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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. entity0x wrote: Take the $L and spend it on something nice. Unless you have reason to believe the $L was stolen, or involved in some crime ring regarding SL accounts, why would you worry at all? I've had gifts thrown my way (though not as much), I just thank them and use it. But then again, I'm not involved in anything untoward, so wouldn't have such concerns where it came from. Not good advice at all! Once someone reports what's going on, perhaps the original peron that the $L's were stolen from, LL will trace the money and where ever it ended up will take it back. If the OP spends it that's going to stick the merchants with $L's they thought they earned disappearing. If LL has any evidence the OP believed it was stolen (including IM's and even this forum post) she could get in trouble herself too. She'll also have a lot of merchants mad at her, who perhaps will ban her from their inworld stores and demand she pay for the merchandise she got. This happened to somone I knew at one time. I commend the OP for wanting to do the right thing. Not everyone wants to.
  2. TMI I've hosted a lot of events over the years. I always make sure to have a backup available so I can excuse myself when ever needed. Try that next time.
  3. Try logging into another region and see if you can get in that way. If you can try to tp to the region you want to go to. If it doesn't work, the region may be down. Anyone can file a ticket to report a region that is down. LL usually responds pretty quickly unless there are complicated technical reasons. If you can't log into another region, come back for more advice. Tell us exactly what happened including any messages you get. Please do not create a new post if you need to add additional information. Edit your original post instead. You can edit your post to add additional information by logging in to the web site, going to the post you want to edit, then clicking "Options" at the top right of the post and choosing edit.
  4. Reset your modem and reboot your computer.
  5. Employers generally will not hire you until you are 30 to 90 days old, depending on the job. You need to know a certain amount about how SL works and what you can do before you would be considered. If you are unskilled, don't expect to earn a lot of money. Most jobs pay in tips or just a very small amount an hour or week. While you wait for your avatar to become old enough, get out there and explore and learn all you can about SL. If you have skills or are willing to learn you can make stuff to sell to other residents. Talented and successful creators are the ones that earn the most money, some making their RL living here. Read this for more details: Guide to Jobs in Second_Life The fastest and easiest way to get lindens is to buy them. Buying $L
  6. You need to file a support ticket and explain all this to LL. They are the only ones that can unlock your item and put it back on the MP if they agree with your explanation. You can do this for any marketplace issues that requires their assistance, even if you are not premium.
  7. If you really are 18+ in RL and gave your correct birthday when you registered, you need to file a support ticket. If you really are 18+ in RL and gave an incorrect birthday when you registered, you need to file a support ticket, too. The TOS says you do have to give the correct DOB when you register, so be prepared to provide RL proof of age and answer questions. Support will tell you what you have to send and where to send it. Don't expect them to be very sympathetic. It's hard to believe someone doesn't know their RL birthday.
  8. Yes they have that many sims. A good many are just water, the rest are the rentals but even those sims are set up as small islands with half the sim or more of water that is open to all residents. The nudist part is another estate that is much smaller that was allowed to locate next to the Fruit Islands and use their sailing water. Nudist only applies to the actual land owned by that estate, I believe. I never saw a naked sailor in the Fruit Islands water. The other estate has water that you can sail in in addition to the Fruit Islands. But the island parcels are a lot closer together so the water is more like wide canals.
  9. This section is for asksing questions about SL itself. We do not provide support for products made by other residents because there are too many of them out there and it is impossible to be expert in all of them. Everything in SL is made by other residents. It really depends on the container and if it's scripted or not, whether the food you put in is actually an object or not etc. You should ask one of the experienced members of your tribe.
  10. It may not be you, the sim could be closed, the sim could be offline.
  11. Might help to know what kind of group it is. building support?
  12. Not sure what the Blake Sea has to do with the Fruit Islands. One is mainland the other is a private estate. I've lived in the Fruit Islands a few times over the years and always loved it. It's a private sailing estate and very well run and managed. There are estate agents around most of the time to deal with people that hover over private homes and cam in which is against the rules there. :smileywink:
  13. If you don't hear sounds outside of SL then you need to figure out why. First make sure your headphones/speakers or headset are working properly. Other than that help is beyond the scope of the answer section. If you post your system specs and operating system in the regular forum perhaps someone can help you there if you need help. System specs needed can be found in HELP>ABOUT <name of your viewer>, which you can copy and past in your post. If you hear sounds outside second life you need to configure your sound in your viewer. Your device settings determine the microphone and speakers that Second Life uses. To configure your device settings: Choose Me > Preferences. Click the Sound & Media tab. Click the Input/Output devices button. Click the Input dropdown to select a device for your microphone* Click the Output dropdown to select a device for your speakers.* * what the correct choic is depends on how you have your operating system set up and what sound card you use. In some cases, you may need to exit and restart the Second Life Viewer.
  14. Of course you are free to wear what and as much as you want. I also understand that that 38 plain cubes won't give you a high ARC. But it is more than the LI of an object that makes up the ARC, it also depends on a lot of the prims properties, which actually have more of an impact even if they are one prim each and can produce a ARC rating much higher than one. Many of the things you like to wear would fall into this category, If the DEMO was linked, the creator would still have to spend time retexturing the item to remove the word DEMO or removing a DEMO sign. It isn't just a matter of passing a ready made item from their inventory to yours. As I said before, just don't go there if you don't like how she runs her business. Throwing what amounts to a tantrum and trying to harm her business here on the forum because she refused your one special request I doubt will change her mind. I'd think rather it would have the opposite effect in any future interactions with you if you continue to patronize her store.
  15. Did you quit your browswer then go back later? Unless you had logged in the items will no longer be in your cart.
  16. No one could have charged on her card on SL if she had it as her payment info without her password. Accounts can't be hacked but can be compromised if she gave someone her password, accepted an object then rezzed it and gave permission to debit her account, or clicked a link that took her to a phishing website. Under the TOS, she is solely responsible for keeping her account secure. I suspect she really does owe the money and just not telling you the truth. However if she suspects someone logged into her account recently and charged her card for $L's, she can look at her transaction history to see where the $L's went. If she see's money sent to another avatar, then she needs to report it to LL. She needs to be sure this is the case though. LL will not take kindly if it wasn't and may consider it fraud. Here's she must do: Go to the Second LIfe Help page and log in if you can. If you can't access your account, use the Forgot your login information? link on the right to recover your username and reset your password. Then log in. On the Second LIfe Help page page, click the Contact Support link on the right. On the next page, click Submit a a Support Case form. Under What type of problem are you having?, select Account Issue. A second dropdown appears. Under Account Issue, select I believe my account has been compromised. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Click Submit. Check your email for your case number. Call our fraud number: 800-860-6990 . Once she does this, Linden Lab will place her account on hold and investigate the relevant transactions. This may take a few days. Once they have concluded the investigation, they'll send her an email explaining their conclusion and the action they will take. Note that all transactions involving Linden dollars are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. She should also change her password immediately.
  17. Do you want just a HUD that you can put the dances you alread have in or one that's preloaded?
  18. LL wants to monitor the mainland to be sure the extra prims there don't cause any server problems. The private estates will get the extra prims when they are sure it won't. In their blog they stated that it would be a couple of months. Read more here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/How-Those-Land-Impact-Increases-Impact-You/ba-p/3080262
  19. I can see why they may not link everything together to give the option to wear it or not. They also may not have time to comply with all the special requests they may get. Many creators only have a few hours a week they can spend on their store and want to use the time to make more items. No mod rigged mesh clothing doesn't bother me. You can't resize it or move it but you are still allowed to attach it to a different attachment point if one is full and it will still go where it is supposed to. You can't retexture it as you need the texture maps to do that and have it look good and no creator is going to give you those. For these reasons what could you possible mod? Seriously, your ARC must be huge if all your attachment points are at their limits (I've never run out of slots). If you have 38 items attached to a point, most people will see you as a jellybean anyway. Bottom line, vote with your feet and just not buy from that creator if you don't like how they run their store. There is no use ranting here about just one of them. Creators own all the rights to their creations and can decide how they want to sell an item. You just buy the right to use a no mod item in SL. as you bought it You don't own it.
  20. First remove the IM log you posted and the name of the person. That is against the rules here and could get you in a lot of trouble. You are not allowed to name names here in a complaint or post an IM log. If you feel this person wanted to engage in age play, even though he denied it, you need to file an Abuse Report in world (Under the help menu) and let LL handle it from there. You will get an acknowledgement that your report has been filed, but that's all. LL won't tell you what they decided to do about it, if anything. Child avatars who are 18+ in RL are allowed on Adult land as long as they are not around or near anything going on that is sexual in nature. So just inviting you to an adult sim is not enough to file. You must give LL enough information to fully investigate such a serious charge including the time date and all location(s). You can include the IM log in your report if you wish. If you need more room than you are given, file more than one report one after the other until you have included everything and note that it is a continuation of the previous report. Keep your report very factual and not emotional. DO NOT alter any logs you submit in any way or say more than what actually happened, as LL has the ability to check your's against theirs as well as anything else you say. If you submit false information you may find yourself in trouble too.
  21. Sto usando un traduttore quindi mi dispiace se questo non è un buon italiano. In primo luogo, la maggior parte dei datori di lavoro non li assumerà fino a quando il tuo avatar sono 30 a un massimo di 90 giorni. La maggior parte dei lavori richiedono la conoscenza dei pro ei contro di fuori opere SL e quando si è nuovi semplicemente non ne sanno abbastanza. Per trovare un lavoro in SL è molto simile a trovare un lavoro RL. Guardate nel forum occupazione nel mondo virtuale nei forum regolari. È inoltre possibile controllare in annunci mondo. Infine si può andare luoghi che assumono dipendenti, come club, e afferrare un'applicazione e applicare. A meno che non sei davvero abile a qualcosa che è utile in SL come la modellazione 3D, texturing, animazioni creando ecc, sarete pagati solo in punte. Coloro che pagano a ore o settimane pagano solo una piccola quantità. E 'possibile lavorare come ospite in un club e fare abbastanza in una settimana per coprire l'affitto in una casa piccola e magari avere un po' rimasto per soldi in tasca, ma devi essere molto bravo nel tuo lavoro per guadagnare che e essere in grado di lavorare diverse ore la settimana. Se non parli inglese fluido si sarà limitato ai luoghi dove si parla italiano. Inoltre, non si aspettano salari RL. Lontano da esso, vi sarà pagato solo una piccola frazione di quello che si sarebbe pagato per un lavoro equivalente nella vita reale. La maggior parte delle persone lavorano perché hanno divertimento al loro lavoro, non fare abbastanza soldi per pagare per la loro Second Life. Tu sei molto meglio lavorare in RL un paio d'ore in più alla settimana e utilizzando quel denaro per pagare il vostro SL. Molte persone rinunciare qualcosa come l'acquisto di un caffè al caffè, l'acquisto di pranzo al lavoro e prendere il pranzo da casa, o no uscire con gli amici al bar di tanto in tanto, e con i soldi si salva in SL.
  22. How many items did you pack in the box? While there is theoretcally no limit, the more you pack into one the longer it will take to load. If you put a lot in the box it may take a longggggg time to load.
  23. You can, as Hunni said, set it so you don't see it anymore, but other's will still see it. You have to diable voice to get rid of it so other's don't see it at all. Even if you just want to listen to voice, it's a good thing other's see the dot, since that tells them you have the capability to listen to what they are saying if you are near them. It tells them you have voice enabled in case they want to include you in their conversation. Conversely, if they want privacy then they know they need to go to a private voice call or move out of range.
  24. As Alvin has said check to see if the TP is blocked. Check the land tools AND region tools. Also be sure the landmark is correct. Maybe create a new one and see if that one works better. If it still doesn't work, you will need to get support from LL. If you are the estate owner or have estate agent rights you can file the support ticket. If not, you'll have to get the estate owner or agent, if there is one to do this. I had a sim once that the same thing happened. When people tried to tp there they landed on another sim. If people tried to tp to the other sim, they landed on mine. Turned out the addresses that TP's rely on, which tells the system where on the grid the sim is, were switched.
  25. You'd be better off asking in the Firestorm support group about this. They usually have an expert on line and you should get a quick answer. They provide excellent support.
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