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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I was just asking about rigged items.. Mainly because I know unrigged can be resized.. Had nothing to do with opinion about mod or no mod, at all.
  2. Isn't pretty much anything rigged unable to be modded anyways?
  3. Omg, I hate when they get colic.. A horse will just give up and die if you don't get to them in time.. I've had to walk my fair share all night long until they finally would stay up after they passed it on.. You can't take a break either or they will lay right back down the second you stop walking.. The longest farts I ever heard too..lol
  4. Wow, that's just terrible.. Well I hope those people haven't wrecked it for everyone else.. I mean you had to be pretty much brand new or living under a rock the last couple of years to not know it was for a limited time.. I hope the praise they got, outweighs enough to shout over the negativity from the self entitled late comers.
  5. I want to see dad bods that it's a soft landing when I dive on him while he's on the couch.. I bruise on them hard bodies.. hehehe
  6. The last deal I remember, had to do with getting the annual at the old price when they raised the price of premium.. That if you got it, I think before a certain date or before your payment was due, you could keep the next year for the previous price. Something like that.. That's the last discount I remember.. There might have been others, but not that I can remember..
  7. I wouldn't use it all the time, but would use it some of the time.. Most of the time I'm just looking to get dressed and go, but sometimes like to take my time and relax doing it.. It would be good if you were doing a video or something or just dressing or undressing with someone.. hehehe
  8. I hate how they have invaded our lives.. They are a chiropractors dream because of how a phone always has peoples heads looking downward.. They pretty much kill off socializing everywhere but the phone, they put more people at risk in so many ways.. Remember the people showing themselves on vacation and then getting robbed.. I never liked them and have the thing cut off from my life as much as possible.. I really just use it for a phone and maybe a waiting room game.. I kind of have always had that same feeling like, Tommy lee Jones has in coal miners daughter.. Hey Dew, when you gonna get a phone!! Dew: Don't really like phones much!! hehehe
  9. Ahh, So that's why that name seems so familiar to me.. Although I can't remember ever demoing a peach body before But then again, my memory isn't the greatest either.. hehehe
  10. I have an alt that was made a couple months back to run through the start area to check out the new user experience.. That alt earned a few lindens in world and bought the ruth avatar which cost one linden from the MP.. That alt still shows, No Payment Info On File. So you pretty much have to have some sort of payment info for that account for it to be on file or used.
  11. LL didn't turn SL into that, users did.. LL might have given the means for that to happen by not limiting creativity to the users, but you can bet they didn't create all this adult theme things all over the grid.. The users did. ETA: I just want to add to this.. It's not only men coming to SL who deceive others.. Deceit is by no means limited to male.
  12. I kind of have mixed feelings about this.. I mean it's really wild and probably a lot of fun to watch.. I enjoyed it.. Then after watching it for a bit, I was like, that really has to suck the wind out of everyone else in the area to decorate their houses.. hehehe I guess it's really neat to see but at the same time it really felt overdone.. Maybe it was that they did whole songs or something, but it sure looks like it costs a crazy amount.. then again maybe I'm just tired.. hehehehe Still it's really neat to watch and probably the best one I've seen yet.. I mean all those drones is pretty wild to watch in the daytime, let alone lit up night.. hehehe
  13. The thing with cuts vs alpha layers is, you can do one arm at a time with cuts and with the alpha layer you can't..If you have a one sleeved top that clips in the arm or any reason to alpha layer out one arm and the other is exposed.. The exposed arm will get masked as well.. The problem is, because there is only one arm in the uv maps when we have two arms..
  14. I think getting that spot and then later having to give it up.. The could really put a damper on any other location I got after that in Blis.. hehehe That will be the downside I think..
  15. Ya I seen another one over close to the airport.. I figured there had to be something special with those.. those are really nice places..hehehe
  16. They have ice out in the ocean here! \o/ did they always have these ice slabs out here? I'm just boating around to see if there is anything to do in Blis or any sites to see.. I came across these and thought this was kind of neat .. I just keep heading towards things that look like they might not be houses on the map.. Whats really wild is how much out there is just water for sims and sims and sim.. then more boathouses on the other side.. A lot of open water.. Also, I think I just went passed one of the prime spots to have in Blis.. hehehe I thought it was just some place like the other things put in to check out.. it's someones residence.. hehehe Talk about the sweet spot..
  17. Fear and ignorance. I got it. Sorry, but that clip has been on my mind since this thread started.. hehehe
  18. I just want to be able to look around at the scenery while i'm on the boat from the boat looking out perspective, while driving it.. It shouldn't be too hard since I can mod everything and have a plan now.. ETA: I take it back. it's really hard and I don't think it's doable. not unless I can figure out a way to maybe copy where the driver sits and be able to move that, or something..
  19. I'm sitting on my boat at my boathouse, trying to figure out if there is a way I can drive this thing while laying out up front.. It's so hard to see from inside and feels like I'm just driving from the outside rather than going for a ride.. it's no fun just looking at a boat go through the water from the outside.. hehehe So I'm sitting up here trying to figure out if I can work back there from up here.. hehehehe ETA: and I think I figured it out.. Add animations back there that are from up here and then just adjust them to position up here.
  20. Some come with hearts, but look more like a valentine heart that anything.. I forget what body does that.. hehehe Then our hair when we bunch it up inside looks like a brain, but we know it's just really bad hair ball.. hehehe
  21. Ya, I believe they were removed at first, and even things said about support for them not continuing.. I'm wondering if that game plan has changed.. I haven't really seen the numbers budge too much from the older bodies since the new one was released.. So that has to be hurting the new body growing..
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