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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. I'm sorry you have this problem. I know it can be maddening and at times embarrassing. Just a few thoughts. There is a spell checker on the Rich Text tab of the reply box. Just use that. You write pretty well and I have no problem understanding you, so I don't think a grammar checker is needed. Nobody is going to nit pic grammar if we understand your post, unless they are a troll you can just ignore. I also want to reinforce the derender/block/ban solution does work. I know from personal experience. Just don't ever accept anything from him or it will unblock him. I also agree that you don't need to change to an alt. I have had a few times in SL when all my friends told me to do that to avoid unpleasantness, but I never have. Why give up 'you' for some idiot? Just take the excellent advice you have received and stick to it and I can assure you bad times will pass probably faster than you think they will. As suggested, set all your scripted objects such as furniture, doors and windows etc. to group only or use an access list if that is an option. If you don't have either option, you can either get replacement scripts that have these options you can use if you have mod rights, or you should consider replacing the items. Then create a group and deed or set your land to it and invite any room mates or partner to the group. Note never make anyone else the owner of a group, except your own alt, because you can't kick them out. Instead create rolls in the group. You can give any roll full rights if you wish, but if something goes wrong you can kick them out. Using the payment info on file option may work, but all he has to do is add payment info. Sell passes may work too if you make the cost very high and the time as short as you can. If he's really determined though he may be willing to pay for a pass. Note that you have to have permission to use ban lines if you are on a private estate (check covenant) and that you can add friends to the access list in the Parcel Details (AKA About Land depending on viewer) who can enter at all times without having payment info or having to pay for a pass. It may be more trouble that it's worth, but you have to decide that. I agree that your profile gives way too much information out about you. I'd eliminate all the picks of places you go (and change where you go for a while) and never divulge to anyone you don't thoroughly trust where your SL home is or even anything about your SL that will help locate you. You can always rent a cheap place for bringing people you aren't sure of, if you want privacy. (You can find one room furnished skyboxes really cheap.) Alternatively you can just go or meet at public places too.
  2. Welcome to SL and the Forums. While there is a lot to learn about SL, if you stick with it, you are in for a grand adventure. It isn't something you can learn all about in just a few days. It may take weeks but you can probably learn the basics relatively soon. Since you haven't logged in yet, you will find this helpful as a starting point. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 As you learn you will probably have questions. The Knowledge Base (points to the tab above) and the SL Wiki have tons of answers. You can also use the Answer Tab to post questions about SL and the forums here for other questions. You can also take classes or go to areas that have mentors to help new comers. Rufferta named a few. Don't be too shy. Remember that in SL you can be anything you want to be. Many people shy in RL find they aren't so shy in SL. Also remember that you can reveal only what you want to reveal about RL. So if someone asks you about something you don't want to reveal just tell them your RL is private. In SL, you'll meet people from all over the world and if you get to know them it will broaden your horizons considerably. You can also do all kinds of things that you probably couldn't or would never do in real life (RL) as well as things you enjoy in RL.
  3. Vista Animations has some nice ones. Granted they do have some walky and show your stuff ones, but not all of them are like that.
  4. Ask the creator from the ad on MP where you got that pic. Check her profile to see if she want's IM's or notecards.
  5. It's interesting you covered the top of the page you posted showing your rank. We can't see what if any search words you used or how you sorted the items. Every one thinks they should have a higher ranking then the one they have. Since you have no idea how much your competitors sell how do you know they aren't outselling your items or have changed their keywords to be more relevant to current frequently used search words? I'm not sure rank is all that important. When I shop Marketplace I sort what I am looking for by the criteria I choose and not the most popular or the items that come up first in a general search. I find that many times I can find a quality product for a better price that way.
  6. It may take a day or so for it to appear in your PayPal account. First PayPal has to receive the money then it is up to them to post it on your account.
  7. Unless you trademarked the name in RL, you have no case. She is free to use the name and LL will not stop her. They will also not get involved in any AR's you file from this dispute, unless there is a clear violation of TOS. LL considers this type of thing a resident to resident dispute and under the TOS will not get involved in it.
  8. You can hire a mesh creator to make one for you, however be prepared to pay a lot in terms of RL money for it. It will take weeks of RL work. Post in the Inworld Employment forum to find someone.
  9. You can always ''be who you want to be'' and ''make your own identity'' regardless of what creators find profitable or not, because you can always learn to create your own clothing and/or mesh body as well as every other piece that makes up an avatar. Linden Lab will never come up with an easier way to ''port'' mesh clothes into another body." because when it comes to design and creation in SL it is up to the residents who create things. LL would seriously stifle creativity if they started dictating how things had to be be made. Even the Omega System which many bodies support was developed by another resident in cooperation with mesh body creators. In addition to the mesh clothes available for it, that particular body may also be popular because, unlike most mesh bodies, the clothing layers that display applier textures actually morph the body so it looks more like it's wearing well fitted clothes rather than just painted on clothes. That also may explain why you like the look of so many of the clothes made for it, which wouldn't carry over to other mesh bodies. If male avatars are seriously lacking diversity because every 3rd avatar wears the same mesh body, that's their choice. Many people just wear mesh bodies out of the box and don't take the time to personalize them. You can change that mesh body's appearance a lot by changing the underlying shape etc, so they don't all have to look like alike. Maybe you should get a demo of that body and experiment with different shapes etc. so you can take advantage of all the clothes you like without looking like everyone else.
  10. It sounds like you may need to be on an access list or have a group tag on to go there right now. They may be remodeling or have the area closed temporarily for other reasons. Contact the land owner and/or estate owner to see why you can't go there. If there is no reason then the estate owner may need to file a support ticket to have LL take a look.
  11. Your computer may be working perfectly fine but your connection to the SL servers may not be. That's usually the case when you keep crashing. See this for tips how to fix it: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  12. Ayva Meili wrote: Am searching for a script to use for our Zooby pets. Years ago I thought there was something like this but cant' find it anymore. I want to put the food, bones, wash, pads in an object and then click it and get the different things. Used to be something you could name your blue buttons, so if I click "wash" "food" etc. it gives me one or 2 at a time. I have gotten recent giver scripts but 1 gives me one object only 1 time and the other keeps giving them to me and not stopping at 1 or 2. Any help is appreciated, thank you! If you only get an object one time then it's gone, it was only transfer not copy. You have to return the object to the prim with the script to store it for the next time you need it. There are Inventory giver scripts with a menu of available inventory in the Marketplace as well as storage objects already scripted. You may find something in the script library forum below this one or in the SL Wiki too. This section is for asking questions about a script you are writing, not a place to get scripts.
  13. You need to understand that this won't work unless you are on land where you have rez rights. Basically that means your land, a sandbox, or a friends land that has given you rez rights. Most all other places will not allow you to rez. An alternative might be to make a pose ball that you can give to whoever wants to carry you and that they can wear. It's possible to make it no mod/no transfer to prevent them from giving it out or selling it. You could also make the poseball delete itself when you stand up after getting the ride. That said, here is a free basic follower script that you can modify. This script follows the prims owner, so you'll have to mod it to follow whoever asked for it. You'll have to put the pose ball with your modified script in another prim that when clicked detects the person who clicked, rezzes the ball and sends a message to the pose ball telling it who to follow. If you don't have a lot of scripting experience and are not up to this challenge, you can post a request in Inworld Employment and hire someone to write it for you. If you want to give it a go yourself, and have more questions, write the script or both scripts as far as you can, then post it in the regular forums under LSL Scripting and ask what questions you have. Scripters that can give you detailed answers will see it there. You can repost as you develop your script and have more questions. You can also refer to the LSL Portal on the SL Wiki to find answers and other samples of scripting code.
  14. DUPLICATE POST https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/When-will-Linden-Labs-learn-to-do-frequent-blog-updates-during/qaq-p/3059856 Please do not create a new post. You won't get an answer any faster and it pushes other people's questions down the list and they may not get answers as quickly as they would otherwise. That is not fair to other users. Edit your original post instead if you want to add to it. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  15. When you buy Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly.
  16. Actually they do change the grid status post to "Resolved" once the problem is fixed. Sometimes they even update the entry. But there is no way to predict when these will occur.
  17. LL does not publish any list of words that the filter bans. No one here can tell you which word or words are the offender(s). Really the only thing you can do is eliminate or change one of those words at a time until you find the culprit.
  18. The short answer is no. You must choose from the catagories provided. If you put your item in the wrong one, it is likely to be flagged and removed until you place it in the correct one.
  19. It is possible to make a skin from a photograph of yourself. There was a company in SL that used to do that. Search YouTube for plenty of skin tutorials in general and how to use RL photos for the face. For the body there are full perm skins available that you can use as a starting point to making your own. You can Google "free second life male skin templates" to find one you like. Skin and shape work together to create the look of a person. From your photo and the video you posted, you need to work on your shape to get the skin looking more like the RL you. You made a good start, but right off I think the overall shape of your head needs work and your eyes need to be closer together and your lips need a bit of tweaking.
  20. You would probably be much better off not browsing MP inside SL. Instead use your external browser. It works a LOT better for me that way.
  21. When you buy Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly.
  22. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly
  23. Take a screen shot of them. Then you'll have it in a texture. It's not ideal, but it will work.
  24. No the creator of the Niramyth Aesthethic body does not offer any commission to clothing creators. It is a popular body though and I imagine its profitable to make clothes for it, if they are good quality, as there isn't a whole lot of competition. As other's have said each body is different and it has to be worth a creators time to offer clothes for a particular body. Since to make clothes for other bodies, most likely a creator would have to make a different texture then load it in a different applier or make a different mesh for mesh clothes , they just don't think it's worth the extra work, when so many creators make clothes for the other bodies and competition is stiff. SL business is like RL business, it has to be worth the investment and the ability to be able to turn a profit on an item that decides what a business offers. It takes a long time in RL to make good clothes and even if they don't have a lot invested in materials, time is money.
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