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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. That is your opinion. Most parents would disagree. There are adult things that do happen on moderate sims, including SL sex and violence. Although these things have to be behind closed doors, people can still cam in and watch. Also bars are on Moderate sims and no one under 18 should be in a bar. Most adults don't want to be around teens on these sims. They don't want to have to guard what they say or do. Many come in to SL to have time away from RL and their responsibilities to kids.
  2. Just to add: Bans are for a lifetime. Temporary Bans are referred to as suspensions LL can ban or suspend by several methods, including by account, by IP address or even by the computer being or even a combination. How they ban or suspend someone is not known to anyone, or told to the person banned. The method they use generally depends on how severe the violation was and/or how many times someone was disiplined before. If you are banned or suspended by account, and use an alt to come back, that is against the TOS and LL will ban the alts too you may be banned for life then using the most severe method. If you are permanently banned you lose all your $L's and any land you have with no refund. That's part of the punishment. If its a suspension you don't. A lot of people who get banned or suspended claim they did nothing to deserve it, but LL doesn't do it lightly. They have logs of everything that goes on in world, including chat logs, and access to all your inventory and will check everything. If someone submits false claims or evidence they can be banned or suspended themselves depending on how serious the complaint was. You can even get in trouble by submitting numerous AR's that are not for things that are ARable, or are considered by LL to be harassing a person. That's called abuse of the AR system. One thing for sure, if someone claims innocence, one of two things is true. 1) they are not telling you the truth or 2) They deserved the ban or suspension but didn't know what they did was wrong. Ignorance is no excuse when it comes to this. That's why you have to click that you have read and agree to the TOS every time it's changed, which means all the associated links in it too.
  3. The rare times I want to watch Television I do it in RL. I think most people do.
  4. In regard to losing money. That can only happen in two ways. They give permission to debit their account when an object is rezzed in world, probably by carelessly just clicking the allow access button without reading the notice carefully. The object then just drains the account. All scripts that can take money from an avatar can only function if this permission is asked and granted. They click on a link in world that takes them to a phishing site where the site obtains their password by either asking for it on an 'official' looking site or by using a keylogger. The griefer can then log into their account while they are off line and send the money to his account. Both ways are preventable when you pay attention.
  5. When you have issues, always check the grid status page. Currently posted there: Unscheduled Maintenance by Status Linden on ‎10-21-2016 09:37 AM [Posted 9:27 AM PDT, 21 October 2016] We are currently aware of an issue in which some residents may experience in-world difficulties including making payments with PayPal as well as avatars and objects possibly not rezzing properly. This is due to a DNS provider outage. Please refrain from transacting through PayPal during this time and continue to check this blog for updates.
  6. You didn't lose anything as your inventory is kept on central LL asset servers. You just need to give your inventory time to rebuild. Clear your cache and relog to a quiet area with just water like Pooley. Then just stand there and do nothing until your inventory reloads. Don't IM, Don't voice or walk around just let your avatar stand there. If that doesn't work you may need to do a clean reinstall. Here's how: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231
  7. You can remove the furniture from the skybox and use it to furnish your house. That's all. However be sure to rez out the skybox in a sandbox and then delete the structure leaving all the furniture. Then see what the Land Impact total is for all the furniture you want to use in your home. You are limited to 117 LI and you will want to retain part of that so you have LI available to rez items like boxes you want to open, or to put out any personal items you want to that are not part of the skybox. Don't forget landscaping too, if you plan on adding flowers or plants inside or outside your home.
  8. You will need to retexture the house to get rid of unwanted shadows. If it's mod you should be able to do this. However try it first on a copy of the house if it's mesh as not all creators make them so they can be retextured without the mesh maps.
  9. You should have gotten a map of some kind with it. You will probably be more successful making a texture for them using a graphics program like Photoshop or Gimp, which is free. Open the map in you graphics program as the base layer and use it as a guide to create the texture, which you can do either by 'painting' it on layers on top of the map, or by using a photo of a real eye on a layer above your map and altering it to fit the map. You can also modify the photo using different techniques and filters. Your best results will be if you make several layers for the entire texture. You can google tutorials to help you with your graphics program if you never used one, and there are probably tutorials for creating eye textures too.
  10. Visa is not the only credit card accepted. Here is a list of acceptable payment methods by country. These are in addition to a PayPal or Skrill account, which must be a verified account.
  11. I hope by "inviter" you don't mean people that go around to different places and 'invite' people to come to your store and possibly give out handouts. FYI: That's spam and unsolicited spam is against the TOS. Most sim owners will ban people that do that too if they get a complaint or they get caught at it even if the place is not a competitor or has anything to do with shopping. So your employee could get both AR'd and banned from locations around SL. You can't pay enough to make the risk to your employees worth it. They can put your store in their profile picks along with telling people in the pick to ask them for information and if asked tell the person asking about it and/or give them a handout. If you mean 'greeter' as in saying hi to people who enter your store and helping them find things or telling them about sales and specials, that's ok.
  12. I wouldn't worry about it. An IP address doesn't pinpoint your exact location. IP address just give the general area of where you live. Unless you give out your RL full name that can be looked up in a directory in RL or on the web, the person looking it up won't know your address or exact location. When my IP address is looked up on IP address search sites, the location it gives is miles from where I actually live. As pointed out, all DJ's in SL can see your IP address and all web sites you visit can too. It isn't really considered all that private. You can change your IP address most of the time by unplugging your modem and plugging it back in after about 5 minutes, as most ISP's assign dynamic IP addresses. You can also use a proxy server to hide it completely.
  13. Unfortunately you have to choose midday each time you visit a new place where it is not midday in the SL viewer, even in Firestorm. I agree it would be nice to have a choice to fix midday where ever you go.
  14. You can buy just about all mesh or sculpted components of a building such as windows, doors etc. on the MP under Building and Object Components. Some windows and doors there come with the wall surrounding them so you don't have to use multiple prims to accomplish this. I suggest that if you see something you like, that you go inworld to the merchants shop to see them in person to be sure you like them or contact the merchant and ask to see them if they have no shop. Unless you are familiar with using Photoshop, Gimp (which is free to download) or other graphics program that is used with some of these products to make their textures, either look for elements that can be textured like a prim, that come with premade textures, or get someone with some experience with texturing to help you. If you know how to use a graphics program like mentioned above, you can create your own texture for the elements that come with AO (Ampient Occlusion) aka Shadow maps and/or UV maps. AO's are the easiest to work with. If you don't know how to use a graphics program like mentioned above or how to use AO maps to create a texture and want to give it a shot, search Google for tutorials on how to use AO maps to create textures. It's a handy skill to learn. If you need a graphics program, Gimp is free to download and widely used by SL creators. You can also come back to the Creation forum and post specific questions if you need more help.
  15. You need to contact Billing as there is no option to do this on the web page. They should be able to help you get $L's for your money. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  16. You haven't lost your inventory. It's kept on LL's asset servers. What has happened is that your viewer's inventory files have become corrupted. Time to clear you cache and relog to a quiet sim without much on it, like Pooley. When you log in just stand there, don't walk around, don't IM or chat etc. Wait for your inventory to load. If that doesn't work you should do a clean reinstall of your viewer. Here are the directions for the SL viewer that will work with others. If you use a third party viewer look for folders that have the name of your viewer rather than the SL folders.: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231
  17. Most people that answer questions like this will not IM you in world with answers. I won't as posting the answer here benefits others that seek the information. That said, go to the Susan G Korman fund raising web site to see what they require in a fundraiser. If you don't follow their rules for fund raising then you can't hold a fund raising event without it appearing you are only doing it for personal gain to them and others. Your event I assume is going to be legit, but this happens in SL and many people won't donate to a SL event for that reason. A quick look on the web site showed that they do want you to register your fundraiser and be aware that you are holding an event. This is necessary in case someone contacts them to find out if it's a legit event and that they will get all the money raised. Once you know their rules and register, then you can proceed to plan your fundraiser and come back and ask specific questions if you need help with that. There are many threads where this has been discussed and you can search for them using "how to hold a charity event" for suggestions about all kinds of things including logistics and promotion.
  18. If you get someone that really knows how to create efficient mesh that is lower in LI, low poly and doesn't melt a few meters away, there could be. Mesh can also allow for more realism or be able to include elements that are impossible with prim or sculpts. Still there is the drawbacks It probably won't be modifiable much, if at all, especially if it has baked textures. A great mesher is likely to be more expensive too. If the customer is willing to accept these and gets a great mesher that knows their stuff it may be to their advantage. To me prims, sculpts and mesh are all tools in a builder's toolbox. A good builder knows which of these options or combinations will produce the house a client wants within the given LI available, at a price that the customer is willing to pay.
  19. Yes and no. There are people who make custom made houses, but while you can tell them how you want it to look and a general floor plan, unless you have lots of building experience yourself you will have to rely on the builder to tell you what can and can't be done within the LI you specify and any technical limitations of SL and what your alternatives are. You shouldn't give them a photo of a RL house or a RL floor plan to follow unless you are the architect that designed it as this is a violation of the intellectual property rights of the architect. You can however use them for inspiration in working with the builder on your own design for your house. Most likely, you will pay more for a quality custom build than a similar prefab by the same builder, especially if you want it full perm or as an exclusive. You may find someone that builds just for the fun and they may volunteer. Note that using a volunteer you may not get the quality you want, although there are many excellent hobbyists in SL. You should also be prepared to pay for any building components that are not created by your builder that will be needed, unless you are told all those things are included in the price quoted, especially if you find a volunteer. Of course any custom textures, scripts, animations, mesh, etc. needed will increase the price too. Interview several builders and ask for references and examples of their work. Check those references too! Negotiate a payment schedule you and your builder both can live with. For instance, what do you need to pay up front, what at the end and maybe during the different stages. If you are not completely comfortable with the references that you checked and the payment schedule, move on an find someone else. Edited to add after seeing VanillaSunsets' post after I posted this: Your house does not have to be mesh. I'll repeat what I just posted in Phil's post above this one. Prims, sculpts and mesh are all tools in a bulder's toolbox. A good builder knows which of these options or combinations will produce the house a client wants within the given LI available, at a price that the customer is willing to pay. You would do well to keep your eye on Phil's thread to see what other people have to say about the advantages and disadvantages of mesh houses.
  20. I'm glad you resolved your problem but found it interesting that you did. When I tested the script I put it in a regular thin box prim, as instructed, that was not near any other prim other than my unscripted platform prim floor. I raised it a several meters and reset the script then put a regular unscripted prim next to it as a stepping off point. When I stepped off the unscripted , or 'fell' off or jumped off the prim with the HUD turned on, I fell through the water and didn't tread water as I should have and couldn't swim at all. I repeated the test using both the Primswim script and the SLwim water script and both of those worked. The HUD did work in Linden water though.
  21. I agree with you that sculpts are not outdated. While I like mesh it doesn't always have a lower LI or rez faster than traditional prims and sculpts. All three prim types have their place in a builders toolbox IMO.
  22. When you unpack a box, it still goes to your inventory. Do you mean you want to turn off the setting that lets you view things such as new notecard,textures and such? Go to the Privacy tab in Preferences and uncheck Automatically View Notecards, Textures and Landmarks After Accepting, which is the third option from the bottom of the list of choices in that tab in Firestorm. If you mean something else please clarify exactly what is happening that you want to turn off.
  23. I got this HUD to see if I could figure out the problem. The script for prim water doesn't work at all. I tried a number of things and just couldn't get it to work with the prototype HUD or the earlier HUD. This is listed on the MP as a test HUD. The scripts I received were written in 2012, four years and many SL updates ago. The primswim water won't work either because it is for Siggy Romulus' swim HUD. Prim water generally requires you to use specific HUD's when swimming in it. Your only choice at this point is to wait for the creator to respond, if he ever does, as his profile is completely blank and he may have left SL. In the meantime be happy with what does work as this is a freebie or buy a swim HUD that works with the prim water required by that HUD. I have three that do.
  24. Another way to handle this is create a new group for members of all your groups. Call it something Like "Estate Name" General Group. And set the land to this group or deed it. It might be handy to send out general announcements to all groups too. Unless you actually want to let people build don't give them building rights or give them only to people who need them. Also don't give owner or management rights to anyone other than owner's and managers. So you probably will need to set up roles. Build rights are not needed to just use existing equipment. You can just set it to the group for all your group members and then click 'share with group' in the edit box. Note this will not necessarily allow them access to most scripted features unless the script allows you to set it for group access, and it will not allow them to attach anything to their avatars unless the items are transferable (then they will own it too) OR are copy/transfer and scripted to allow temporary attachment. See the instructions that came with your items to see if it's a feature and how to set it up, if needed. If you created these things (or whoever did in your groups allows it) and you or they are willing to have it scripted accordingly to allow group members to use all features, that's doable. It sometimes can be done with full perm objects (that also have full perm scripts in them so, they can be modified for group access or temporary attachment, but check the license carefully to see if the latter is allowed.
  25. The MarketPlace ad says the HUD allows the swimmer to adjust height in the water by editing a notecard. ALWAYS read the directions for your product. The notecard is probably in the edit contents of the HUD.
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