethelwine wrote: Or for an alternative view they are providing a service to the community by using up the prims on land that has been left free rezz without auto return limiting the possibilities for griefing from the parcel. Sorry theft is not a community service. Someone is paying for that land and no one should be using it without permission. If the community is concerned, then they should contact the owner of the land and ask them to switch off the ability to rez on the land.
  16. DjTeddyB Rockin wrote: Well Thanks but still comes with questions, I've never been asked anything for taxes?? just my basic sign up info back in a decade ago..lol my PP is verified si like heck 1999 lol.. and if they ask questions thats fine why NO one at LL knew of this? who retains the info? this wont tax info this was personal info, just like if i went ot see my credit, or a bank would ask ect to open an account or something house loan ect.. You are required to give personal information now by law. As explained, this is a now a requirement by law and LL has to comply. The goverment is cracking down on money laundering on sites where an account can cash out because it does go on. You probably never got these questions in the past before the new money laundering rules went into effect, so that is why this is new to you.
  17. It varies. Your duties are defined by your employer just like in RL. Ask him or her.
  18. I agree with you. Squatting is a form of theft. No one must have land in order to survive in SL so there is no justification for it. If you can afford the computer and internet connection to run SL, chances are you can afford $5 a month for rent or tiers on a small piece of land. I would have notified the land owner so they could return the sign. It probably won't stop them from putting it up again on another abandoned or for sale parcel.
  19. Sorry you can't rip off other people's designs to bring them into SL. It violates the TOS. A lot of new people want custom work for their avatars but aren't willing to pay the price when they find out how much it is. I wish you luck finding anyone to do it for free or for just a few $L's. Custom work is time consuming in RL. Why would anyone spend hours working on something for you for just pennies? I think you should take a closer look at what dresses are available and use them.
  20. Aside from the financial considerations, you will have to deal with tenants. Many potential landlords don't realize how much time they will have to put into running a rental sim and keeping it full with good tenants. You just can't put an ad in classifieds and expect to get all the lots rented without further effort. You will need to talk up your rentals when the opportunity arises, talk to some potential tenants and answer their questions when they come to look at your property, and follow up with people who looked at them. This is important in my experience. That added step communicating with them again will sway some people to decide to rent your property. Then there is dealing with late payers, lease or covenant violators, evictions for those that don't pay and readying the lot for the next tenant etc.when someone leaves. You'll get IM's from tenants requesting help for all kinds of things, like help setting up TV's and radios. disputes between neighbors and also general 'how to' questions, especially if you have newb renters. I'm not trying to discourage you just be sure to go into being a landlord with your eyes wide open.
  21. You are being illegally spammed, and you can file an abuse report each time it happens. Be sure to get a screen shot of the spam, which the AR form will allow you to make without charge. One report may not bring results. So be sure to file one each time.
  22. If you are going to consider a mesh body, then this blog is one to study before you buy one. When shopping for one, ALWAYS try the demo before you buy. Also consider if special clothes will be needed, which you should be informed of in advance. http://meshbodyaddicts.com/
  23. What happens when you try to go home? Do you get a message, what does it say? Are you sent somewhere else? Are you using the Home button/menu short cut key, or a Landmark? Have you tried to log into home? Are you sure your sim isn't down? Try logging into another sim. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
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