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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Click it in your inventory and just drag it to the spot where you want it. Once it's rezzed you may have to move it a bit to make further adjustments. You can do this by clicking it and choosing EDIT. Arrows will appear that allow you to drag it where you want it to be.
  2. It will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime you can always detach it to avoid embarressing situations. BTW it is against the forum rules to name people or businesses in a complaint here on this forum. Please remove the names before you get in trouble.
  3. There is no such thing as a temporary password. You can give them your password then change it immediately afterward. Still, I would STRONGLY advise against this. It is against the TOS to let someone else access your account. It is very risky. How well do you really know them? Even though you may trust them, it is very tempting for someone to take your $L's or other things. I've seen it happen before between the most trusting of friends. YOU are responsible for keeping your account secure.
  4. JenWartooth wrote: I did all that and still could not place the house on it. They wanted me to put theirs house on it. That is their prerogative. What you want to do is find empty land to rent if you want to use your own house or when looking at a rental and there is already a house there, read the rental agreement that you get from the rent box or in some cases the covenant, and see if it specifically states that they will remove the house already there so you can use your own. If it doesn't then you can't use your own house. You will find a lot of empty land for rent on Private Islands. In many cases the estate owner will say you are 'buying' the land, but it's still a rental. You can only buy land from LL in the form of mainland (which requires Premium Membership) or by buying a private island.
  5. First you are not allowed to name names here. Remove them from your post as well as your links before you get in trouble. Sending unsolicited spam is against the TOS, Everyone that receives it should AR it each and every time they get it. The more AR's the better and the more likely LL will act.
  6. All land and rentals come with limits on the LI (aka prims) of things you can put on it.. If you want to put more things out that go over the limit on your rental, you need to move to a place that allows more prims or LI. Of course the more LI you are allow the more it will cost you. Go to a sandbox and rez everything you want to put out and click them and go to Edit. It will tell you what the LI is of the item. Add all the LI's together and that is how much LI you need. It is not your landlords fault if you rented something that does not allow enough LI for your things. If you are complaining about this to your landlord, it's not surprising they aren't replying. Note that some things are built more efficiently and have a lower LI than others. For instance, a sofa can be high prim or only a few. If the things you want to rez have a high LI, go shopping and find things with a lower LI.
  7. Intous Wacom hands down. It's the one I use and have been very happy with it. Get the largest one you can afford . Mine came with a free copy of Painter Essentials. There are other bundles available that come with other software. So consider carefully which bundle is best for you. Go to the Wacom site to see the different bundles. Also shop around. Check prices in a number of places. I got good deal on mine that was less than the suggested retail price by doing so.
  8. Log into mysecondlife.com then go here to choose your home: https://secondlife.com/land/lindenhomes/
  9. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if you give someone your password, accept an object then rez it and inadvertently gave permission to debit your account, or you clicked a link that took you to a phishing website. If it is the latter be sure to run a virus checker and anti malware program to rid your computer of anything that it picked up there. Your account may have been compromised if: You can't access your account. You suddenly notice a reduced available balance on the payment source you have on file. If this happens, contact us immediately! Here's what to do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990 . Once you do this, Linden Lab will place your account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once they have concluded the investigation, they'll send you an email explaining their conclusion and the action they will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. If you act quickly , like NOW, they may be able to retrieve your money if whoever took it hasn't cashed it out yet. There are no guarantees though as under the TOS you are responsible for keeping your account secure. Tip: Even if you are able to log into your account, change your password immediately to something secure and unique. Changing your password regularly is one good way to protect the safety of your account.
  10. There is also the possiblity that your account was suspended until then due to an Abuse Report against you. Suspensions can last anywhere from a short period of time, to days. Check your email, and your email spam folder, as you should have received an email about it if this is the case.
  11. A bit of name history. When people that have legacy names chose their name, they could have a first name of their choosing but couldn't use any last name they wanted. They chose from a limited list of last names that LL provided. Many of the early names weren't RL last names but were made up by someone in the lab, many of them funny or ridicules. The list changed as only so many people with a particular last name were allowed. At first the limit was only 150, because of a theory that 150 is the maximum number of people a person can remember and remain familiar with.. Some names were never chosen and some only chosen rarely with as little as 1 person having that last name. That limit increased a bit as time went on and more people created accounts. By the fall of 2006 the limit was increased to 1000 and eventually more than that. Toward the end, Gossipgirl was the most popular name and there were 163,164 allowed. Once whatever LL established as the limit at time had been reached it was removed from the list and a new last name became available. Some names only stayed on the list 1 day others over a year. When you chose your first and last name combo, it checked to see if anyone else was named that, and if so, you had to choose again. Starting In 2010, people chose only their first name and got a last name of "Resident" and a short time later Resident was no longer shown on the name tag, just the first name. Display names were introduced in November of that year. The use of only one name and the ability to use a Display name were LL's answer to the many requests to change names that they got since the beginning, particularly from people who were partnered. The problem with user name changes is that all the SL databases use the user name instead of a numerical key to link everything about a particular avatar together. This was a serious design flaw from the beginning but I don't think in the early days LL thought there would be so many people signing up for a SL. According to LL, it would take too much time and too many resources to change a name, so it is not allowed.
  12. Don't accept anything he sends or from anyone you don't personally know. He'll soon grow tired of this game.
  13. No. You can create an alternative account and manually transfer only items that have transfer permissions. LL considers each account a separate account, even if they have the same owner. When you buy something, you don't buy the item, just the right to use it for the avatar you bought it with. It would be a violation of the creators intellectual property rights if LL transferred no copy items to your new account.
  14. Was you credit card, paypal or skrill account charged? If not, place another order. If you were, and you did this very recently, it may take a few minutes to show in your account. Check your dashboard balance as sometimes the viewer shows an incorrect amount. If you still don't see it, contact Billing to find out what is happening. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  15. The charge is only a test to see if your account is verified. The $1 charge is reversed before the money is actually removed from your bank account. or credit card. If you don't have a bank account or credit card that will pay instantly, you account isn't verified and you can't use it to buy $L's.
  16. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly.
  17. That indicates their profile is M or A rated. LL requires profiles to be G rated. While they don't look for violators, if anyone finds their profile offensive or they go to a G sim, they could be AR'd for it and LL will act. It's best you let your profile stay G rated.
  18. Why would you want to do this? Your avatar can't do a thing when there is no driver. If you are concerned about not getting messages etc., have your messages go to your email address. Here's how.
  19. FIrst you have to be 18 years or older in RL. If you are you can go to Adult areas where you can have access to escorts, strippers etc. If you are under 18 in RL and restricted to G areas such things are prohibited and you will have to wait until you become an adult. If you want something better than a sex worker follow Alwin's advice carefully. These kind of women mostly ignore newbs and even when you are no longer a newb they are likely to give you a virtual slap or worse if you suggest such a thing too early in a relationship, or they just aren't into you like that, just like in RL.
  20. If PayPal or Skrill isn't an option for you, you could try to get a job and earn $L. Note that most employers won't hire you unless you are at least 30 days old, and some want 60 or 90 days old. Your may find this interesting: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life
  21. Had this issue with my video card that is not the same as yours. However updating the drivers fixed it. Do you have the latest drivers for your vid card? I'd check to see if I were you something new may have come out since you last checked. If you have the latest driver, try Alwin's solution. You could also try to revert to an earlier driver version if it will work with Windows 10.
  22. Madelaine McMasters wrote: There ya go, FUN in a bottle. That's certainly less terrifying than Lutefisk Beer, or this...  When I saw that stuff for the first time, I wondered what a Pocari was, why they would bottle its sweat, and who would be crazy enough to drink it. It was right next to cans of Asahi beer in a vending machine on a street in Tokyo. LOL Japanese Gatorade. If you have a hankering for it or want to taste it, it's available on Amazon and Ebay and wherever fine sweaty beverages from Japan are sold. BTW, Pocari isn't anything. It's a made up name. At least that's what the manufacturer claims. I wonder though if any real Pocaries are harmed in creating the drink or do they just farm them to gather their sweat.
  23. Do you know that you can log your Chat and IM's to your computers hard drive. Go to PREFERENCES>NETWORK & FILES then specify where you want them saved under Conversation Logs and Transcript Location Further options are available under the PRIVACY>LOGS AND TRANSCRIPTS. You will only lose these transcripts if you delete/ clear them from your hard drive.
  24. InfernosChill wrote: I am not sure if I understand. What's your definition of "old" and "new" items? Why does the new search favors new over old items instead of going by relevance / best selling? If you have any suggestion on how merchants can keep up and make their MP stores work better with the new search, I am all ears. Thanks. I've experimented with search for a bit. This is what I've found: If people use key words to search, it shows those results most relevant to the keywords they entered. If the key words you entered for your product don't match the words used, then your product will be lower on the list. The more words your key words match, the more relevant it is and it's likely to show higher. Best Selling has nothing to do with it and neither does age. Best selling, ratings, age etc. only come into play if the person searching CHOOSES to sort by one of those things. Best Selling changes daily. It isn't historic, it's what is currently selling the best. So if you sold a lot of an item, but haven't sold any or much lately, it will not be towards the top of the list. You may find your item lower than an item that sold only 1 currently. Check the keywords you are using. Maybe people are using other keywords than you have listed.
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