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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. Perhaps go to clubs where the kind of music is featured that people your age like. You'll probably find some there. There is a group called "Twentysomething Twenty Year Olds" that says their members are in their 20's that you cn look into joining. Members may tall you of other places or groups for people your age. That said, you really don't know how old people are in RL, even if they are in a group like that mentioned above. If they claim to be a certain age, it may not be true because many people roleplay a character in here and keep in character all the time. Even personality or personal likes and dislikes may not let you guess an accurate RL age. Once you get to the point in a friendship where people trust you, they may (or may not) tell you more about their RL. Most people that try to guess my age are off my quite a few years, although I am just myself in here and don't role play a character. My advice is to just try to make friends with anyone which you share common insterests. After you become friends, age probably won't make any difference to you. It's one of the great things about SL; the ability to make friends without judging them based on looks, culture or other preconceived notions of how you think people will act. I have close friends of all RL ages from 20 to over 70 and I cherish each one.
  2. Read this article from the Knowledge Base to learn how. Before you aquire land, you would do well to take a class on land, and land management. Calledon Oxbridge University offers an excellent class. There are probably other's around too that you could find in event search.
  3. Parhelion Palou wrote: ...As for increased prims on Mainland -- they could triple the prims and I still wouldn't move back to Mainland. If LL wants people to start filling the vast abandoned sections of Mainland they should consider adding zoning and covenants. I agree with this. The reason private estates are so popular is that you don't have to worry about someone building something inappropriate next to your land, unless you live on a private region that allows it, such as the few that have no covenant.
  4. You're right. It won't change anyone's SL unless they own mainland. It's yet to be seen if it effects Linden Home owner's too. It's the typical LL hype as far as I can see, unless prim increases will come to private regions in the future. I somehow doubt it though as more prims would be a new benefit for premium account holders owning mainland.
  5. Artorius Constantine wrote: If the new prim increase isn't carried over to Estates I foresee a really hard transition as everyone scrambles to move to the mainland. Mainland prices are already rising. Hold on to your hats folks! This could be a bumpy ride. This could wipe out a lot of people that depend on Estate Rentals for an RL living. I hope LL shares the prim bonus across the board. I like my homestead but I'll move too if the bonus isn't given to estates. I checked my Blake Sea parcel on the mainland after the new server roll out and the prim limit was increased. I then went to a private island running the updated Server software and there was no prim increase. Sorry to inform you that the bonus is NOT being given to estates. I'm not surprised by this as LL is apparently increasing the benefits of being a premium member and owning mainland. They already lowered the tier for a full prim private region, if the estate owner pays the fee. Maybe they will do something similar for Homesteads in the future. Just wondering, has anyone seen their rent on a private estate parcel go down if their estate owner elected to grandfather it?
  6. Actually when a premium account lapses, your account is suspended until you pay your bill. THEN you can choose to downgrade to a basic account once you abandon all your land or LInden Home. Even after that you will face one more bill for land you owned in the past 30 days. If you don't pay that your account will be suspended once more until you do.
  7. No, it will go into your USDollar balance viewable on your dashboard. You can then use it to buy $L's using market buy, or request a process credit to refund it to a verified PayPal account. Note there will be a fee to refund the money to you via PayPal.
  8. I don't know if it's still around but there was a banning device that many public region owners had. If one region owner banned someone using this device, they were most likely to find themselves banned from other regions too as an auto notification about the ban was published to all region owners that owned the device. Not the IP address but the name of the person and their offense. The region owners had the option on the device to automatically ban that person when info was receive, however there was also an option to just receive the info and make their own minds up as to ban or not. The other possibility is that some public region owners do talk to each other and share info on troublemakers. Not info on alts, as that's illegal, but names of people they banned and their offense. Lastly there are region bans and estate bans. If you are banned from one sim the estate owner does have the option to ban you from all the sims in the estate at the same time. I'm not saying this is the case with you and your alts but there is a possibility that if your alts were banned from another region, they might be banned on this one too.
  9. One way to find out, go there. Use the link provided in teh OP.
  10. Givers of the prims inventory are avalable free in script libraries. Some give one item, others give several in a folder. Obtain the one that suits you, drop it into the prim along with the items you want to give.
  11. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  12. Actually the plots are larger but the buildings are too, covering most of the lot and placed cheek by jowl.
  13. Yes, LL can copy a sim and put more on line. If they were going to replace the current Linden homes though, I'd think they'd have more on the grid already to avoid delay if these fill up. Whether people that have all the architectural theme homes will want to give them up and move into a neighborhood with what appears to be one theme is an open question. Actually the homes are more compacted together, and leave very little room to individualize them with landscaping. The Linden continents feel empty because of the different time zones everyone lives in in RL and for other reasons. This isn't going to solve that. Different people are on at different times and many of them are off doing things, not hanging out at their houses which are very basic and don't have the entertainment options or the space to entertain that most homes on other regions have. A lot of people just use them to log into and for changing clothes. Most premium members I know have one just for a hideout, but have larger homes on private regions.
  14. I vote that it will either be bigger Linden homes (*cough - for a higher premium fee), or Bento. LL rarely gives away things for nothing. Bigger Linden homes may come with a higher premium fee. That might be optional, like a super premium membership. Two continents is not enough to replace all the current Linden home. It remains to be seen if the free tier allowance on mainland would increase. Of the two the Bento project is the only one that will effect everyone and come close to changing SL lives forever. Doubt I'll run out and buy new animations or clothes to replace what I already have though. It would be nice though if the new bones came with a somewhat improved avatar that didn't render the clothes we have obsolete.
  15. LL employees.do not work on .Sunday. I'd call Billing to get this straighted out. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  16. Your profile is empty. It's hard to make friends without one. I can't stress enough how important it is to have a full one. Most people that have been around read them more than you probably realize and use the information in it to have something to break the ice with you or share a common interest and converse with you about. Most of my friendships started out this way. Make the effort to give a bit of info about yourself so other's that are compatible.can make the effort to talk to you Put a pic of yourself in. Tell a bit about yourself in SL and in general RL. What you like to do, what time zone you are in, what kind of music do you like, your interests, etc. Use some of your picks to do this as well as you first tab. It's up to you what to do with your 1st Life tab. You are not required to give out any RL info you don't want to. If you don't know how to do this here is a good place to start: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Profiles/ta-p/1101055 You can also come back here if you have questions or want some advice.
  17. Are you the only one to see it or do other's see it too? If it's just you it's your graphics card most likely. Check to be sure you have the latest drivers. Once I had protrusions coming out of the mesh They were spiky not like these, but I suspect the reason is the same. The next driver release fixed it.
  18. Since you already tried what I suggested and it didn't work, then I suspect that your item or items has become disassociated from your account in the data asset server. This has happened to me occasionally as I have a huge inventory. Once my entire inventory was gone, even everything I was wearing and I logged in as a gray Ruth. If you are premium and file a support ticket giving the missing items names and creator, support may be able to retrieve them. If you are not premium then there really is nothing you can do. As you experienced before they probably will show back up in your inventory sometime in the future. I've had things returned to me a few weeks to a few months after their loss. If this item is really important to you I'd buy another if you can afford it. Maybe even one to send to an alt for safekeeping in case this repeats.
  19. It could be your viewers inventory file has been corrupted. Clear your cache and re-log into a water region with nothing on it. Don't do anything. Don't IM, Voice walk around etc. Just let your inventory rebuild itself. If you still don't see your missing items, do a clean re-install of your viewer. The link provided is for the official SL viewer, but also works for third party viewers. You viewer name will be substituted for the SL viewer name.
  20. If you are sure you won the auction and Rolig's answer doesn't help you, file a support ticket or talk to Live Chat.
  21. The short answer is you can't. The owners can but are highly unlikely to, since they want your $L's. If you can't control yourself going there maybe it's time to look into Gamblers Anonymous. Unfortunately the group of this name in SL promotes gambling. However you may find other self help groups using Group search.
  22. Sometimes if merchants are selling multiple items as part of a set, they pack things in boxes to put in their vendors because the vendor scripts they use require it, or it just because backups in boxes keep their inventory neater and the total count lower. Merchants that sell a lot of things have tons of inventory! If this is the case, you won't be able to see the contents of the box that's in a in world vendor. The same thing goes for the MP. If items are in a box you won't be able to see what the contents are in the contents tab.
  23. Now if only they were free for a $9.95 monthly membership! :smileyvery-happy:
  24. I think you might be confused. Appliers are used with mesh bodies to "paint" the texture on the body on layers that are part of the body itself. Mesh needs to be imported along with the texture into Second Life so you can sell it. See this page for information about importing mesh and the prerequisites you have to meet. If you are just buying mesh models full perm and texturing them, then you usually get a UV and/or AO map that you use as a guide to create your textures using a 2D graphics program. For appliers, you will need to go to the shop where the body is sold for information on how to obtain them. If you don't see information in the shop or with a body demo, see if there is information about them in the creators profile and if not, contact them. Full information about these options is not in the scope of the Answers section. If you have specific questions about creating or importing mesh ask them in the Mesh forum. Specific questions about the appliers or creating textures for full perm mesh models should be asked in the Fashion or Building forums. Creators and designers that do the kind of work you are asking about usually are able to answer you. Tutorials are also widely available on YouTube.
  25. Be sure that you are wearing the right shoe base that goes with the shoes you are wearing. Look in the folder that your shoes came in to see. If you aren't wearing that should solve your problem without having to adjust your hover height.
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