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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Snugs, Maddy needs to take you out and buy you something new after six years. You deserve it!
  2. You probably just need to reposition them better in the head. Not all underlying avatars are the same, so it's impossible for a creator to make them fit everyone. Just put your eyes on then stand on a pose stand. Zoom in close and click one of the eyes and choose EDIT from then menu. A dialog box will appear, and the eyeball will have arrows through it. Use the arrows to move the eyball back into the head. Repeat for the other eye.
  3. Are you wearing the shape that came with the body or your original one? I have that body and wear my own pre mesh body shape with it and have been able to wear most of the mesh clothes that I already had. A few I had to tweek my shape a bit to fit right, but I just saved that shape in the folder with the clothes and wear it easy enough when I wear those particular mesh clothes.
  4. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, accept an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website. If it is the latter be sure to run a virus checker and anti malware program to rid your computer of anything that it picked up there. Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact LL immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990 . Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once they have concluded the investigation, they'll send you an email explaining their conclusion and the action they will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. If you act quickly , like NOW, they may be able to retrieve your money if whoever took it hasn't cashed it out yet. There are no guarantees though as under the TOS you are responsible for keeping your account secure. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account.
  5. Usually I am a modern human so I don't change skin or general shape. I always use the same color long hair and just change the style appropriate to what I wear, like I do in RL (long hair there too). I need a varied style of dress for my different activities, such as business, casual, club and formal. Although I don't save outfits because I always mix and match differently all the time, I know my wearable inventory well and can change very quickly without much fuss. Sometimes I need to change from casual to business for example in less than five minutes to go to a client meeting. A well organized inventory is the key for that. My wearables are organized in my inventory by style then general type and then subtypes. Some subtypes have subtypes of their own too. I will change the names of most folders or add to them so I can remember what the stuff inside looks like at a glance. I do wear mostly mesh and if I need a slightly tweaked shape for it I keep the shape in the folder with the clothing. I have a mesh body too, but have learned the alpha HUD for it well and can alter the parts that should be alpha'd out or made visible very fast. The exception being clothes I have for going places that require a certain period or style of dress and/or a different type of avatar. I don't roleplay much but I do think it's only polite to have the appropriate look for where I am when I visit places or explore. Those I keep in their own folders as complete avatars so I can just dump the folder on me to change very fast. I then have my standard modern human avatar so I can change back quickly too. When I buy or make something new I always take the time to put it in my inventory where it belongs and re-label the folder.
  6. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. Read the instruction notecard that came with the product. If you didn't get instructions or don't understand them, you best bet is to contact their customer service rep, SLink Resident, or join their support group, if they have one, and ask for support there. I happen to know SLink has great customer service and you can probably arrange to meet with someone to show you how to do this.
  7. Just to add to the excellent answer you got... If the footwear is rigged mesh, you can't move it. The rigging puts it where it is supposed to be. It really sounds to me that you have shoes that are not compatible with your feet. See if there was a notecard that came with them explaining what kind of feet you have to have in order to get a good fit.
  8. Not for a Linden home. They were designed to give people a taste of home ownership with the thought that'd you would move out to the mainland or a private estate when you wanted more. You have to buy land on the mainland that supports that many or more prims. Of course anything over the first 512sqm would mean paying tier on the overage. You can also rent land on the mainland or a private estate from another resident that supports more prims. Here is a chart that shows you different standard lot sizes and the amount of prims they support.  This page tells you about owning land and how to buy it and the types available https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 Oxford University also has excellent classes about owning and managing land every Friday at 5pm.
  9. As others have said, there are many free things in SL if you take the time to find them. However land is not one of them. If you plan to have a home you will need money to pay rent or tier, unless you elect to go premium and have a Linden Home. That said, while there are many free things in SL, the choices are limited. You will have a much wider choice of things, and sometimes a better quality, if you are willing to buy things. I would suggest though that you enter SL and learn the ropes and explore it to see where your interests lie before you spend any RL money to buy $L's, as your interests may change as you become more familiar with SL. Once you learn about SL and are at least 30 days old it is possible to get a job as a host,dancer etc. and if you are good at it earn enough in tips for some spending money and possibly a modest home. You can also learn to create things and sell them to other residents, particularly if you are skilled or become skilled at 3D modeling or texture creation such as in Photoshop or Gimp. If you are talented at this, you will probably earn more than a job will pay you. This Wiki page contains information about SL jobs. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life
  10. You must create a group and set or deed your land to your group. Do not make anyone else an owner except your own alt. That way you can kick out anyone if things go wrong. You can't kick out an owner though. You can create roles and assign any authorities you wish to a role. Once you have the group set up you can invite your friend into the group in a role that allows her to 'set home' along with any other authorities you wish her or him to have.
  11. There are no Lindens here. This is a resident to resident service. We can't help you. Talk to Live Chat or file a support ticket.
  12. I can't see that being a big seller or even selling much at all. It isn't legal to give tokens out as winnings in a gaming system if the players have to pay to play, unless it is owned and run by someone that has a gaming license and the system is on a gaming sim. You might have to be licensed as a gaming device creator too. I'd certainly inquire with LL about that before you put a lot of effort into it if that is the intent. Second people are more interested in winning $L's than tokens to exchange for merchandise. If people don't pay for tokens, or even if they do , it is just as easy to give out gift cards to reward people for something, and probably more secure. There are plenty of vendors on the market that accept gift cards. Most places that don't sell things, such as clubs, rely on merchants to give them free gift cards as a promo anyway.
  13. If he sends a notecard to you and you accept it, that unblocks him too. Just ignore him and don't accept anything he sends after you block him. If he gets no response he'll soon tire of his games and move on.
  14. If your Mastercard is a prepaid card or a debit card it is not accepted as a form of payment. If it is a regular credit card and hasn't reached it's limit then you can call billing to find out why it didn't work. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  15. You weren't defending anyone. You enabled the OP's sense of entitlement and sick fantasy. I don't care if she didn't mention miscarriage in a positive light. The fact that she was using it at ALL for emotional blackmail (which she was) and entertainment, which is what RP is, was not just hurtful but beyond the pale. The OP thinks being charged for something in SL is greedy and she feels entitled to get everything for free. Then you turn around 'in her defense' and accuse two well respected merchants who work full time creating things for SL for their RL income, charge reasonable prices for their work, and spend hours providing excellent customer service, as being 'greedy'. Well by that logic, if you or the OP get paid in RL for any work you both are greedy too. Just because it's not up to you to 'stop' sick roleplay and negative attitudes doesn't mean that you have to 'defend' them just because they exist. That's the same as defending people who are bigots, sexists and child abusers because those exist too and it's 'not up to you to stop them'. You can continue to think you are some type of superhero flying in with your cape on to defend the downtrodden. But in this instance at least, you are as delusional as the OP.
  16. If you mean the https://my.secondlife.com page you can't block an individual person but you can change your settings so only friends can see the information. Go to that page and then go to Settings and the Privacy Tab then change your's using the drop down boxes to the right of each section title to your choice of who can see it. Everyone means anyone searching the web, regardless whether they are a SL member or not, Second Life means only those with a Second Life account can see the information, and of course Friends means only people on your Friends List.
  17. No Lindens are here, just residents that volunteer to answer questions about SL. So we can't help you other than to give you general information. LL will not refund your money as they consider all transactions where you are not satisfied as resident to resident disputes and they will not get involved in them. They also have a buyer beware policy. You agreed to this when you agreed to the TOS. You can't get your money back unless the creator has a policy to refund money if you return an item. Most don't have this kind of policy. Even if they do, the item of course must be transferrable or you return failed. Most creators have a policy that all sales are final.
  18. paulinetaylor2015 wrote: im just ifnoring thise idiots they mouth moves faster than tha brains that we smart people call a bubble brain they open there mouth faster and do not know what they are talking about there just daft people who bring sl down no wonder sl careers arent the same as it used to they just make uo stories and excuses to belive. I meanthey dont know how to role play propery they do not know how to help and they dont even know what sl is its common sense the rules of sK stat at the begginging when you just rezz on day 1, 1: there are humans behind the avatars, 2: respect there not doing that I know its just pixels I knoe its not real but when you dont have the money and you rp a pregnant girl in sl they would rathere let a baby dies and in rl they wouldnt they would be better of saying to themself hey there im god lol Im a know all. I am pregnant but hey its only pixels Ill not help anyone and let the baby die its just rp it isnt real ill have everyone in the known world see me rp this and watch my baby die and thank its cool and condradicte and bad mouth and think I know the diffrence and make me sound big when its the othere way around oh Iv got sl rules 1: respect, 2: humans behind the avatars, 3: everyone in the known rl world is on sl but hey ill throw the rules away ill give sl up for 8,9,10 month then come back and open my trap and k=not know the words hoe stupid is that, you and me Canoro Philipp on this forumn are the only 2 normal people who knows what rping mean who thinks about what there saying or doing, I mean there comon sense that there is a diffrence between rl and sl, sl isnt real its just pixels anyone with comon sense dosent go onto sl and rpas an abortion or miscariage and having everyone in the world seeing that anyone with comon sense would notice there are humans behind the avatars and there are people from around the world and the rules of sl are plain but there so fing stupid to read plain words in any language, no wonder the world is a discrase to be treated like that by people. how cant read into things are obviouse they never whent to school learned they were draged up they never had parents they neveer were tought right from wrong they live off there parents and never even bothere learning and for us Canoro Philipp and me to trust people when the do that is redulus 2016 and they still act like mokeys, is that honestly the evelolution of manking is that what we will allways be like them blah me and Canoro Philipp are the only best 2 logical thinkers on this forumn and I better you after this forumn mor stupid words will come out, they cant stop and think or even stop and think what would they do if they were in my shoes, people apart from me and u Canoro Philipp the rest need to save themselfs those loosers not us thet cant admit there loosers that is how paranoid and scared there are they are so sad Canoro Philipp arent they Canoro Philipp the rest make me laught after all there the griefer who end up getus us band or ejected because of ther under handeness and slow thinking. 
  19. Did you turn off your regular AO before you danced? Usually that's the problem if she has a micro furry too and is dancing ok.
  20. Just to add in addition to Nalates' excellent advice and to answer to your question about a phone number... No, there is no way to get technical support on the phone. You must be premium and use live chat or file a support ticket. Neither is available to you for this issue if you have a basic account. However most technical issues can be solved through the use of written resources such as the Knowledge Base, the SL wiki or third party sites like Firestorm's website.
  21. Yes you can sell or abandon your land. If you abandon it before your next tier is due, you will not receive any tier refund, so you may want to try to sell it before then. To abandon land, go to the land, click on it and choose About Land. Then when the dialog box opens click the 'abandon' button. As far as LL not warning you, that's not true. That information is in the knowledge base, the wiki and also on the first page you see when you choose to go to the land auction. It says there: "If you win the auction, your account will be charged automatically within 24 hours. Also, your tier level will be increased (if necessary) and the land will be assigned to you inworld. That's the whole process, simple and easy!" If you really are paying on $1,499 a week for a full sim, you got a steal. But I doubt that's an accurate figure since the owner has to pay at least $195 to up to $295 a month to LL in tiers. They'd be losing money big time.
  22. While I am glad that the victim prevailed and was able to get damages, I have to wonder why someone would trust someone they really didn't know well and for a long time in RL with such a large amount of money.
  23. A group must have at least two people in it or it poofs. If you are not the owner left, but that person is the sole person in the group, it will disappear in about 2 days. Note however if that owner ads another person, it won't. Of course you can also ask that person to leave the group voluntarily, but you can't kick them out. If they do the group disappears. Be sure you really want to get rid of the group. Once gone you can't get it back or even use the same name for another group. If you deeded the land to the group instead of just setting it to the group, hopefully you changed the owner of the land to yourself before leaving the group. If you didn't you will have to ask the remaining owner to sell the land back to you for $1L. If they refuse and the group disappears you'll have to get live chat or support to help you get the land back. If they refuse and add another person to the group so it doesn't disappear, then you are stuck with the group still owning the land. LL may help you get the land back if you file a support ticket but you will probably have to prove you are really the owner, or they may not help at all. This is why you should never add another person as the owner of a group except your alt. You can create a role for a partner and give them all the authorities they need, but then you will always have the option to kick them out if things go wrong.
  24. You aren't allowed to go to newbie welcome or educational centers and hand out information. That would be considered spam and against the TOS. You can however go to places where a lot of newbs hang out and rent an ad board if they have one. You can also advertise that newbs are welcome and you have good rates or maybe even offer a discount of some sort to them in your land description or any place you usually advertise, such as the forum. You are allowed to advertise in the Land Forum under the type of land you have available. You could offer a special event for newbs, under the commercial section of the events search. You must host the event and be available the entire time. The event can't be just "come rent my property". It has to be something special. Be sure to read all the guidelines, particularly the commercial section, that are shown to you before you post an event.
  25. Check your order history on Marketplace to see if the order went through or not. If it didn't try to reorder the items. If it still doesn't go through file a support ticket explaining the problem. You can do this even if you aren't premium. If it did, you can file a support ticket to have the items redelivered to you. Also mention if this happens every time you order so they can fix your account. This may take a day or two as LL works tickets by priority then by order received. Some Creators have redelivery terminals in their in world stores that will redeliver copy no transfer items, even if you bought them on MP. You can check to see if the creators have one. This is the fastest way to get your items. If there is not redelivery terminal, you can contact the creator and send a copy of the Marketplace order showing you paid on a notecard and ask them for redelivery.
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