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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. All the fashionistas are out shopping or reading fashion blogs that tell them what to wear.
  2. The same template is used for both when you start skins from scratch. Here is a more detailed Higher Resolution Clothing & Skin Templates by Chip Midnight from the SL Wiki page that is for skins and clothing. As you can see the layout is the same.  There are also 'full perm' skins available that are minimally highlighted and shaded and colored that can be used as a starting point for skin creation. Some skin templates for mesh bodies may be different but this is the template for the legacy avatar that a lot of mesh bodies also use.
  3. Everyone has a limit. The longer you are a resident the higher the limit goes until it tops off. New residents are restricted in how much money they can spend for the first few weeks. This prevents people from signing up to SL just to launder money. The first week you are a resident your limit is $30.00 US Dollars. The Second week it goes to $100 then the next week to $300. That limit holds until you are 28 days old then goes to from $1999 up. It can be higher than that if you own a business in SL or RL. See this page for detailed information: https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php
  4. I disagree. The SL template has one arm and foot, but it does have a 'top' and 'bottom' Here is the LL template. As you can see it does have a 'palm'. 
  5. If it's any consolation, I doubt there is a builder in SL that hasn't had this happen to them. I once had to search a large build of over 2000 prims for the one thing in a prim that was no transfer.
  6. If you are looking for past exhange rates this website keeps track of it: http://gridsurvey.com/lindex.php
  7. It's more than likely true of feet too. Probably this happens because the creators are just coloring a regular skin to make it dark rather than making the hands and feet from scratch.
  8. Since it is a generic notice and the person who is dissolving the parntership doesn't get to add to it (a good thing too lol), it should arrive in the language you specified as your lanquage in the viewer. I'd just chalk it up to a SL glitch.
  9. I'd like your idea more if instead of having to relog we could just have modules delivered efficiently and quickly and be able to put modules 'away' just as quickly and easily when we find we don't need them. I don't think that the majority of people experience a slowing down due to inventory, unless they have low end computers or old ones. I use a box and folder system but still have close to a 200k inventory and I don't notice any slowdown. I would bet most residents don't have more than 50k unless they are a creator, an extreme shopper or have been around a long time and don't weed their old stuff out or eliminate duplicates. I'd personally be happy with better search tools and also have a way to to specify with a click or maybe two what folder to put something in so it doesn't get dumped in big category folders such as Objects and make it easier to move items. A simple click or two could save hours of sorting inventory and save a lot of drudgery. Those that don't want to be bothered can just not answer and the item will go to the default folder for the kind of item it is. But I'm sure these suggestions would not be universally applauded either.
  10. Cocoanut Koala wrote: The problem is the WRONG CATEGORY for listings. My store in Refugio is listed as adult EVEN THOUGH it is sitting in the MIDDLE of a MATURE SIM. And nothing in the store is adult at all, unless you find something sexy about ordinary telephones, blenders, tables, lunch boxes, and other decor items. This means that unless the customer is a confirmed adult, he/she will not only will not see my classified ad, he/she won't even find the store or anything in it in Search! This is a pretty huge problem if you are paying for a classified and not getting the value of it. I have put in a support ticket for this THREE TIMES. (Same ticket, which they keep closing.) This last time they just said, "I'm sorry," and closed the ticket. I guess I will just keep opening a ticket until somebody DOES SOMETHING. This is something that is probably caused by the word filters LL uses. Perfectly innocent words are sometimes the reason that the filters mark the item as adult. These words might mean something "adult" in a language other than English, or sometimes, like the example of the English towns given above just coincidently have a few letters in the same sequence as adult words. Merchants run into this all the time with MP listings of G items showing as A. For example, you can't say XXL, but can say extra extra large, simply due to the XX. Unfortunately LL won't release any info about the filters they use to make it easy to avoid these problems for fear of people figuring out ways to game them.
  11. Unfortunately groups only show a limited number of members when they get that large. Groups were never intended to be used for anything other than a few people who owned land together. It was short sighted on LL's part not to realize that groups would also be used for membership that had nothing to do with land, such as groups for stores or clubs. What you can do is go through your group and kick out anyone that hasn't logged into SL in a time period you decide is fair, maybe a year or six months. Of course you'd have to kick out a couple thousand people or more. The best thing to do for that is to start another group anytime your group gets too large to display members. A membership of 8000 may require a few groups.
  12. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. Read the instruction notecard that came with the product. If you didn't get instructions or don't understand them, you best bet is to contact the creator, their customer service reps or join their support group, if they have one, and ask for support there.
  13. Create a group and set your home to the group. Then create a roll for any person you want to add to your home. Give the role the Abilities you want them to have, then invite the person to the group. Note that for the group to survive you must have two people in it. Anyone you invite to the group has 48 hours to accept. IMPORTANT NOTE Never make another person an Owner in your group unless it is your alt, because if something goes wrong you can't kick that person out of the group. It is a good practice to make an alt if you don't have one and invite the alt to the group so that there are always 2 people in it so the group will never expire unless you choose to let it. Click here to read details about Groups
  14. Yes, many creators make mesh hair in a pony tail style. As in the regular forum for who does as we can't recommend shops here in answers.
  15. You two can create a group and own land up to 1024sm by contributing your 512sqm free to the group. You also get a 10% land bonus so can have up to 1126 sqm without paying tier. You will have to pay for the land itself, however.
  16. If you use Firestorm you can set the windlight setting for the parcel (not the region). Of course if your sim is only one parcel this will work for the sim, but if it is several you need to set it for each parcel. See this page from the Firestorm Wiki: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_windlight_fr?s[]=parcel&s[]=windlight
  17. I will assume there is no nudity in it. It could be something in the ad itself that is causing the problem. For instance if you say you carry XXL sizes it will be rated adult due to the XX which is also an adult term. LL uses filters to identify words or phrases that are adult in many different languages. It's also possible that you used a innocent word in English that is an adult term in another language or culture. Unfortunately, LL will not release any information about the filters and the words and phrases they look for. So all you can do is change your ad one word at a time until you get your desired rating. You can post your text in the Merchants forum and ask for help too. Some experienced merchants may be able to make suggestions.
  18. Being restricted where you go is a function of your RL date of birth not your avatar. However child avi's may go to A sims but may not engage in or be near anything of a sexual nature where an adult avatar can. You can have more than one 'avatar' using the same account. I have several. The key is to make folders that contain the basics, like any avatar specific AO's, HUDS's, skin, mesh body, shape, eyes, and hair, as well as an outfit in the folder. When you want to change you just dump the folder on yourself. Sometimes you may have to relog if your shape changes a lot but it's not a big deal.
  19. If you increase the number of particles, it may help with some shorter distances but if the anchor point of the chain is beyond a certain distance from the avatar, it will happen again. Also depending on the script if you increase the number of particles, it may not work at all because too many particles are being rezzed. You'd have to experiment with the number of particles being rezzed, the age of the particle and how often the script rezzes them to avoid this and you may end up with the same gaps in the link. You could just stay closer to the anchor point so there are no gaps in the chain, or use your imagination to imagine the chain is solid.
  20. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly. If you did do a market buy, you will need to call Billing to see what the problem is Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  21. Look in your trashcan to see if the offending animation is still there. If it is, restore it and then Play Inworld again. Once it's playing hit the stop button. Then send it back to your trashcan and purge it. If that doesn't work come back and let us know so we can give further help. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  22. File a support ticket explain what is happening and ask what is wrong. It could be someone is flagging your items, like a competitor. It's been known to happen. However, LL will not tell you the name of the person or persons flagging if that's the case.
  23. That's one good reason to keep your friends list clean with just your true friends and not everyone that offers friendship.:smileywink:
  24. Latharcia Xevion wrote: Just as the title says, when it comes to retrieving your old accounts that might be lost due to old password / email, blocked accounts due to random things like payment information etc. Unless you have the best memory on hand to answer their questions if your account was create back in 05-09, which most people won't, their customer service will literally do nothing but tell you they can't help you unless you answer 100% on their 3 questions that you filled in ages ago. Maybe I'm wrong and an idiot for not remembering someone from 8 years ago, but if I can say off the password ... that should be good enough to get like a temporary access incase someone files a stolen report on the account in the next month but even with knowing the password, they won't even try to help you unless you know answers from years ago. Like getting my birth certificate is alot easier then dealing with their Support Team. Knowing a password is not enough to activate an old account or reset a password without a current email address, and shouldn't be. Someone else could have your password. You can only prove you are the real owner by knowing the answers to the questions they want you to answer. If someone else gained access to your account they'd have access to payment information too or could use your avatar to do evil things and get you banned for life. You'd be the first to scream at LL if that happened. So LL being particular about your knowing the answers to the questions they ask is a good thing IMO. It is not horrible customer service, just the opposite. BTW This is common practice for most websites that have your personal and/or payment information. You can always open a new account. Chances are not much is left of your inventory from that long ago, if anything and what may be left is way outdated now in how it looks and because of new technology. This time pick security questions you would know the answer to easily and write down the security questions and answers, your password and the email account you used to register and amy other information you were asked this time. If you change your email address be sure to update it on your account records too and write the new one down where you keep the other information.
  25. You will not find any help here. This section is for answering questions about SL itself. Post your needs under Inworld Employment in the regular forums to find someone.
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