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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. See the Evo and Evox button in the left hud at the top? Click that to Evo and that should fix your current problem.. With Lelutka, you have the options to use the SLUV map skins or the Evox Map skins... When you buy skins and they say in the description Evox, you would switch your head to the Evox mode. For ones without it you would switch to the Evo button.. Also for things like beards and other things made for the head, keep an eye on if they are made for Evox or not as well.
  2. You can look at Session Skins also, they have some really nice skins there.. They come with a lot of addons as well for them.
  3. I'll make sure to give a honk and a wave to those stuck in gridlock as go under the bridge in mah boat.
  4. I want it to be successful so I didn't end up wasting 5500 on another bad game plan and end up with another paperweight.. Something was telling me to hold off, but my habit of having to get it now, took over. hehehe It's ok though, because it was an expensive lesson that sunk in with me this time.. My spending on anything at all has dropped 95% after this last time and has me looking more at full perm and copy mod.. These guys are either gonna sink or swim.. If they sink, it won't be because there wasn't a boat to grab onto.. It'll be because they thought the name was sea worthy.. hehehe
  5. If you have or can find a mod or full perm pair of boots or shoes that have it.. You can probably just take the sound out of one of those and use it.
  6. My husband actually tricked me with the headlight fluid years ago when I had to take his truck into the dealer.. Had me to make sure they changed the headlight fluid and put in a new filter.. My father was always sending my little brother to go look for tools that didn't exist so he would stay out of his hair when he was little.. hehehehe
  7. Also, make sure you have anything causing facial expressions or facial animations turned off.. Then make sure you are off of a pose stand and do a, Skeleton and Animation Reset, to make sure any of the animations or expressions are cleared from your avatar..
  8. The only time I really ever see something like that is if my graphics are turned way up in the viewer.. I just drop it down to mid and everything shows then.. Otherwise I can't really say or recall it anyways..
  9. This is pretty amazing.. I always think of games and preload vs SL real time.. Look at Unreal engine 5 update to 5.1 and what's going on now.. Imagine a world like second life with this kind of real time experience.
  10. Throws a wrapped left handed screwdriver in the room attached to a bottle of headlight fluid.
  11. It's nice to see Scandalize getting into the picture..They make some good outfits and will bring some really nice range in outfits it they stay on.. If they start updating their stuff to Erika, look out world!! hehehe I just picked these two outfits up for like 300 $L Each I think they were..Maybe a little more.. I think 2023 is gonna be our year if we keep getting good creators and good things like this, Erika wearers!! \o/ Keep the FAITH!
  12. Also to add to the list of bodies half off , Kalhene Erika is at 50% off also.. I was looking on the MP yesterday and looking for only copy mod stuff..They are starting to get some variety in clothes and was happy to see so much mod versions of things.. About Belleza and Gen x, I honestly think if they had any interest in that body doing any good, they'd cut it to half price and leave it there.. They should know by now after the month long event how it didn't do so well.. Out of the two bodies they sold maybe 300 that whole time between the two.. You would think they would be sparking at the heels to get some traction going with them. Honestly, I think they thought their name was gonna have more pull than it did.. Enough to think they could start from scratch with everyone, even their older customers.. This is one of those cases where action or lack of action is gonna speak louder than words. That price and how much they are not willing to come off it is saying a lot.
  13. There might be some, but the popularity of them has gone way down compared to what there used to be.. Now the new malls are the events.. Malls used to be, you had some main draw upper tier stores that would usually get their spot for free, to draw in as many other stores to fill the rest of it up.. In groups you would hear the same things going on about sales or this store doing this or that, where that's switched over more to whats going on at events or main stores.. A lot of the structures were, you had a club a mall and a bunch of places to rent or a mall with a club in the middle of it.. Honestly, the biggest impact on malls was probably the Market place and people doing less shopping in world.. A good indicator is, look at how many clubs there are now compared to years ago.. There are still clubs, but nowhere near as many as there used to be. Also, look at where many of the new users are guided to.. It's usually a main store or events.. I actually miss all the malls and clubs.. They both meshed very well and made shopping much more fun of a time..
  14. Thank you I'll have to keep my eye out for that.. Now that I'm thinking of it and not sure why I haven't thought of it before.. I'm wondering if I have what would be in there already. I have so many of their hair from even way back when they first started up.. I should just grab them and see how big of a pack I can make with what I have.. hehehe
  15. They have 11 new outfits. I don't know about how much more new things.. This is just from one of the folders called outfits that is in the wardrobe.. It feels like a heck of a lot more than was in 4.1 after unpacking it though.. hehehe they have 5 that you can modify.. These are the 6 that can't be modified.. They mostly all seem to be the same dress , just with different textures and things.. I think these are items that they released from past events or something and may have just added them as they were.. I already have the Zoe dress.. I looked on the properties and it shows me Acquiring itin July of 2021.. ERIKA ZOE Dress v4.2 ERIKA Sheer Dress v4.2 ERIKA Phobia Dress v4.2Halloween outfit ERIKA Leggings v4.2 ERIKA Fur Dress v4.2 ERIKA Foxy Dress v4.2 Mine is actually called Zoe Exclusive.. Either they are wanting to keep the ones sold as exclusives to stay exclusives or they just added them to the wardrobe as they were, permission wise.. I'm just guessing about that part though. Everything in the wardrobe but these 6 and the rings, can be thrown on the floor and stretched or sized or color changed in the tools and things.. I think also the other items in the wardrobe that show no mod ,are that way now because of the scripts that change you from petite or squishy bewbies or thigh squish.. You don't even have to open the hud, the outfits just do it auto. I'm gonna have to see if I have any of these other outfits that came with 4.2. I have to say, that's one hell of a wardrobe to unpack..Took me forever and a day. I got so confused unpacking it that I got three boxes in, before I realized I was unpacking the same things again. LOL I almost unpacked it twice.. hehehe
  16. If it had more support , I would recommend the Kalhene Erika body, because it shapes so well and has a very good range and has more bang for the buck with all the addons and deformers built into the hud, plus modifiable.. It's the body I have been rooting for since it came out.. But it's still needing good 3rd party support as well to get a good variety of things for it to wear.. It has everything going for it but that at the moment.. Honestly in my opinion, It's the best all around body on the market that gives more bang for the buck.. it's just being held back because of the popularity contest going on in the market.. I've been keeping a close eye on the numbers recently and noticing it's starting to increase in numbers.. If that keeps up, it's gonna really bump up the list here shortly.. It's had a 100 user increase since last month, so something has sparked it again.. Hopefully it sparks more creators as well
  17. I'm surprised they never put out a bangs pack with all the other accessories they have there.. They have such nice bangs.
  18. If you're on Freya right now and happy with Freya , You are probably better off staying where you are at.. There is always stuff popping up in the group for that body either made for it or on sale.. There really isn't anything groundbreaking or trend setting for the high price they are asking for the Genx.. Even at 20% off, it's still one of the highest priced bodies on the market.. They knocked $L1100 off the single purchase and $L1740 off the fatpack.. They should have went to 50% and left it there for the rest of it's life.. Mine is just sitting on the shelf at the moment waiting to see if it sparks more top tier creators. I would definitely wait until next year to see if it goes anywhere..
  19. Well, It took about a month and a half to put a half way decent bikini together.. hehehe I haven't found much for me, But things like that are subjective anyways. You can check their flicker catalog out and see if they are making things you like.. Most of the ones making things for it are on there..
  20. How are you still using Windlight settings? What viewer are you using? Also I like that UI
  21. If you can give an idea of what is going on we might be able to help out.. Is it slow browsing or searching for something and not getting the results you are trying to find? If something is broken, maybe tell us how it is broken for you and we might have some suggestions.. Because sometimes it could be simple adjustments that we might have experienced and found a way, that might help you out.
  22. From the sound of it they were just finishing up like clothes and things that go with it.
  23. From what We were told last month, it should be a couple months.
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