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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. Anyone else suddenly unable to purchase Ls through their viewer? FS tells me I need to provide more info yet I can buy Ls through the website. Need to know if it's just me or not or if it's a problem with FS and I'll be forced to update before the next release. Never had this happen before in all the years I've bought Ls via my viewers. Only issue I ever had was when LL's website went borkers on me years ago when trying to change my payment info.
  2. In all the years I have been in SL that has never happened to me. And there is a fix for it. @Whirly Fizzle can help you with it. Or any of the FS support team members. There's even a page somewhere on the FS wiki for it.
  3. Mine? It has about 14 years worth of stuff in it to be sorted... Pretty much everything I had prior to coming back in Oct 2018. Eventually I'll get a round tuit and have it all neatly boxed and organized just in case I ever want those items again. Some are prims builds I intend to recreate with mesh.
  4. No, I don't. But then I'm a woman not a girl.
  5. Would someone who has been in SL since year 2 be proof enough? Because what Molly said is true. Calling cards were intended to be handed out to those you were not ready to friend yet or wanted to get to know before adding as friend. It was a means of contact between two strangers who had friendship potential or as business contacts since it would be years before any TPVs and the ability to create contact sets. I was here then and that is how it was in 2004.
  6. That particular piece of advice never works. I should know. I heard it enough from my mother as a child. Telling a sensitive person to stop wearing their feelings on their sleeves only makes the person (or child) being told resentful and in the long run could be far more damaging than allowing your emotions to show.
  7. Hi there BeesKnees! SL isn't a game per se so it helps if you try not to look at it as one. It is a creative platform with social aspects. This article is an old one from 2007 but it still gives you the gist of what SL is about. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/17538999/ns/technology_and_science-games/t/if-second-life-isnt-game-what-it/#.XVTEeOhKiUk Welcome to SL! I hope you enjoy your time here.
  8. Probably under the Developer menu in FS. Might be under Advanced menu. Personally, I won't be turning it off. If ti's what I"m thinking it is, it definitely improved sim crossings. Which are not the same thing as region crossings, obviously.
  9. Yes and no. Your general geological location (meaning mostly country) can give people an idea of the cultural background you come from so they can avoid saying or doing things that may inadvertently offend. What isn't offensive to most in one area may be highly offensive in another. Even in the US cultures vary from one state to the next. There are just more of them from all over the world. Of course the same info can be used to hurt. Sometimes the risk is more than worth it. But as for needing to know an exact loction? Nah. You'd have to live close by and actually want to be friends in RL for me to tell you my home address.
  10. No, not a jelly bean, it was a wall socket screw and I was only 2 years old. As far as I know it's still in the gold oval frame my mom put it in and still in the house I grew up in.
  11. Look again. There's an egg under the female. His eyes are saying, "Yes, we are Boobies. You got something to say about that? "
  12. I'm usually building and I work better when I'm not trying to hold a conversation at the same time. I'm not fast at what I do, intentionally. I take a lot of short breaks sprinkled with a couple of long ones mostly because right now I can be on for 6 - 8 hours a day or more so that's how long I will work and do household stuff on those breaks. And I don't always turn on auto-response when I go afk or even say I'm going afk. So I'm usually not the best company unless I've made plans ahead of time to do something other than build. But if you're just looking for a companionable silence, I'm your gal. When I'm not being a nervous chatterbox around someone I'm not very familiar with yet. You'll get one or the other* (sometimes both!) even if I do know you but with less stress. This is the reason I don't associate, in world, with those who claim they keep SL and RL separate. I can't get to know you without knowing you. That is what keeping SL and RL separate means. That who you are in SL is not the same person as you are in RL. I'm not interested in spending what time I have left in this life on those who are only roleplaying. When I want RP, I go to an RP sim. Otherwise, what you get is the real me. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. *when nervous I will either talk your ears off or hardly say a word at all so sometimes it's hard to tell. The only sure way to tell is if you could see me in RL and see me almost completely stop breathing.
  13. Which, according to LL, is the only way they could increase prim count. By not actually increasing them, just changed the formula and called it land impact instead so later on they could make it look like they were increasing overall prim count from 15k to 30k so that region owners would feel like they are getting twice the bang for their buck when they really aren't. Never made a bit of sense to me. Robbing from Peter to pay Paul. Gotta love LL! Or we'd all gtfo.
  14. Why bother to log in? Why bother to breathe? Humans are social animals. A few are pack animals, many are herd animals, some are loners. We all need to feel a connection to another human being regardless of how that connection takes shape, including loners much as a loner will deny it. We aren't human without that connection.
  15. Which is exactly what a mod should do even if they have the last name of Linden. Lock it, move it and let the admin (there should be only one) determine any violations and punishments.That has always been a standing rule for my mods on all of the bboards I've owned over the years. If the admin determines the thread is worth saving then the thread gets restored with appropriate action and the discussion continues. More fur flying in the given thread, it gets locked permanently. Most people deserve a second chance.
  16. Sounds like there is no "cashing out" or withdrawing of funds of any kind. Which would kill SL in a heartbeat. If merchants can't withdraw funds there is no point in selling. That is how many creators will look at it and we will lose more all at once than ever in the history of SL, including SL itself. At some point LL is going to have to knuckle under and the longer it takes the harder it will be on LL which in turn will make it harder on residents to adjust to some major changes. Delaying the legally inevitable is not a good thing to do when you are in business.
  17. You could do your own snaps and keep them in a folder on your desktop rather than paying to upload. Just a suggestion. A bit of a PITA but for some worth doing. I happen to agree that all creators, regardless of what they create, should include an image of the creation with the product. Humans are visual beings. That won't change as long as we have eyes and a brain.
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