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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Sorry. My past experience with it says different. I don't know if any of the harassing bots were registered or not. It made no difference to the harassment. And yes LL will get involved if someone is unnecessarily hogging sim resources. That has also been my experience numerous times. Obviously other people's experiences have been different from mine. The reason(s) why could be due to a number of factors.
  2. Granted, it was a few years back when they did something about the bots that were hanging out at my LZ uninvited and unwanted. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. As long as the bots aren't hogging shared (sim) resources and causing issues for others that own/rent in the same sim, I'm afraid Phil is correct. If Phil owns the whole sim his bots are parked in, there's nothing you can really do about it other than report it to LL and they likely won't do anything. If Phil doesn't own the whole sim, and his bots are using up more than his "fair share" of sim resources, then Phil is in the wrong and LL will do something about it, if you report it.
  4. Alright. Where did you hid the camera? You are in so much trouble young lady! Katie! Bar the door!
  5. Active Worlds is 23 years old and still going so it is possible.
  6. It was a long time ago (many years). At that time we were having problems with bots hanging out at the LZ and as I didn't want to unwittingly ban any of Tyche's legitimate bots, I asked her to stop them. It was easier on us both that way. I didn't feel right asking for a list of her bots (none of my business) and waste my time having to go through the list and remove her's. She understood my request and honored it. That's what counts.
  7. The grid survey bots do not cause any harm and are there for only a few seconds. Rarely ever fully rezzing as they are there for such a short period of time. As a matter of fact, if you are the sim owner or you are "renting" a full sim and have full estate rights, all you have to do is ask* (nicely) Tyche Shepherd to stop the bots from coming to your sim and she will. The information she provides is valuable to many residents as well as LL. *I did ask, nicely, and the bots did stop landing on my homestead.
  8. I can't speak for anyone else and my previous posts in this thread may not indicate it, but, you did have my support in whatever decision you made. Frankly, I was hoping you would AR the @$$. LL does tend to start suspending and banning those they receive quite a few ARs on. While I can't seem to find it now*, LL does follow a set of "rules". Suspensions start at 24 hours (1 day) and increase by 24 hours with each suspension. Once suspensions reach a total of five (if I remember correctly) then the account is permabanned. Sometimes it can take years to be permabanned as was the case of a certain creator who kept using copyrighted/trademarked logos of well known RL motorcycle manufacturers**. Most of the time though, it doesn't take long. *Seems to have been removed from the wiki. **I'd link to the thread where the creator was raising hell about it on another forum but the archives are not up. Yet.
  9. What do I think about either the book and/or movie "Ready Player One"? I haven't seen the book or read the movie. That's what I think.
  10. I was teasing you about the cabinets. I agree with Maddy. Run, puppup, run!
  11. I do hope those are not your dirty cabinets. I'm sitting here kind of half giggling because of the cabinets and the cleaning products in the background of the first image. As for the husky... give him/her somewhere they can see out of the windows from the floor. They will lose interest in jumping on furniture/counters to see out. They still have enough wolf blood that you can't treat them the same way you do other domestic dog breeds. They do not respond in the same manner. Of course, when they are initially raised outdoors, there isn't much you can do to break the habit of climbing on things for a better view of their surroundings, except for providing them with something you won't mind getting torn up.
  12. Thought you might be interested in case you weren't aware. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-some-people-are-left-handed-2018-1
  13. You know what they say about engineers and looking good on paper. https://www.amazon.com/Looked-Good-Paper-Inventions-Engineering/dp/0061358436
  14. Well... at least Merton's doesn't haunt me the way Murphy's does. 😆
  15. ...hauls out the piano slinging trebuchet. ...sets piano on fire before launching ...watches Maddy's eyes light up
  16. Still a bit too cold for my comfort. I'm ready for it to warm up a little. Just enough that my heating unit isn't being worked so hard, the poor ancient thing. Hopefully it will make it through the rest of the winter and through the next so we can try to save up for a new(er) one.
  17. Which version, Murphy's or Merton's? lol I meant stfu about the subject we were discussing. ...basks in the invigorating flames... a little too long
  18. I wasn't offended. I was pointing out the possible consequences. Like the one that happened as you describe here. You weren't directly responsible for his death but you have felt that you were at times or felt you contributed to it. I've been there, too. It isn't wrong of me to want to see others avoid such things. I know how badly and how long it can hurt. I don't think your friend saw you as part of the problem, although he may have wondered if you realized you weren't exactly helping. More than likely though, he wouldn't have changed a thing either where his friendship with you was concerned. Bleh. In my efforts to "make the word a little better place" I've probably caused more harm than good so I'm just gonna stfu.
  19. I'm hardly a young person. What you see as my future, is already my past. Try being First Nations and having to grow up in an all white family in an all white neighborhood and you are the only girl in the whole neighborhood. In the deep south... in the 60s. My point was, do a little more thinking about the consequences of what you are going to post before you hit the Submit Reply button. Even the most innocent seeming jokes can backfire on you. If, after giving it second consideration, you have even the least bit of doubt, it's probably best that you don't post it. Unintended consequences can be pretty devastating for all involved, directly and indirectly.
  20. I know you mean this in a lighthearted manner but having been ostracized for being left handed, as a child... it is not funny.
  21. The obvious, simple answer is no. The first Gor novel was published in 1966. We've learned a lot about how Earth and other planets work since then so it makes suspending certain beliefs that much harder to achieve. Especially the glaring ones like lower gravity producing heavier, stronger humanoid bodies when we now know lower gravity produces the opposite effect. This is what makes so many of the old(er) scifi movies so corny to us now. They're still fun to watch but there is just no way many of us can suspend current knowledge to achieve the level of immersion needed that was once so easily achieved. Those that still can, do. More power to you! 🛸
  22. A better question would be, does any good come from self gratification? That is what trolling amounts to, regardless of where the trolling occurs. Self gratification is not a virtue. Since only one person gets anything "good" out of it, it's pretty damn selfish.
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