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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. If it feels like home, it's home. What makes the difference is, we each have our own ideas of what home is. For me a "physical" home consists of a living area, cooking and eating area, sleeping area and bathing area. And sometimes a laundry area. For someone else home is just a living area. Or a living, cooking and eating area. Or a living and sleeping area. For some, home is pack. And it sucks when you don't have one.
  2. I got the opposite impression. You have to be artsy without being fartsy. ETA: In the sense that, for example, for many centuries pottery was not considered an art, whereas today it is. Pottery was even called artsy fartsy by many critics.
  3. I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything you said. Don't lurk on my account.
  4. Sometimes you have to shout for help to get out of the hole. Or you can just keep digging. I think LL needs to stop digging and start yelling for help.
  5. Now I remember where I saw that name... he got an "honorable mention" on the old fan wiki. https://secondlife.fandom.com/wiki/Grief
  6. Bits and pieces from pretty much everyone in the thread. Define art. Between my answers here and the article I posted, I don't know how else to put it into words. This may be one of those "brain, brain, what is brain" days.
  7. I think that is a reference to a certain "security system" that was shut down a long time ago. Name escapes me at the moment but you could get a person banned from every region that used the system even if you didn't own that region. Hence, the global ban. This was well before RedZone. I'm thinking it was the first one of its kind. It was very popular and well known.
  8. The limits/restrictions that are being proposed. https://epochmagonline.com/can-we-limit-art-46f50e8da2be The very last sentence:
  9. When it comes to hockey? No. I got it from one of my Cree friends back in my YaHell NAC days. She loved her toofless bastages, as she called them. She loves hockey and never missed a game.
  10. If this thread is any indication of how LEA is going to be run in the future... you won't be seeing any of my work. Door's been slammed in my face before I ever even pulled into the driveway. Which makes me wonder if this wasn't part of the problem to begin with. Artists being shut out/left out just because they are different. Good luck. You guys are going to need it.
  11. It's the same as any gift given. It's the thought behind the gift that counts, not the gift itself.
  12. Wasn't putting words into your mouth. I simply misunderstood your words.
  13. If you know and use that information to make a LEA decision, even without sharing that info with someone else and you were not told by the person whose alt it is that it is their alt and it is not stated on any of their profiles... you don't see anything wrong with that? Color me surprised. No there is no foolproof way and never has been. That's one reason why I was so adamant about getting RedZone and zFire off the grid permanently.
  14. Unless that info is on the profile, it violates the CS. https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/community-standards
  15. Better check with LL first on that one. Looks to be a possible breach of the Community Standards concerning outing alts.
  16. Just looking at the Jira alone at some of the ones that are really needed (technically), a few possibly desperately needed and how long they've been "in queue" it's kind of obvious they don't have the needed staff. The top showstopper is employee budget. It's not just salaries employers have to pay. Employers have to pay employee taxes like Social Security, Worker's Comp, and a slew of other expenses I'm not going to list. It's not hard to connect the dots and follow the money to Sansar. But I really don't want to get into a discussion or debate or argument about it because people are going to believe what they want to believe and nothing will change that.
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