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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Vivienne Schell wrote: Alwin Alcott wrote: Vivienne Schell wrote: and about the 99 percent majority of stone aged, anti-progress, reactionary, stupid and not yet born ignorant creeps who refuse to buy the 980 GTX /me blinks....you say what? I say that Linden Lab, in order to make their overwhelmingly stunning next generation VR experiance a success, will be forced to overcome the audience´s reactionary, stupid, anti-progress ignorance - manifested by 99 percent mainstream and minor cumputer system sales - by providing free goggles and free 980 GTX hi-end systems for the 99 percent PC users world wide!!. Compaq for Sansar! Compaq for Sansar!! /me waves her fist and the Sansar flag You're crazy. That will never happen. First, Sansar will work without VR headsets. Second many people get vertigo using VR headsets.
  2. Iren Tinkel wrote: Luxury to wait one day to get order filled? If there is 80 miln - it takes something about 24 hours to fill order. Of course, if there is no panic trying to beat each other with 100 000. It is going to take more than one day for any kind of movement for a sell order at the older rate you want to be fulfilled - if it ever will. Believe me, I don't like it any more than you do. But I don't think there is any conspiracy or money laundering. I really think that with the change in the "Buy $L's" screen is at least partly to blame with more buyers using the 'Best Buy (Limit Buy)" rate and demanding more $L's for their RL money.
  3. BarryPickle wrote: ... Does anyone know anyone dafter? There are plenty of people SL and RL with more RL problems than this. I also wouldn't be surprised to know that most griefers and trolls have some similar problems. They have such low self esteem in RL that they have to get their ego boost from cheap thrills harassing and hurting others on the internet where they can hide behind their anonymous avatars.
  4. I don't think Firestorm could add this to the viewer features since there are scripts that can get the information.
  5. LL can't do anything about RL harassment. You must report that to your local police.
  6. Look up the name of the store in search or the name of the merchant. If you use the merchant, they should have a TP in their profile to the store.
  7. Iren Tinkel wrote: And if we talk about sell orders - it is the same - cheap sellers. Look on quantity over 260 - 80 miln - it could be sold within 24 hours because market data says - dayly volume is about 80 miln. But cheap sellers cant wait. They cant wait! They need to sell it anyway and fast. 1 miln for 259? 10 minutes to wait? NOOOOOOOO! I will set for 260! And next one - NOOOOOO! I wont wait when others will sell their 100 000 for 260, i will set 261! And then panic starts growing... I follow lindens market for some months (since this rollercoaster started) and it is fun to see how panic appears just because of 1 miln that can be really sold within 10 minutes. And I do think it is same problem of cheap sellers who cant wait and cant make their brains think a little bit about consequences. Maybe you have the luxury to wait but not all sellers do. They may have RL bills to pay. You can wait until the cows come home but you won't sell your $L's unless someone is willing to buy them at the rate you want. Only if all sellers were willing to offer less and wait will waiting have any effect.
  8. The LL CEO himself has said many times in interviews and on this forum that SL will not close down unless it no longer is profitable.
  9. First you are not allowed to name names here. It is against the rules. Edit your post to remove all reference to the place or you may find yourself in trouble. LL does act against TOS violations when an abuse report is filed, regardless of if you are a premium member or not. I know because I am not premium but have personal experience with them acting on my reports. When you file an abuse report you must provide evidence of a specific TOS violation. Vague charges of cheating will not be acted on. The makers of skill games must be licensed. The skill games themselves must be certified as skill and not gambling. The owners of the gaming sites must also be licensed. You must show what license requirement is specifically is being violated here. Just turning off a game so players can't play it is not cheating or a violation. The owner of the games has a right to shut them down if they want and has no obligation to allow players to play to win supposed 'jackpots'. Based on the vague information you have given here, they would view this as a dispute between residents and they don't get involved in them. You can however vote with your feet if you no longer like this gaming site and go elsewhere. Of course you could go to the US Gaming commission and file a complaint, because anyone can. But they only regulate gambling not skill games. You'd have to show these games were illegal gambling. I doubt they would or even could do anything.
  10. Squall0000 wrote: I didn't get the coalesced item Try clearing your cache and logging into a quiet water sim like Pooley. Let your inventory rebuild. Don't do anything while that happens. Don't IM, or walk around etc.. Once your inventory rebuilds, if you still don't see it , try doing a clean reinstall of your viewer as it is possible that something was corrupted. Finally, if that doesn't work your only option is to file a support ticket if you are a premium member. If you are not, support for this problem isn't offered.
  11. HisaDrug wrote: I see numerous merchants on the marketplace lowered their prices down to 50 (from about 300 per item) because of its capiricous profits which i suspect is affected by the whole collapsing promise of our steady income like last year. I strongly believe a lot of residents are actually money laundrying in second life and Linden Lab can't do anything about it to stop it. Even if they're manipulating the market to "prevent" something, it's equavelent of burning up the entire field for several flies and I don't see we'll make any money here in the future, unless LL would cut the veteran merchants some slack. I wish they would instead of singling us out for making more than they think we should. I love second life so much but then this is so pessimistic. I've been scanning over the forums to see who actually made a rant about it. I haven't seen much lately and I can see why. Pessimism. It isn't up to LL to stop any money laundering. In fact it would be against the law for them to enforce any laws against it. They only are required to report total amounts cashed out by anyone one person above a certain level to the IRS. It is then the feds that would investigate it and stop it outside of SL by arresting people etc., or report it to the equivalent agency if a different currency is being received by a person not living in the US to do the same. Money laundering involves buying $L's with ill gotten currency, holding it for a while then cashing out, perhaps using several or more avatars. Money laundering doesn't involve people cashing out money they earn in SL by having a business. Lastly no one promised anyone stead income ever. Markets change all the time. People have more money to spend since they get more $L to the US dollar. If profits are going down for a merchant it's simply because of either demand has changed for their products or that some are finding the new search engine in MP having an adverse effect on them.
  12. The shoe is no mod, so you must have the HUD to change it's color. You won't be able to do that by just clicking on parts and using any other method.
  13. Did you rez it on the ground to add the animations? Most AO's are copyable so there still should be one in your inventory that hasn't been altered if you did. If you didn't detach it and rez it on the ground to add the new animations, maybe you accidentally deleted the notecard. To check to be sure, rez it on the ground now and recheck it. If the AO is copyable, then go to where you bought it and see if they have a redelivery terminal to get a new one. If not, contact the creator and ask them for one. If it was no copy, then I'm afraid you you may be stuck. There is an off chance the creator will send you a copy of the notecard only if you ask politely.
  14. I jump all the time myself. When I'm building I jump from floor to floor or to the roof. Even when I am not building it's sometimes faster and easier to jump than take stairs or a TP. I like the fancy somersault my avi makes, something I no longer can do in RL. lol
  15. Kolanu wrote: Yes for the tutorial..well i figured out how to come someplace else. But, things are way too confusing. I can't figure it out. thanks anyways Hang in there. The learning curve for SL is steep, but the rewards are worth it. There are several places in world that help newbs figure things out. Check out New Citizens Inc. (aka NCI). They have mentors there that can help as well as things to help you start off.
  16. Search in the classifieds under "property rental". Use the skybox and skyhouse as key words.
  17. I wonder how much the new buy $Ls screen on the web site influences this. A lot more people are using limit buys, which are labled on that screen as the 'Best Buy' rate. Of course they are demanding more $L's for their RL cash since it is the "best buy"..
  18. Sometimes even using the alpha or the HUD that comes with mesh bodies doesn't prevent cutting. Basically the dress is anchored to certain points on your avatar but not all, so when you dance the cutting occurs. The only real cure for this is to make a glitch layer to wear under the mesh. Basically a glitch is underwear that you wear under the mesh clothing that covers the areas that cut through the mesh in some animations like dances. It is the same fabric and color. Mostly they are just pants or shorts but sometime a shirt. Unless you really know what you are doing it is extremely difficult to do, particularly if you didn't create the texture for the dress. I've done it for a few mesh pieces of clothing that I created, such as a evening dress I do want to be able to dance in that has a very tight sheath skirt. Since I made the texture I was able to use it to make glitch pants. I think creators mostly don't provide them (although I've seen a few offered) because they'd have to charge a lot more for the clothing to make up for the time and effort it takes to make them. With most clothes, I just ignore small occasional glitches and I think most people do too. If a piece of clothing has a lot of cutting that is unacceptable, then I'll just don't wear it to a club or when I am going to dance.
  19. While not being able to hide your name may be inconvenient in role play, it's a good thing in the long run. If people could do that then you a griefer or other TOS violator would always do it and that would make it hard to file an abuse report against them. They could TP out before you could mouse over them to find out their name. I'm pretty sure that's why you don't have the ability to hide your name.
  20. Not enough infor. Were you using $L's or a Credit Card or PayPal? What message did you receive when you tried to buy the item? Please do not create a new post to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  21. A coalesced object is a group or bundle of objects that are not linked but were picked up or returned as one object. Land tools return things as coalesced objects. Look in your inventory for an object that has an icon that looks like a stack of cubes forming a box. There may be more than one. They would be in your Lost and Found or Object folder. Go someplace where you can rezz at least as many prims that you returned to yourself and rez this or these object(s) out. You'll find a lot of your things in the rezzed bundle and you can pick them up one by one.
  22. If you have rezzed out all the coalesced objects and you items are still missing, don't panic. Sometimes it takes a day or two for returned objects to show up in your inventory. Sometimes a sim will place objects at the <0,0,0> location coordinates. You can check there too. Relog to see if they show up now. If not, clear your cache and relog again and let your inventory rebuild. Hopefully some of the missing objects were copy and should still be in your inventory. If there were but you don't see them, see if there is a redelivery terminal at the merchants in world store that will redeliver them. If no terminal exists the merchant may be willing to send copies to you if you explain what happened. Note this is not true of no copy objects. If none of the above works, and you are a premium member, you can file a support ticket and LL may be able to help you. The lesson learned here is never return objects to yourself using the button in the land tools. Always pick them up one at a time and what your inventory to make sure the appear in there when you do.
  23. If you blocked this guy you shouldn't be seeing any of his chat. Check to be sure he is blocked. Also remember, don't reply to him or accept anything from him as this will unblock him.
  24. He should find his original avatar in his Library inventory. All he has to do is dump the folder on his avatar to put it back the way it was. To do this he clicks the fold, holding his mouse key down and then drags it on his avatar or name tag.
  25. Maddy is right. The reason is that no one likes the clunky ankles of the legacy avatar. If you don't want to go with a mesh body, get just the feet. I'd recommend SLink feet as there is such a wide variety of shoes to go with them in all price ranges from free on up. Some are even cp,e wotj a color or texture change HUD. The advantage over shoes with the feet already in them is that you only have to match the skin tone once, and then can change shoes at will. Also the creator of the skin you wear probably has skin appliers for them that will make the feet match perfectly.
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