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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. After being around for a good while, it's easy to get a feel for what is going to fade away and what is going to stick.. If the bigger hip and breast sized ones are the ones you are referring to.. I'm sorry to shatter your hopes, but a couple of them have pretty much found their niche in the market and gaining ground.
  2. Ya, when they first did those stats, they had me thinking about that stat too.. I can remember what mine was ,but it was way more than I ever stayed on at one time..hehehehe I was like no way did I ever stay on that long.. Two days logged in would have been a record for me.. hehehe
  3. I don't think it's a constant logged in for 42 days, but logged in 42 days in a row.
  4. Since I couldn't get Justice league, We're gonna watch this.. Tucker & Dale vs Evil It's vacationers meet horror film kids. hehehehe This movie is so funny..
  5. I just seen this movie is finally up for pre-order on our streaming site we use for movies.. This is how the movie should have been released from the get go.. This looks so much better!
  6. I don't know about the male body.. But I could see some good reasons to go with Maitreya over the others.. They've been around longer than most, have stayed consistent with big change updates, have probably the most content made for them, probably the most purchased body as well.. There really hasn't been a body that has kept on track over the amount of time since mesh bodies started coming out, like Maitreya has.. If that was a legacy body in that video, it would probably be a lot louder in here, especially from those that had the TMP body.. Belleeza was slow with the big updates.. A lot of the other bodies are younger bodies.. If they had to choose one, why wouldn't they go with the one that has stayed most reliant and most consistent over time, for their project? I'm just guessing that might be what they looked at.. It might have just been names in a hat.. I just know if it was my project, I'd be looking at those kinds of things.. ETA: Also forgot to add in the list..It's still priced low compared to many of the bodies out today too.. Like 1200 lindens see how much those other ones cost hitting the market in the last few years..
  7. Ya, I just throw those things out now.. I had to get rid of that feeling of, well maybe one day.. But those days are far and few between.. If I put it in a box I'll forget about it anyways.. A lot of the things I was hanging onto was more for nostalgia anyways.. When i start thinking back while looking at something because it started with a good memory.. there is always those cringe moments attached to them which have me in a rush to throw the dang thing away..lol
  8. I just finished watching this.. This has to be the most secure prison in the world.. How much more secure can a prison get other than introducing nukes or something lol This is where that drug lord El Guapo or what ever his name is, is held.. He won't be escaping this one.. This was so interesting, because the more they kept saying the things it had, the more my jaw would drop to the point I was laughing at how insanely secure this place is..
  9. I would look in the covenant to see what is and isn't allowed on the land.
  10. If you pay the annual 99.00 a year, you only have to worry about that one payment all year long.. Plus it's much less expensive over the year compared to paying each month.. It's like 40+ dollars less paying annually. also if you are in an area that has to pat the vat tax, you get hit with the vat tax on the monthly payments, where you don't on the annual.
  11. lol I sure picked the wrong section didn't I? I had Want adds on the brain.. hehehe
  12. The only thing I can think of in the forums is the Wanted section of the forums.. Here is the link for there.. https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/313-wanted/
  13. No more alphas ever anymore.. They all will be going extinct soon because of the resource gone now as of may of 2021.. No more
  14. Sorry about that, For some reason it looked like something quoted to me, rather than an image.. hehehe Ya, that's pretty tight. That little brown patch just above the blue popup and below the search bar, That is clickable and will make the popup go away.. I don't think they have anything we can uncheck to have it stay away.. Hopefully they will give us a box to check or uncheck in the future.
  15. That's way bigger than any huskies I ever seen. The ones I usually ever seen were small ones.. Is there a certain type of Husky that is bigger than the other?
  16. I think Sid was just being silly about it being a service feature.. hehehe Is there a way you might be able to take a screen shot of your screen and post the image up in a post. It might give us a better idea of what you are looking at and maybe we can help better.
  17. I just leave it sitting on the end of the bars that the roller would snap into and removed the roller.. Because with boys it's like they are playing wheel of fortune and trying to spin it as hard as they can.. Half the roll ends up on the floor.. hehehe
  18. You can always switch back to parcel at any time, by going into your world menu, scrolling back down to environment, then choosing shared environment. If you really want to know more about it, I would say youtube has to have a ton of really good resources for these things..
  19. I've been trimming mine down each time I go on.. Any time I get around 50k I start getting rid of things.. A lot of mine is probably from having an outfit version for every mesh body.. I bet if I clipped a lot of those I could bring mine down pretty good.. I'm at I believe around 42k now.. I knocked down like around 3k just putting my textures and photos on like 17 note cards.. It's gonna take forever to trim my items that are in different versions for each body.. That's a lot of folders to trim hehehe Still it'll be 16 years on the last day of this month.. So I'm gonna shoot for the low 30's High 20ks .. Any lower and I'd be getting rid of things I want to keep.. hehehehe
  20. Wow, Those look like big Huskies.. Very pretty dogs. My sister had a Malamute which was huge and looked close to the silver one in your picture.. Hers was so wild and crazy but really good with children.. it was like it knew to calm down around them.. But with adults it was like.. Lets rock and roll guys!!
  21. Those two are adorable!! \o/ I was looking at those.. I have been wanting a smaller dog just for me.. My big dogs weigh like twice what I do. I need something that doesn't take my breath away with their weight, but rather with it's cuddly cuteness.. Something that takes more that one lick to soak my whole face.. hehehe I just really want one
  22. Thank you Love, I finally have closure!! \o/ That was driving me nuts not being able to find it.. hehehe
  23. Ya, I really like the lelutka heads.. I tried my hardest with the AK and just couldn't catch a groove with it, So I kept going back to my Lelutka.. I have three of them at the moment.. The one I use the most is Lilly, because it works best for me and the looks I'm liking to make at the moment.. But also have Kaya and Ora.. I've been wanting to do something with them here recently. They just seem to have the freedom in the sliders that lines up with what I like to do.. I like the hud and the head seems to animate really well with a lot of things I use too.. I'm really glad you found your niche with a head
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