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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. When LL changed how they deal with traffic, I went to a meeting for official SL Solution Providers ( I am onr) and was told the following by Lindens there. I have to assume this is still true since I have not heard of a change. Anything like a lucky chair or camping or other things designed to draw people to your place to boost traffic and your land is in search is considered to be gaming traffic and illegal. However it is legal to put things like this on a parcel not in search. Some shop owners will carve out a separate parcel right under objects like this. Rewards such as group gifts are ok too. Basically, if your land is in search, your traffic must be actual people (not bots) that come there to shop or whatever the general purpose of the land is, while they are on that land. You can be AR'd by people for gaming traffic. Also LL can and will investigate on it's own too, although the Lindens would not say how they decided where and when to investigate to prevent gaming of what they use. Traffic used to be the sole thing that ranked a place in search but that has changed. Now traffic plays just a part in it and other things are as important. To learn more about search rankings and how they work read this
  2. You could make a post in the French forum here and offer to let someone practice their English on you if you can practice your French on them. As far as high school students, their school could sponsor a private island that the students could not leave, use search or IM from to the outside SL world. They could invite a French school to participate in an arrangement similar to what I suggested for you and also as a culture exchange. The students would enter SL through the school's website and go right to the island and not the places newbs are normally sent. That is the only way I know of that students could come in to a secure SL environment. The school would get a discount from the normal tiers on an island too.
  3. This link should answer his questions and tell him how to fix it https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Why-are-all-these-people-made-of-colored-jelly/ba-p/3031255
  4. Alwin Alcott wrote: if you don't own the whole sim, but only a parcel it's pretty rude and really close to abuse to use all resources... any other owner there could report you. I agree with you having had a few experiences of not being able to access my land all night because someone had a big crowd at their place. A note to the other landowners prior to the party telling them what your plans are, that you will have a big crowd up to the sim limit and asking if it's ok with them may alieviate the problem. I've done this for my own parties and had nobody object as I gave sufficient advance notice. An invite to the party always helps with this too and it's a great way to meet your neighbors. :smileyvery-happy:
  5. I don't know much about making skirts in Blender as I've never tried it. If I were you, I'd keep the tier effect. I've have skirts like that and like the style. They are made so that the bottom ruffle doesn't go all the way up to the waistband of the skirt, just a bit above the end of the upper ruffle and then textures are used to simulate a full length skirt. That may be your solution to this. It should also lower the number of triangles in the skirt making it easier for the system to render it.
  6. Last but not least, your friend might be estate or region banned and just not telling you that.
  7. Zepharine's idea of using off sim objects may work. However, in case you don't know, if you are on the mainland coast, don't own the water, and it is sailable, then it won't work. LL takes a dim view of putting obstacles in sailing water. Someone could AR you or just file a support ticket and have it returned to you, wasting your good money or the time you use to create it. Even if you own the water you won't make any points with sailors. If the water is just part of the great void you're in the clear.
  8. I doubt anyone seeing this will give you what you tried to purchase. Why would someone who doesn't know you do that? If they do, you don't have to take it, it is up to you. If you don't want a gift then decline it when you are asked by the system.
  9. I am sorry if you thought my post was insulting. That was not my intent at all. You original posts wording confused me as to how much knowledge you had of materials. No matter what age an avatar is, sometimes even the oldbies don't know things if they never worked with before. When I try to help people unless I know for sure that they have the technology down, I try to explain things from the beginning. If another person who doesn't know about the subject and is searching for answers reads the post, hopefully I'll educate them as well. If you find that insulting then I'm sorry. I'll bow out now and promise to refrain from helping you in the future.
  10. I've never seen a market for 2D and in SL or anyone that does them. There is a tool or tools too that will make a 3D map that is sold. Basically anyone can make a 2D texture of a map of their sim that is drawn from the program that makes the big map in the viewer using a script and then edit in a graphics program to cut out their parcel if they don't have a full sim. However having what looks like a RL map (maybe with topographical lines) to frame for a home or as a prop on a desk or table would be cool. You won't get RL prices for this kind of thing. Although since it is custom work your prices wouldn't have to be dirt cheap either. To test the market for something like that, make a texture of an example of what you offer and put it on MarketPlace as the picture, then offer a 'gift certificate' at a price that would most likely cover the cost of the typical map you are offering. You could offer different price points for different size lots too. In the description say that the certificate is good towards the total cost which may be more if the map is more complicated than normal. That way you'd cover yourself for this situation. You could also put an ad in classifieds advertising your service. Welcome to SL and good luck in your endeavors!
  11. Privacy screens give you a square texture and you can't 'transition' them to the shore unless the vegetation depicted shrinks down and it has an alpha area on the end of it. I've never seen some like this for sale. You could try putting some trees or bushes etc on the ends and maybe some in front of other areas of the screen to soften it and make it more realistic. But that's pretty much it and people outside your parcel will still see the flat screen effect. While I know some people use them, to many people privacy screens are generally considered an eyesore by other people on the sim. If it were me, I'd use landscaping to block people's view into your parcel or block an ugly view outside your parcel. Trees and bushes would accomplish this as well as terraforming mountains on the edges or using rocks. As you are probably aware, no matter what you do people can cam in to look at what's going on unless you disallow it under About Land > Options. If you disallow it, nobody outside the parcel can see any avatars inside it. That works better for privacy than anything else you can do.
  12. A quick search of MarketPlace, using chains as the search word, under Building and Object Components>Mesh Creator Tools>Avatar Accessories, brought up a lot of jewelry chains. Some were complete, such as a necklace or bracelet) and all you would have to do would be add the pendant, beads or whatever else you want. Others were pieces of chains that you can put together to make different pieces of jewelry which gives you flexibility to make a lot of different types, such as earrings to match a necklace. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but from your post it sounds like you don't know much about 'materials". and you should learn to make reading the descriptions easier. They will make more sense then. First all mesh chains use Diffuse Textures, which you and some descriptions are referring to as 'textures'. What you also need for materials for chains is a Specular Map (which gives you shine in the right places), and maybe a Normal Map (to make the surface of the chain etched or raised in a patter) but not always. You'd have to experiment to see if you want to use a Normal Map. An AO map which comes with some is a texture to show you where textures you create from scratch should go on the three types of maps above. While not all the ones I see came with all three any missing ones wouldn't be hard to make in GIMP (which is free) and other high level graphics programs if you have the Diffuse texture. Google how to make them in the program you use to find out how. It's a skill you should learn if you are creating jewelry because then the same chain can look different for different sets of jewelry you make. Take a look at the SL wiki about this subject: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Tools
  13. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. Sorry bit we do not recommend or even give links to shops in world, it wouldn't be fair to the other shops that don't get a mention. You can search Marketplace for them. Also use inworld search for skins shops. Some may have a free skin that you can get if you are under 30 days old or join their group. Google Second Life Blogs, which many times will have leads on freebies. You can also ask for recommendations in the regular forums.
  14. Not really, but, if it's going to be something to wear, it has to be something that anyone who wants to play the game can get. A game is useless to a bar or even a homeowner who wants to play with friends, otherwise. This means it will have to be copy/transfer to the next owner so it can be given out, which will be a problem if you use any third party items as the creators license rarely allows it. You can make it no mod and script it so that it attaches to whoever wants to play then deletes itself when detached and never is in the inventory of the avatar. That way no one can get the third party items.
  15. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, accept an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website. If it is the latter be sure to run a virus checker and anti malware program to rid your computer of anything that it picked up there. Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact LL immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990 . Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once they have concluded the investigation, they'll send you an email explaining their conclusion and the action they will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. If you act quickly , like NOW, they may be able to retrieve your money if whoever took it hasn't cashed it out yet. There are no guarantees though as under the TOS you are responsible for keeping your account secure. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account.
  16. I can't imagine that the builder of the buildings didn't make and retain copies.. If they didn't that is gross negligence as this type of thing happens all the time. It can happen days after a build is down or years later. They copies should be kept by someone as long as the buildings exist in world. See if you can track them down. If the builder is no longer around, ask the former owner.
  17. Do you own or rent a parcel? If you own the parcel who cares about who you bought if from since they no longer have control over it. If you are buying it on some type of payment plan check your contract to see if this is allowed. It probably isn't unless you pay off what you owe. If you're renting you can't 'trade' with another real estate company. If you do own the parcel, you should be able to sell it and use that money to pay for the new parcel, if it really is on the Blake Sea, as they are in high demand and they go for high dollar amounts. If it is just in sailable water around the actual Blake Sea, which is a limited area, they may go for a bit less depending on how close they are. For a quick sale, do your homework and look at other parcels within a few sims of yours that are about the same size and see what they are asking for them. Price yours on the lower end or even slighly below the lowest price. There are not many, if any, real estate companies that will work with you and allow you to make payments, they have trust issues with perfect strangers. I know I used to see ads sometimes for them, but that was a long time ago so they may not do it anymore. If they do, you'll probably pay a lot more for the privilege than the parcel is worth. You may have to put up collateral, like your current land, and/or sign a RL contract giving RL verfiable contact information too. Here is a map of the actual Blake Sea so you can see if your parcel is actually on it. Many times parcels are advertised as being on it when they actually aren't. 
  18. I have a AMD Radeon graphics card (one of the high end ones) and have no problem with it and the graphics are great.
  19. Search Classifieds for them under the Property Rental Category. You'll find some there. including skyboxes. You may want to consider a skybox since it gives you more privacy and you can chat in public chat without worrying about your neighbor seeing it.
  20. Make them Mod so people can resize them to fit their head.
  21. If you are able to 'pay' at other places, more than likely the vendors with the gift cards were not set by the owner of the vendor to actually "sell' or were malfunctioning. I've run into this before. An IM to the vendor owner usually gets it fixed in a day or so.
  22. I've never been a model myself or wanted to be, but know a few as friends, did some work for an organization with models as clients, and put on a few fashion shows. The below is what the models told me and what I observed about it. Its a long post but I think you should be fully informed of what you are getting into. First be aware that you very rarely are paid many $L's for modeling if you are paid at all. Only a few very well known models have a chance for that and many are expert photographers too so they can take their own pictures. Most models do it for free or they get to keep their clothes they model. Second, being a model is expensive for you. You have to have several top quality skins and shapes, a lot of different hairs and also accessories like jewelry, shoes, etc. to wear with the clothes you model. You also need a top quality modeling AO. YOU have to pay for these for the most part. You will also need a portfolio of pictures of your avatar in various clothes, skins, shapes etc. to show different looks. Unless you are a photography expert, again you'll have to pay someone for this. You might, but rarely can you get model jobs on your own. Sometimes a shop will hire a model independently, but most use bots now because robot avatars don't require payment of any kind and always are at work. Occasionally a magazine that is just starting out might hire you but pay you little or nothing. Don't pay attention to model jobs offered in Events search because they mostly are shops wanting you to buy their stuff with no real jobs to offer. Most models only get runway work or get hired by magazines. They are generally with agencies that fashion show directors and magazines work with or for to get their models. Know that sometimes a model agency will require you to be at least a certain avatar age. When you go with an agency, they mostly require you to take their modeling courses, which you have to pay for and aren't cheap, even if you took courses at another agency. Then many times they will tell you exactly what you must buy for your skins, shapes, hair and accessories as well as who must take you pictures for your portfolio. In the end, most model agencies will not guarantee that you will get ANY work and if they do, don't believe that it will be anytime soon or you will get lots of jobs unless you are extremely lucky. I don't want to discourage you but being a model in SL requires a big cash outlay on your part with very little chance you'll make the money back in $L's or goods. Most models do the work because they love it and are willing to spend the cash to get what they need, certainly not to get rich. NO model ever gets 'famous' in SL either, at most they may become well known inside the fashion industry. Further, a tag over your head that says you are a model rarely impresses anyone outside fashion circles. After all, anyone can make a tag that says they are a model if they have a group and anyone can look like a million dollars if they have the cash. You can inquire at various agencies to see what age they require, what they offer and how much their courses are now. You should also learn the SL ropes and familiarize yourself with the various magazines and fashion designers to prepare yourself if you decide modeling is for you.
  23. Cinos Field wrote: ..., species dysphoria might be a real thing. It's been paid more attention to in academia in recent years. While this is true it is more on the lines of being humane and treating animals with dignity, not using them to experiment with, strengthing animal cruelty laws etc. No one in academia thinks RL animals should have the same civil rights as humans.
  24. Yes, there are Native American's in SL. I have met several. There is no reason there wouldn't be, actually, just as there is no reason for any type of Americans to be in SL.
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