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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Well that would suck for someone never wanting to change their name if that's what it was for.. hehehe
  2. They better not touch it at all.. The last time they jacked it up it was a 37.5% increase back in June of 2019. Those perks they are giving out for premium aren't worth what we are paying now.. The second I catch wind of something like that, the next moment is gonna be me clicking downgrade and thinking real hard about dumping all my accounts.. This isn't the only escape in town. If these guys want to ride out the coming problems with this economy storm coming, they best be remembering how they did things back in the last economic storm when the banking crises hit, where this was a place you could affordably come to and escape all that for awhile.. They may want to realize we're only on the edge of that storm and the eye is on it's way and gonna hit real hard too.. Start jacking up prices and acting like this is some AAA and they won't be too big to fail.
  3. I just figured it out! That extra 49.00 That's where the Plus in Premium Plus comes in. hehehehe
  4. Just came across this.. He just all of a sudden took over the show.. hehehe Everything about this from the little boy to the crowd.. When his little arms go up, that was the topper.
  5. Omg, I was looking at that new channel I found and the videos are just so funny.. This one reminds me of my two oldest.. They are always messing with each other.. The one in the black t-shirt would be the oldest, which messes with both of the other two.. This is how so many fights that my boys get into,get started in the house over just messing with each other.
  6. hehehehe, I almost learned the hard way.. We were climbing a wall on one of the sides of a mountain on our property and were up to about 40 feet on a bit of a ledge that was like a foot out.. I went to try and turn around and when my front was facing the wall, I felt myself starting to go backward.. I started to flap my arms like a humming bird.. I was sure I was heading over, because any other time I would have kept going.. I must have flapped so hard that I regained my balance and it put me back up to the wall.. I was so sure I was going over.. lol I was already thinking, how am I gonna land and make sure to kick out before I leave because right below was nothing but sharp rock.. It took me forever to finish climbing the rest of the way I was so skiddish.. hehehehe
  7. Ya, I've been tightening my circle with stores more and more over the past few years.. I'm especially staying away from the places that don't make their own creations..
  8. I used to think gifts at events were something stores would put out to give you an idea of how good their stuff was and try to draw you to their stores to gain more permanent customers.. Many would put their best foot forward in their gifts.. Maybe it was just my imagination.. They seem so gimmicky now and a way to snip a quick buck..
  9. I'll be dropping all three of my premiums then, if they do that.. They must think SL isn't as old as dirt or something.. hehehe
  10. Somewhere at some time someone told someone, you need to leave a legacy.. So people started to try an impress each other.. hehehehe
  11. Go back and ask them what a tree is made of and see how many say wood.. hehehehehe
  12. I'd love to know if I can convert my non evo x tattoo textures to evo x textures.. I have a couple tattoo's I made that I can't seem to figure out if they can or cannot be converted.
  13. Whoever the OP is in the future thread or threads, could put a warning in the OP saying something like, Please keep it civil in here or I will bring the hammer down, Hard! ETA: Just to add, If nobody responds to them and they get worse, they pretty much gonna hang themselves at some point.
  14. I'm looking at the map and all the sims seem to have really low amount of people on them, if they are using the new event regions.. There is only like on avg, 20 people per sim.. I'm curious, is it dying down to where it's not that bad now with lag and things? Some sims are even empty.. I may give it a shot today.. hehehe
  15. Ya, it's not just from this thread that has me thinking this way, but just many things from other threads and things I'm hearing throughout groups.. The gift thing really doesn't impact me much since I don't really grab them anyways.. It just sounds like a not a good time at the moment.. Maybe when the dust clears and the bodies have hit the floor, I'll sneak in like a little, I Am Legend mouse, after an apocalypse.. hehehehe
  16. Omg ! I'm in tears laughing so hard at this.. I had to pause it to wipe my eyes.. It was just one after the other and laughing harder with each one.. I'm still trying to catch my breath.. I had to go to his channel to see if there was more and there is.. I'm gonna have to put the computer down pretty soon , because I'm gonna dehydrate from all the tears from laughing.. hehehe
  17. It just sounds like it's been a terrible experience there all around, from the threads I've been reading so far about the SLB.. I doubt I'm gonna even bother with it this year.
  18. Happy 16th rezz day! \o/ And may you have many many more. I've got my 16th coming up at the end of July. Class of 2006! Whoo whoo whoo whoo!!! \o/
  19. The big difference I see from back then and now is, General chat not used as much.. Most of my conversations today are in IM's, where back then it was a good mix of both.
  20. These were so silly they made me laugh. ---------------------------------------------------------- A man and a giraffe walk into a bar. After a few drinks, the giraffe falls over and dies. The man begins to walk out when the bartender stops him. “Hey, you can’t leave that lyin’ there!” The bartender yells out. The man turns around: “It’s not a lion. It’s a giraffe.” -------------------------------------------------------- Two muffins were sitting in an oven. One turned to the other and said, “Wow, it’s pretty hot in here.” The other one shouted, “Wow, a talking muffin! ----------------------------------------- There are three types of people in the world: Those who can count and those who can’t. --------------------------------------- What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick. ---------------------------------- What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one with everything. ----------------------------------------------- What’s the dumbest animal in the jungle? A polar bear. --------------------------------------------- Why do you never see pigs hiding in trees? Because they’re pretty good at it. -------------------------------------------- Why are blonde jokes so short? So men can remember them.
  21. I went and decided to try my legacy body to see how well the hud was acting.. I've been trying to get my legacy hud to open for the passed 10 minutes, but it's just sitting there in a blur on the style section. Finally had to detach and reattach it to get it to do anything, so it's a good chance your hud may have stalled, I'm thinking anyways.
  22. If the neck adjustment isn't working from the hud, try detaching and attaching your legacy hud again in case it's stalled. Also try setting it to the farthest dot on the left and ease your way up.. It looks like it's stuck on the farthest right. Each setting could take some time to change also because the hud is pretty laggy sometimes..
  23. I'll talk to anyone, but not in character.. I don't really talk to anyone as anything else but who's typing things up on my end.. If someone is in character, I'm still gonna just talk like I'm sitting at my desk chatting to someone else on the internet. For some reason I just can't get drawn into the fantasy part of all this and see someone as their avatar, more than just know there is a human being on the other end.. Trust me when I say, I would love to be able to escape there too, but just can't seem to anymore, for some reason.. I think when life gets so busy time plays a big part in a lot of it really. I'll still talk to anyone no matter their avatar and even talk about how well they did in creating it.. But seeing someone as a bird or a car or a cat.. It just never clicks with me anymore as them actually being that, I guess..
  24. Really the only thing that bothers me about my Maitreya is the shoulders and the elbows.. If they can fix those in a future patch, I'd be back pretty quick I think.. plus with the bodies taking a nice turn for fuller figures, It may be possible we would see some additions in that area as well.. They went itty bitty comity, they might go bitty bitty bum bum, too.. hehehehe
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