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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Malinda Quartz wrote: My apologies again, that was my "friend/lover" I was afk. We share the same computer and yes were both here together. So therefore I appologies on Devan Miami's behalf. He's upset over something that happened to me in one of the sims a few days ago. It was kind of uncalled for but I've conviced him to relax now but he thinks that the two of you or a few of you are behind it. That if you guys are trully them? Lets talk in private shall we? I have no idea what he's talking about. I was only responding to the fact he kept saying he did nothing wrong here on the forum, when in fact he did. I suggest he just let it go and you both block the people that were behind what happened to you. If you own land or control any in a group, ban them too. Problem solved. Rarely do you get anywhere talking or arguing with idiots that want to do nasty things to people. If it was over a ban, then remember that land owners can ban anyone for any reason or none at all. Just move on. There are plenty of other places in SL that you'll be welcomed to.
  2. Shrugs.... Who cares? Those people are probably all facetwits anyway, walking down the street with their noses stuck in the cell phones and bumping into things. One day people will probably say the same thing about things like facebook, twitter, snapchat etc.
  3. LL doesn't charge sales tax if you live in the US due to a federal law that makes internet sales sales tax free for the most part. However in some states you are required to report any internet purchases and pay sales tax on any that sales tax applies to. They really have no way of checking up on you though.
  4. LOL. My RL mom is 4'8" while my RL dad was 6'. They loved to dance and did it at every opportunity. So it happens in RL too.
  5. As other's have said height is a matter of choice. Humans come in all sizes. Concentrate on proportions. If your avi is human use RL human proportions to make it look pleasing. Proportions are measured by 'heads'. Here is a good guide for that. You can rez a prim and size it to match your head and then use it to measure other parts of the body. You can be a bit off on some parts because not all humans are the same. PLEASE though make your arms long enough lol. It's funny how many men make tall muscular avi's and then have short arms making them look like a tyrannosaurus. There is a group of people in SL that insist we should all scale our avi's to the actual size of RL humans. Some will probably chime in here. But SL is what you want it to be. If you always wanted to be tall, go for it. If you like short, go for that. What matters is that YOU are happy with the way you look. If you are, you'll be more confident too.
  6. Malinda Quartz wrote: Again I remind you I'm doing nothing wrong posting replies to who ever or whomever I wish and I'll continue to do so until I'm told "not to" by a Linden.. Not by you or any other proud resident friend/whatever of yours, kind sir? That said, I'm logging for a bit. I'll be around though. Good People of SL it's fun. I'll come back and do it again next time? Be good to each other Last Sincerely for the day, Devan Miami signing off now... sighs.... Sure you did something wrong, once again the proof is that the moderators deleted your posts. If it was totally innocent why did you feel the need to use an alt that had never used the forum before, creating an account on this forum the same day you posted all those posts?
  7. Yes it's true. LL will not get involved in transaction in between residents. Section 6 of the TOS says "You are solely responsible for your interaction with other users of the Service, whether online or offline. We are not responsible or liable for the conduct or content of any user." Section 9 "You agree not to hold Linden Lab liable for the Content, actions, or inactions of other users. As a condition of access to the Service, you release Linden Lab (and its officers, directors, shareholders, agents, subsidiaries and employees) from claims, demands, losses, liabilities and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with any dispute you have or claim to have with one or more users, including whether or not Linden Lab becomes involved in any resolution or attempted resolution of the dispute."
  8. I don't play it because I've concluded after checking it out, watching people, and what people have posted on this forum about it that you'll never make enough money to make it worth the time and any $L's you invest in it buying better rods and bait. The best way to get $L's is to buy them. Give up something small in RL such as eating lunch out, buying a Starbucks coffee, give up going out once in a while, etc. and use the money you save to buy them. Or get a part time job and work a couple hours a week at it. You can live like a queen on just a small amount of RL money. If you don't want to spend any money, get a job as a club host, dancer or something else. You'll make a lot more $L's for the time you put into it , meet people that could become friends, and have a lot more fun.
  9. Devan Miami wrote: I'm doing nothing wrong, relax. Obviously you did do something wrong or your posts wouldn't have been deleted by the moderators.
  10. Actually you can use a debit card or bank account to verify your account, IF you bank transfers the money immediately when they receive the request from PayPal. I have a verified account that is backed by a special checking account I use for online payments either though a direct draft or debit card. When I want to buy something I just transfer the money from my regular checking account to the special account and make the purchase. So, even if someone tried to get money from it, the bank will turn them down since no money will be in it.
  11. You need to contact billing to find out what the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  12. You don't buy $L's from LL but other residents wanting to sell thiers. So it depends on how much you want to buy your $L's for and if anyone that wants to sell their $L's is willing to do so at your price. So it could be in the next 10 seconds, or two weeks, or forever. If you want your $L's fast then use the Market Buy option. You can cancel your Limit Buy order and when the money is returned to your US$ account, buy the $L's through Market Buy.
  13. I wasn't trying to expose you as a liar. I was curious about the listing so tried to look it up. Your original post didn't say you made it up. I used the example because it was similar to the example you gave to illustrate my point. I never said that was the listing you were talking about and I added that I didn't see your review to make that clear. It in no way forced you to expose details that will destroy the reputation of a seller. As far as the reviews of my example, the description clearly stated it was wall decor and Trompe L'oeil. Those are common terms to describe a 2D picture that gives the illusion of 3D, so IMO those 5 reviewers gave incorrect reviews saying they thought it was 3D furniture. That was their fault IMO. The seller isn't responsible for the fact that they didn't understand the terms used as they are common and clear. Just because the merchant didn't ask to have them removed doesn't make them valid. I just happen to disagree that a picture of furniture intended to be used as a substitute for 3D furniture should be classified as art. I've never seen anyone frame one just use it as a substitute for 3D furniture. I'm entitled to opinions just as you are. Just because we disagree doesn't make me "look bad" as you said or give you permission to make derogatory remarks about someone. If you want to post an opinion don't post if you expect every one to agree with you.
  14. First, I agree a customer is not obligated to contact the seller before leaving a review. And I congratulate you if you do leave constructive reviews, good or bad. I also agree that the review process is pretty meaningless since so many sellers gets bent out of joint if they receive less than five starts. IMO five stars should only be used for truly exceptional products. In your example though, it said WALL decor in the description A 3D cabinet isn't wall decor. Something like a picture you hang on a wall is wall decor. Home decor can be anything that decorates a home, even a picture. I looked on MP under the categories you gave to see the actual listing and could find no item titled Wall Cabinet Home Decor. Only items titled TROMPE L'OEIL - WALL CABINET - WALL DECOR. Those were pretty plain what they are. Trompe L' oeil being a painting made to look like a 3D object or scene. Still I saw reviews complaining it wasn't a real cabinet but just a picture of one, though none were yours. Long before you came to SL, it was pretty common for people to use pictures of furniture to decorate when they had limited prims. It isn't so common now, with sculpts and mesh having low LI, but people still do it and there is a market for it. Unfortunately there is no category for 'furniture pictures' and LL insists you put them in a subcategory not the heading category. In the OP's description it clearly states it's for classic avatars. So complaining it didn't fit a mesh body is an error on the reviewer's part. The fact that the reviewer stated it didn't fit a MESH avatar rather then her avatar, tells me she knows the difference between classic and mesh. Incorrect reviews can be errors in clearly stated facts not just permissions that the buyer ignored. A review shouldn't be allowed to bring down the products rating because the buyer is clearly wrong about a fact that was stated in the description IMO.
  15. Then why do you argue with idiots? Block them and walk away. Problem solved. The warning was about you liking drama or you wouldn't have had so many arguments with crazy people.
  16. Points to the Blogs and Knowledge Base Tabs above. Aside from the SL Wiki, the knowledge base is also a good source of basic information about how things work in SL. It is written in an easy to understand style. The Blogs is where Linden Lab announces new things about the virtual world, important information you may need to know and gives tips about how to do things, among other topics. It's a good idea to check them once in a while to keep up with things. Welcome to SL. You are in for a great adventure! Enjoy it!.
  17.  Necro post on a subject that was beat to death for 10 pages. Just like any huge group of people, there are going to be some mentally unstable people in the group. However, I've been here 10 years and have had only a few arguments and they weren't over stupid **bleep** . You must be one of the people off their rocker if you've had so many arguments in this game over the stupidest **bleep**. Thanks for warning me about you.
  18. No one can say for sure if you will or not. However the music industry has been known to sue ordinary people for downloading music illegally.
  19. If you live on a private estate, chance are contact the estate owner will get you a faster response. In fact LL may refer your complaint there as they don't want to involve themselves in resident to resident problems. Estate owners can run their sims as they see fit and LL doen't interfer with that.
  20. The only opinion that you can really ask for, is what are your chances of being caught. Frankly, not much. However there have been people that have been that never expected it and were sued. Ask yourself is the risk, albeit small, worth the expense of being sued? Wouldn't it be better to contact the creator and ask for permisison?
  21. I wouldn't get excited. Your IP address is known by just about every website you visit. It is commonly used to keep track of the general location of visitors. I plugged my IP address in a IP Locater website, and all it told me was the city i live in, who my ISP is and the geolocation of my ISP. Hardly enough info to actually locate me where I live.
  22. I am not aware of any method to track transaction on line past the 30 days. However I am in the habit of downloading my transactions on the first of every month so that I do have a record of them. It's a good habit to get into. I agree two weeks is too long to go to gain access to a rental. Your original post said 3 days though. It would really be best if landlords who use group membership to allow a tenant to rez would appoint someone to be a member of the group who could issue group tags to renters to avoid a long delay if RL takes them away from SL. They don't need access to the landlords financial records, they just need to go look at the rent box to see that the rent's been paid. When the landlord returns they can always adjust the paid to date at that point, or refund a prorated amount for the days the tenant had no access if they didn't get an immediate group invite. Better yet there are rental systems available that have the option to issue an immediate group invite when rent is paid.
  23. I have a mesh body that I bought after buying a lot of mesh clothes. Most mesh bodies will respond to shape sliders. In my case I didn't use the shape that came with the body but kept my own shape. As a result I'm able to wear just about all the mesh clothes I already had. Of course I can't use any of the system clothes I have, but I wasn't wearing them much anymore anyway. Be cautious though. Be sure the body you pick doesn't state that you have to use special clothes made for it. That can not only be a big extra expense, but you probably will have a very limited selection.
  24. My personal opinion is that the mesh must be Public Domain for you to import into SL due to the TOS. Creative Commons isn't sufficient IMO due to the necessary requirement to attribute the original creator. It matters not if it's for personal use or not, unless the license actually states different terms for personal use as opposed to commercial use. What matters is the terms of the license you have.
  25. You can contact billing to find out what the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
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