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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. It wouldn't be difficult to to do from the mesh body creators point of view I don't think. However, I'm not sure that wearing something in place of half the body would work. The item would have to be designed to do that. For example most of my jean's only come up to the hip or are slightly below the waist were the top of the body cuts off. If I only wore the top half of the body there would be a gap there.
  2. Contacts lists your friends and groups. Look in the group page through your contact list under the Info button. See what roles you were assigned on the first page bottom left. There is a drop down box there where you will find all the group tags you were assigned. Click the tag you want to change your group tag. If you want a different role, contact the group owner or officer that has the authority to give out group tags above the 'everyone' level. You can look under Members and Roles>Roles to see who that is by finding the roll and clicking on it. You'll see a list of people that have that role.
  3. If nothing else it may teach ignorant people not to click on links from people they don't know and that they have no idea what a link may do. Everyone needs to learn that lesson. The next link they click on in someone's profile or chat may take them to a site that downloads a key logger or other malicious software. It's a harmless price to pay for that lesson, IMO.
  4. That's the funniest thing I've seen for a while. Thanks for the laugh. Are you sure it wasn't the OP?
  5. Really? You expect someone, (who is NOT a RL doctor) to use their time in SL to give you free services? I bet you had the money to pay for a prim baby and probably all the stuff you need for it, such as baby furniture and supplies for the little darling. Not wanting to use a credit or bank card to buy Lindens because you are scared is YOUR choice. The consequence for the choice you made is not getting goods and services that you have to pay for. No one in the group 'stuck up' for you because they all pay and don't see why you should get off for free. If you think you are entitled to anything other than what LL gives you, you're in the wrong place.
  6. It's your browser or connection to the server. I have no issues with it.
  7. Just want to add this rule of thumb: If you wouldn't interact that way with a any depiction of a minor in front of your grandmother, don't do it in SL. LL has told people to report any age play or even a suspicion of it. Most people find it abhorrent and will report you. If LL finds it's true, you will get banned for life fast with no appeal. They don't need the reporter to provide proof. All they need is the approximate time and location so they can investigate their own activity and chat logs.
  8. First you won't get your weekly stipend until the Tuesday following the date you became premium and not sign up bonus until 45 days of being a premium member have passed. Second, did you ask for a Market Buy or Limit Buy? You don't buy $L from LL, but from another resident selling theirs. If you specified a limit buy you won't get your $L's until someone who wants to sell theirs likes the price you are offering. So it may be 10 seconds from now or 10 months from now or never, depending on what you offered. You can cancel a Limit Buy and use the money to make a Market Buy and get your $L's much sooner, but at the market rate not the rate you offered.
  9. Prokofy Neva wrote: You mean just because I don't like *your* answer. Do you rule the forums? No I don't rule the forums. However I wasn't the only one that basically said the same thing in the answers section. Before I answered, I did some research re-reading the TOS and the Wiki Official Policies as well as the Knowledge Base, just in case there was something there on the subject or a new rule, and found nothing. So it wasn't just 'my' answer it was the correct answer. I gave you the proof you wanted that at least two of the clothes in that pic are for sale in RL. I am still awaiting your "proof" of a rule against them and that the answer was incorrect and that there is indeed a rule disallowing those clothes. If you can provide official word from LL about it I will gladly change my answer and even PM the OP about the change. You are also ignoring what Callum said about femboys being adults and using that body and wearing those types clothes. Did you go see for yourself it its true? I doubt it. I guess you ignore things that don't fit your picture of what SL should be. Once again, I find the all but the first pic distasteful for KIDS, But if an adult femboy wants them, it is not my place to tell them they can't have them. Only LL can. I am also totally against any form of age play and have always reported any suspicion of it to LL. Again, if you don't like something there is always the suggestion page.
  10. Did you at one time own land on the mainland or a Linden house? If you didn't abandon it or sell it, you will be charged tier for it until you do. If that is not a possiblity, then call billing to find out. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  11. If you have a prepaid credit card LL won't accept it. You have to have a regular credit card. If you do then call billing who can help you figure out what's wrong. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticketWe a
  12. You can file a support ticket about this or any marketplace issues even if you aren't premium.
  13. LL uses the date of birth you gave to determine if you at least 18. If you are, all you have to do is change your preferences under the General tab to general, moderate and adult. If for some reason you can't then file a support ticket. If you didn't give the wrong DOB at registration and you are 18 or over, then LL can fix your account so you can change your Preferences. When you registered you were required to give accurate information about your RL, including name and date of birth. It is hard to believe anyone forgets their birthday or even makes a mistake if they give the wrong DOB. If you did give the wrong DOB somehow, you will have to prove your age by submitting RL documents. LL will tell you what they want to see and where and how to send it. Of course if you didn't give your RL name at registration either you most likely won't be able to prove your age since you don't have RL documents with the fake name. If you are not really 18 or more yet, don't even try to get your DOB changed. LL takes this very seriously and you could be banned from SL forever.
  14. You can file a support ticket for that even if you aren't a premium member.
  15. No, I don't make any of those clothes or any like them. Once again, as I said in my answer, I find all those clothes except the first one distasteful for kids. But LL does allow it as long as all the naughty bits are covered and nothing sexual is mentioned in the ads. Please provide proof of any rule that contradicts this please. Here is proof that kids do wear swim briefs like, the one in the first picture, and they are available for sale. Most kids who swim competitively wear them. I've seen them at my local pool wearing them for swim meets and when they are there just for fun. Here is a pic of a RL little girl in a string bikini. Again, I don't think it's appropriate. But obviously it's for sale somewhere. If you want to change the rules, contact LL and ask them to. Here is the suggestion page where you can do that. Don't complain about the people who answer questions just because you don't like the answer.
  16. Neither answer justified the clothing they both just explained LL policy. And it is true that you can see suggestive clothing for kids in RL. Maybe not at Macy's but you can. Note that I myself as well as Lindal expressed our personal distaste for the clothing (except that there is nothing wrong with the first picture IMO). The answers section is just that. It isn't a section where it is appropriate to "get an answer from Linden Lab on this question" They don't go there.
  17. How fast a support ticket is worked depends on how many they have and how many were before yours. There is also a priority. Problems effecting many people will receive attention faster. Lastly it's the weekend now and not as many Linden's are working. You just need to be patient. However you may get a faster answer and help calling billing. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  18. If this isn't a promo for some machinima or something your working on, yes it is a touching moment. But there are of tremendous acts kindness that take place everyday in SL that don't get any publicity because they don't sell like the horrid stuff.
  19. Technically you are allowed up to five avatars. Other people have more, so I don't think LL enforces it. They may if you have more than five with the registration or payment info though. Never heard of that though. It really doesn't matter to me what people are in RL. What matters to me is they show me the respect I show all of them. I can understand if some people that get involved in intimate relations may want to know. The only problem is that unless they meet in RL there is no 'proof' that can't be faked.
  20. I searched Marketplace Apparel>Men's using Adam body as my search term and found plenty. He can also use the brand names to search for inworld stores that have clothes for it.
  21. Spam is against the TOS. Section 6.2 says "Post or transmit unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, or promotional materials, that are in the nature of "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation that Linden Lab considers to be of such nature;" Even if they don't spam and just have 'conversations' leading up to any kind of sales pitch most land owners object to that. They don't want people that come to their place bothered by sales persons. Personally going someplace to have fun and being approached by a sales person would drive me away. I'd report it to the sim owner who would probably ban the person. Both of us would probably complain to you as the owner and I know I would not buy anything from you. So it has the opposite effect of what you want.
  22. If it were their systems only a few would have seen you as purple, not as many as you say. It's your avatar complexity. In other words what you are wearing other than when you aren't skinny dipping. If you wear a lot of things that have high details, lots of polygons (some mesh), and 1024 textures, etc. it is a lot for the system to render and causes everyone lag. You don't have to stop wearing everything, but just be judicious about what and how much you wear of that kind of thing. See that link Freya gave you about it and look at the tutorial and knowledge base article.
  23. entity0x wrote In fact, some sore loser already 1 starred one of my most popular freebies - go see it and learn how to address such reviews. I just used it as another opportunity to sell.  So someone that had a complaint and described why they did in a constructive way, you label a sore loser. In your comments, you did try to educate that person about alpha clashing, but your sarcastic comment "I will gladly refund you the $0L you invested, should you contact me by IM or Notecard inworld" blew it and shows what you really think of people that give bad reviews of your own freebies IMO.
  24. If they aren't blocked you should be able to see their chat, except if they are whispering and you are over 10 meters away OR they are speaking in a normal voice but you are over 20 meters away. If you are close enough to them and still don't see their chat, try another viewer. If you still can't see it, then you'll need to file a support ticket or talk to live chat, if you are premium. If you can, join the FIrestorm support group and ask them. It may not be a Firestorm problem, but someone may know something more about it there. They provide excellent support for their viewer.
  25. People have different opinions. What you may find distasteful others may not. There are those that are 16-18 in RL playing avatars younger than 16. Nothing is going to shock them. They've seen it all before all over the internet and probably in movies, tv, etc. If you think they haven't, you're a bit naive. Everyone else playing child avatars is an adult. The only hard rules LL has regarding kids is that anyone in RL under 18 can't go to moderate or adult sims and no one can engage in sexual play with anyone under 18 OR with an avatar that looks like a kid even if driven by an adult. Maturity ratings may come into play. If what you are seeing is on a M or A rated sim, there is not problem. A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content that is sexually explicit. Whether those clothes would be considered sexually explicit only LL would know. Bottom line, if they are on a G sim and you think they are sexually explicit, then you can AR them. Don't be surprised though if nothing is done. Also note that you yourself can get in trouble for reporting things that aren't against the rules if you do it frequently enough. Reply to your Edit: Many European males of all ages wear that kind of swimwear shown in the first pic in RL, as well as many American's, especially those who swim competitively. I've even seen boys at my local pool just there for fun wearing similar swimwear, so nothing wrong with that. Personally I find the other examples in poor taste for kids, but LL has no policy against such things as long as all the naughty bits are covered and nothing sexual is mentioned in the description on MP they are ok.
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