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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. We are only volunteer residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  2. The only practical way to do that is to explain to your friends your limits and ask them not to come unless you TP them and not to TP anyone there on their own. If they show up on their own and you exceed your limit you'll have to tell them to leave and come back later when there is room for them. Your real friends should understand and respect your request. If they don't they really aren't your friends.
  3. I agree with you. In addition to putting builders out of busines it probably will make a lot of estate owners suffer too, and perhaps give up sims. That's not a good thing either. Yes, a lot of estate owner rent out larger parcels but a lot have 1024's too. If they lose those tenants they may not be able to rent that land out again. Some people with larger parcels may give them up too if they are content with a larger Linden home. They already are having a hard time renting parcels, which why we see more and more sims disappearing. LL is not known for thinking that far ahead. The introduction of Linden homes is one of the main reasons so much of the mainland is empty now and so many people no longer buy homes and as much furniture as they are content with a Linden Home. If they are even more content with a larger home, then the mainland will suffer further. All in all I predict this will in the long run damage the LL economy and the people who depend on it to make money or at least not lose money. Tier is the major source of income for LL and less tier may not make up for the premium fees they stand to gain, if any. Maybe they plan on raising the Premium Fee to cover a higher expense too and maybe the amount of free tier available to mainland owner's wont increase. So how can all of you premium members know this will actually save you anything until you know the details? In addition will this really attract more new members that stay in SL? I doubt it. Its learning curve that drives most new users away IMO not having a bit of a larger home as a premium member.
  4. Yes, I'm aware of it. However the OP was looking for land to set up a place where she can interview people for a project she's working on. Linden Homes are residential only, which means just living in the home. So it couldn't be used for this.
  5. FIrst I would look at one room offices that are both furnished and unfurnished. If unfurnished, look at furniture and pick out what you want. Then add up all the Land Impact of the various objects. That will tell you how large a parcel you need. Here is a chart of standard lot sizes that show how much Land Impact each parcel allows.  In all honesty, since you only need the land for a short time it will be probably be more economical for you to rent it to avoid the initial cost of buying land. You can rent from a mainland owner or from a private estate. Usually on private estates, the 'buy price' is only $1L or the total amount you initially pay goes towards the first weeks rent, or first months rent if rent has to be paid monthly. On mainland the buy price is in addition to the the tier owed. There is no buy price for mainland if you rent. So look at all your options and put a pencil to it to figure out what way is most economical for you. Becoming a premium member is not necessary unless you want a Linden Home or want to buy mainland. The support offered is ok, but frankly most issues you may run into can be resolved by asking here in the forums or answer section or researching the Knowledge Base or SL Wiki.
  6. FIrst you really should NOT deed things to group except for the following reasons You have to deed a television or radio to the land group for it to work You want group members be able to manipulate (move, copy or modify them as you specify in your group roles and abilities The reason is that if the object gets returned by the system or by someone, it may disappear forever. It is supposed to go to the last owner, but it doesn't always do that so you are taking a risk. Everything else should be set to group on group owned land if you limit non group members from rezzing things or want non group objects to be returned to the owner after a specified time. Deeding or setting to group doesn't mean that anyone can use scripted objects. That will be allowed only if the access can be set to group or everyone through the script or a config notecard. If the scripted object doesn't have that option it won't work the way you want it too. as for your questions: 1. You can only deed things to group if the object has transfer rights. Otherwise you must set them to group. That's why the button for deeding doesn't work on some things. 2. If you are referring to a bed that uses an MLP system, and maybe other systems too there are two permissions you need to grant. for both menus, and pose balls. Be sure you have ball users set your preference as well as the menu users If you do have both set, then what you have is a bug. There is a JIRA for it here which you may want to vote, track and comment on. I'm not sure if there is a work around for #2 or not. There may be something in the comments section of the bug report about it, which I didn't have time to read, or perhaps someone will post one here if they know of any.
  7. If you are able to get streams to rent then next hurdle is to have vendors that can not only rent the streams but take renewal rent too. Those vendors would have to be connected to your own outside server that sends the stream info to the renter that is needed for them to access the stream. The server would also need to keep track of the money paid and how m any weeks are paid for, then cut the stream off if the renewal rent is not paid. It should also send reminders the renter when a few days before the next payment is due and on the date it is due. Also if they are cut off because they didn't pay. I doubt you'll find anything for sale in world to do all this, so it means you will need to hire a SL scripter that can also set up the link to your server and program the server to do what it needs to do, unless you can do this yourself. Hiring someone who can do this will cost RL money. Most likely you will have to pay them by the hour. I've seen people who hire out for this sort of thing charge anywhere from $60US to over $100US an hour. Remember too you get what you pay for, so be sure that the person you hired is capable of giving quality results. Renting streams out is a very competitive business so you may make nothing after expenses. Some SL companies that rent streams offer franchises which may be more cost effective for you. If you are accepted as a franchiser, they will provide the vendors you need and all you would need to do is provide the shop where the vendors would be.
  8. If Nalates answer isn't the case, it could be a grahics card problem. I've had that happen with clothes I bought. I saw it but no one else did. It turned out to be the graphics card driver. When I updated it, it went away. Ask around and see if other people besides your sister sees it. If not, its a problem with your graphics. If you have the latest drivers (check you driver's website to be sure) post your computer information here from your viewer. Go to HELP > ABOUT <name of your viewer> and copy and past the info here to get more help. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  9. It's not how old your account is, it's how you look and act. I had a client once that opened and account in the very early in SL's existence but didn't stay around due to RL. They came back but couldn't walk and their avatar still looked circa 2004. I showed them around SL, but had to do it with a 'follow me' chair that the client sat in! They were older than me at the time but still were a newb. On the other hand I've known people who were not alts but were fast learners get out of the newb stage in as little as a few weeks.
  10. My advice on what to do would depend on if you want a beach or not. You can have a beach if you'd like. There are some pretty realistic mesh beach building kits in world and on MP. Come back and post about the beach and I'll be glad to offer suggestions.
  11. You don't have to stay with a mesh bodies original shape. Most mesh bodies will respond to the shape sliders in Appearance, though not all. Get demos of several and try that out. You can also get a shape you like and wear it when you wear the demo body.
  12. Sometimes your balance shown on the viewer is not accurate. Check what it says on your dashboard on the second life website. That's what's accurate. If the amount doesn't seem right check your transaction history there to see if any automatic payments were deducted after you got your money, such as group fees. If your dashboard and transaction history don't show you what you should have, call billing. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  13. You have to own or rent land to rez it permanently. The parcel has to be big enough to support the Land Impact of your forest too. You can find parcels you can own on the mainland using search. You must be a premium member to own mainland. You don't need to be a premium member to rent anywhere. You can rent on the mainland or on a private estate. Be sure to check the covenant or rental rules to be sure your forest is allowed there, BEFORE you pay any money. If you are unsure ask the landlord or estate owner. If you rent land and your forest isn't allowed there, you will be evicted without a refund of the money you paid for breaking the rules, since it's your responsibility to know and understand the rules before you rent. You can rez it temporarily in some sandboxes. You can find LL and privately owned sandboxes using search. Temporarily means that the forest will be returned to you after a certain period of time. That time can be anywhere from a couple hours to a day depending on the sandbox. Some private sandboxes also require group membership and may or may not allow you to join the group. Be sure to check the rules to see if you are allowed to rez it. Some sandboxes restrict what you can rez to projects you are actively building or scripting, which means you can't rez your forest there. Others may restrict the total Land Impact you can rez there, so if your forest exceeds that number you can't rez your forest there either.
  14. When you but Lindens you buy from other residents not LL. If you chose a Best Rate Buy (Limit Buy) that allows you to specify the amount of Linden dollars and the exchange rate you are willing to accept. LindeX automatically matches up buy and sell offers as they come in. If your offer is too high it could take hours, days, weeks, or months or even never, before you get any $L's. You can cancel the Limit buy and the money will go to your US dollar balance. You can cancel it on the LindeX: Transaction History page on you web dashboard. Click Manage on the sidebar then choose LindeX Order History to get to that page. You can then use Market Buy to get Lindens almost instantly.
  15. I'd quetion Skrill about this. Their website still says they do currency conversions for a 3.99% fee. If there were a major change in policy with accepting payments in US$, I'd think it would be noted there.
  16. And as the cliche about modern life goes... He who dies with the most toys wins.
  17. LOL. My partner and I used to run a club for a friend a few years ago. It was in the destination guide. It ended up closing because the owner's RL changed and took up all of his time so he couldn't get into SL anymore. However the club stayed in the guide for a long time after that.
  18. If the money was there last night and it changed today, your transaction history will show where it went. Also the amount shown on the viewer is sometimes not accurate. Always check your dashboard on the website for the actual correct amount.
  19. Sure it's possible. Just texture a prim in the right proportions and take it into your inventory. Click it and select ATTACH HUD and you'll get a flyout menu with your choices of screen location. Generally Center is the best choice for this. If you have more than one page you can get a book script that allows page turning, and build the book according to it's directions, or a slide show script. If you use a slide show be sure to alter the script to make the pages show long enough for it to rez for people. Both book scripts and slide show scripts are available in script libraries, here in the forum, in the SL Wiki, and in world. You'll also find them on the MP. Some are free other's you have to pay for. You might also consider the texture to be a poster and get a script that gives a folder on touch or when rezzed that gives a landmark and a notecard with full details. Some people even have their invitations play sounds or emit appropriate particles. Scripts for this are also available in script libraries or on MP. If working with scripts is not something you know how to do, you can hire a scripter for a custom script, hire a builder to make one to your specs using existing scripts, or even go to one of the companies that make invitations. How much it will cost depends on how elaborate the job is, how long it will take and the quality of work the person does. Keep in mind that a $1US is worth about $260L's now. Don't expect anyone to work for RL pennies on the hour.
  20. Yes those things can get hard or go bad if they aren't used. How fast depends on how you take care of them, how you store them, if you opened them at all, and the quality they are. As far as telling you what to paint, as an artist you should come up with that yourself. You have to find your own inspiration to do your best work. If you can't do that you aren't really an artist, just an illustrator. Art is a way to communicate YOUR thoughts and ideas, not someone else's. An illustration is communicating other people's ideas. One trick I use is to carry a small sketch book with me and when I see something interesting, no matter how small, I quickly and roughly sketch it just enough to remind me of the mental picture I have in my head of it. I'll sometimes just job down a good description too. I also keep a 'color' book where I paste in swatches of colors I like such as paint samples, photos I see, pieces of fabric, colors I mix up from different kinds of paints or pastels, or just about anything that will fit in it. When I need inspiration, I look through these books. They rarely let me down.
  21. Most likely some of those ASCII characters aren't supported in SL, so your display name change didn't work. Which one they are I haven't a clue. There is a notecard of ASCII characters that do work, available on the Marketplace. The other problem is that many people will find your name extremely difficult to read even if you change the characters, especially with such a long and unusual name. So some people will ignore your display name, especially venue employees that don't have time to figure out what it is as they have to greet other guests or are busy doing their jobs. If you don't care if people call you user name, then go ahead and use them if you can figure out which ones can't be used. I personally couldn't read your name without studying it. I'm sure other's will post their agreement with my advice which is, just don't do it.
  22. French people are certainly welcome to join SL. There may be more than you know are here. Many of them speak excellent English and unless they are willing to reveal their RL location, you wouldn't know they are French.
  23. A lot of this could be avoided, including untalented performers, if the venue owner would take the time to go see the performer perform before hiring them. If that's not possible they should audition them before they allow them to appear at their venue. Unfortunately many venue owners will take any performer that will work for free or really cheap. Patrons can up the level of performers appearing at a venue if they tipped the club generously. However most don't, they expect performers for free too or at most a tip to the performer. You get what you pay for in my experience.
  24. Just a small percentage of SL residents come to this forum so even fewer live performers will see your rant or even hear of it. So you aren't accomplishing anything here. Many performers in SL are not professionals, they are talented amateurs, living a dream in SL. Most likely the performers that have done this didn't realize how harsh it sounds over their mic. It would be much more constructive if you tell them politely how disconcerting it is. Perhaps even suggest they keep a glass of lemon water handy and take a sip between songs to prevent an overly dry throat. While some are prima donnas most of them I've worked with over the years welcome constructive criticism if they are approached in the right way. Do it without ranting like you did here. If you don't want to tell them in person, write up a note card about it and drop it on them after their performance so you don't rattle them further during it. Once you let them know, if you continue to hear them do it, and it's so bothersome, then just don't patronize them anymore.
  25. Not enough information. I assume you downloaded the viewer. You might find this helpful too: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 You can come back here and post exactly what happens when you try to get in, and any messages you receive. Also post your computer specs. Go to Help on the viewer menu, and then to About. Copy and paste all of them here. Or you can contact Live Chat for help, since you are a premium member. Please do not create a new post to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
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