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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Mine got up close to 60k and I just decided to do mine in one stretch. It still took me a week of off and on sorting and deleting, to get mine down to like 40k maybe the upper 30k's.. There is so much side junk with everything we get, from note cards and scripts and landmarks.. I didn't even realize that folders even count as an item, until I did my last inventory cleaning.. hehehe
  2. If other gamers in other games want to know what an endless supply of inventory space is like, this is the best place to find out.. hehehe
  3. From what it say's when you go to the page to change your membership. It looks like it is only a perk for Premium memberships. The Plus membership I believe is a Basic Plus membership. All Premium members also enjoy A free Linden Home of your choice Exclusive Premium gifts Exclusive access to Premium areas, sandboxes, experiences Priority entry when regions are full Voice morphing Animesh attachments for your avatar Live chat support exclusive to Premium and Premium Plus members
  4. Wow, I thought I had a hard time sorting a 50k inventory.. I have to give you big credit for that for sure.. I would have probably given up, then came back, given up then came back and 5 years later maybe had mine workable.. hehehe That had to be so draining on you.. Well I'm really glad you were able to get yours working again.
  5. Omg, I shut off most of my groups notices, especially if they are always posting up adds.. Like now in some groups stores doing these silly 10 minute sales.. Get it in the next 10 minutes for this price, the clock is ticking.. then an hour later another 10 minute sale.. bleh Plus even stopped group chats popping up too.. there is nothing worse that trying to do a photoshoot and every two seconds a group chat popping up over your hud in the upper right corner.. in black dragon I cut them all off in all three check boxes.. If a group is nothing but add spam , I just drop them altogether.. I'm just glad we have those three boxes or I'd probably not have a lot of groups that i do have.. hehehehe
  6. Ya, I have those times as well and about lost my feel for doing anything big anymore, because of knowing it's gonna take forever and a day to wade through the things to get there.. We have to know the code or get the code from other users on how to game the gamers of the system.. After years of it, I'm getting more efficient with my time, because it is my most valuable asset.. It's just not feeling worth the time anymore..
  7. Ya I try to avoid groups that charge large amounts because they have a gift room or something.. A lot of times the gifts just really aren't worth it.. Sometimes ya , but a lot of times not really.. For me anyways.. That can be subjective from user to user. The big ones that eat up my groups is support groups for products.. Especially for like mesh bodies and heads and any products for maybe furniture or landscaping and things... Mainly anything where I need to keep up with updates.. That can take up a wide range of products depending on how you live your SL.. Just with land products for something like Skye, which I would want to keep up with them.. Then add social groups.. 50 can go pretty quick.. Some might not see 50 groups as a perk or nice perk, where others are going to.. It'll make life easier for some people and not dent others.
  8. Wasn't VAT itself mentioned on there before or did it always just say, Local taxes may apply? I could swear when it first came out that it said VAT on there.. But then again, I'm just going off my memory from back when it was first introduced and someone from the EU posting an image of what it showed in their dashboard. My memory tends to play tricks on me at times.
  9. I'm just gonna wait until they get a demo out of the updated head.. hehehe I put the standard one on and clicked the bom button and seen it's other steps to get that going.. I just want to see what the one that is gonna be the final product is gonna do.. I'm wasting a lot of time on a head I'm probably not gonna get anyways.. lol
  10. I knew something had to be up with that head.. I was kind of worried for them for a bit there.. LOL I remember seeing that other head in there now.. hehehe I'm gonna give that one a try.. Thank you for clearing that up for me..
  11. Did you try the demo? Does the demo shape different than the full version? I'm really curious now, because I couldn't get the demo in the nose to do anything reasonable to shaping at all..
  12. Honestly I think that demo is broken or something. 75% of the nose adjustments do nothing.. I mean even doing crooked nose adjustment, it moves the upper lip and nothing on the nose.. hehehe I just kind of quit there and gonna wait and see if they have a demo when it gets updated.I never seen that before on any heads, even on their older heads. Their older head shape so well and i remember that being a big reason I went with them.. This one doesn't shape anything at all close to what their older heads do that I have.. I really think the demo is broke or maybe they uploaded the wrong version or something.. Something totally doesn't feel right with it..
  13. Ya, they could still be in the process.. It wouldn't be normal if I didn't jump the gun before they were done though.. hehehe
  14. My first head was a LOGO. I'm so glad to see they are still around!! \o/ Ya, I really can't get anymore heads, I have so many right now and............ DID YOU SAY 399!! \o/
  15. I'm just hoping the good one with the links was broke when they were updating stuff and they fix it. It's not making sense to me why they would remove that button.. I think I'm getting OCD about it because honestly, I don't ever use it much, but it was always there and I miss it already! \o/ hehehe
  16. Ya, this is just about premium perks.. hehehe
  17. I was just saying that because it had worked for someone in the thread that I got the information from.. Which makes sense to me, because the inventory structure isn't there to load during login and loads after we are already logged in.. Now I'm curious how that would stop you from still being able to log in when there is no inventory structure. I wonder why it would work for someone and not someone else.. Maybe it's dependent on how bad one inventory is compared to another or something.. Maybe more than one flat section in an inventory or maybe it's a really big one or something.. I wonder if the level makes a difference.. Was yours pretty bad? ETA: I also owe you an apology.. I misread your first post about this.. I mistook it as you saying "Nothing a clear cache would fix" When you actually said "Probably Nothing that a clear cache would fix".. So for that I apologize.. The misunderstanding is all on me. It was early in the morning and sometimes when I'm groggy i can read things different than what they were meant to be..
  18. Ya, I can get to them by the search.. I just hope they haven't taken the page out of the dashboard that shows our perks.. It would be kind of silly of them to have members, especially new members have to search for the perks they have.. hehehe
  19. That's the one I'm thinking of, The button for that.. I just used it the other day for the sandboxes, plus used it last week to get to the perks page to get my linden home.. There was some button just under account section that was there last week that would take us to the perks page and it's not there now.. I'm thinking whatever happened it happened when they went into the dashboard again to make the changes for the new membership..
  20. I hope they are still working on it, otherwise we'll have to run get them.. hehehehe It happened the last time too..
  21. No, it's the one that was right in there just above or below that one.. It might even have said premium or premium account or something.. It was the button that was there to get to our perks..
  22. I just went to the Dashboard to see the perks.. Is it me or is the Membership or whatever that button is called, under account on the side menu missing? I logged out and back into the Dashboard to see if it needed to reboot for the new membership changes.. Mine isn't showing in the side menu.. We had something happen in the Dashboard the last time when they added the PP+.. I'm wondering if it happened again.. hehehe
  23. They made it to the website on their own.. I mean we have so much more information nowadays and places to get it that you pretty much can't help but tripping over information.. Other users, You tube, blogs, Knowledge base, Forums, Their own dashboard.. Seriously, if someone has the will to get something in here, most will find the way.. There are more ways than ever before.. Most people are not helpless.. it seems like you are expecting everything to be laid in someones lap, when SL has never been like that.. There is a curve and it's not the same size for everyone.
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