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Amethyst Jetaime

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Everything posted by Amethyst Jetaime

  1. The easiest thing to do is to put the copy of the body that you set up for a specific outfit or item in the same folder of the outfit or items you want to wear it with. That's what I do. If the same set up works for a few outfits, you can put a copy in each folder. No need to have a lot of subfolders in your body folder that way.
  2. Eu estou usando um tradutor como Poruguese não é minha língua. Sua pergunta não traduziu bem assim que eu estou dando-lhe três respostas possíveis a que sua pergunta pode ser. Se nenhum destes responder à sua pergunta, edite o seu post original e tente dar mais detalhes. Se você quer dizer que você pode trazer de volta um grupo que não existe mais, a resposta é não. Você pode criar um novo grupo com um nome diferente, mas sem o mesmo nombre.rol você quer ser no. Se você quer dizer que você pode ser um proprietário de um grupo para a esquerda, terá que pedir a alguém que é um outro proprietário e só eles podem decidir. Apenas um proprietário pode convidar outra pessoa para ser outro proprietário. Se você só quer ser um membro de um grupo para a esquerda, em um papel que não seja o proprietário, mais uma vez tem que pedir ao proprietário, ou alguém que tem autoridade para convidar o grupo na funcão que deseja estar em.
  3. Go here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials Download the Linden Body and Clothing Templates which is a zip file that contains the eye template. I checked and it is still there and contained in that zip file.
  4. Prokofy Neva wrote: I think you're just utterly unfamiliar with how rentals work, and particularly with my rentals. Many of my rentals aren't just postage stamps laid out on a grid as some are. They are nice communities with a park at the center or a walkway or trees or some other build of some sort. You can't just "downsize" a big elaborate build you paid for which people are used to having as a kind of landmark or hangout area. If you've already cut up a sim and arranged houses and landscaping all around it, you can't just take a 512 or 1024 and now "cut it out" like a diseased elm tree. I rented out land and homes for years, very profitably, so I do know how they work. I don't know what your set up is though, however if you rent a 2048 lot and people want smaller lots, then it's not hard to cut it in two to produce 1024's if you have adequet skills, unless your lots are irregular in shape. Then it may take some extra work, but it's possible unless it's really very irregular in shape. You might even have to remodel some of the common areas, but if it saves your rental business from a lot of vacancies and eventual bankruptcy, then it could well be worth it. This is the larger problem the Lindens have on the mainland. They get patches of abandoned land on sims with great builds, so they can't dump the whole sim and they have no way (yet) to cut out the dead wood and pull together the live wood. A lot of that could be eliminated if LL instituted basic zoning through the entire mainland and also put Linden Homes on the mainland instead of seperate areas. Lack of zoning is why most people prefer private estates. Many people have beautiful homes that aren't furnished because they actually do not sit inside them. The home is like a sculpture. They admire it, and sit on the deck outside or go up in their skybox. The home is merely a kind of status symbol. Once again, there can't be "space" or land unrelated to prims. Even on a homestead where you get more space with less prims, there's a limit to how this concept works if you divide up the sim into parcels for people. Prims have to come from somewhere. Of course there can't be space unrelated to prims, that's a basic concept and why if a renter wants the space of a 4096 put the prims of a 1024 and you don't want to charge by the prim, then you can't accomodate them. Of course you need to be as accomodating to tenants as you can be, but there are limits and sometimes you just have to say no in your own self interest. If they leave, and that disrupts your cash flow too much you need a better business plan or throw in the towel. Like any business you have to be flexible and change what you can change when you can change it to make a profit. I don't object at all to content creators selling more and people buying more. I myself commission and sell content and sell gatchas and even sell my own little home-made creations. That's not the issue. What I object to is content creators imagining that the economy of the Renaissance Fair -- the guilds make fancy stuff and we rubes buy it -- is all you need in a virtual world. You need different classes of people and other sources of income generation besides skilled content creators. Land sellers and developers and rental agents are the obvious other class given the make-up of the world. Services of every conceivable type are the other obvious class. But these two classes are scorned, hated, and hobbled, and those leading the charge are the content creators who only think selfishly of their own class interests. I agree that it takes all kinds of of classes to generate a healthy economy. However I disagree that merchants hate all the other classes; that's a gross generalization. Nor do I see how merchants hobble other classes. Every class in my opinion looks out for it's own self interest first that's the way the world works. Maybe merchants are better organized to do this but there is nothing stopping other classes from doing the same. I've been involved in most all the different classes over my long second life and in my experience it is the unwillingness of many people to cooperate with other's in their class that is the biggest factor. You have to admit that there are land barons that get preferential treatment from LL. Can't blame them or LL for it. It's just business.
  5. Ctrl = Shift works too to select a continuous list. Not sure what you mean by set default to skin and shape so it comes up everytime. If you mean in your inventory then no. Perhaps if you provide more details as to what you are trying to do, we can suggest alternatives.
  6. If you mean how to increase your prims due to the announcement that you'd get more, you don't need to do anything. The change happened automatically. Check your land tools box it should show more prims, if it doesn't contact live chat.
  7. You can just not pay the rent when it's due. No refunds are made for partial months or if you decide you don't like it.
  8. I assume you refer to a Linden home. Contact live chat to fix those problems.
  9. The sims get 1.5 times the number of prims they got before. But really tenant behaviors A- no change for you B-to your advantage since you'll get more rent C and D - the answer is No, but you can move to a smaller lot if I have one available. Maybe people will move to smaller rentals or maybe not. If you see a trend, just adjust your lot sizes. Unless someone charges rent by the prim rather than lot size, I suspect the majority of landlords will do the same. If someone figures their rent by the prim, they can always adjust the rent so that instead of for $ X/prim to $X/1.5 prims and establish a minimum rent. Conversely they can keep the rent and the number of prims that they rent the same and use the extra prims on better buildings or landscaping that will beautify the place to attract more tenants and keep the ones they have. My observation is they people want nice homes even if they furnish them with minimal furniture. I always laugh when I see a big beautiful home furnished with "a bed, chair, desk, and plant" or even empty. What's the point? Does a spacious but poorly furnished house impress me? Not at all. In fact I think it's rather dense for people to pay for enough room to rez their spacious house in but use only a few prims. It's a waste of money, but it's their SL and their money to waste. So the conclusion I have to draw is that it isn't just prims but space too that people look for when they rent. There is a disadvantage to downsizing lots. It means less landscaping room, a smaller home foot print available and more visual crowding. I suspect most tenants that ask those questions really haven't thought it through. As far as the economy in general, I expect it will improve to some degree because people may buy more items for their homes or toys for themselves they can now display. I know you don't want to hear that Prok since you are so down on content creators making money. But, if people sell more they may be willing to get a rental if they don't have one or a better rental if they do. This should broaden your opportunities too if you play it the right way.
  10. You said you're in a workshop conference room. Note that Linden homes are for residential use only. You can't conference or run any kind of business out of them.
  11. Sorry, this is not going to happen. Due to poor planning in the beginning of SL, everything connected to your account , including every item in your inventory and every transaction you've made, is under your name not some number or other identifier. That is why everyone has to have a unique user name and a name cannot be re-used if if the account is cancelled. It's still recorded in LL's records. To change your name all that stuff has to be changed and currently LL has no way to do it, and has decided that it's not feasible to create a way to do it probably because of the cost and time involved. Also due to the above, they would not allow you to change your name. Even if John Smith marries Mary Jones, what are the chances she may not get to be Mary Smith because someone already has that name? Pretty high actually. If they did allow you to add a last name, probably you'd also have a problem coming up with a unique name that has never been used by the tens of millions of people that have or had an account in SL. This is why we ended up with display names rather than actual user name changes or allowing single name user names to add a name.
  12. Years ago I owned several sims, at different times, and a large estate too. I actually made RL profit with them. My business partner and I at one time were even able to each have a private sim for our own residences that was paid for out of our gross receipts. However the days of making enough money to pay for a sim are long past. Other that a few people that will leave a tip for the venue, nobody will pay to be entertained. There are too many places that will do that for free. Even if you came up with a astoundingly original and ground breaking idea and have an excellent marketing plan to get the word out, you are going to have to be prepared to pay for your sim out of pocket for up to a year. You have to get enough paying customers to come to your sim and that takes a while to build up. People are fickle too. They move on to the next 'big' thing that comes along quickly enough. You won't get that kind of idea here. If I had one, I'd do it myself and not tell you. :smileywink: I also wouldn't take on anyone that approaches you about a great idea they have because most of them are fails from the start. If you do take on someone, they should put enough money into it to pay half and I'd also get a RL contract spelling out who pays for what and what happens if someone can't pay etc. That contract should be enforcable in a RL court, which means getting lawyers to write it. Going to another grid to do this isn't going to work either. The same barriers here are there too. The sims are a whole lot cheaper there but the population is very low and you can only count on having a few paying visitors a day for on a spectacularly good day. Been there and done that. I'm afraid the only way you will ever have a sim is if you are willing to pay for it yourself.
  13. It's not your fault that people don't pay attention if you clearly state what avatar the clothing will fit. IMO you should have a clear refund policy on a big sign in your shop and in the product description or store policy on the marketplace. Unless the items are transferable and they can return them to you in their original state with no mods, I'd have an all sales final with a no refund policy - the exception being a double purchase. Most merchants do. You can always make an exception to your policy if the situation warrants it. Most merchants require people requesting a refund to submit a copy of the purchase transactions along with the item. That way you have the date and transaction number to quickly find it in your records to verify a purchase was actually made by the person requesting the refund. They could have gotten a transferable item from someone and are just trying to cash in. As other's have said, I would also recommend that you download your transactions to a spreadsheet as suggested so you have a good record of them past the 32 days they stay on your web site transaction record, unless you use a vendor system that records the transactions on a server.
  14. We are only residents here no Lindens read this. We have no access to your account records to figure out what's going on. You should contact billing to answer your questions. Billing support phone numbers: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 The Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Portugal: 800.814.450 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only If you cannot use one of these phone numbers contact Live Chat if you are a premium member or file a support ticket
  15. Gee you are always the glass is half empty kind of person and get on your high horse so much I'm surprised that the beast can still stand. Also, why are you so down on content creators? It makes you sound jealous of them. You too can become a content creator if you choose to do so and make the big money if you have the talent. Talent and is what earns the most money in SL. There are only a small group of people with that kind of talent. Most creators don't make a lot, if any, money. Just like RL, if you don't have the talent you aren't paid the big bucks. LL does not favor content creators as a general class, just a select few of their favorites, like only a select few land barons get favorable treatment. LL plays favorites, that's well known. However LL is a business not a charity and they have a right to treat certain people more favorably than others. RL businesses do it all the time.
  16. Welcome back LL is supposed to make a big announcement in their blog today (11/3/2016), so check that later today. That blog post was pulled because they got a little ahead of themselves and it may have also contained wrong information.
  17. If you are being banned it's because you are breaking the rules, acting obnoxiously and bothering other guests or are extremely rude yourself. Public venues rarely ban people for no reason as they people to hang out there. Owner's of these venues are within their rights under the TOS to ban you and set the rules because THEY pay for it, not you. Public venues rarely make any profit or break even. Most of them are money pits for the owner, they just run them because they enjoy doing it. Just because the public is welcomed doesn't make it public land. LL owned land is the ONLY public land and the only place you are entitled to go on, and even there LL will ban you if you break their rules. All other land (the majority) is owned by residents and you are only allowed there with the Owner's tolerance. SL may appear empty to you for two reasons. Your time zone and hours of the day you spend in SL may not be when the most people are online. Second, there are far more sims than there are people logged on at any one time and not everyone congregates in the same places. A lot of people that are on line don't congregate at all, preferring to stay at home, visit with friends or are busy building things. SL's content is created by residents. LL builds very little of it. Most of those residents are amateurs and never had any experience building in 3D. But that's one of th great things about SL. Anyone can create things for themselves or for other residents. Many people find out they have a creative streak they didn't know they had. Realistically, with your attitued, SL is not for you. I say that because it's true, not because you hurt my feelings. It makes no difference to the majority of us if you stay or go. You should go where everything is created by professional content creators and juvenile behavior is accepted as the norm.
  18. You can if you want. You can also stand, lay down or go someplace else. It's totally your call. So what is your question really about?
  19. If a region is down you can file a support ticket. Anyone, premium or not, estate owner or not, can do that. LL will not help you if you were banned though. An estate or land owner has the right under the TOS to ban anyone at any time for any reason or none at all. They don't even have to give you a reason.
  20. Prokofy Neva wrote: Bloggers should not be so timid and prostrate before Linden Lab. They should report what they know and can find out and then wait for a correction if need be. So that incorrect rumors and people like you (in you post in the thread "I hope they spread it like Peanut Butter!) can spread false information? Sorry I don't see it that way. Not everyone will see the retraction that the blogger made and wild rumours have a half life and are often repeated as fact, only to make people mad when it turns out wrong. Maybe Inara's information is true, or maybe not but we won't know until tomorrow.
  21. ChinRey wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: $600US is not chump change by any means. Those that didn't pony up that amount are still paying the higher tier and it was a limited offer, so anyone buying a new sim from LL will pay the higher tier. Keep in mind that you don't get mainland sims for free either. Prices vary a lot of course but even today with a price general level less than half of what it was two or three years ago, you may still have to pay just as much to buy a mainland sim as you have to pay in startup fee for a private one. You are buying from another resident, and prices are driven by residents who set the price and other residents who are willing to pay the ridicules prices for sims that other residents charge. As you are not paying LL most of the time other than for the rare sim that comes up for auction (whose prices are set by how much residents are willing to pay) this is irrelevant to my reply to Prok who stated that Private islands don't cost any more than mainland sims, referring to the tier and also contended that private islands would be "getting more once again". I never mentioned set up fees, just the $600 fee to grandfather a sim, which as I pointed out, not everyone paid and people in the future won't have the option so many private islands WILL cost more than mainland.
  22. Prokofy Neva wrote: It seems that the Lindens are adding prims to islands, too, so soon you will likely able to stop whining about a perceived slight because poor people got a little more that didn't take away from you, instead of you getting more once again. Islands do not cost more. They cost the same $195 tier. If they cost more to set up, that's because you haven't bought a full sim off the auction that actually costs more than an island sometimes. Where did you get the info that private estates are getting more prims too? Provide a link where a Linden said that. Interestingly in you other thread there was someone that posted a link that every one was getting more prims but it's been removed now.. I don't see that private islands get more than mainland. Name one perk they have they didn't pay for. Private Islands do cost more because to get the $195 tier estate owners had to pay $600 and previous to that offer they paid $100 more a month. $600US is not chump change by any means. Those that didn't pony up that amount are still paying the higher tier and it was a limited offer, so anyone buying a new sim from LL will pay the higher tier. Granted you get estate rights with a Private region. With estate rights comes the responsibility of governing your estate too, not something that mainland owners have to do. Is that really worth the extra money which amounts to $1200US a year if you aren't grandfathered?
  23. You'd be much better off spending the money on a better graphics card.
  24. No. Estate managers have the same rights on group or non group land. However your landlord or estate owner may require group membership and setting the land to group for many other reasons. If you buck that, you could find yourself evicted.
  25. It could be your viewers filed have been corrupted. Clear your cache and r-log into a water region with nothing on it. Don't do anything. Don't IM, Voice walk around etc. Just let everythikng rebuild itself. If you've done that without results and also reset your modem and then restarted your computer, do a clean re-install of your viewer. Here is how to do that https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-Second-Life/ta-p/1375231 The link provided is for the official SL viewer, but also works for third party viewers. You viewer name will be substituted for the SL viewer name.
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