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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Because with reviews, it's between them and the customers not the customer and everyone else in there at the time.. Groups, you have to deal with the loyalists that are hanging in there to defend anything someone may say that would get them ganged up on.. Plus it's easy access to all your customers that qualify.
  2. There is one thing that is nice about Bom/system eyes.. When it comes to outfit folders, you can save the bom/system eyes with an outfit folder and they will change to the color or eye texture that you wanted with that folder.. The thing that turned me to Bom/system eyes over applier is, if for some reason I change my head, like get a redeliver or it crashes for good or for some reason hit the bom buttom, thinking it was like makeup or something.. hehehe.. I'm not hunting through all my huds to try and remember what eyes I had on.. I just pop to my outfit folder and there they are. plus my screen isn't loaded full of huds trying to test a bunch of applier eyes at one time.. With Bom/ system eyes, I can do pretty much anything that applier eyes can do, plus have a little more perks andnot have to wear an alpha..
  3. Ya, out of the box with no deformers or addons, Reborn is a pretty limited body for what I like to do with shapes.. That and the knees that feel like a pinch point between the upper and lower part of the legs.. But I guess, third party creators really seen a lot of potential in it and boosted it's popularity really quick with the addons for it.. The addons are probably the reason it's in the top two right now.. I will say, the creator was quick in response to the feedback though which is nice to see with a creator.. I remember us talking about it needing a fix for the butt in like the first couple of days after release because of it being so high up.. Then in the next day or so, them adding the butt down deformers in an update. Myself, I bounce around from body to body and have three accounts that are pretty active and all wear different bodies.. hehehe Honestly, I can't help but feel that Legacy would have taken off much stronger than it did, if it would have just had a different approach to it's hud.. They did after a few years come up with the chat commands for things that took a media log in before, which was long over due.. But they still did really well even with that hud.. But can't help thinking how much better they would have .. hehehe The Lara X for me is still kind of in the feeling out stages and seeing what else happens with it in this first year.. I like it and like that it's getting really good variety of across the board content.. But, it's hard not to jump back into my older version, just because of all the content that it has, that just doesn't get made anymore by creators.. I'm so torn!! \o/ hehehehe
  4. You're thinking it's about the sim, when it's more about his ego of you not hitting back when he was hitting on YEW!! \o/ Aim for the bleachers next time!!\o/ hehehe
  5. Ya, I remember having bought some pole from I think sinewave maybe or might have been from somewhere else that I had the option to set up tipping.. But I never really used poles.. But it makes sense what you are saying.. I remember one club owner that had things set up to where , when they logged off, we couldn't even use his jars.. That kind of backfired on his, because patrons started to just tip direct to the girls that were dancing.. That sparked a light bulb above some of the dancers to get tipped direct rather than have thier customers tip the jar.. Which really didn't make much sense to me since they were already getting 100% of the tips anyways.. hehehe
  6. That stuff is for football players and someone burning it off as fast as they drink it.. Every time I see a kid drinking that or someone drinking it like it's going out of style.. I just cringe. I think it was the coach of the Gators football team down in Florida that came up with it for his players. Chia seed with lemon and lime in water and I'm as hydrated as it gets.. hehehe
  7. The ones I used, always showed the person that paid the tip jar, otherwise we wouldn't have known who tipped us so that we could thank them. I'm not sure how all that works, like if they can show who paid and list them instead of the owner of the jar or not.. I just know I would have never been able to keep track as much as they would come in all the time.
  8. I never had to give access on any tip jars I was on when I used to dance back in the mid 2000's. They just paid me like anything or anyone would pay me.. The only thing I had to do was be in the clubs group the be able to get on the tip jars. I mean if they are on a shopping hud and have a store somewhere.. I can just get their name and go to their store.. if there is some sort of discount for using the hud.. then I just don't use those..
  9. I don't give anyone or anything access to my lindens.. Hell no.. hehehe
  10. That's from back in the days where you had to give up the eyecandy for performance.. It must have performed really great!! \o/ hehehe
  11. The one that I know that does it, does it only with customers that have the same product, but for a different body. Plus it only goes on for two weeks after the release of the version of the product.. They want only honest reviews for the feed back from their customers.. I guess it helps with what may need to be updated or what is working well.. things like that..
  12. I kinda stopped reading articles A while ago about SL.. Most of them are from people that Don't spend time here enough to know it.
  13. I've seen this one before, but just had to watch it again as it popped back up on my youtube.. These guys get way too close to this tornado.. It looks so uncanny valley sometimes with the way the dust it's picking up is spinning on the ground around it..
  14. I think since we're really all adults here, that we should try and research the rules the best we can. Then stay within them the best we can to our understanding of them. Rather than put in safety nets for everyone because of ones own fear of lack of understanding of the rules. This world has always had a big curve to it, it's part of its appeal.
  15. With any changes, there is always people that are curious if they are ok or not or just want to make sure they don't break the rules.. I can understand that.. And yes there are those that look for loopholes as well to see what they can get away with. then there are those that don't read them at all.. hehehe It happens just about any time there is change, just about anywhere in the world. This one and the real one. hehehe
  16. I believe they said any avatars representing themselves as under the age of 18, be it furry or human or any kind of avatars.. I think that might have been in that one thread where they have the linden transcripts from the round table meeting..
  17. The rules themselves are for all avatars presenting themselves as under the age of 18. So it's more than just prepubescent children that have to wear the modesty layers. It's probably just easier to have one set of guidelines for all of them all in one age group, than breaking down things to different age ranges..
  18. I tried doing my seasons and I always just kept missing the other colors that I felt good in.. hehehe When you are dark tone and even darker in the summer, it's hard to settle.. For me it is anyways..
  19. I read the title as Amish Child Avatars and clicked it right away and it didn't hit me until after I clicked that it was Animesh.. I was like, I just have to see what's up with these Amish Child avatars. hehehe
  20. I think the majority of women from around the world must live in the suburbs.. hehehe
  21. I'm kind of glad SL isn't as huge as those other places and on the radar as much.. As well as doesn't have 4 billion people.. We'd never get any shopping done.. hehehe
  22. I have 3 linden homes in beliss and two on my 1/4 sim.. one on the ground and one way up in the air. I guess I could add three more since I have places up in the air also on my linden home lands.. hehehe I'm usually in one of them if I'm not out doing something..
  23. It's infested adds for SL products and peoples profiles as well.. It's only going to get worse too.. That's not counting the RL things it's showing up in..
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