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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. But, according to those who are supposed to know these things somehow, there isn't a staffing shortage/problem and hasn't been since that rather large layoff of (I think it was) 30%, of the workforce. Supposedly the two aren't connected in any way. I'm not sure how that conclusion was reached but it is what it is. I just don't buy into it.
  2. LEA should be featuring the little and/or unknown artists in SL, not those that are well known or established. Yes? No? STFU and go away Selene? ETA: I would consider volunteering but I recently got volunteered to be a landscaper so I'm having fun with that.
  3. Firestorm has a good article describe exactly what lag is in relation to SL. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/lag I highly recommend all SL residents read it even if you believe you know everything there is to know about lag.
  4. It didn't work because the way you think it does work, does not exist. Those website settings do not apply to inworld legacy profiles. As I said in my previous post.
  5. It's because of FB's invasive/worst practices that I don't and won't trust any social media, including anything deployed by LL. Yes, LL has a far better track recond than most companies but I'm still not going to "stick my neck out and get my head chopped off". Been there, done that. Acid washed the t-shirt.
  6. Nope. Still not looking. I'm too tired, after a rough night, to go ballistic.
  7. Strange. I'm running a GTX 1050 OC with graphics set half way between high and ultra with 64 DD and I don't have a lot of lag. Quite often I'm seeing 100fps which in previous years I was lucky to get 15fps on an excellent day. Been around since 2004 so I've seen the place grow. Sorry dude, but the truth is, you're doing something wrong. And I should mention I do play a few MMOs... some old, some not even out of alpha yet. So yep I know how it goes.
  8. For some reason people in Brazil seem to have problems getting PayPal linked to SL. I've seen a number of cases over the years and never saw any of them resolved. It seems to happen to those in Brazil more often than any other South American country. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it either other than a couple of conclusions I came to that I have nothing to back up. One has to do with government.
  9. Well sure and I love it when it happens. But, unless you are a regular in a bar/club in RL, just how often are you going to be greeted by name? I used to hang in bars where at least the employees knew my face and could put a name to it. It was lovely. Being anonymous (or the equivalent of, in SL) sometimes is lovely too. So... why not both?
  10. What do you call people who don't use display names? I'm kidding. We each have our own way of greeting customers that works for us. Maybe not always the customer but then you can't please everyone all the time. The greeting I used wasn't verbatim. I used 'all' to include everyone since I wasn't speaking of or to just one person. So that wasn't worded as well as it could have been. Anyway, to each their own!
  11. Ah. Just didn't read that way to me. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  12. Funny, the one I currently live in is quite nice and so are all the non white people who live here.
  13. A home is not a home without a throne. And yes it bugs me to have a home that wouldn't be considered "complete" in RL. But considering I'm living in a lighthouse now I may just have to settle for an outhouse. C'est la vie. See Madam Young! I remembered the c'est this time!
  14. Sure there is. Or was I supposed to just let my stalker abusive ex stalk me in SL as well as RL?
  15. On the other hand, why should we go to the extra effort of copy pasta if they can't go to the extra effort of making their name legible? Me? I let it slide alright... to the point where if I can't read the name, I don't bother addressing them individually, so they slide right on out of my field of concern. In a club hosting situation, a simple 'welcome to all new arrivals' is sufficient. If it isn't, you probably don't want them in your club anyway.
  16. Sorry. I thought you'd get the intended humor behind that. I mean... a white horse running down a city street...
  17. https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_bake_fail
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