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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I think only people he added to the list were called griefers.. It's been so long ago that I can't remember the details.. but ya I remember him calling us that.. I wasn't even involved pretty much after redzone , but it was one of those groups I just took my time leaving in case something showed up again like redzone.. I didn't consider voodoo a redzone or really ever went after it in any way back then..Not until he got personal. I came up with the idea to AR him, because he posted our names to his customers and anyone else in his group, in world, lining my hidden group up with my name. A lot of others on his list he made, decided to do the same. I don't know if it worked or not, but his online profile went quiet fast.
  2. Ya, they are probably feeling a pinch, I wonder when he put that up.. Well I'm glad that worked out for you.. It was nice of you to post it up here, but I'm gonna pass on using that site.. hehehe The bad thing about systems like that is, The creator gets to use it as an abusive system for themselves.. I got put on there because he decided he was going to ban anyone in this certain group if we didn't leave the group by a certain time on a certain day.. I didn't care about getting banned one bit.. I was gonna leave the group soon anyways, because I was only there for one really bad system called RedZone.. But this guy made a threat to the whole group and I decided, screw this, come at me bro.. hehehe He posted our names on the web which ended up in an article or two, so we may even be on other lists for all I know.. hehehe What bothered me is, this guy used a system he sells to many sim and land owners and could at a whim of just him being in a bad mood one day, put someone on a networked ban system banning them from many sims.. Not even owning any of the lands. In other words,he's corrupted the system and one the big reason these systems are a bad idea. it puts a lot of power into a creators hands. I'm not even gonna bother trusting his unban site, let alone worry about getting off his list.. It's not a big enough of a threat to me where it may be fore others. The only time I ever see that name mentioned since the last time I got a boot,which was years ago, is when a thread shows up in here about it every now and then.
  3. Just make an alt and keep the music and media stream off.. You should be fine to go there with that alt.
  4. About the only thing you can do is make an alt, And never turn on media or music streaming with that alt.. Otherwise the voodoo will see that IP, through media and music stream and it'll line up your ip and have put that name on the list also. If they are using the voodoo sploder, they are probably using the security too.. That's how you got booted when you landed at the sim. If you are in the data base, that might not be the only place you are banned from.. if they are networked, it'll be any place there is a voodoo security..Luckily it's not that popular of a security system so it probably won't be too many times.. Since I was put on the list years ago, I've only been booted twice and one was on purpose to see if it would see me.. it didn't see my alt though that had media and streaming off.. also don't play their sploder if you make an alt. You have to show yourself to play those I believe..
  5. They usually come loaded already with animations.. You should have a look at the one that Rowan posted a link for..
  6. I used to hate whatever it was that would revert me to that old ruth shape.. I'd be dancing and all of a sudden *Blooooop* Then, Ashton Kutcher showin up yelling, You just been RUTHED Biotch!! \o/ That picture reminds me of that, My Precious guy, from lord of the rings..That's what it felt like I turned into, when Ruth would show up.. hehehe
  7. From the sounds of it, I think what you bought were animations that go into an AO.. Animations look like a little human running icon. If you double click the human Icon, you'll see a tiny window pop up that will say, play in world or play locally. Click either of those and you will see the animation play. This is what a vista AO will look like on your screen.. it's a hud with many scripts and animations that have different taskes that are controlled by the hud.
  8. I love pastels, for some looks anyways, those colors kind of fit more.. Other looks they just never feel right..
  9. That anniversary special was only until the 30th of June.
  10. Maybe them recently going in and changing things in the dashboard fixed some other things as well..
  11. That's about how mine are.. Riding horses all the time, your legs don't get thinner and you butt don't shrink and you really don't want your butt to shrink.. at least mine haven't after all these years of riding hehehe.. Things just get more tight over time. upper body gets worked but nowhere near mah bottom half.. hehehe
  12. I would say in the case of them being saddle strap tight, they don't seem natural with lingerie.. If they made a less is more version that seemed more natural than trying to make it as noticeable.. I'd probably be all over it like a spider monkey Chip. The one that comes up with the hud that makes the adjustments from bone tight to garter tight is gonna be the trend setter in this race.. hehehehe
  13. I think making the adjustment to the head was the harder move than with the body.. The body is so much easier to form and see good results right away.. That was a short move for me.. I had the same feeling as just about anyone that doesn't want to lose the look of their system head.. I just made sure I was gonna take my time with it and not be in a rush to change.. When I had down time or just felt like messing with it.. I would put on my mesh head and my mesh shape and try and get something I wanted.. I wanted to make sure it didn't just feel good from the front, but also wanted that feel from the profile as well. I had seen so many just in stores at that time that had the front looking good but from the side looked flat.. So I said heck with it , I'm just gonna take my time and get what I want.. There really isn't a need to rush into a head.. I mean I would say get one that you feel can become what you want.. Learn it's hud, Get familiar with what the sliders can do with that head.. Because it can be different for each head.. Take your time as if it were a project you were working on.. Don't be in a rush or let others rush you.. Do only what feels good as well as right to you..
  14. Generic might have been more fair , but after thinking about it and hopefully the things in the video do ring true..Putting the bodies that people are going to be using might be more practical. They can always add more bodies if more come along.. It would be nice if LL made a body that would be the trend setter for the rest. That would solve a lot of things. Myself, when it comes to certain bodies in this thread.. I just look at why one might be over the rest and the reasons.. Mostly it was consistency and reliability for the longest period.. I've never tried Ruth before, I may just to try it out.. I have most of the mesh bodies and try and do something with all of them.. They all have their things I like about them and dislike about them.. there is only a couple I just deleted because they were just that bad. hehehe But those really never went anywhere anyways.. As far as body shaming goes.. My opinion has always be the same as the Slogan, since The first day I heard it and understood what it meant.. It's Your World Your Imagination. I took it as, they were not just talking to me, but to everybody. So, If someone told me I was wrecking their experience because they were looking my way.. I'd have to say they were short sighted and selfish, in a world where you have 360 degrees at ground level and more when you take to the air. Silly rabbits hehehe
  15. If there are going to be more videos featuring more bodies, Then really I don't have a problem with it, not that it matters what I think.. Someone had to be first, Or should it be, Someone had to take the hit.. LOL A year from now there will be a list of body videos and this will sound kind of silly..
  16. I used to shop at Magika years ago.. I would check some of their hair now and then and it really was not to my liking.. Then after awhile I just kind of stopped looking at them. I even walked passed their store last night and wasn't even going to give it a look in, but decided , what the heck lets give these a try.. That was probably the best move I made at SLB19. I was really surprised at how much their hair texturing has improved, Let alone how well it fit with the strands that come down on the body.. Their hud is one of the nicest huds with the built in features..I hate pulling out 3 or 4 huds just for hair.. hehehe I am definitely going to that store today. You can tell they took the time to make using their hair as trouble free as they can make it.. I really appreciated that too..
  17. I found something at the SLB19 just a few minutes ago.. at the Magika booth.. It's for 288 , has the style build into the color hud and more color combinations than you could ever use.. The texturing on the hair is amazing too.. some of the best I've seen in a long time..
  18. I had this happen today with my alt.. I'm actually kind of glad they put the brakes on me.. I was getting a little carried away at the western event they have going on.. LOL I have to wait 24 hours.. I could get it on this account, but already have it coming later tonight .. It's good to have something that can slow me down when I get that, gotta have it all itch.. hehehehe
  19. Might find something at NO-Match also.. They have a wide variety as well.. Also Doux and Roma. Salon have range in their styles..
  20. Scandalize totally dropped their group join price.. I remember it used to be like 1500 to join their group just because of their gift wall.. Now it's only 20L to join. I might have to join them again!! \o/ hehehe I think stores are starting to get the hint on those super high group join fees
  21. There is a place I use also if I'm just looking around for good freebies and gifts and sales and just lots of things.. You can even go back months to see what made it to gift walls and things. You sometimes can find good things on Teleport Hub . com ( left the link unlinked because I'm not sure if it would be considered advertising or not and just being safe about it).. They have a group in world also and I believe a location to see the new things posted up as well. I really like it because, I love places that I can find many stores I've never heard of before to build up my land marks, for those diamonds in the rough. At the top of their page you can scroll the menus to see how much there is to look for..
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