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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Only if they elected to log their IM's. If they did then they can view them as long as the log stays on their computere.
  2. Actually you can download your transaction history to your computer to save the transaction number and details of who, what and when you paid. Having it on your transaction history, which no one can see but you and LL isn't going to prove your payment. It is the information that the landlord needs which you will have to give him if you download it. Next, landlords are RL people too and sometimes have RL issues that prevent them from responding promptly. Three days isn't all that much time. If you absolutely MUST have immediate access why didn't you contact the landlord before paying to assure of an immediate group invite? I've always asked the landlord in this type of case to adjust the due date of the rent by whatever time that I couldn't use it due to needing a group tag. If you do this politely instead of getting bent out of joint like you did here, in my experience they always are happy to do that. Landlords want to have reasonable as well as happy tenants. Lastly the moderators will not remove any posts simply because you had a personal dispute with the poster. LL does not get involved in personal disputes. They only do that when the Community Guidelines have been broken and this type of thing doesn't qualify.
  3. I'd flag it using 'off subject posting' since she clearly is talking about using a classic avatar mesh dress with a mesh body You can comment on the review pointing that out if you haven't already done so.
  4. This thread was created so people could post questions for a question and answer session with the CEO that took place a long time ago. The CEO only rarely posts on the forum and may not even see your question. You can't compare standard AAA games with SL, a virtual world that changes constantly. It's like comparing apples to oranges. They are both fruit and round, but that's where their similarity ends. Other games have static content designed by professionals who know how to optimize everything. They can download the content on your computer and it's there so the only thing that changes from what is already downloaded is the characters movement. Occasionally a set may be changed or added, or a character can add something or change appearance once in a while, but again it's easily downloaded once to your machine. SL content is made by all kinds of people, most who don't know how to optimize anything. In addition, content changes all the time on tons of sims, so it can't be all downloaded at once. It has to be downloaded just about every time you go to another sim unless you go a to that sim a lot, haven't cleared your cache, and nothing has changed on the sim. In addition, characters themselves change all the time, not only because of the number of people in SL but a lot of those people are changing clothes, skin, hair, bodies, even the kind of avatar they are. Technology in SL changes constantly as server software is upgraded environment is improved and new things, such as mesh, are introduced. It is these very things about SL that gives it the appeal it has for so many people. Your internet service can have a big effect if it can't handle massive downloads at a high rate of speed. You can also have the best and fastest internet but a poor connection to the SL servers. If you are only averaging 24FPS on a high end new computer, its time to take a hard look at your internet and/or connection. Also, if you run wifi, change to an ethernet cable.
  5. If they are not showing as a choice, that's because there are none presently available. This leaves you two choices: Wait and check back a few times a day and one will eventually become available. Get another style or theme of house now and enjoy it and in the meantime check back until one becomes available. You can abandon your home and select a new one up to five times per 24 hours. I suggest you have the web site up, then abandon your home and quickly select a new one in case there is only one available and more than one person wants it.
  6. The good news is people can wear their old no mod shoes again. The bad news is that people can wear their old (and clunky) no mod shoes again. :smileywink:
  7. No, you will only pay what you stated you'd pay in US dollars. The rate of $L's/1.00 US is simply the exchange rate.
  8. Short of contacting the owner and arranging a transfer or buying the business, no. The owner may not be active in SL, but someone must be paying the rent or tiers on any land it occupies. Also you could IM him or her and your message may go to their email. Alternatively, you can start a similar business anytime you'd like.
  9. Graphics has improved a lot since 2007. We now have shadows and lighting that act like RL lights as well as much better skies and water. You can actually use windlight presets to choose the way these all look or edit them in the environmental editor under WORLD to set them to suit your own preference. Turn your graphic setting up as high as you can for your computer and if they are high enough you'll see them. You can check out this website to see statistics such as number of regions, population, how many people online now as well as history, Lindex stats etc. A lot of oldbies are gone but a lot still remain. All three of the ones you mentioned are still around. Prokofy is pretty active in these forums. Most scripts will still work from back in the day. A few things have been replaced by upgraded scripting and new capabilities have been added. A look at the LSL Portal in the wiki and a search of the blogs will update you on that. We now have mesh that a lot of people think has improved items. You can get mesh items such a clothing, hair, eyes, bodies and heads for your avatar. A lot of people don't like it though and stick with the classic avatar, system clothes. It's more of a personal preference but more and more people are using it. You can also get mesh houses and vehicles etc. Some mesh is well done and lowers what was called prim count back in the day, other mesh doesn't or actually raises it. Now days Prim Count is called Land Impact because prims, no matter if they are traditional, sculpt or mesh can count as less or more than one prim. For Example: traditional box prims can count as one if you link two together and have the physics set to Convex Hull. There are a lot more people in world that came from the gamer culture. LL has marketed SL as free for several years now and a lot of people expect everything to be free , which of course it isn't. However there are some great freebies out there if you take the time to find them. People can furnish their avatar and homes with freebies as there is enough of them around. About the only thing you can't find for free is land. A number of the newer people also fee entitled to go where ever they want and do whatever they feel like too. However a good amount of the newer people are nice, polite and friendly. SL is even more of a place that you can do most anything you can do in RL. Take some time and explore it.
  10. I don't see anything on the Grid Status Page about any problems. If you placed a limited sell order those sometimes take days or even weeks to sell depending on your price. Even if you picked a popular price, all the sell orders before yours have to be filled first. If you placed a regular sell request, you could call Billing to see what is the problem. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  11. I agree that no clothing designer is going to give you their textures. Perhaps a better plan is to open a store where designers can place their own prims for sale that contain appliers grouped by the body or bodies they work for. Then customers could come to one place to shop for applier clothing. Then you could cover many different mesh bodies, even those that don't use the Omega system. As a service you could also teach classes on how to make appliers for those designers that would like to but have no idea how to do it.
  12. Know too that some vampire roleplay systems, for example Bloodlines, will store your avatar name in a public database that shows your 'soul' being owned by the vampire. Some people get really upset about it. If you object to that then don't accept any bite requests. There is a garlic necklace you wear once on Marketplace that will prevent you from getting bite requests from Bloodline players.
  13. They will stay on your friends list until you delete them; same with their Calling Card. I have people who were good friends, on my list that left SL years ago. When I see their name it brings back fond memories.
  14. Your best bet is to join the Firestorm support group and ask for help there. They provide excellent support and can help you get it working, if the controller is supported by SL.
  15. I too am not sure what you mean by trader. If you mean you buy and sell $L's that is against the TOS and if you are caught you may be banned from SL and reported to the IRS if you are trading a large volume. If you are a merchant and someone pays you with stolen money and they are caught then LL determines that the money stolen was paid to you, then it will be removed from your account and returned to the rightful owner. When this happened to me the thief was banned so they won't get to enjoy their ill gotten gains.
  16. The estate owner is the only one that can bake terrain and save a RAW file. An estate manager can do pretty much anything else an estate owner can do. NOTE that if your estate manager sells the land and you as the estate owner didn't want to, you can't override that once the land is sold. You can only repossess the land. You also can put settings back where you want them if the estate manager does something you don't like, but the estate manager can change them again at any time. If you use groups rather than estate manager rights, and the group owns the land then it is up to you what powers you give people in your group, but, they couldn't change things that are only in the estate controls only those that are in the parcel controls. Once the land is sold (if you title the land to the renter) then the person acting as your agent is powerless to do things on that parcel. You as the estate owner would have to repossess the land to give them those powers back.
  17. I'd make animations No Mod to prevent renaming them and having your scripting get messed up, if they were mod to you. The animations permissions should match the permissions of your copy or transfer furniture or you will essentially sell furniture that is no copy no transfer. Props must be copy and transfer so that people other than the next owner can use them if they must be given to someone to wear, such as a book to go with an animation that the avatar holds. This may conflict with the license you hold to sell any third party full perm props. Other props that just rez out when the animation is selected can be copy only for the next owner. Prim contents can be no mod without effecting the prims permissions. If you make your prims mod then people can change textures and resize the furniture. So really it depends on what YOU as the creator want your customers to be able to do. Should they have a copy to rez out if something happens to their furniture, or should they be able to resell it to when they get bored with it and want new stuff?
  18. No, it should be coming unless there is a glitch in the system. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. Contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  19. So basically you are looking for someone to fund you by either giving you the money to get the building components you need and/or renting or buying land for an in world shop large enough to display and sell your products. Since you can't pass things full perm you create that contain components you buy from other creators (due to license restrictions) to a business partner to sell if you bow out, they really have nothing to show for their 'investment'. Also this is something they could do on their own by buying the same things you want to buy. They also have no way of verifying how much money you are making and if you are really giving them the agreed upon percentage. They can't see your transaction history as it is against the TOS to share your password. You'd have to own any split profit vendors used. The problem there is it is possible for the vendor owner to change a split profit vendor to give themselves more than agreed. I am not saying you are or would be dishonest but from an investors point of view, it would be a very high risk. Your best bet would be IMO to do what other's have suggested and start small and build your business by reinvesting any profits you make.
  20. Another reason: She has been around awhile and maybe she just forgot she used it long ago, or she just told you she didn't use it because she doesn't want to spend any money. :smileywink:
  21. Pamela Galli wrote: You have almost 300 items on MP. I would think those would generate enough income to cover expenses, including these mysterious "materials". Much of what she's selling is resellable stuff in limited quantities. So maybe the money for 'materials' is money to buy more things to sell.
  22. All games are weighted to the house, or there wouldn't be anyone wanting to run casinos. That's why IMO all gaming is foolish unless you don't have to pay anything. If this game is so horribly 'unfair' and is all chance no skill,why do you continue to play it?
  23. You file a support ticket with LL and explain this to them. They will ask you to prove you are the account owner, maybe by asking you your secret question, or another question only you would know. As a last resort they may ask to see some ID.
  24. If you are over 18 in RL, you have nothing to worry about. LL will investigate the claim of the person who is accusing you and if it has any substance they will just ask that you prove your RL age by providing some form of ID. They will let you know if you need to send anything in and how and where to send it. If you are not 18 and were in an area rated M or A then you may be banned from SL. The sim owner can ban anyone they want for any reason or none at all under the TOS. You can AR them but your complaint will not be acted on.
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