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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. The only thing you can do is flag the listing that what you got is not as advertised. LL will review it and if true remove the listing. Alwin's right, only the seller can refund the money or send the correct texture. Be patient though, sellers have RL's and do not log on every day. They also get sick, go out of town or have RL emergencies that prevent them from logging in for periods of time.
  2. You can't use a prepaid or gift card anymore. They may have worked initially but now fail. Here is a list of payment method you can use. Note that the cards listed must be regular credit cards: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  3. At one time Greendot was accept but no longer. PayPal or Skrill may, but not LL. Here are the current payment methods accepted from the knowledge base. All cards listed must be regular credit cards. You may use the following payment methods with Second Life: Visa American Express MasterCard Delta Online (non-U.S. Residents only) JCB Diners Club Discover (U.S. Residents only) Visa Electron (non-U.S. Residents only) PayPal Skrill
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I gather you used PayPal as your payment info on file and loaded up your PayPal cash account using prepaid credit cards that PayPal accepts. You then proceeded to spend money in SL. You didn't read the fine print of PayPal and spent more than you had loaded which resulted in charges to your bank account for the overages and fees being charged to you as a result either by PayPal or by your bank or both. This has nothing to do with the safety of buying Linden's. It has more to do with controlling your own spending and the responsibility that you had to shoulder for your actions. You are now looking for a way to protect yourself from a repeat. Prepaid cards, even branded ones like Greendot, Visa and MasterCard, are not accepted by LL. Since you refuse to add your own regular credit card to your SL account, there is no option for you except a VERIFIED PayPal or Scrill account. To be verified either of these accounts must be backed by a credit card that is accepted by these services and/or a bank account that pays instantly if you don't have enough funds in your services cash account. Unfortunately, that brings you back to square one. There is no way for ANY spending method that LL accepts that will protect you from yourself. Only self discipline will do that. That doesn't mean you have to give up your avatar. It does mean keeping track of and checking daily how much money you are spending (maybe even checking before you buy anything) and stopping when you have reached your budgeted amount OR just removing all payment info and enjoying SL without spending which many people do all the time. You could also consider getting a job as a club host or something to earn a bit of SL spending money.
  5. First look at Pam's list again. Americans are NOT tied for 19th place but for 9th place. Secondly many experts don't think that IQ is really a measure of true intelligence. If it were then why do people that live in countries with the least amount of education opportunities lower on the list? Why do some lists show a particular country higher on one list than another? What you are also not taking into account is that America, more than most countries if not any other country, is made up of immigrants from all over the world, including countries from way down the list. In the last 100 years the number of people that immigrated (legally or not) has exploded. Not only do we have a huge population of recent immigrants but many Americans are only a one or two generations away from the "old country" and their families have not intermarried much with other nationalities or have not necessarily gotten to the point where they can live in areas with the finest schools or can afford to go to college. Lastly if American's were "less" intelligent as you imply, why do so high of a proportion of the worlds break throughs in innovation, technology and invention come from America?
  6. If you know of DJ's you like, then ask them. Many will do private parties if they don't have a scheduled set. Of course you will need to pay any good ones and they will also want to put out a tip jar unless you pay them VERY well. Don't go through venue management as some will want you to pay them, while some will demand a cut from the DJ (and that cost will be passed on to you) as a 'finders fee'. Also some clubs have rules against DJ's working other gigs, as stupid as that is.
  7. I have gotten forums PM's like this from time to time. Report it to the moderators then delete the PM. DON'T email or go to any website she suggests or you'll find yourself phished most likely or worse, the proud new owner of malware or a keylogger downloaded on your computer.
  8. Theresa Tennyson wrote: And Linden Lab doesn't feel the need to charge anything for the inventories of all the hundreds of thousands of free accounts out there. Even though I am not and have never been premium, I probably have paid more in fees to LL than most premium members. I've owned a number of private sims over the years, even a large estate at one time, pay for uploads, marketplace fees, to say nothing of Lindex fees. I am not alone in this. Most residents who don't own sims or aren't creators pay fees to LL too in one form or another. Server space is cheap now days. It is only in SL's and therefore in LL's best interest not to charge for inventory storage. If people were charged for their inventories, you could say good bye to most members buying anything or even sticking around. Where would SL be then?
  9. Unless your bank pays PayPal instantly when you charge something to your PayPal, LL must wait for the transaction to go through. LL will not wait for it's money since you receive $L's, benefits, or merchandise on Marketplace immediately. If your bank does pay instantly, then you can contact billing to see where the problem lies. Note if it is with PayPal, they will simply refer you to their customer service. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  10. Your best bet is going to be putting one together with components instead of finding one that is a full avatar. To be able to fit "most clothes" use a regular avatar shape and a dragon skin (with appliers for mesh if you get a mesh avatar. You also could consider one of the popular mesh bodies, although not all clothes work with them. If you go for the mesh option, shop for dragon skin appliers first and see which mesh bodies they support as well as look for mesh clothing and clothing appliers that you like. The Omega system appliers work with the broadest range of mesh bodies. If you purchase the body first you may not find dragon skins to use with it. You can then purchase modifiable legs, a tail, feet etc. Some come with texture files that you can use in Photoshop or Gimp (a free graphics program) to color texture and/or decorate as you please others you can just color. If you like the texture option but don't do textures, you can hire someone to help you with that. The result will be a unique avatar that won't look like a lot of other dragons and you will get an avatar that is closest to the way you want to look. Unique avatars are valued in SL. Start your search in Marketplace. Always demo skins, hair, shapes, and any mesh bodies and clothes you look at BEFORE you buy them. If no Demo is offered, don't buy it. Some Marketplace listings have demos only available in world. If no demo is apparent, then see if the merchant has a store in world as they may have a demo there.
  11. There are third party viewers that support Linux. See a list here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_party_viewers#Third-party_Viewers
  12. Entriquevore wrote: I think there could be a sub account created? I too read somewhere else that merchants can't report comments themselves. I saw OP's post on the listing, which I shall not reveal which exact listing it was, and it was concerning the skin being too pale in the sunlight. (Something along this line.) Imo, it's kind of weird that there are no bad reviews at all, wonder how the flagging system works. Merchants can flag a review, but only LL can decide to remove it. Merchants can and do often add comments about why the review is not fair before they flag it. I find it weird too that they have all those reviews, especially since most buyers don't ever leave reviews and of those that do, many are to complain.
  13. Rya Nitely wrote: I believe the huge amounts of L$ being pumped into the sell side are from the most powerful people in SL - the owners. Looking at the current Sell side, I don't see unusual amounts of money there and the highest amount is for $261. The market rate now is $260. So your theory makes no sense to me. Although the market was relatively stable for the past 4 years, both those rates have been the rate in the past many times. You can see this for yourself by going here: http://gridsurvey.com/lindex.php?page=51. Bottom line is that there is no conspiracy going on here IMO. The rise in the Buy rate started shortly after LL announce the grandfathering deal. It's most likely that a lot of sim owners decided to sell $L's collected as rent to finance the deal. Now Limit Buyers that understand the Lindex are used to getting more $L for their money and offer accordingly coupled with all the new people being lured in with the new "Best Buy" screen without understanding the Lindex.
  14. It doesn't sound like you violated any rules for leaving a review if your only comment was about the color. However if you said anything personally about the creator, or made any unfactual claims it could have been removed for that reason. You should keep your reviews strictly about the product itself and make only objective factual comments. You could file a support ticket under Marketplace>General Marketplace Issues and explain the situation and ask why it was removed. You can do this even if you are not a premium member. It's been known that the people who are supposed to review flags are supposed to determine if a violation occurred before removal and sometimes make erroneous decisions or just remove them without really reviewing them. Whether this is worth the effort to you is up to you. The term 'Ivory' could be interpreted as white as it is white with just a slight undertone. If you google "Ivory Color" images you'll find many examples of Ivory that for all practical purposes are white. The lesson you learned here is always try a demo for skins, shapes and all mesh BEFORE you buy it, particularly if they cost more than you are willing to lose if you don't like them. If a demo isn't offered, don't buy it.
  15. wherorangi wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: So I think when you boil down everything Ebbe originally said that was the sum and substance of it. yes pretty much + i just repeat here what I have said before just in case really i am not on Sansar invite list and I dont know anyone who is. I just go off what little LL have said and then I guess/speculate what else it might be. Is more about what I think might be a way to do it than anything else so hopefully people who read my burbles kinda take this into consideration and not put to much into what I might say/guess/speculate/make stuff up about all this I think most everything that's been said about Sansar is pretty much just speculation at this point, other than maybe some of the things (durn little) that LL has lately said.
  16. Voice is provided by a third party named Vivox. Most likely it's your connection to their servers that is amiss. Take a look at Nalates blog post on voice and how to fix problems: http://blog.nalates.net/2011/05/08/second-life-voice-problems/
  17. Were you actually charged? Check to see with you payment info provider. If you were, there are two possiblities depending on what method you used. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly. If you chose the Market rate you can call billing to find out what happened Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  18. Just to clarify about owning things. Under the SL terms of service, you really don't own them, you just got a copy and a license from the creator to use them in SL with one avatar, the avatar that bought the item. Under your special circumstances, you could contact the creator with this avatar and ask for another copy for your new avatar, but they are under no obligation to give you one. However some may just to earn your loyalty so you will buy more from them. Never hurts to ask if you do it politely and explain your special circumstance.
  19. Rya Nitely wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I really think that with the change in the "Buy $L's" screen is at least partly to blame with more buyers using the 'Best Buy (Limit Buy)" rate and demanding more $L's for their RL money. Amethyst, there is a 10 point gap between the best limit buy and the best limit sell. Therefore the best limit buy order will never be filled by the best limit sell offer. They have to match for that to happen. This is how it works. Limit sell orders are filled by Market buy orders. A market buy order is when the buyer does not set a price, but will accept the best limit sell order. These are mostly people who buy in the viewer (the majority of buyers). The limit buy orders are filled by market sell orders - sellers who don't set a limit sell order but will take the best limit buy order. These sellers would be selling at currently 271. In this market, it isn't a case of people demanding more L$ for their dollar, because the vast majority of orders are small market buys within the viewer, and not limit buy orders. If this was not the case then the two sides (buy and sell) would need to meet (be equal) before any transaction can occur between limit orders. I know very well how the Lindex works and that most buyers and sellers just use the market buy/sell option when they want instant results. I also see many questions in the answers section from people who 'bought' Lindens using "Best Buy" and wonder where their money is. It's not unusual to get several a day from people who have no idea how a limit buy or sell works. The fact is that most of these people offer not enough RL cash for the $L's they want. That's not to say that there are other people, probably a lot more, that make offer for a bit more $L's for their money that are willing to wait or that have their offer's taken pretty quickly. It's these people that could very well be driving the price of $L's down. What is your explanation for what is going on?
  20. Rya Nitely wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I really think that with the change in the "Buy $L's" screen is at least partly to blame with more buyers using the 'Best Buy (Limit Buy)" rate and demanding more $L's for their RL money. Amethyst, there is a 10 point gap between the best limit buy and the best limit sell. Therefore the best limit buy order will never be filled by the best limit sell offer. They have to match for that to happen. This is how it works. Limit sell orders are filled by Market buy orders. A market buy order is when the buyer does not set a price, but will accept the best limit sell order. These are mostly people who buy in the viewer (the majority of buyers). The limit buy orders are filled by market sell orders - sellers who don't set a limit sell order but will take the best limit buy order. These sellers would be selling at currently 271. In this market, it isn't a case of people demanding more L$ for their dollar, because the vast majority of orders are small market buys within the viewer, and not limit buy orders. If this was not the case then the two sides (buy and sell) would need to meet (be equal) before any transaction can occur between limit orders. I know very well how the Lindex works and that most buyers and sellers just use the market buy/sell option when they want instant results. I also see many questions in the answers section from people who 'bought' Lindens using "Best Buy" and wonder where their money is. It's not unusual to get several a day from people who have no idea how a limit buy or sell works. The fact is that most of these people offer not enough RL cash for the $L's they want. That's not to say that there are other people, probably a lot more, that make offer for a bit more $L's for their money that are willing to wait or that have their offer's taken pretty quickly. It's these people that could very well be driving the price of $L's down.
  21. I agree with Perrie. We just don't know much about Sansar to say if it will even fly. I also think from everything I've read and looked at that SL residents are not the target audience. What we do know is that Sansare will not be a world like SL. It will be a group of 'experiences'. My impression is that Sansar is a platform for professional developers and content creators. It's yet to be seen how many of these will jump in and create worlds that attract SL people. Not all SL people will be attracted to it particularly if they can't create things there and sell them to make money to help fund their virtual lives, or even just create for their own pleasure. Other's won't because they won't give up their inventories to move there or friends that don't want to go, although a some may go and play there once in a while. I doubt LL is going to provide professional developers with a free platform and since nothings been said about fees, it may be too expensive for many SL developers and creators. Land for homes may or may not be more expensive, depending on the developer of the 'home' experience who will price it. There may even be a charge to get into entertainment experiences such as clubs, as someone will have to pay LL for the use of their platform and professional developers will be looking to pass those costs on to the consumer, most likely. I also doubt professional content creators will be giving much away for free. Many SL people, particularly late comers, want everything free and others don't want or can't spend any money. Of course this is all speculation. However LL will eventually close SL when it is no longer profitable. if the above points turn out to be true in whole or part AND SL closes, many people may very well migrate to other virtual worlds offered by Open Sim developers or to rival virtual worlds instead of Sansar that meet their needs better.
  22. Your items probably aren't missing, they are just not connected from the asset data base to your viewers inventory. If the folder was missing the first time you ran your viewer after installing it, something must have gone wrong in the installation. Try doing a clean reinstall. Here's how: https://chttps://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231ommunity.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 If that doesn't work file a support ticket if you are a premium member. If not, file a JIRA report. You could also use another viewer until your situation is resolved. LL does not refund money due to loss of inventory under any circumstance. The TOS states in section 4.3 "Linden Lab is not responsible for repairing or replacing your Linden Dollars, Usage Subscription, Virtual Land, Virtual Tender, or Virtual Goods and Services, or providing you with any credit or refund or any other sum, in the event of: (a) Linden Lab’s change, suspension or termination of any Linden Dollars, Usage Subscription, Virtual Land, Virtual Tender, or Virtual Goods and Services; or (b) for loss or damage due to Website or Server error, or any other reason."
  23. I've never heard of such a setting so I searched the Firestorm wiki for an answer. However no such setting was found. Please try to descripe what the setting you are referring to is for or what it does to receive more help. More than likely you aren't using the right terminology. Please do not create a new post to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  24. Rolig's reply is spot on. However if you have never scripted before and would rather someone write the script for you, post in the Inworld Employment section of these forums. Be sure to tell them it's for personal use only as a full perm script for commercial use will be much more expensive.
  25. He's said it in numerous interviews which you can google Here's one link in this forum: When he first let slip that LL was building a new virtual world he sent a statement to Jo Yardley a SL blogger. In this statement that Jo Yardley received from him he said: "Does this mean we’re giving up on Second Life? Absolutely not. It is thanks to the Second Life community that our virtual world today is without question the best there is, and after 11 years we certainly have no intention of abandoning our users nor the virtual world they continually fill with their astounding creativity. Second Life has many years ahead of it, and in addition to improvements and new developments specifically for Second Life, we think that much of the work we do for the next generation project will also be beneficial for Second Life." He's also said it many times in posts he's made on this forum. You can see all his posts here and search them yourself. Since you are new here, maybe before you make ignorant statements you should do a bit of research first.
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