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Alyona Su

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Everything posted by Alyona Su

  1. All images (any file, actually) contain meta data and if an image passes through an image editor, the name of that app is almost always put into that data. That data is always there unless the user or hosting service strips that data. However, Flickr keeps the EXIF portion of that data. To see the EXIF, view any image, then click the EXIF link to see it. Though the image editor and other meta data (often stripped by online services) can be viewed in any higher-end image editor such as Affinity Photo or Photoshop (I don't know about Gimp) - and there are many "Meta Data" editors and viewers you can find for Windows or Mac, many are free. In order to see that metadata, you must download the image to your computer as they work on local files.
  2. Updated your quote for accuracy. @Gabbia Barbosa 👎
  3. That speaks volumes about what Google has on you. LOL
  4. That is funny. I remember that (worn out VHS video by now). I fully intend to send the L$25 to @Orwar - likely tomorrow or Friday (when I can be in-world to do it) because I genuinely let (attempted) insults thrown my way roll off my back like water on a duck. And I know I can, at least, get a wonderful laugh and have a a Linden Bear equivalent: An Orwar Custom Quip! (Orwar: will be from Alyona - but may be my alt Chernov - just FYI) .
  5. Do you people just post to this forum and never actually peruse through it? Wow.
  6. Do you people just post to this forum and never actually peruse through it? Wow.
  7. I concur. As for the BOM aspect, tattoos and the rest are all moot until you can find a good system skin that you like because until then, you have to go with an applied sking, which covers up any system layer stuff. Also, as of right now the option is to "Apply BOM" - so it is *still* using the skin layer of the four onion layers of the body. Though you only need to click that button once and then detach the HUD entirely - the BOM will continue going as expected. One option that I'm not sure I understand its use is the ability to hone the bottom (skin) layer, which basically hides the entire body (skin layer) and if you hide all four layers then the body is invisible. Surely someone may find a useful reason to do this, but it's a mystery to me why anyone would want to do that.
  8. This is a blatant lie and RL should know it. There is no realistic way for a newcomer to make any profit worth mentioning from RL. Same statement, same context, same subject. No new-comer to anything should expect to be at or anywhere near adept skill level the moment they walk through the door. Linden Lab does not say you will earn real money; they say you can earn real money. Anyone that reads an advertisement and takes away a meaning other than what is specifically written or said is at their own peril. When an advert for a product says "no one else is better..." - people read that as "We are the best..." when, in reality, they never said they were better than anyone else, either. People always tend to substitute the word will for may, can, could, etc. Go figure.
  9. Rez the box. Put the items you want to include inside the box. Click the PERMISSIONS button in the edit window. Select the TYPE of items you want to set permissions for. Set the permissions you want those items to have. Click the set permissions button at the bottom of that widget. Click the button at least two or three or five times to ensure the system applies the permissions you want. Take the box. Transfer the box to an alt to test it (or trusted friend) - they rez the box and the inners should all have the permissions you set. Obviously permissions you cannot change are for those you do not have access to (because another creator, etc.)
  10. You are as conceited as a mosquito floating down the river on its back with an erection, shouting "RAISE THE DRAWBRIDGE!" (How did I do?) Hahahaha I remember some ancient quote from some dead guy from the 1600s that went "Bad language is the sign of a lazy mind and simple education." And I am nod-nodding all the time. Good OP! Of course, there's always this: http://www.tastefullyoffensive.com/2011/10/shakespeare-insult-kit.html My insult was free, so if you're charging for them, make 'em really good! (I may take you up on it just for kicks, because I really do roll my eyes at almost all thrown at me.) .
  11. I fixed that for you. You're welcome.
  12. Sounds like it's working as intended. If the box is copy/mod and the contents are copy/no-mod and that's what you want the next owner to have then that's what they'll get. If you want the box to also be no-mod then you have to set the box to no mod. The box and the contents have separate permissions. So I'm just not understanding what you WANT and and what is HAPPENING that you do not want. Explain what you WANT to happen then explain what IS happening, then explain the difference (what is happening that you don't want or vice-versa).
  13. Search inventory for Active - deactivate any gestures that may be taking over those key inputs. That, or test your keyboard for failures.
  14. @ L$12,000 and a convoluted HUD that offers many great features one will rarely use. I have one of those, too. You can buy "Feeders" and troughs and things that the wandering horse will use, but it's not a breedable and feeding it is not required at all. As for the ala carte way to buy it (Tack sold separately) - I like that option better personally. With Water Horse you get a full tack whether you want it or not. And even though it automatically hides itself when "standing" off the horse, it's still a lot of LI being used unless you manually detach it all. WH is also a lot more difficult to edit (such as attaching add-ons, etc.) where Teegle the add-ons auto-position themselves. One thing I do utterly hate about the WH is the click-box (the physics box that surrounds the horse) is a large block and make it near impossible to click any option add-ons you may be wearing, where the Teegle box is a sphere and leaves the horses' rump exposed, making it easier for actual interacting. Oh, and if you get the copiable version (L$6000) you can rez an entire heard if you want and set them all to be accessed by anyone. Or you can get a TeeglePet Horse rezzer for L$7000 and they are rezzed on demand. I do want to add this: when rezzing a Water Horse to ride, the controls are stupid, trying to control it at anything faster than a trot is near impossible. The TeeglePet does much better in this regard, though can still be unwieldy, but there's an option on the Teegle that the rider can set under "Movement" and set the horse to Phantom - which makes it act more like it is being a wearable rather than an unwieldy vehicle - useful when in hilly environments. I'm not in world now or I'd plop SLURLS to both my places that have rezzers, but you can just go to Water Horse and Teegle regions and demo there also.
  15. Hair on the Dinkies looks... awkward to me LOL But I will let me freind know about the possibility of making Dinkie-sized furniture... Should I tell him to keep them PG? I'm not so sure the Dinkie community would be interested in human-nughties or not. LOL But I can see him making all sorts of stuff. I could find a way to give him the "bug" and once he has that, watch out. I was leaning toward getting a Bunny myself, but can't see doing the hair thing Hahaha
  16. Or, you can go with a Copyable TeeglePet Ridable Animesh horse (L$6000.) Since the time of my writing the post you quote, I've since decided I prefer the TeeglePet over the Water Horse for a few reasons: TeeglePet is more anatomically correct (WH necks are too long) - Teegle pet can be set to owner-only or anyone, Teeglepet can ride three people and any of them can "take the reins" and drive it, TeeglePet does not require Pathfinding to wander, Wandering Teeglepet will also randomly follow people and do other things the Water Horse doesn't. TeeglePet is a better value overall with regard to Ridable/Wearable Animesh horses. I also have a Teeglepet horse rezzer at my Bellisseria Camper and on my Mainland Parcel in Heterocerta. If you're interested in these, I firmly recommend you demo the TeeglePet as well.
  17. Alyona Su


    If you double-click on the minimap it will teleport you to that location. I believe you can change this feature in settings. So you either are double-clicking and not realizing it, our your mouse or trackpad may be getting wonky or have double-click settings too sensitive. For other readers: All viewers allow you to "Zoom" onto other avatars from the "Radar" in the "People" widget (right click a name and choose Zoom.) Though, Firestorm allows you to right-click a green dot on minimap and choose "Cam" from the pop-up menu for the same thing. Because Firestorm is all about voyeurism and spying on others.
  18. In SL you can embed objects into other objects and each object has the permissions of Copy, Transfer, Modify. These permissions are restrictive - meaning they are either allowed or not allowed. So, when embedding one item into another item, the permissions go with it. For example: Box A - Copy, Not modify, No-transfer. Box B - No-Copy, Yes Modify, Yes Transfer. But Box A inside Box B - Take into inventory. In Inventory, Box B now reports: No-Copy, No-Modify, No-Transfer. This is because the Box B takes on the permissions of Box A that is inside it. If you Rez Box B you will see that Box B still has its original permissions: No-Copy, Yes to Transfer and Modify, though the Box A inside it still maintains its permissions: Yes-Copy and No-Transfer or Modify. So all objects that contain other things will take on the permissions of those other things when in your inventory. Two important things to know: If you set permissions while an object is rezzed, take it into inventory, then change permissions. For the next owner: There will be two sets of permissions: One set while it is in inventory (the permissions you changed them to) and another set of permissions when they rez it (the original permissions you set while it was rezzed). As the owner, you always have full permissions. If you are a creator, make certain all items have the permissions set the way you want them - both rezzed-permissions and inventory-permissions. The dual permissions system (Inventory versus rezzed) was a bug, but creators liked it so now it is thought of as a feature. BUT it can trip-up some creators.
  19. On Mature regions, nudity in the street is okay also. Just saying. For the streakers and exhibitionists out there: you're all GTG. @Pussycat Catnap - Inside your parcel on any Mature-rated region (private estates notwithstanding) - as long as you make good-faith effort to make it private (hide avatars in this parcel, etc.) - then you can treat that inside of your parcel as Adult-rated and do anything allowed in Adult-rated regions.
  20. Someone please note the date of this:
  21. The deformers are attachments - so you just add them to your outfit folder, though it does take a few seconds to "activate", once it does the effect is amazing. There is still the style HUD, but I've used it only once: to select my skin. Other than the only real use is to set your foot height. But I don't even do that, I keep my feet at flat, then just auto-hide my feet when wearing heeled boots, etc. Only ever need to change them if wearing open-toes or something. I've always done that on all my bodies because too lazy to keep changing foot height and perpetual tippie-toe looks really stupid to me. And once BOM becomes more saturated across the grid and such, it will practically eliminate the need for that HUD, except when when you actually need it. As for makeups and things, that should be your head HUD, unless you also use a TMP head?
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