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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I think he said 9 high. I thought Phil was talking about realistic room sizes with an avatar at their RL size in like a bedroom. 12mx12mx9m bedroom size isn't realistic for most peoples bedroom size in RL.. I can run around in a room that size in both world lol
  2. I'm confused now.. Were we supposed to make a 12m x 12m x 9m room before? Because I could totally move really easy in that with stuff in it.. That's me in the corner of a 12mx12 prim
  3. I never had to buy the ones with holes in them.. Want holes in jeans? Just wear jeans instead of Carharts doing stuff around the farm or trail riding.. You'll be wearing them high dollar drawers in no time at all. hehehe
  4. how tall is your avatar? Are you sporting a flat top or something?
  5. Peeve of the day.. Paying 2k for a Premium collar and hud a year ago.. Going in, buying it , not talking to anyone when it was bought.. Going back after a year later to update it because it's the only place to update it.. Getting kicked and banned.. Trying to find a group or any channel of communication only to find all kinds of drama tied to the whole ball of wax.. Looks for new collar and hud, because screw that Sheeeut.. LOL
  6. They don't feel strange at all to me..
  7. You can try Voir Animations.. they have a good range to even really big avatars.. Here is their Slurl http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Noguchi/192/71/58 ETA:Also Vistas curvy ones.. I sifted through the AO's I had of theirs and just grabbed the ones that worked where nothing was hitting inside my hips.. Then put them all in 1 Firestorm AO and left the cutters out..
  8. I remember years ago in that thread telling Phil that, I was the winner of that thread.. I knew one day he would be back to try an take muh thrown.. Super hero girls MOUNT UP!! \o/
  9. I'm 5'7 in SL and can bump the top of my head on the door handles in my tree house.. lol
  10. Really in mouse look it didn't seem smaller.. mouselook is a bit awkward for me, but the distance and room really wasn't much different.. it's about the same steps. I figure, if I was caming myself and had a camera following me around in RL, it would be the same and that cam hitting walls too.. The only reason things seem so small is because we're not looking through two eyeballs at stuff. That's really the only reason we need a bigger room.. Not sure what that would have to do with size of furniture though other than maybe fitting the room instead of us. I can deal with a bigger room and smaller furniture.. I can make the windows and doors smaller if it bothered me that much.. ETA: still ,my RL height is way too small and I lose a lot of room with the slider, because so much has to be set to close to zero with legs and hieght and torso and the up and down things that move the height up and down..
  11. I don't run around SL as my RL's height, so i really didn't see the room from where I normally would.. I think I'm 5'7 in SL and almost 5' in rl.. I just remember being really small when I tried my RL height in SL, but that was around other people and their stuff.. I'm gonna give it a try and see how it feels with my RL height.. hehehe
  12. Thank you Rowan, I'm gonna try those out when I get in world.
  13. It's ok the be small.. Just be careful to not get addicted like I did to getting small.. \o/
  14. what do you have yours set at? I think mine are higher up and farther back.. I'm usually always using the cam and move controls when I'm not moving around a lot.. But when I am walking I'm higher up and farther back..
  15. You're actually better off making a 12x12x9 room rather than hollowing a 12x12x9 prim out because the 12x12x9 will be on the outside not the inside of the room.. Sorry ,I'm just being bratty this morning.. hehehe Seriously though.. I'd just make the room where it fits rather than trying to squeeze into something. stuff being too big has never been a problem for me.. if something is too small I just make it bigger, where we can't do that with a room without it costing serious monies and a lot of dust and noise and life being interrupted in RL.. When you gonna be done? Two weeks.. When's the plumber getting here? Two weeks. well what about mah cabinets? Two weeks.
  16. That was enlightening.. Now when someone ask's me if I've read this book or that book I can say, I've read every word in that book.
  17. I just had to see if there was one!! \o/ This is when the internet shines.. because you just know if someone thunk it, it was on there.. Thank you intranets for the closure you give.
  18. I thought it was cause we just can't have it until they let us.. Somehow that makes everyone in here prudes. Remember the days when we were deviants? Ahh the good ole days.. hehehe
  19. Thank you for clearing that up for me.
  20. Taking someone as knowing whats allowed in the rules to the best of their ability and trying to relay that and then seeing that as someone is being a prude.. That seems kind of like, you're mad and diving into the insult game now..
  21. I'm wondering what good would adult rated Linden homes do anyways? Only premium members could access those places.. It would be kind of a bad plan for someone opening a place up that is gonna have any success because it cut off a big part of the public.. Just think about all those new accounts that won't be able to dive right in.. You can't open a business in a linden home or anything like one can you? Nude beach maybe? You can open one of those in moderate. just not linden home moderate.
  22. There is though if you understand what Moderate and General is in SL. General is rated for under the age of 18 from inside and outside you house. Moderate is rated for 18 and over ages..
  23. I usually made the places where I lived and adjusted furniture to my fit.. If I was buying a home, it had to be open or big.. All my places I live are open and either big or huge just because of never wanting to worry about my camera.. I've bought stores and clubs and even sim size environments just not to feel cramped. I don't think I've ever lived in anything small and would probably feel like I had to get out of any place too small.. I think this is one of the smaller places I ever lived in. This one is a store I bought that I was converting into a home at the time. It had a whole other floor up top and some really wild lighting that was so neat.. there is as much room if not more on the back side of my camera and goes way to my right.. When it comes to homes, the smaller I felt the better.. I'll take a nice warehouse or barn conversion any day over a cottage.. i think it has a lot to do with living in the city and then now living in the country. For me, me just being smaller feels better and more relaxing and natural for me.. I don't really fantasize about being bigger in here.. Sometimes I fantasize what it would be like not to get a workout getting things out of the cabinets though .. lol
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