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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. That is two sentences and the first is connected to the sentence before it not the one after. LEA will fail. Again. It must be all inclusive, or it is not an endowment for the arts. Which means LEA can NOT specifically define what art is. Which means LEA can NOT exclude ANY medium whether it be what you call decorating or landscaping or making mud pies out of clay or some other form of creativity. Art is creativity. Creativity is art. The two can NOT be separated and that is precisely what is being attempted here. And that is what will cause LEA to fail a second time. Second as in again. ETA: Mission: According to the NEA website, the organization “funds, promotes, and strengthens the creative capacity of our communities by providing all Americans with diverse opportunities for arts participation.” Mission: From the NEH website: “The National Endowment for the Humanities serves and strengthens our nation by supporting high quality projects and programs in the humanities and by making the humanities available to all Americans.” https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/la-et-cm-national-endowment-arts-humanities-primer-trump-20170316-story.html
  2. I'm not the one who needs to hear these things. It's the ones who do/did the damage that need to hear and listen. Too late now for most of them as they all died. Including the two worst.
  3. I grew up in the deep south, a Lakota child in an all white family. The only First Nations in the whole Parish (not counties). I was not allowed to associate with any First Nations. I don't think I need to say more. Zintkála Nuni's story is my story. Not all Lost Birds find their way home.
  4. Amina, no one noticed. I would have known if they did. Believe it because it is true. I have nothing to show for my life experiences. I've had no worth since I was a 14 year old virgin. I was damaged goods. Things back then were not like they are now when many people don't see rape victims as damaged goods. I've paid that price for 46 years on top of being the one to sacrifice everything so that everyone else can have what they want and need. There is so much about me that no one knows. I can't say anything. If I do say anything then it all becomes my fault and I have only myself to blame for being messed up. Or so I am told. Apparently I was wrong for wanting to have older brothers who would actually stick up for me and look out for me rather than doing everything they could to see to it that I would never be anything. Including making damn sure I would never have a family of my own. I know you mean well Amina and I do appreciate it. The fact remains my life has been one huge *****ehole. and it isn't going to get better. Right now, things are bad enough I just sold my car to pay this months bills. If something doesn't give soon, I will lose my home and what few possessions I have left, including the dresser and nightstand that belonged to my mother when she was a child, next month.
  5. I never said you attacked me. You are completely missing what I am saying. My words have nothing to do with Par. They have everything to do with something you have been saying all through this thread but only a few have really caught on to. You may not realize how many doors you are slamming in many creators faces. Even so you are hurting people and you don't seem to know it or care. If LEA is going to start excluding particular mediums then LEA is going to fail. Again. It must be all inclusive, or it is not an endowment for the arts. It becomes nothing more than the masturbatory exercise of a few. Something I will never support.
  6. Ever been alone in a crowd? Yeah, that. 24/7/365 Whatever I may have accomplished didn't have any lasting effects. No one remembers. No one cares.
  7. Where's the pool cabana boy who should be mowing the grass?
  8. Chances are you are wrong for yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that I will die alone and unloved. The only part that hasn't happened yet is the dying.
  9. It's also crappy when you tell an artist her work will not produce any new meaning. So you are all invited to a bonfire this evening when I'll be burning all of my canvases, oil paints, sketch pads, acrylics, glazes etc. All of it. Every paint brush and scrap of paper. Words have meanings. Your words have more meaning than you want people to realize. You hurt people with your words. You hurt artists with your words. But who cares who gets hurt along the way as long as LEA keeps hitting a brick wall.
  10. So it's not wrong to tell any artist or creator that their work has no meaning for anyone. Got it.
  11. You could not be more wrong. Everything I do has meaning and produces meaning for others, new and old.
  12. Nutria aka Coypu. They are very aggressive and will mess you up. They are capable of killing humans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coypu
  13. Oh so yer da muddertruckers that started it all. Got it! Thanks! /me runs off in search of a new victim friend that needs a good schooling.
  14. So yer the blighters who started it all. It is blighters right? *googles* Oh...
  15. I can't stop watching and he's not even wearing a thong. He's also wearing black shorts under the gold lame....
  16. You really think you'll be able to drag a bunch of strangers into your drama. Maybe when you've matured enough to deserve the support. Maybe.
  17. The best thing for you to do is file a support ticket with all the pertinent information about your business and ask LL your questions. Asking here you'll get 100 different answers from 10 different people (not a typo) and none of them will be 100% accurate. Get your info from The Source, not the residents.
  18. We already have "standard mesh bodies" from SL. Nothing wrong with making them decent(er). When you get down to the nitty gritty, it's all a form of mesh; terrain, prims, sculpts... the whole works is mesh in one form or another.
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