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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. You can't deed a Linden Home to a group, only set it to a group. You can't share the prims from one parcel on a sim with another parcel on another sim. Both parcels have to be on the same sim to share prims. You can abandon your Linden Home, buy land on the same sim as your land group and not pay tier on the first 512sqm of land. You can then deed that land to your group to add its prims to the group land.
  2. Other people may be doing it but they just have'nt been caught yet. If the copyright holder files a DMCA they can have their store taken down, all the people who bought stuff could lose their items without compensation and the store owner/creator could face an expensive RL Lawsuit. The good news is that you can legally make a 'similar' outfit just not the same one and call it something different. You can post in the Inworld Employment Section if you want someone to make you one, or the wanted section if you just want recommendations of where to go to get similar items.
  3. You are not allowed to name and shame here. Remove the names from your post and substute a generic word or words instead. I don't know how many a 'few' times were, but that landlord had a legitimate concern. Some people will use a rental as their own without renting it when the landlord is off line or they just hope it won't be noticed. I am not saying you did, but she had no way of knowing if you did or were going to. If she said what you stated, I don't think that's rude. You could have replied you thought you were interested but wanted to be sure before committing and asked her any questions you had.
  4. If you are allowed to subdived your land you can make two landing points. Otherwise you must make one and have a tp to the other.
  5. You can not sell anything in the forums except land. I suggest you delete your post before getting in trouble.
  6. The short answer is no, other than starting a new account. You may change your display name and elect in Preferences to only display that name. However other people may have their preferences set to username only or both so will still see your username.
  7. I was not being a smart ass. I was trying to educate you and save you from a possible very expensive RL legal problem. Just because someone else breaks the law and TOS is no excuse for you to do it too. Do you think because people steal stuff in RL that it's ok for you to rob someone? Those other people just haven't been caught - yet. You may not either. BUT there is always a possibility you and they will. It has happened before. All it takes is someone who is against copyright infringement to report it to the copyright owner. Is it really worth the risk of an expensive legal bills or lawsuit in RL? Anyone that is willing to break the law to make some money is not trustworthy. They may take your money and give you nothing. Do what you want, but you've been warned publicly.
  8. She didn't come here to ask for help. Her OP was a COMPLAINT that she couldn't get free services from a clinic doctor. She feels entitled to get something for free that everyone else has to pay for. There are alternatives to having a doctor from a clinic. Home birth, a friend playing the doctor or a midwife are just three options. Her 'baby' is not in a dangerous situation. Babies ready to be born come into the world even if no one is around to help the mother. It happens thousands of times a day all over the world. There is absolutely no reason, RP or not, for her to insist she's being abused by the system or that she should RP a miscarriage if she doesn't get a doctor to deliver her baby. She had enough $L to buy a baby to have, she probably has also purchased a crib and other baby supplies for it too, being such an 'immersive' RP'er. She is a member of some type of maternity group either from going to a clinic or through purchase of a maternity HUD. It is no one's fault but her own if she didn't budget the doctor's fee. She can always hold off having the baby until she can pay or find an alternative. NO HARM DONE. Further, being male, you may not realize how distasteful her whole diatribe is about having a miscarriage if she doesn't get a doctor to deliver her for free. Most women would find that terribly distasteful and just plain sick. If you had a miscarriage reading her BS would bring up some terrible feelings and memories. Women may move on and continue their life after a miscarriage, but losing a child at ANY time is not something you ever 'get over'. She is free to do what she wants, but she doesn't have to post it here where RL women who have suffered miscarriages have to see her BS! At the end of the day, immersive RP or not or even if she is just a troll, I think she is a sick individual. I know a lot of very immersive RP'ers and have asked them about this and they ALL found it extremely sick.
  9. No PIOF is needed for the recipient and they don't need to be a premium member or have any $L's. The person may need set their marketplace preference to general, moderate and adult. If that doesn't do it, you can file a support ticket. You can do this for MarketPlace issues even if you are not a premium member.
  10. but but she is "...a respectable nice, samard, loyal harworking girl." wait, since I have no clue what samard is or what harworking is, then maybe your're right.
  11. I use CorelDraw, and have for years, but I have no idea what your problem may be since you gave very little information. It may not be Corel at all. Your file may be corrupted or it could be your operating system. Your best bet is to ask Corel support which you can do by signing into the CorelDraw website. Of course your product must be registered, you must have created an account with them when you did that, and your version of the product must be new enough to still be supported.
  12. You need to file a support ticket, which you can do even though you are not a premium member. You shouldn't contact the seller because most likely they weren't paid if it is not in your order history on MP. LL will straighten it out and make sure you get your stuff.
  13. Looks like it's fixed now, unless you reloaded the pic today.
  14. There really is no reason to be a premium member unless you own mainland or want a Linden home. Linden homes were not designed for luxury or as permanent homes. When LL first introduced them they said that the homes were meant to give people a taste of having a home with the thought they'd eventually want to have a better home and move on. It is therefore not surprising that LL has never upgraded them. I have been in SL for 10 years and in the past, when owning real estate was profitable, owned are multi sim estate and have never been premium. The few times I had technical issues, other than problems with my sims when I had concierge service, I have been able to solve them myself through research or from prior knowledge. Seeing how you feel about it, I suggest you just downgrade to basic membership and carry on.
  15. No way. The founder of LL and Second Life didn't even get the idea for doing it until 1994 and founded LL in 1999. In 2001 LL started to build what was called "Linden World". During this time the world was not open to the public. As they were getting ready to launch the beta they changed the name to "Second Life". It was March of 2002 when Stellar Sunshine became the first avatar and it wasn't until October of that year it was open to the public.
  16. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly
  17. paulinetaylor2015 wrote: help because it will happen the way im being treated by some and I do not whant that or to role play that Amethyst Jetaime you picked mu up wrong. You won't have a miscarriage because of the way people react to your post, unless YOU decide to. You were the one that first brought up RP'ing a miscarriage, not me. Not only are you bringing it up again, now your backpedeling because of the negative reaction you got. 
  18. Yes SL helps the disabled. I've have many friends here that are disabled either physically or with mental disabilities. The physically disable can do things they can't in RL, and some find that doing some of the things here actually help them to 'practice' motions and they get better at them in RL. The same sort of technique many top athletes use to 'practice' their movements in their head to get better at them. Depending on the mental illness, SL can help too. It can help them develop social skills as well as conversation skills that allow them to communicate better in RL. Actually you may be surprised to learn how many disabled people are in SL. Many people I know that are disabled don't tell that they are because they don't want to be treated differently. It wasn't until we got to be good friends that several of my friends finally told me. Definitely check out Virtual Ability. They not only have special orientations for the disabled but they offer a wealth of resources for them. Your clients can meet and talk to other's with disabilities, some who may have the same ones, that are experienced SL residents.
  19. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly
  20. Since most media players are no copy tranfer so they can be deeded to group to work, it is highly doubtful your machine will be replaced. There is no way to prove you didn't give it to someone else. Most creators will not replace no copy items especially ones that over a year old.
  21. Of course you have the written permission of the owner of the copyright for Sailor Moon to do this right? If not it is illegal under RL law and the TOS.
  22. Try deleting and re adding your payment info. If that doesn't work, call Billing to see what they say the problem is. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  23. It means you are experiencing terrible lag. Start by trouble shooting your connection to Second Life. You could have great internet but a bad connection to the server. See here what to do. If that doesn't fix it, please go to HELP at the top of the screen in your viewer and ABOUT (name of your viewer) and copy and paste the specs you see there into your post for further assistance. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  24. For future reference, when you buy land click on it and go to About Land. It will tell you who the real owner is. Don't pay anyone but that person. Actually don't pay anything directly to that person, use the Buy button to purchase the land. If it is not yet set for sale, have the owner set it for sale to you. That way you will automatically become the owner once you pay for the land.
  25. paulinetaylor2015 wrote: just because they do not have the money? if that dr is busy in rl why wwould he or she come onto sl if he or she gets paid in rl? I throught being a dr helps people no mater the cost? harm to non and they force a heavily pregnant avatar to loose her baby because she dosent have the money. I throught rping was ment to make it seem as real as possiable acting 101, would they do that in rl a rl dr have a heavily pregnant female go into there hospital and get ignored because she dosnt have the money and the baby is over due and has a misscariage because the dr didnt help her deliver her baby because she did not have the money? is money more important than human life? ayone can read up in the internet come on sl and say hey im a rl dr and yet there not then when you ask them questions and they answer in there application how do they know there answering them out from there pwn mind and not looking them up on the internet. and they expect you to belive there a rl dr and cant prove it when anyone can fake a diploma or a pic in sl they must think were all stupid or something. This is the first time you've said you lost the baby by misscariage. I can only conclude: You voluntarily chose to do this as part of the roleplay since you could have gotten the $L's together and paid a doctor with no harm to the baby, no matter how long that took. Or... You're a troll and just threw this in to try to win your argument at the expense of the feelings of women who have had RL miscarriages. Or... You have absolutely no grasp of reality. For the sake of any current or future RL children you may have please seek professional help.
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