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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. There is nothing in the TOS forbidding it. So, unless the other merchant has trademarked the name in RL, you won't get into any trouble. Even if another store has trademarked the name, if what you are selling is totally different you may not get in trouble either as a trademark is very specific to the types of goods or services being sold. That is why there is Apple Records and Apple Computers. If you decide not to change your name and someone approaches you claiming the name is trademarked, ask for proof before you cave into any demands. You can also look it up in the US Patent Office trademark database now. If they claim they copyrighted it, they didn't. You can't copyright a store name only trademark it. That said, it still may be best to change your stores name if you are just starting out to avoid confusing customers. It will also be easier to have a unique group name etc. The above is about US law only. Other countries may say since SL is based in the US on US servers it is a US business and their laws don't apply, but some may base it on your RL place of residence. There are also treaties that govern this between the US and some other countries. Full disclosure: I am not a lawyer and what I know about it is only through personal experience trademarking my own business in the US. I suggest you consult a trademark attorney if you are really concerned about the RL legal risk, especially if you don't live in the US.
  2. Ninisgarden wrote: ... I want to create a store.All this is only the beginning.Sells clothes, shoes, hair, furniture, jewelry...And so on.Women will be my main customer. Since you haven't started yet I'd stick with one general category to start with. It's ok to sell clothing with shoes and jewelry as they are accessories to the clothing and many a shop has been successful by selling whole outfits that include clothes shoes and jewelry. If you want to sell other things, do it under a different brand name in a different shop in world or under an alt's name on MP. It will be much easier to market it that way as it will be more focused. Another alternative is to sell full perm items if you are good at design and rigging. There is a big market for mesh templates fashion merchants can buy and texture themselves. See the MP to get a better idea of what I am talking about and pay particular attention to the various terms of sale the creators impose, which you are allowed to set yourself. You can sell unlimited quantities for a very reasonable or reasonable price and/or if you are really good you can sell limited edition full perm templates and get a lot for them. The more limited the edition the higher you can charge for them. Lastly you can avoid a lot of marketing headaches by hiring yourself out to established shops to do custom work. You can charge by the job, or take a commission from each item they sell. If the latter, be sure your cut is scripted into the vendor so you are automatically paid and have a way of verifying that the script is not changed without your knowledge. A good scripter can help you with that. My final piece of advice is don't expect to be rolling in the money any time soon. Many of the most talented creators see a lot of time pass before they see a profit, and most don't ever see one. Competition is stiff and there will always be merchants that are better than you and have better marketing. Starting a SL business is like starting a RL business in that regard.
  3. If you are the really modest type and haven't mastered the art of changing clothes without showing your naughty bits, yet, then you can also look on the map and find a water sim on the mainland with no one on it and tp there and change under the water. You won't drown and it's easy to find such places. I do recommend that you practice the technique that Chic explained as you will find it handy to change into another outfit if you're at a shop, or a club and want to enter a contest. I also recommend getting a folder or outfit together that you can just click on the folder to wear in case you find yourself accidently naked in public. It will happen to you eventually.
  4. It is always wise to check the 'claimed on' date in the land information to see if it was just claimed. If so, IM the estate owner and ask if the rent was paid in full and how many weeks were paid. If you decide to rent, although I would advise to wait to see if it's still there a month from now, never pay more rent than one week. You can avoid this kind of scam that way or at the most lose just one week's rent.
  5. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, used one easy to guess of figure out, accepted an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website. If it is the latter be sure to run a virus checker and anti malware program to rid your computer of anything that it picked up there. Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact us immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990 . Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once they have concluded the investigation, they'll send you an email explaining their conclusion and the action they will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. If you act quickly , like NOW, they may be able to retrieve your money if whoever took it hasn't cashed it out yet. There are no guarantees though as under the TOS you are responsible for keeping your account secure. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account.
  6. Taramafor wrote: "Furry" is certainty a group if nothing else. One that exists IRL to boot, and it's a hell of a lot more then suits, events and avatars (none suiter here). If you are a non suiter in RL, why do you object so much to changing into a human avatar to go to human only sims. You whole argument breaks down IMO with this admission. There was recently a furry convention in the city I live in. The newspaper interviewed a number of the furries for an in depth article it did on the convention. Not one of the people said they think of themselves as a real furry IRL. I'm sure if anyone had said that it would have been in the article. All said something along the lines that it was a form of cosplay that they thought of as fun and entertaining. During the convention I didn't see or hear of one person trying to go to another public venue such as a nightclub or restaurant in their furry costume or screaming about discrimination because they weren't allowed in a venue in their furry outfit. The only furry people that were seen were on the way to or from the convention from their hotels or in the convention. IRL furries are humans in costume. There is no law in RL or even a concept against discrimination of people in costume. If you really think of yourself as furry rather than a person IRL, professional help is needed.
  7. Even if you donate your land to a group you are still responsible for paying the tier. So sell go ahead and sell that land back to yourself (or get the group owner to if you can't) then deed it to the other group.
  8. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, accept an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website, gave your password to anyone or used an easy password that someone could guess or figure out.. Your friend isn't being punished. Her account is on hold to not only give time to LL to investigate but To determine that she is the rightful owner and that they money existed before the compromise To determine who may be responsible for the theft, if it is possible, so it doesn't happen again. To determine what happened to the money and get it back IF it is still in the SL system. Note that if it was cashed out they can't do anything more but will cooperate with RL authorities if your friend files a report with them. They also will not refund any lost money they can't retrieve, as everyone is responsible for the security of their own account. It is all in her best interest to be patient and cooperate.
  9. I have owned and also managed several so called 'public' sims. The fact is like Tari said, all avatars don't always fit in a venue. That is a VERY LOGICAL reason. Even in non RP sims, such as a ballroom, when avatars show up that don't fit in the owner/manager gets IM's complaining about it from other patrons, not because they are prejudice, but because the avatar's effect on the atmosphere for them. A child avatar in a bar for example. While I have never out right banned any group of avatars based on species, I'll tell you my experience is that if one shows up that doesn't fit in and 10 people complain about it, several will leave and not return and not always just the complainers. If you are trying to run a venue where traffic is important it's a tough decision. When I owned my ballroom I didn't ban furries, who were dressed appropriately for the venue. But I did ask any avatar that showed up in non formal attire to put some on. Any that didn't or gave me a bad attitude about it found themselves ejected. If they returned the same way after being warned, they were banned. Most had the same attitude you do. "I'll look the way I want to and too bad if you don't like it". Like Tari said, you can always change into the appropriate avatar/outfit for the venue. I do. I wouldn't go to a furry only club (and they do exist) without doing so. Changing into appropriate avatars and clothing are part of the fun of SL. So go ahead and take it to court and give the judge a good laugh. There is nothing in RL law that forbids what you call discrimination against people dressed as animals.
  10. Search is in the viewer and also on your dashboard. If you are in world, use the one in the viewer. Click the magnifying glass icon on the tool bar. A mesh avatar is worn over the the regular avatar which is hidden by an alpha layer. Look in your inventory and type 'worn' in the search if there is no tap label that says worn (this depends on the viewer you are using). It will show you everything you are wearing. An alpha should be called that and the icon looks like a shirt with a grid pattern on it. A mesh avatar will be an object and the icon looks like a block. It will be called by the name of the mesh body. Mesh clothes on the starter mesh avatars also are objects and are worn with alpha layers and are generally called, pants, shirt etc.. So if you see you are wearing a lot of objects and alphas, you probably have a mesh avatar. If you see you are only wearing clothing that are objects, you have the regular avatar. You may not be wearing any mesh clothes btw. Just clothes that have icons that look like pants, shirts, underwear etc.
  11. Lastly, if you bought a home designed to go on water, just rez it on the water. It won't sink.
  12. I assume you are talking about a HUD or other product. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. Read the instruction notecard that came with the product. If you didn't get instructions or don't understand them, you best bet is to contact the creator, their customer service reps or join their support group, if they have one, and ask for support there. You can also ask questions like this in the regular forums.
  13. Amethyst Jetaime

    New home

    You should have received an email when you got your home, with a link that takes you right there. There is also one on your dashboard on the SL website, under Land Manager>My Mainland. When you arrive at your new home the first thing to do is go to World at the top of your screen and click Set Home to Here. That way all you'll have to do is click the home button (the little house button), Teleport Home on the World menu, or use CTRL+SHIFT+H to return.
  14. This section is for asking questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products or recommend any made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. If you are just seeking information, most of the shops that sell them give out info notecards that explain what their pets do and what you have to buy besides the pet. If you bought one, read the instruction notecard that came with the product. If you didn't get instructions or don't understand them, you best bet is to contact the creator, their customer service reps or join their support group, if they have one, and ask for support there.
  15. Welcome to SL. I'm pasting some links to pages that provide detailed answers to your questions. CSMRetired03 wrote: For those, who've been on SL for some time these questions may seem stupid. But, here goes. 1. How does one change clothes. I've been wearing the same duds for three days. I'd like to perhapse improve my image? This is how to change clothes for a traditional avatar, If you have a mesh avatar it is different. I wouldn't recommend you get a mesh avatar until you know more of the ropes. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Customizing-a-classic-style-avatar/ta-p/2940719 I'm including this because a lot of clothes and avatar accesories come in boxes https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 2 How does one modify ones physical appearance without having to go through the entire setting up an avatar sequence? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Controlling-your-avatar-s-appearance/ta-p/700709 3. How does one gester and otherwise seem exressive? I just stand almost like a statue when not walking. Wearing an Animation Overrider will make your avatar move much more naturally. the ones that come with the starter avatar aren't good. You purchase these, just use search to find shops that sell them and demo them before you buy. There are free AO's available but they have far less animations in them and the quality is not that good because either the animations aren't or because they repeat frequently. However you can use one until you are able to buy one. Search MarketPlace for them. 4. Am I the only one finding it difficult to get members of the opposite sex to engage in normal conversation? Is there some secret handshake or something? Finding friends in SL is a lot like RL. Unfortunately a lot of experienced avatars won't give you the time of day if you look and/or act like a newb. Go to places you find in search that are newb friendly hangouts, New people are more likely to be seeking friends too. I made my first friends in SL doing this and those friends and I had a blast exploring, finding things and growing experienced together. I still after 10 years maintain friendships with a number of them. You can find mentors too at lot of them that can answer your questions and help you with your avatar. Note that most women will not want to date you until they get to know you and have probably heard every cheesy pick up line there is Be natural and be yourself. Don't expect love as, although people have fell in love in here and even gotten married in RL, SL is not a dating service. Work on getting your avatar together and learning the ropes in SL. Take classes on anything that interests you, as you may find friends with common interests in class. A lot of classes are free and many cover topics related to SL such as building, scripting, land etc. Builders Brewery, Oxford Cambridge University and NCI are just a few of the many places that offer them. Use search to find these places to check out what they offer and when, and also look in Events too. Use these forums, the knowledge base, the Answers section and the SL Wiki as learning resources. YouTube also has a lot of videos that teach things about SL. Most of all welcome to SL. SL isn't easy at first but if you stick with it and learn you will be in for a great adventure and enjoy your SL.
  16. It doesn't matter. You can have the best computer in the world and the fastest internet speed with the best ISP, but have a poor connection to the MP servers. I have no problem with MP unless it is experiencing a problem. You can always check to see if that is the case here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Status-Grid/bg-p/status-blog
  17. NEVER click a link pasted into public chat or sent to your in a random IM unless you KNOW & TRUST the person who put it there. Even if it doesn't ask for name and password, it can download a key logger to your computer and get far more than just your SL credentials! Agree with Alwin. Your on your own. LL is not responsible if you go to outside websites and there are far more malicious web sites than LL could possibly know about.
  18. A decimal point is easy to overlook, so don't feel bad. Sometimes it takes fresh eyes on a problem to see the cause and once it's found, it's often obvious. You can't see the forest for the trees sometimes. Happens to me too.
  19. If you know the creator is no longer in SL, I'd be very cautious about buying any of their products regardless of the rating. If it doesn't work or causes other problems with your avatar you will lhave no help setting things right and no recourse.
  20. It may take a while for the item to be returned to you. I've even had it take a few days. Try relogging and they will sometimes reappear. If that doesn't work clear your cache first then relog. Other things: If you rezzed the item on a prim, check the prim'd Edit contents. Also check on the <0,0,0> location coordinates of the sim. That's where the sim puts stuff it doesn't know what to do with. If the item was no copy, depending on why it disappeared, it may be gone forever. This especially may happen if the sim crashed. You can see if the creator has a redelivery item in their shop if they have one. If it was copy you can get another one. Some, but not all redelivery terminals even redeliver if you got it on MarketPlace. If no redelivery terminal exists that will give you another, you can send the creator a nice note explaining what happened and ask for another one. While not obligated to do so, most will replace a copy item but few will replace a transfer only item. Too many people ask for another copy claiming a problem when all they want to do is avoid paying for another copy and there is no way to prove they don't have the original one or gave it to someone.
  21. The marketplace does have some mesh templates that come with a notecard that tells you where to download the dae file and some even have an obj file with them. Very few of them are pure unrestricted licenses though. Although you are allowed to download them into SL so you show as the creator, some restrict the use to SL only or restrict giving them for free or below a certain price.
  22. You probably want 1.000 instead of 1000. That decimal is important.
  23. Check with body's creator to see if a developer kit is available if you are looking to sell your work. I don't have that particular body, but sometimes they come with the body itselsf when you buy it. If it's for private use, as for an applier kit if one didn't come with the body.
  24. FYI most of the sims of the Blake Sea have a rez area in the north east corner of the sim. If you lose your boat just fly there and rez another one. Note that these areas also have autoreturn, so be prepared to sit on your boat and sail away as soon as you do so others who may want to rez theirs can.
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