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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. When I went there I did get kicked, but it was by a different orb.. I had too high of scripts and prim count, so the orb sent me home and said I could come back in three minutes after lowering my prim and script count.. I did that and went back and stood around for awhile, more than long enough to get scanned by voodoo if it was there.. I've been on the voodoo networked banlist since like 2011 or 12 something like.. The guy that made the product put us that were in a certain group in the network himself.. So if it's there I will get kicked home.. So I don't think it was voodoo that did that to you, because it would have said voodoo did that to you in your chat and it wouldn't have given you a blue drop down like it did.. It's more than likely what everyone else was saying it was.. Some guy that edited the drop down message from the orb he bought to say what he wanted it to say.. I went and looked at the product and the product lets the owner do that.. it was also the only product named that, that I could find on the market place.. It's a really old product that has probably kicked more than just you for the same thing, more than likely because it is so out of date.. With so many places on the grid, Don't lose sleep or let this one get to you.. it happens to the best of us .. hehehehe
  2. This is why I went with the lilly.. Because it has for my needs, the best facial proportions i could find that I was looking for.. look passed the hair and brow color and picture what you can do with it. picture the features on it with the images you provided.. Myself I seen a wide range of variety just toying with the demo.. It's the best free head or head in general that I have for versatility. This was one of the first looks I made with my lilly. This is what I'm running around the past couple of weeks with.. That's water on my face because I was doing a wet shoot.. but just with this shape alone I can Jump all over the board with different looks.. a little bit of a different direction with another Shape I made for Lilly. And another direction as well with another shape I made for Lilly.. I've got a zillion more shapes, but didn't want to end up posting a ton of pictures, just more show some range with it instead.
  3. I can pop over there and tell you real quick if they have the security.. it'll kick me right away if it does.. hehehehe It'll be only the third time since 2011 that it's happened if it does too.. lol
  4. Selling numbers for the body don't matter when it comes to getting created content for a body.. Wearer numbers are what matter most.. Right now according to the best information we have to go from, Maitreya is sitting at around 34.3% wearers in the market. With that much of the market wearing Maitreya, it's very doubtful that creators are going to stop making things for it over more niche market bodies.. Kupra has been around for two years and probably has climbed as high as it's going to, with Reborne moving up pulling some of Kupras numbers away from it. The next body down from Maitreya is sitting at 7.8%, which shows how much of a gap it holds on the market.. Just look where Belleza is sitting and where Maitreya is sitting.. Updated: 2022-08-31 @ 00:00:00 PDT Top 300 mesh bodies with 382392 unique wearers: Rank # | Model Name | Count | % (Count / 382392) #1 : Maitreya - Lara : 131419 : 34.3% #2 : Signature - Gianni : 29937 : 7.8% #3 : Belleza - Jake : 21291 : 5.5% #4 : MeshBody - Legacy (Female) : 19437 : 5.0% #5 : Inithium - Kupra : 13183 : 3.4% #6 : MeshBody - Classic (Female) : 12918 : 3.3% #7 : MeshBody - Legacy (Athletic Male) : 10965 : 2.8% #8 : MeshBody - Legacy (Male) : 10060 : 2.6% #9 : LucyBody - Atenea : 9001 : 2.3% #10 : MeshBody - Classic (Male) : 8055 : 2.1% #11 : eBODY - Reborn : 7784 : 2.0% #12 : MeshBody - Legacy Perky : 7421 : 1.9% #13: Belleza - Freya : 7358 : 1.9%
  5. I only had it the one time.. They probably marinaded it is something to give it that color.. What ever they did to it, it was really good.
  6. Every image so far from The WEBB Telescope so far.. LIVE NEW IMAGES From James Webb Telescope (UP TO DATE - Every Image Until Now)
  7. If I ever see it on a menu again and I'm always looking and asking, I'll get gator prepared any way, in a beat of a hearts time.. hehehe That looks really good. I don't eat fried food hardly at all.. But some things I make exceptions for.. Gator is gooooood!
  8. Ya, I just kind of wish there was another way than having to have it tied to my phone in any way. I hate my phone and don't trust my phone.. I have zero data on my phone.. I remember like a year ago or so, Samsung was changing something and sent out warnings about backing up or downloading our data because it was going to be deleted because of them switching or not supporting something anymore.. I went to check to see what data I needed to download.. It said I had none.. LOL I just use my phone for a phone and maybe a waiting room game like, can you tell what the differences are between these two pictures.. hehehe If I lost my phone, there is nothing on there that I need to really worry about.. Nothing is reliant on my phone or that could breach any of my stuff. I don't have to have my phone other than to make calls.. So when it comes down to having to have a phone to have something.. I tend to take my time and think it over really good before just jumping.. A phone is the only way to do this?
  9. It was in a platter of other things like, squid and hot octopus and things like that , but the gator wasn't fried.. It was already cut up into these light green, like pastel green cubes. It didn't taste gamey at all. They must have had a certain way they prepared it or something.. It was awhile ago, before i was even married.. I just remember the guy I was with pointing at things i should try.. I remember when I tried the gator, stood out.. The other stuff was good too. But that sweet taste to the gator was burned into my brain. I was expecting something totally different. I remember, It was a really really nice restaurant.. They had like courses N stuff and every time they would light anything on fire, I remember the waiters going OOOOOPAHHHH!! hehehe They had this flaming cheese that was to die for! It was sooo good too..
  10. I've had gator tail before.. I don't know how it's usually prepared, but the way I had it , it was really good,kind of sweet and a little chewy, but in a good way too.. It had a light kind of green tone to it also.. I don't know if that was how they prepared it , but what ever way it was that i had it, it was really good.. I liked it a lot.
  11. I'm happy with this version, it's the latest one they have up for download.. I think that version i was on was the problem.. I didn't have any stuttering in the version before or in this one.. I'm not gonna poke the nest hehehe
  12. The update reminder been on my last version for awhile now to update.. maybe since the middle or end of june.. I just been putting it off..
  13. I noticed it when I would pan around my avatar.. It seems to be fine now.. ETA: I should add, it only was happening in ultra.. I didn't have it in Black dragon though.. hehehe
  14. Ya, I haven't seen it on FS yet.. I might set it up, but haven't really needed anything like it yet, so I'm in no hurry to get it going.. hehehe
  15. I've been putting off updating to that one because, I just don't want to run into problems.. But probably should I guess.. FS is kind of stuttery right now.. probably those performance issues I'm guessing.
  16. So we can look forward to this at least we'll have options like hehehehe
  17. Not lonely, just alone.. I have a bumper stick on my Jeep that say's, I brake for tailgaters also..
  18. Thank you.. I was just really curious, because that part would bug me I think..
  19. That link you quoted, I went there to see what it was and it was online user list and showed where everyone was at.. I seen myself there but with this eyeball next to my name and my name was like shaded or not highlighted.. It showed that I was looking at the online user list.. I was curious if anyone else seen me in that list or if I don't show up.
  20. When I go there I see me seeing that.. does anyone else see me seeing that?
  21. I've had mine like this since the rules changes.. hehehe We are sisters in the Revolushhhhhion! \o/
  22. I just tried it by loging in an alt and putting this one in some thread where nobody was at.. Then went to that thread and all I seen was 1 other user is in here.. no names or anything.
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