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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. This is the German beer that the umbrella in the OP's pic refers to 
  2. You can also tp off the sim to stop it. If you go back before the griefer removes it, it will probably still follow you.
  3. wolfshanty wrote: Clariel Rishmal wrote: I guess if some owners are so fixated on their privacy that they don't even want the neighbors to know their island is there, they could opt out. But I think the vast majority wouldn't have a problem with a neighbor seeing their island on the horizon and knowing there is someone else over there, building a home. Yes, you would think so, though never underestimate the level of psychotic privacy-obsessed introverts who think that an ability to pay huge amounts of tier gives them more right to determine SL features! Yes, people who pay huge amounts of tier have the right to help determine SL features when it comes to land they own. If these people weren't willing to pay then there would be no SL. Once again we have someone that doesn't understand that under the TOS (which you agreed to when you entered SL) the only place you are entitled to go is LL owned land. You are not entitled to go to any other places unless the owner who PAYS for land, mainland or private island, allows it. The owner can also change their mind at any time and close it to everyone or on a person to person basis, for any reason or none at all. If estate owners wish to allow the public, no matter if they fly or tp there, then they can. But you shouldn't call people names because they prefer privacy. Your SL is not their SL. In the early days of private islands (they didn't exist at first) you could actually have an island that was completely private in that it didn't even show up on the map. I shared one with two other friends and it was great. The only way someone could get there is if one of us TP'd them or gave them a landmark. No uninvited people dropping in at inconvenient times. No rude people like the OP and her boyfriend who think they can invade peoples homes, or pick up their stuff whenever they want. It didn't mean we were anti-social or introverted. Most nights there was a group of our friends sitting around on our beach solving the worlds problems, listening to music, dancing, swimming or jet sking and having a great time.
  4. You can't cancel a cancellation. All you can do is put in another order at the current rate of exchange. As far as speaking to the Billing Dept. in English, billing support is only provided in English. The Japanese message you received probably said that. Otherwise, to hear only English you'd have to dial the long distance number from Japan. You could use Skype for this to save money.
  5. Sources also say the miles between Berlin and Salt Lake are only 5,207 mi! I guess the OP thinks that's close. :smileywink:
  6. Clariel Rishmal wrote: There are other ways to have privacy. Enclose your private island in a bubble or structure. Or gently nudge away avatars who get too close to your private island. Fragmenting the world into a bunch of pieces that you have to teleport between robs SL of continuity and the feeling of being an actual interconnected place. Did this decision cause the sort of stagnation SL has seen over the past 10 years? I don't know but it can't be helping. It's not a real world until it's possible to fly over empty sea areas and reach other regions. Not just on the continents but everywhere. Server limitations are a poor excuse in 2016 and so is privacy. There are other ways that don't break the continuity of the world. Why should private island owners that want to remain private have to spend money on devices to prevent access to fliers? Why should estate owners pay anything just so you can have things your way? Even if LL figured a way to do this and even provide estate owners with an option to rebuff you, that will cost money to pay the people who work on the code, and the servers needed. If they figured out a way to minimize server cost, there is still expense involved. Who should pay? I wouldn't want to pay a penny extra, as I am satisfied with the present system. I have no interest in flying to a destination, it wastes unnecessary time when I can TP instantly. I suspect most people wouldn't either and I doubt it would attract more people to SL. Would you support the "fliers" having to pay a fee for access to the spaces between land that are not already ocean? I doubt it. Thousands of minimal 'passage' sims would be needed maybe even tens of thousands. Even if it costs LL just $1 per passage sim per month that is still costly. Or lets suppose LL only gives you the illusion of flying over the void, when you actually aren't. It would just be a sort of long TP? I don't see the advantage. I really don't think you have thought this through very well.
  7. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Terrifying indeed. Friesisch-herb? What, is that like a lutafisk pie? Yuck! It's a beer lol.
  8. OS$ is a currency that is used on a number of Open Sim grids. If they sell them, they'll be on the website for the particular grid your on. They are not interchangable from one grid to another.
  9. Get over it. It's not terrifying at all. Why do you think they are terrifying? Do you think they are real? People in RL like dressing up as furries and participating in other forms of cosplay too. We had a furry convention here in my relatively conservative town this summer and no one freaked. I'd freak out if ANYONE I didn't know was at the foot of my bed during the night or day, in costume or not.
  10. Need more info. What do you mean you can't play? Can you log in? If you can, what is wrong exactly? If you get any mesages what exactly do they say? It would also be helpful to HELP>ABOUT and copy and paste what you see there in your post. You don't have to log in to do this, just launch your viewer.
  11. You can check your store to see that everything is displayed properly, and if you find problems file a support ticket. Otherwise, it happens to most merchants at one time or another. This time of year people are out and about in RL squeezing in a last minute vacation or getting kids off to school and spending their money on those things, not SL.
  12. You can buy fuil perm items and get that, but they are a lot more expensive since they are intended to be modified with new textures and sold. Generally they come with an AO and UV map in a kit to help with that but you wouldn't want to use them as they don't look right on their own. Some come with full textures and you can use them fine, but if you plan on selling them read the license carefully, some creators won't let you use them for resale, just personal use. Retail items generally don't have textures with them. If a regular retail item is mod, you can re-texture it with your own textures. However most clothes and mesh items require special textures, like those made from the kits above.
  13. If you bought $L's or someone gave them too you or you got them as a prize through a business, all after you arrived in SL proper, then they are probably legitimate, but if not, then as suggested they were play money. The viewer is not always accurate in the amount of $L it shows. Look on your dashboard to see what it says there, that is the correct amount , even showing zero. Usually relogging fixes this. However sometimes it doesn't. If your dashboard show a zero balance too, look at Account > Transactions to see what happened to it.
  14. Most new club owners feel it gives them a kind of glamour and/or they think they'll earn some money. Boy are they wrong!!!! Very few realize how much hard work is involved. Years ago I owned two very successful clubs at different times (with partners) that stayed in the top five in their genre. Even with partners, it was almost a 24/7 job for me to keep them running and they cost me a lot of money. I enjoyed it for a time, and earned some profit, but ended up leaving them to pursue other interests. Of course this was years ago when you could rent out shops in a mall for a good price and most people tipped well. Far different from today. The second club partnership tried a few times to work together with other clubs but got no where. Successful clubs are very competitive and a lot of owners view other owners as their enemies. It is a cut throat business, in my experience, and most owners would not even talk to each other. Merging was out of the question. In fact, I was banned from a number of clubs just because I owned a club, and probably still am lol. Most clubs close not long after they open, unless the owner really has deep pockets, knows what they are doing,can attract a good crowd of loyal patrons that will tip well. It hurts no one if someone wants to give it a go because probably 98% of them fail quickly.
  15. Enix Davi wrote: So I am wanting to sell my private region, and I have a buyer. I have a couple of questions . She wants to do the transaction in Lindens instead of USD. We noted this in the tickets. Is this alright, or does it need to be in USD? IMO, this is not the best arrangement. She can sell her $L's and put the money in her US Dollar account so that you are paid in RL money. That way she will incur the fee's charged for selling $L's not you. There is no reason for you to have to pay those fees for her convenience paying in $L. Also , if the price of $L's to the US dollar rises, you will take the loss. There are other buyers that will pay RL cash. If you are willing to take the loss if the exchange rate isn't favorable, I would agree to selling in $L's ONLY if she added the selling fees to the agreed price and ONLY if LL will take the purchase price out of her $L account. Contact LL to see if they will do this before submitting a transfer ticket. If not and she has to pay you separately and you are agreeable, be sure that she pays you BEFORE the transfer to prevent her from ending up with your sim and you ending up with nothing. LL will not enforce an agreement to pay outside of the usual way of them transferring the money. Will LL take the transaction fee out of the purchase or will they take it from my account and THEN pay me the purchase price? The seller is charged the transfer fee. If she agreed to pay it, then add the fee to the amount she owes you. I'm pretty sure they will take the fee from her if instructed to do so, but it's been a few years since I bought or sold a sim and can't remember how that goes. You can ask when you ask if they will take the $L's out of her account. Whatever you decide, be sure that the agreement as to price, payment method if she is paying in $L and LL will take it from her account, fee payment etc is on the ticket you submit. Then she should submit a ticket referencing your ticket number with the same wording.
  16. Contact the creator. SL no longer supports Quicktime as it has too many security issues. Creators were told about this and some are working on using another system that LL is developing for media viewing. Third party developers are also working on using another system but it is a different one. The creator may or may not offer updates free or for a nominal charge, so I wouldn't delete your TV until you talk to them as you may need it to get any updates. You can read more about this issue on this recent forum post : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Quicktime-security-issue-and-SL/m-p/3059391/highlight/true#M27731
  17. I got a private message this evening from someone giving me a variation of the Nigerian scam. He represented himself as a priest that was fronting for a catholic church that wanted to invest in my business. Anyone else that gets this message who has never seen or heard of such a message, ignore it. DON't click the link he gives you under any circumstance! It probably will load a key logger on your computer and steal your identity, your passwords and any bank info you have on you computer. I have notified the moderators about this.
  18. You should talk to your bank or credit card company, whoever issued the card to you, about this. You charges from LL or Skrill may have been turned down or they may have placed a hold on paying. My bank did this several years back because the payment processor that LL used had been flagged as sending through to many fraudulent charges from the internet. They weren't committing fraud but apparently a lot of the charged they processed were from stolen cards. I had assure my bank these were legitimate charges and assume all risk against fraud to get them to lift it. They then called LL to assure them I was not fault and they would honor any charges from them.
  19. It's a scam. If you grant access it will steal all your $L's! File an abuse report against the person who gave it to you.
  20. If you are sure it's not in your lost and found or other places in your inventory, check the <0,0,0> place coordinates of the sim. Sims put things there sometimes when they don't know what to do with an item or can't return it for some reason. If the sim owner and the parcel owner are different, the parcel owner can also check on their parcel for the item using the menu Build>Pathfinding>Linksets, which will show them all the items rezzed on the parcel even if the item is hidden.
  21. Your main problem is your account is under 30 days old. Most employers will not hire any avatar less then 30 days old and some want only 90 days or older. You may be a returning person in a new avatar but unless you can speak directly to the person hiring and convince them you are an older resident in a new avatar and know your way around the current SL, you most likely will have to wait to get a job. You would have better luck using your original avatar to apply for work. Once hired, most employer's won't mind if you change to your alt if you inform them in advance and the approve of its appearance, if appearance counts. Unless you cancelled your original account you should be able to log onto it. If you did cancel it, you can file a support ticket to have it restored for a small fee. Note though that LL does not guarantee all or any of your former inventory will be there.
  22. You can contact billing to find out what's wrong. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  23. It's a deal, but you have to go with me. lol Funny story about the event. Here's another similar one. I bought a ballroom club several years back that was very popular. Under the RL sales contract, the owner stayed in the groups for a while to help transition things and help run things while I was off building everything for complete sim rebuild. She was then going to leave the groups. A bit over a week later, the buyer had buyer's remorse and wanted me to give it back to her. I had invested a lot of time as well as RL $ upgrading things and building, so I told her no. Well to try to force things, on the busiest night of the week with the sim full, she returned all the build, which was built on prims not land. She was going to then spread a rumor that the club closed permanently thinking that it would take weeks to get back up and that I would sell it back to her. The patrons all fell into the ocean since the land was sunk to the max. I immediately came to the sim, and omg the way people carried on like they were really drowning! I had to put down platforms for people to get on as a number of them were in a panic and didn't think to fly or just tp out if they didn't want to be in the water! LOL The former owner was banned from the sim immediately on my arrival, of course, and a call to concierge for a roll back restored it all within the hour. But I still laugh every time I think of all those people in formal wear floundering around in the water and 'drowning'.
  24. If you just turned 18 it sometimes takes a few days before you can change your maturity settings. If you are over 18, or it's already been a few days, and you are a premium member you can file a support ticket to have this fixed. LL and the system go by the date of birth you gave when you signed up. The TOS makes it mandatory that you give the correct one. If you didn't, you can file a support ticket but be prepared to present RL identification that proves your age as well as maybe some questions why you gave the wrong one. It's really hard to believe someone doesn't know their birth date. LL will tell you what to submit, where and how. If you are not yet 18 don't try to have your DOB changed. LL takes this very seriously and if you are found to be untruthful you could be banned for life.
  25. LOL, Pam is right. In my early SL days (a long time ago now) me and friends would jump off platforms thousands of feet in the air sometimes with parachutes, most times with nothing lol. We also did other risky things that would kill you in RL just for the thrill of it, lol. I too envy new people and the adventures they have in front of them, although after 10 years I still enjoy SL.
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