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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Reese's, it's one of my weaknesses.. If it's in Ice cream, I'm done and at the mercy of it until it's gone.. As long as it's in one of those Ben & Jerry size containers.. hehehe
  2. I'm curious.. is it the type of shirt, or is it the texture of the shirt that makes it part of that group? I've never even heard of that group, because I can't hardly bring myself to keep up on what group is what anymore? The image of the product is polo shirts and the shirts those radicals are wearing are like beach shirts.. they have beach shirts on their flickr, but none of them have the tac vest on them.. They have a bullet proof vest under some of them though.. I'm just curios and asking if it makes a difference, because I really don't know crap about those guys ..lol
  3. I understand and I am just trying to give the benefit of doubt at first.. I mean guys need all the clothes stores they can get in SL.. LOL
  4. Like I said, I was just going by what I seen on their flickr. I just think it's always a good idea to communicate first, then if that gets you nowhere, then action..
  5. I was looking through their flickr and their whole theme is tactical stuff.. I mean like with flannels and sweat suits and things..They have that same tac vest on a lot of products.. They seem more gamer themed than anything. I mnever really seen their store before I think as much as it's used on other things, it might be possible it just be a mishap.. I just think it's a good idea to ask before jumping is all.. If it is intentional and political then make a move. I never heard of this store, so I'm just going by their flickr..
  6. I would probably say, just in case.. Maybe confront them to let them know what it represents, in case they were just using google images for inspiration for beach shirts designs or textures and came across one with tac vest on it. They may not know what it actually represents but only seen an image. Then if they give crap or whatever in a negative way as if it was planned, then move to boycotting.. They may pull the thing out..
  7. It has more adjustments than a chess board, that's for sure.. hehehe What gets me is with all the bodies out, they only made it for one.. It looks like it's only been around since June of this year.. The race of the V's is on!! \o/ hehehehe
  8. I remember this getting cranked up at parties and people really going crazy when Joe. C came in.. hehehe
  9. If it's for aesthetics feel or for pictures or whatever, just make sure they have one made for your body, Like session, they only have them for a couple of bodies.. Demo demo demo..
  10. It was only a matter of time before Chrysanthemum's made one.. hehehe They have a lot of nice well made things at their store. ETA: I went to the MP to see what it looked like and didn't see it showing made for any certain mesh bodies.. So I grabbed a Demo and it seems it's just for the Maitreya body so far.. Unless I missed where it mentions which bodies it in made for.. But only Maitreya was available in the box.
  11. Pet peeve: When you think you've found a really nice outfit, only to find it's a shape for sale just covered up like a steak with too much A1 sauce.
  12. If I'm working on something and have music playing, it has to be the right music if any at all.. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it gets in the way.. Like if I would ever make clothes or work on an image and setting up shots, I had to have really good soul on. Something to keep the original feel going that got me started in the first place on the project.. Anything where it has to do with letters and numbers, I have to have total silence.. hehehe
  13. That's probably gonna be your best bet, just knocking them out as they come.. It seems to be the faster way for you so far..
  14. Ya, I believe in the hud, there is even a design which you can change the look of the hud to show a males head instead of a females.. I believe Lelutka has males heads as well.. I would demo it, just to see how well it works first. Especially if it's not a lelutka male head.
  15. This is a really good tutorial on how to set up the firestorm AO.
  16. From reading the creators pics in their profile, it doesn't even look like they have facial animations in their products. All I seen that had anything to do with, Animation or Bento in the scripts list was two, [AV] SitX Bento Animator, scripts in their shower.
  17. I was saying the other day in a thread.. The one that makes the hud for adjusting the tightness to those addons, because some seem to be getting way tighter than at first.. They will be the trend setter in that markets race.
  18. Ya, they have squishy arms and even squishy belly now too.. hehehehe I got the squishy bewbies just to check them out.. I don't wear them but thought maybe a top will come along that looks good for me to wear them.. what cracks me up is when you don't have anything on with these squishy things, it really looks creepy.. hehehe But ya, little changes like that can start a stampede to the stores to get bodies and these addons as well as have people switching from their other body to another.. I think there are a lot that have more than just one and probably a few of the top bodies and bounce with the changes..
  19. It's a good chance those maze thighs are a good reason for the recent Reborne boost.. I mean it's getting more popular with creators making things for it anyways.. But just little enhancements to a body like maze thighs, can have a bunch of people jumping from one body to another.. I don't have those maze things, but I just jump back and forth between bodies when the mood hits me.. I could be on my legacy tomorrow or any of them..
  20. They probably used Lelutka's Axis Hud.. The picture you posted even looks like it was taken at the Lelutka store. You can do all kinds of tweaks to your face with that.. it will work with any mesh head I believe.. I've used it with my genus before and worked fine. I don't think it's on the MP but it might be.
  21. It's a stand alone as well, I believe.. It say's it's protection for Xsploders, Clubs and Shops.. It doesn't say anywhere on the MP page and the instruction there, about needing the Xsploder. It scans a whole region.
  22. I looked all over my dashboard and didn't see credits or anything.. I went back and looked at my transactions in my bank , plus looked in my emails and things lined up.. I remember getting the ok button like everything went through in the viewer, but never got the lindens.. I didn't see the transaction in my history, but did see a couple of transactions pending in my bank account.. There must have been something taking longer than usual to post from before this transaction to make me think the money went through on their side.. I had to go all the way back to January to make sure things lined up though.. That was a pain in the butt.. As long as I didn't get charged, that's the main thing.. That window that popped up with the OK button just really threw me for a loop.. lol ETA: Also, Thank you Rowan for the quick response.
  23. Cancel that.. I went back over my transactions since January until now and things line up..
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