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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I'm seeing the opposite. lol I'm seeing more and more creators who are creating for the top 4 or 5 (maybe 3?) than just Maitreya. And I have the Lara on this account. My others have the Ebody, which I've discovered some of the clothes made for Lara will fit the Ebody. While I won't say the quality of the Ebody is quite on par with the Lara, they are pretty damn close, imo. I do wish more creators would produce for the Ebody. I do agree with what you've said. I was hoping someone would pick up on it. People don't seem to take that sort of thing from me very kindly no matter how carefully I word it. They went down that road once with Anshe. Hopefully they learned their lesson from it and won't repeat that mistake. Thankfully, the Anshe dollar never made it out of the starting gate.
  2. That's the whole point. And according to the Catholic priest that taught Latin at my high school it's pronounced fore-tay. He was not happy when one of the best Latin students he'd had in along time switched back to Art at midterm. At least, according to him I was.
  3. Bravo! Magnifico! Glorioso! They'll never see it coming and never know what hit them.
  4. We had so called megaprims back in the day. Then LL took them away so creators gave them back. Then LL woke up and gave them back. My point being we had megas to being with and LL saw fit to place restrictions on size and after LL saw the demand, they removed the size constraints (or increased them).
  5. Even if LL were to update and improve the avatars and the avatar system, that wouldn't necessarily mean creators would have to stop making heads and bodies or complete bodies (using the LL avatar as a base and/or import). No reason anyone with a bit of imagination couldn't continue creating and selling them. A little oneupmanship between LL and creators won't kill the grid. It might even help it to grow, which is the ultimate goal. Growth and sustainability.
  6. Even content wise LL is still very much in control. And once again they choose to be hands off about it. There are many ways to be involved that do not require "leadership" and "total freedom" is just begging for trouble. That is how some people are. The way? Why should LL limit themselves to just one way? Being involved with the community via only one means is not being involved with the community. It's paying lip service. If LL is truly trying to clean their act and reputation up, paying lip service to their current and prospective customers is not the way to do it.
  7. LL is in control. They just choose to be hands off about it when they should be hands on. How many residents see LL as something lurking in the background and how many see LL as involved in the community? LL needs to be involved in the community (and proactive) and something like Endowment for the Arts is one way of doing that. SL residents need to see that LL cares. Every. Single. Day.
  8. We all have truths. Are mine the same as yours? Is truth unchanging law?
  9. Did it? Or did it drive many creators to stop creating because the market for prim creations vanished due to mesh? We can do the "what if" thing all day long but it won't accomplish anything. And if I'm not making any sense... sorry. I should have shut down and hour ago.
  10. Whose world and imagination is this anyway? Yours or mine? Or his? Or hers? Or theirs?
  11. Hey now, the question was asked, I gave the answer. Not my fault LL never had any foresight and ignored their customer base for over 10 years. I'm just stating the obvious. ETA: And now I'm sitting here giggling because I'm stating the obvious. D'oh
  12. I have a little difficulty remembering things I never saw. 🐘
  13. It would never have existed. Some of us have been after LL to update the avatars and it's system since 2006 or 7. Maybe even earlier. LL fell down and went boom again.
  14. I never said your idea(s) were bad. You're assuming I said things I never said and did something I haven't done. You're right about one thing. I can't hold a discussion with someone who isn't listening. You might have heard the words but you didn't listen to what they said.
  15. Look up a few phrases of Latin or some other "dead" or not wide spread language and reply with those. Bonus points if it's your native language. 👼
  16. EA/Maxis does something similar with the Sims for the same reason(s) and the custom content created for it and it's not even online. Been that way since 2005. Frankly, it's a smart thing to do and one of the reasons LL has such a hard time keeping things balanced is because they don't.
  17. But... no one has ever found Atlantis or any Atlantean artifacts... Oh... right.
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