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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Your inventory is rarely lost for good. Read these to find out how to recover it: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_Page_The_Inventory_Recovery_Steps http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory?s[]=inventory&s[]=loss If those don't work for you see this: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/
  2. Really. I'd have a really nice nest egg by now! @SaturdayGeeks No one said SL was going to last forever, that's always been a fact since even the early days. But, as long as it's profitable for LL it will be around and people will still be here. You don't need 100,000 people online when you are. I had a great time in SL when there were less than 10,000 online at one time and there were only two mainland continents.
  3. If the islands were not used as much as LL wanted to see, it makes sense to eliminate one. LL is not obligated to continue to run a sim for free just so a few people can continue to hang out there. There are still other Social Islands that are identical to that one. Go to one of them, if you miss the place. If you made friends on 3, just decide which one your going to hang out at now among yourselves. You'll probably make new friends at the one you choose as their probably are different people that hang out there.
  4. Prokofy Neva wrote: But of course, they could do that on the Mainland, even paying Linden Lab a higher cost than a rental, and the rumors of blight and griefing are overblown these days. Large stretches of the Mainland are simply empty and abandoned and you might have an entire sim to yourself with one parcel owned only. And you can rent in group rentals such as I and others have and have most of the group powers you need to manage your land anyway. Caveat emptor is always the rule in SL. This is misleading First you could buy a parcel on an empty sim and then later have other parcels sold and ugly builds or other laggy commercial venues spring up around you. There is no guarantee thins will remain as they are when you buy. At least with a private island most residential estates have covenants that prevent this. Renting Mainland is just as risky as renting or 'buying' private island land, The landlord, just like private island owners can stop paying the tier, just decide they don't want to rent anything anymore and not refund your money or pull any of the other shenanigans bad private island owners can. Fortunately most landlords are not like this and if someone researches their landlord first before renting mainland or 'buying' private island land, you most likely will have a good experience. There are private estates that have been around for years and years, many longer than mainland landlords. They don't last that long if they are risky.
  5. It sounds to me that falling off the mountain is not acceptable and you'll have to walk. Falling after all is a type of flying, for the purpose of the game, since you can't kill yourself when you do land, no matter how long you fall or from how high.
  6. If you mean can you buy a number of $L's and make 2 or 3 smaller payments for them rather than 1large one, the answer is no.
  7. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do until the creator fixes the problem. I'd send a message to the creator about this problem, so they can. You can't wear traditional mesh clothing because it goes under your mesh body onto the underlying legacy avatar. However your body does work with the Omega applier system. There is a wide range of clothing available with these appliers. It is like system clothes, but is applied to your mesh body not underneath it.
  8. The job is in San Franscisco, so unless you are willing to move at your own expense and have a work visa from the US, no it won't work.
  9. You are probably right. A search for the OP name as an inworld avatar in the dashboard, shows zero results. Although there is a slim possibility that he just logged in world very recently and it's not yet showing in the inworld search.
  10. I wouldn't worry so much about someone getting your IP address. If you use an IP address lookup service and enter your's, you'll see it doesn't point to your exact location at all only the general area. When I looked up mine the location given was only the city I live in and the pin point on the map was not near my actual location. It is not illegal in SL to obtain someone's IP address in one of the ways that Maddy explained. However it is against the TOS to share ANY RL or personal information you obtain with others, without your express permission. You can hide your IP address by using a proxy server when you go online too if you have reason to want to do that.
  11. There used to be a link to email address of the editors of the Destination Guide in the Knowlege Base. However it doesn't work anymore. I have asked LL that the article be updated to include how to change a SLURL if a destination moves as there is no info that I could find. I would start by filing a support ticket and giving the SLURL in that. Hopefully if that doesn't work the support team will be able to tell you how to do it properly. If you have Concierge Service or are a premiums member with access to Live Chat, perhaps they could tell you too.
  12. Kudos to you for vowing to report suspicious things! Every person that does this will help solve this problem. I too wish there were a better way to stop this. But the only way that will happen is if the law is changed to allow it. You can also educate yourself about the The Digital Millennium Copyright Act or whatever similar laws exist in your country if you are not from the US, or treaties between countries that govern IP rights and lobby your government representatives for changes you'd like to see.
  13. Lack of Documentation? If you Google "Second Life" it returns 57,600,000 results. If you search YouTube for "Second Life" you get 22,300,000 results. This does not include all the research and papers that have been done about SL in universities all over the world. Now that school has started again you'll regularly see students and other academic researchers show up in this forum asking people to fill out surveys or participate in studies. I joined SL in 2006 because of an article about it in my local newspaper, one of many. Those are all archived in the newspaper's archive and that is just one local publication in a sea of articles written over the years about SL in probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of newspapers, magazines, books and other print publications that also have archives. Future historians have a wealth of material available should any be interested. There isn't one comprehensive database, history book, or other resource that records everything about the United States, let alone any RL country of the past or present. Why do you expect that here?
  14. Brenda is absolutely right. File a support ticket. Under your circumstances LL will bring the sim back for a short time. LL may ask what time is convenient will provide any further information you need.
  15. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, accept an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website. However in your case, it is highly doubtful that any of that happened. These assets most likely still are in the asset database and your viewer cache was corrupted somehow. Go to the Network tab under Avatar>Preferences and clear your cache. Then relog directly to a quiet sim like one of the ocean sailing sims with just water on it. Let your inventory rebuild itself. Don't do anything while this happens, even walk around or IM. If this doesn't fix the problem, edit your post and let us know so we can help you further.
  16. As explained by Pam, the creator or whoever owns the copyright on the goods must file a DMCA before LL can do anything. That's the RL law that governs these things. There is a possiblity that some of these sellers have obtained a license to sell the items. LL doesn't know if that's true or not. If they started taking things down just because someone other than the copyright holder says to, they could be open to law suits and large liabilities. If you really want this to stop, report the item to the original creator or copyright owner. They are they only ones that know if the seller is licensed, permission was given, or if it's theft. Of course most of you that complain won't do this as it's too much trouble for you and you just want to pass the buck to LL. I know this because there are numerous threads on this forum that explain what to do, yet very few ever follow through. This would stop if three things happened. People reported the item to the copyright owner every time they saw something they think was stolen. People who know something is ripped off from other games, websites, or other SL creators wouldn't buy it anyway People who see items they think are suspicious, check with the creator or copyright owner before they buy it. Everyone has a vested interest in doing the above. If you do buy something that was stolen, whether you knew it or not, and a DMCA is filed, you will most likely lose the item from your inventory without any compensation or recourse. If consumers don't do what they can to help stop this, legitimate creators may just give up in disgust and stop selling, thereby limiting your choices of quality goods. As a rule of thumb go by the old saw of "If it seems too good to be true it probably is."
  17. Only a small fraction of SL residents ever come to this forum, so your post has a very limited audience and you may not get a good response. You will probably do better by sending notecards/IM's/emails, depending on the preferences expressed in their profile, to the creator or their designated representative. I'd send them first to designers that you personally like, first, then branch out to talented but little known designers. I'd also ask the organization who has done this in the past. They may keep a list. Some creators may jump at the opportunity as it's a good marketing move, particularly for designers not widely known..
  18. He continues to stalk you because you give him what he wants. You communicate with him and accept notecards from him. Stop doing that. DO not accept any notecards or 'gifts' from him or from anyone else that is trying to send things or messages from him. Make it perfectly clear to anyone that does this that you don't want anything more to do with him and not to send anything. If they send it anyway, block those people. They are not your friends. Completely ignore him and he will soon grow tired of this game. Stalkers stalk because they want the attention from you even if it is negative. I know from personal experience as well as personal observation.
  19. CassieMaia wrote: ... If you are 'buying' land from a private estate, it is more likely that the objects will be included if they are already on the parcel, as you are really leasing the land from the estate owner and many estates offer landscaped parcels, some including houses. However, there may be more restrictions on an estate as to what you can or can't do with the estate provided items - these will be provided in their covenant which is generally accessible before you make a purchase or pay a rental box. ... Actually in my experience, it is rare that objects are included on an estate parcel when you buy it. Usually the objects may stay, but ownership is not transferred and you are right that there are restrictions on what you can and can't do with them. After all, if you own them there are no restrictions. There are a few exceptions of course, but as you point out the sales information in About Land clearly states this.
  20. Pacific Time (Time in California) and Second Life Time are the same thing.
  21. Good questions. I know when I use Google chrome and have language on a page that isn't English it automatically offers to translate it for me. So I wouldn't be surprised if Google text appeared in the language of the country the person is in. Perhaps other forumites who live in countries where English is not their language can answer you specifally.
  22. If the landlord isn't the estate owner they can't give you estate agent rights. Only the actual estate owner can do that. To get those, each sim has to be set up as a separate estate or you will have rights over other people's islands. The actual estate owner obviously doesn't want to do that. Your landlord is only renting the land not the estate. Unless you see it in writing that you will get estate agent rights, never assume you will. Not all landlords give you those rights, especially when they don't own the sim or offer ''bargain' rental rates. When your lease is up, move to a homestead where those rights are given.
  23. JenWartooth wrote: Really!!!! You wouldn't know were any of these so called honest realtors are hiding. Most landlords are honest or they don't stay in business long. It isn't the landlords fault you assumed you could do what you wanted without reading everything carefully and/or checking with the landlord BEFORE you paid. You were greedy and wanted the benefits of owning and renting land at the price of a skyplatform that was furnished. There's a reason the rent is so much lower for the skyplatforms. I suggest you take a course in land ownership and management before making such unfounded accusations.
  24. While you can play some games or enter contests at clubs etc. You won't earn much and usually spend a lot more time doing it than it's worth. Only do those for fun. If you have skills in 3D modeling, textures, animations, etc, you could consider becoming a content creator. Of course you can learn these things too but it will take a while. Content creation is the most lucrative job there is if you are talented and are successful at it. However not all talented people are successful. That leaves jobs. Here is a link on the subject: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life
  25. Пожалуйста , объясните, какие изображения вы пытаетесь изменить . Ранг не имеет ничего общего с изменением фотографий, если вы не пытаетесь изменить изображение на странице группы или земли . Тогда вы должны быть владельцем земли или группы или имеют право делать это в группе . Я использую переводчика , поэтому я прошу прощения, если мое сообщение обратно к вам не совсем верно . поэтому я прошу прощения, если мое сообщение обратно к вам не совсем верно . Пожалуйста, не создавайте новую должность , если вам нужно добавить дополнительную информацию . Измените свой оригинальный пост вместо этого. Вы можете редактировать свой ​​пост, чтобы добавить дополнительную информацию , войдя в систему на веб-сайт , идя на почту , которую нужно изменить , а затем нажав кнопку "Параметры" в правом верхнем углу поста и выбора редактирования .
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