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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Honestly it's was just a different time and different world in a lot of ways.. Anyone could become a creator just from the information from the different sections and information there and the inworld tools. I think they separated the community in a huge way when that went away. A lot of people made some of their stuff back then and it gave things to talk about.. I think there was just more communication between us and LL back then in far more areas than there is now. I think that gave us more localized things to talk about. Just look at how much you can't see or can't comment on now compared to then. They even had a spot that you could see reprimands.. I don't believe you could see who was in trouble, but you could see why and when..Almost like reading the local paper and what happened over the weekend in town. So much more conversations had to do with in world than out of it. Maybe it being Resident Answers instead of GD had a lot to do with a lot of things, why it was kept more about SL that RL.. I know just from being in there and seeing everyone being so helpful and just rattling off answers and being so helpful.. That inspired me to try and be like that.. I used to be pretty helpful but over time and breaks I lost a lot of that.. I know I felt like I wanted to be right in there with them when I was in there. That just kind of got lost with each version I guess. Honestly, I think it's a kind of irony that over time, things that they took out that kept people talking about in world, over time has evolved to more out of world conversations entering in.. So now they had to make a rule to force more of the inworld conversations, because those are not as much part of the nature of the beast anymore. That's kind of a rough summary of just a little bit of my opinion on it.. I doubt it's that simple really but my tea is still brewing so, might even be a mile off like usual.. I don't think too clear before tea enters the bloodstream.
  2. There is still so much GOOD content for the belleza bodies that I won't throw mine away.. I don't use it at the moment, but so much has been made already that is even better than many newer things. Plus some I believe still make things for them.. I think you might find more for Freya, but it's been a little bit since I've shopped for it.. New things really don't add up to better.. I've got things from years ago from blueberry that look so much better than many things coming out today.. I think if you are wanting to shop like, whats trending, you will run into that problem.. But just shop by the name of the body and see what comes up.. Shopping by what's trending will dig into your purse pretty deep..
  3. The main reason is, those things put me in a bad mood.. I'm not going to keep getting put in a bad mood. I'll just not come here anymore if it happens again.. I got tired of my job because of too many rules.. I left it too.
  4. I wonder if they are wearing something that has sound in it.. like those huds that you get from shopping.
  5. There were a lot of things that happened before that forum version was done.. But the conflicts were more SL world related, things like the adult ratings and the things that happened around it.. No time period is all happy times.. but, before that version of the forums was over, there was as tight a bond as ever.. The main thing we really had over the other versions was, we pretty much were self moderated.. For being Self Moderated and not being a crazy house at each others throats all the time.. That speaks pretty loud for that time period.. Here now since the 29th, we are walking on eggshells and that's where my opinion is formed.
  6. {Edited out} I got suckered in when I should have known better and that's my fault for relaxing.. A lot of posts in threads that I am seeing are starting to make me nervous for you guys. I'm just stressing that, The line is very clear and zero tolerance is the clean and clear line.. Anyone selling that it's not, I'll take with a block of salt.
  7. It might help them, letting basics change their name. I'm sure some Basic accounts will like being able to now. As far as me seeing it as a perk in my premium account. No.... I got the one I wanted for free.
  8. I just set my land to group.
  9. Take it from me, If you want to know where the line is nowadays after the changes. Use zero tolerance as a hard line on where not to cross, because that's where it is. Trust me on that. I knew I shouldn't have started to relax yesterday.
  10. I was giving a direction away from me, that's all. The topic is avatar proportions and height, not agent proportions and agent height..I was just saying Firestorm and a prim come closer in measuring avatar height, the SL viewer is closer in agent height. Rather than risk my account any further, I'm out.
  11. It's ok really..More than anything I really enjoy looking at it and seeing all those people from back then.. It just wouldn't feel the same as being there for the picture..It's enjoyable enough for me just remembering that time period. I do appreciate the offer though.❤️
  12. I might have even taken some pictures when I was there.. I can check if you know location.. I don't think I have a lot of photos labeled back then other than a few, so the location would be the onyl way I would be able to find them.. There is like 5,000 photos I put on note cards over time hehehehe
  13. I can't remember if I made it in time for that picture or not, I think I was being fashionably late .. hehehehe That was a big ole party and it was so nice seeing everyone come together. Hippy was such a nice person. There was so much glue in the community.
  14. The nice thing about the media nowadays is, it will be history tomorrow and most everyone will move onto something else.. I'm so used to the media being childish. They just don't have that stick to the wall and stay stuck there kind of glue anymore. Not unless a movie star is involved.. hehehehe
  15. I really love this.. You look so pretty.. You always take such pretty pictures
  16. Go read the wiki, you'll find it I'm sure.. We ended our discussion two posts ago. I was speaking the everyone else.
  17. The reason there are two different measurements from the SL viewer and the FS viewer is because, SL viewer is measuring the agent height, while FS viewer is measuring the height of the avatar.
  18. That was my first version of the forums.. They set the bar for me.. I'm really glad they archived them.. I remember they archived another version of the forums, but I think they got rid of them.. I can't find them anywhere no matter how deep in a search I go.. It would be interesting to see those as well.
  19. I flipped over to the normal theme earlier and I honestly don't know how I stood it for so long.. it's like looking into the sun.. The dark theme is so relaxing on the eyes.
  20. I just thought of something.. I made my forum avatar the color of the dark theme to make it invisible.. Then realized it will be the opposite in the normal theme.. hehehe It was good while it lasted.
  21. It's my favorite version and the one I was most active in. hehehe After mentioning it in that one post, I went and read like 12 pages and was so relaxed.. That thread is so calming for me seeing all those names of people I hadn't seen in so long.. We even got to post Nudies in that version of the forums!! \o/
  22. The undying thread is a thread that, back in the RA forums that one of the forum goers had made a thread and then posted this..I'm gonna give her credit and use her name, because none of us ever thought it would go as long as it did.. But here is the link.. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/85/252954/1.html I just remember that a few of us kept trying to keep it alive and the next thing, people were coming in and having fun in it, then like over time people were having breakfast in there and posting pictures of their SL and a lot of the fun threads are like what the undying threa was as a whole.. Everyone got along in there like all the time..it became this big bonding thread.. just ignore and let this one die Rhaorth Antonelli 04-12-2008 19:27 just ignore my bad, false alarm, restarted firefox and all was fine... for now
  23. RA was pretty darn good and had a lot of good people. There was no moderation other than the people in RA and they did pretty good job of it as well as, soon as anyone came in for help they were answered very quickly..then there is the forum cartel that came from there and there is still the undying thread that has been carried over since back then all the way through every version and into these forums.. The versions in between were much rougher than RA, but RA I think there was much more coming together than any version really.. Even forum shopping trips and trying to cross both in world and forums together. A lot of good things were carried over from then that are still around.
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