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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. The update reminder been on my last version for awhile now to update.. maybe since the middle or end of june.. I just been putting it off..
  2. I noticed it when I would pan around my avatar.. It seems to be fine now.. ETA: I should add, it only was happening in ultra.. I didn't have it in Black dragon though.. hehehe
  3. Ya, I haven't seen it on FS yet.. I might set it up, but haven't really needed anything like it yet, so I'm in no hurry to get it going.. hehehe
  4. I've been putting off updating to that one because, I just don't want to run into problems.. But probably should I guess.. FS is kind of stuttery right now.. probably those performance issues I'm guessing.
  5. So we can look forward to this at least we'll have options like hehehehe
  6. Not lonely, just alone.. I have a bumper stick on my Jeep that say's, I brake for tailgaters also..
  7. Thank you.. I was just really curious, because that part would bug me I think..
  8. That link you quoted, I went there to see what it was and it was online user list and showed where everyone was at.. I seen myself there but with this eyeball next to my name and my name was like shaded or not highlighted.. It showed that I was looking at the online user list.. I was curious if anyone else seen me in that list or if I don't show up.
  9. When I go there I see me seeing that.. does anyone else see me seeing that?
  10. I've had mine like this since the rules changes.. hehehe We are sisters in the Revolushhhhhion! \o/
  11. I just tried it by loging in an alt and putting this one in some thread where nobody was at.. Then went to that thread and all I seen was 1 other user is in here.. no names or anything.
  12. In your forum profile under privacy, you can hide your online status in the forums. My forum avatar is invisible, but only in dark theme. hehehe In regular theme, I stick out like a sore thumb.
  13. I just wish i could change the highlight color over the names.. That's really all that is bothering me about it.. it looks like crap on dark theme.
  14. Where is that at so I know not to read that? 0o Oh wait, that's that one web site you guys were talking about like a couple weeks ago? I'mma go to the neked thread instead and not post any nekeds again.. hehehehe
  15. I knew that hidden thing was a fake button!! \o/
  16. I'm waiting for someone to show up to show some really cool thing we can do with this.. Because I sure don't have a clue.. hehehehe There is always someone showing up when I jump the gun, with some sort of silver lining that makes me go, Hmph, I didn't even think of that?! Maybe dis not so bad now o0 hehehe
  17. Honestly, I think the real reason it bothers me is, it looks kind of gross color on dark theme.. If it wasn't highlighted it wouldn't be sticking out like a sore thumb, like look over here..
  18. I'm sure it will find it's niche and we'll end up seeing how it impacts things.. I feel like a monkey that someone threw a calculator in it's cage and trying to figure out what it is and what it's there for.. hehehehe
  19. I have to say, since the rule change, I've spent way less time in here and more time working on stuff in world.. I'm starting to think it wasn't such a bad thing now..hehehe
  20. That's how I am.. I leave the forums open even if I'm in world and doing other things.. Sometimes I'll forget altogether and wake up the next day realizing I left SL on and the forums.. hehehehe
  21. I'm quoting this again, which the whole world can see now.. hehehehe But forgot to ask.. Where is the post feed at? Is that the online profile stuff? I don't mess with a lot of forum features, so I don't know where a lot of things are really.. hehehe
  22. Didn't we have this at one time before in another version of the forums? I might be thinking of a different forum, but I remember it being there.. I remember when people would be getting into it, they could see the person they were getting into it with, still looking at the thread, which would cause one of them to say something like.. Ya I SEE you there, or i see you looking but not saying anything!! I wonder what it's really actually good for? or maybe it's supposed to like make us less hidden and less lurky.. O.O hehehe ETA: Oh, It even shows when someone is typing.. This is like IM's in world.. omg it's probably showing my typing this right now.. I better stop..
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