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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Make sure you foot size is set to zero as that is the size most footless shoes are made to fit. Sometimes a creator will include a larger size, such as a 10 but that is rare.
  2. We are only volunteer residents here. No Lindens read this. We have no access to your account and can't help you with this. You must file a support ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support. Note that if you are not a premium member, I don't think you can file one, as basic members have only limited access to support on specific issues and this is not one of them. The region owner would have to do it if this is the case, if she is willing.
  3. Serenity30250 wrote: With the internet and the multitude of movies and documentaries, we have a window to the world as presented by the world of media. In SL, people share that virtual space without really knowing who people are or where they come from, which is part of what allows us to explore or be who or what we want to be. As a lore keeper (librarian), I love to learn about the worlds we live in. I also feel it is a method of building bridges to understanding others, and finding what connects us rather than what separates us. We are after all, residents of the same planet. With that in mind, I invite you to share your culture in your own words, even it is as simple as sharing your favorite Sunday dinner recipe, or something quirky about your people. Share here as a comment, or send me a notecard inworld, where I’ll post it in the World Culture section. Brightest blessings, Mahara SLURL to PCX Arts & Library (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fini/221/86/21) I disagree with the highlighted statement. Maybe people whose avatar is a 'character' don't divulge this info, but I am myself in SL and so are my close friends. Although some friends do role play characters as entertainment, they don't all the time and our friendship is based on their RL selves. I know what country my close friends live in RL and in some cases even their exact location, because I communicate with some in RL too. One of the things I like about SL is meeting peopl from all over and having friends worldwide. We discuss our differences from time to time. Hearing different viewpoints based on our cultures and world view broadens my mind and theirs. Sometimes these discussions will expose beliefs we've held about each other's country or people as wrong or as stereotypes.
  4. The LL blog post said the grandfathering fee for a homestead is $180US not $600. It is also a limited time offer so a buyer should check to make sure the deal is still in effect before considering the tiers for the homesteads. The post gives no expiration date but LL can withdrawal the offer at any time.
  5. Could you be more specific? What shape are you trying to make? Please do not create a new post to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  6. Unfortunately for you groups that charge a fee won't let you join again without paying the fee. First there is no way for the owner to know you were actually in the group as group member history doesn't exist. Group owners get these requests frequently from people who just want to join for free the first time they join. Second to add you free, they'd have to temporarily make the group free to join, which means any one else can join for free during that time period, even if they are first time joiners.
  7. I agree that this was deceptive, however, as in any purchase in SL, it's buyer beware. Most all prefab houses and many landscaping items are not transferable. The exception being those built by the land owner or purchased full perm. A lot of custom builds are not unless the price included full permissions. As the buyer, you could have checked that the items were in fact transferable before you purchased. If you didn't know how to check it's easy enough to find out by asking most experienced residents or here in the forum. Click got to EDIT, then the GENERAL tab and look at the next owner permissions. .
  8. Qie Niangao wrote: I wouldn't put a lot of weight on those poll numbers myself. I don't think they should be taken to mean orbs should all be disabled and access should be open across the grid. And really, I don't think anybody is arguing it should be, universally. The sad fact is, though, a few scattered islands with restricted access can be hugely disproportionately disruptive -- it's like asymmetric warfare, by accident. Folks who are trying diligently not to intrude can nonetheless end up inconvenienced enough to give up ever exploring SL again. Plenty of people have -- explorers are much rarer and more timid than they used to be -- and surely some must have left SL altogether as a result. That asymmetric effect is why it was a mistake to allow privacy-protected spaces to intermingle with open access spaces on the Mainland. (What happens on Estates has no real impact here.) But it's far too late now to fix that. As far as I can tell, the most effective tool is to start threads like this every few months in hopes of shaming more folks into removing unnecessary restrictions, their rights to cling to them notwithstanding. For a while I thought it might help to develop free, feature-rich security scripts with less offensively aggressive settings and defaults, but it seems there are already plenty of free security orbs, so that's probably not viable. In my view the biggest mistake LL made was to not zone and have minimum covenants to satisfy all styles of builds on the the mainland. They should have made clear residential areas and clear commercial areas. Of the residential areas, some could have allowed land restrictions some not. They could have reserved the land bordering water and with great water views as residential, and perhaps some mountain and meadow areas for those that prefer that, with commercial areas more concentrated in uninteresting land in the interior. That would have helped merchants too, as people could stroll though shopping areas and see more things that they might buy. I also think that zoned open access land, as a result of the above, could have been color coded on the map and noted on landmarks with restricted access land also color coded. As part of the orientation that newbs go through when they first joined, they could have been taught what to look for and also that they should not go on restricted access land without a specific invitation. If they had done that we wouldn't have these constant conversations about explorers wanting to ban or restict security because they feel entitled to go where they want and do what they want. I have always loved to explore and still do, as well as sail, fly and ride my motorcycle. However, since my first days in SL, I never go on private land without invitation or without clear indication that it's ok in the land description because it's commercial or it states visitors are welcome. If unsure, I stop and check. I have a HUD too that alerts me to ban lines when I enter a sim. I stick to public right of ways, like roads, LL owned water etc. and plan my routes whenever possible. I rarely have a problem with orbs and ban lines taking me by surprise as a result. A bit of courtesy and common sense is all it takes.
  9. The survey doesn't say how large a sample they surveyed, what the margin of error was, or how they found the statistics of the survey. Did they travel the whole grid logging which parcels were restricted or did they ask people? If they asked, what method did they use to determine who to ask? It doesn't say how many of the 60% don't restrict access because the land they own is commercial. It's not a survey you can rely on for these reasons. Whoever wrote the article could have asked only 10 of his friends, 6 of which just own land for their shops for all you know. For the record I don't restrict access to my land, but I say a land owner has a right to do it if they desire to. No telling how many people who don't restrict access on residential parcels agree with me because they want to retain the option if they need it, due to trolls, griefers, or a rash of drop-ins, as do I. No one spoils your SL simply because you can't go on their private property. That's absurd. There are tons of places you can go that are public or will welcome you.
  10. Omega system appliers work on a lot of different bodies. For the bodies they don't work on, the creator of those bodies has a propriety system. How to get one varies. You have to go where those bodies are sold to see if they have a applier system for creators available.Some may have a sign that you click to get one or that tells you how to get one. Get demo's of the bodies you are interested in. They may have the information in a note card or an actual applier kit in the package that comes with the body demo or actual body. If you don't see anything, contact the creator. Note that some creators make you complete an application to get their applier system, but if you don't pass muster in their eyes, you may not get one.
  11. This is a dead horse that is being beaten forever. TOS allows Landowners to control access, it doesn't specify any rules or official policies. The Knowledge Base is not policy. This page contains the only policies incorporated into the TOS. Even the Mainland Policies have no rules regarding security orbs. LL does not act against a landowner who uses 0 warning to leave before ejecting or that TP's them home with a security orb. Premium members have a right to own any mainland available and use the tier discount benefit they PAY for. It is not anyone's place other than LL to deny this right because you think mainland should be free of orbs or that restrictions be placed on them. Encouraging community on the mainland is great, but it is not required by the TOS or official policy. If they really wanted to do this they'd zone all the mainland into residential areas or commercial areas. (I can hear the screaming now as loud as when they came up with the Adult continent idea! ) You do have a choice. If you want community, own land in one of the LL planned communities on the mainland or buy you own sim or large parcel and rent it out to establish one according to your rules. Bottom line If LL were in agreement with restricting how or even if a security orb could be used by a landowner they'd change things.
  12. You should see a folder in your Received folder that has your item(s) in it. It is also possible it's in a box and the merchant just made an error in the listing. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 To change the music, go to About Land and the Sound Tab and enter the URL of the station you want to listen to. Shoutcast is a good source for finding one that works in the genre of your choice.  This link will explain how to get the URL if it isn't available on the website: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-do-you-get-someone-s-URL-from-their-shoutcast-station/qaq-p/922547
  13. You verified your age when you gave your Date of Birth when registering this account. The TOS says You were supposed to give truthful information. If you didn't then you have to file a support ticket and get it changed. Be prepared to answer questions about how anyone 'forgets' their birthday and be able to prove your RL age by providing RL documentation. LL will tell you what they need and where and how to send it. If you are not 18 in RL, don't even try it. LL views this very seriously and you may find yourself banned for life.
  14. You aren't getting it done posting on here and looking for replies! :smileywink:
  15. Too much silicon. :smileyvery-happy:
  16. It's free. You go to your dashboard and to the events section. You'll see a link to post a new event. You at first will see a screen that tells you the rules. Read it carefully. Then when you agree, you'll be taken to a form to fill out. Detailed information is here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Inworld-events/ta-p/841291#Section_.1
  17. To my knowledge there is no way around this other than filing a support ticket. In my experience LL is usually pretty good at resolving account issues like this. It will probably just be a matter of resetting the account somehow. You probably aren't the first person that's done this. It's easy enought to do. :smileywink:
  18. Sorry. Most merchants won't do that as there is no way you can prove your alt is your alt to them. Also, you don't 'own' what you buy. Under the TOS, you receive a license to use the item in SL on ONE avatar account with the permissions it comes with. Refunds are generally only possible if you can return the item to the merchant and even then it's rare that you will get a refund as most have an All Sales Final policy.
  19. I don't recognize it specifically but Vista animations has moves like this. They come in their AO's that have dances too and also with their dance packs. I believe you can also buy them seperately.
  20. Cuando Linden , pero usted compra a otros no residentes LL . Si ha elegido una mejor tasa de compra ( Buy Limit ) que le permite especificar la cantidad de dólares Linden y el tipo de cambio que está dispuesto a aceptar. LindeX coincide automáticamente las ofertas de compra y venta a medida que llegan . Si su oferta es demasiado alta podría tomar horas, días , semanas o meses o incluso nunca más , antes de llegar a cualquier L' $ s . Puede cancelar el límite de compra y el dinero va a ir a su saldo en dólares de Estados Unidos . Puede cancelarla en la LindeX : página de historial de transacciones en que salpicadero web. Haga clic en Administrar en la barra lateral a continuación, elija LindeX Historia fin de llegar a esa página. A continuación, puede utilizar Mercado comprar para obtener Linden casi al instante .
  21. Your creations are not being altered. What is being altered is the mesh layer, which you don't own the rights to. It would be the same if I had a piece of no mod furniture and decided to put my own prim around it and make it mostly transparent and then tint it. I am tinting the prim which I created and own the IP rights to, not the furniture. It is also the same as viewing clothing through rose colored glasses that tint everything rose colored. There is nothing illegal about it.
  22. If you received a message from within SL that was forwarded to your email and can't reply to it, it is probably because you only have 5 days to do so. After that time has past, you need to use the persons RL email address or go in world and IM them. If you have a problem with your email account, you need to contact your email provider.
  23. If you lost your home because you didn't pay your Premium fee when it was due, you need to select another home when your account says it's Premium again. As far as why you are not showing as Premium, we are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  24. This is balderdash. Your analogy to other web services is false. Even services like Facebook have tools you can use to allow access only to certain people to view private content on your page. Why should anyone pay extra to keep unwanted people from their land, just so those unwanted people are free to roam where they wrongly feel they are entitled to go and where they do not pay to go? In RL, you are allowed to have fences and security systems to keep out unwanted people without having to pay extra for it other than the cost of the fence or system. There is also no proof that I have ever heard to your assertion that SL would have more customers if people weren't allowed to block access to THEIR land which they pay for without paying extra. That is the only an unfounded assertion of people that don't like being blocked. I could just as easily say that SL would have more customers if estate owners were not allowed to restrict a land owner/renter's right to privacy by banning orbs or ban lines. The reality is that if people respected private property and didn't enter it unless specifically invited to do so, which is just common courtesy, security measures would be unnecessary. Unfortunately SL is full of griefers, trolls and people that think it's ok to go where they please and do what they want. Drake is right. SL is your world your imagination, not your world some one else's imagination.
  25. This is balderdash. Your analogy to other web services is false. Even services like Facebook have tools you can use to allow access only to certain people view private content on your page. Why should anyone pay extra to keep unwanted people from their land, just so those unwanted people are free to roam where they wrongly feel they are entitled to go and where they do not pay to go? In RL, you are allowed to have fences and security systems to keep out unwanted people without having to pay extra for it other than the cost of the fence or system. There is also no proof that I have ever heard to your assertion that SL would have more customers if people weren't allowed to block access to THEIR land which they pay for without paying extra. That is the only an unfounded assertion of people that don't like being blocked. I could just as easily say that SL would have more customers if estate owners were not allowed to restrict a land owner/renter's right to privacy by banning orbs or ban lines. The reality is that if people respected private property and didn't enter it unless specifically invited to do so, which is just common courtesy, security measures would be unnecessary. Unfortunately SL is full of griefers, trolls and people that think it's ok to go where they please and do what they want. Drake is right. SL is Your world Your imagination, not Your world every one's imagination.
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