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Robin Kiyori

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Everything posted by Robin Kiyori

  1. But do they know everything that person in real life would? From the sounds of Nope. But then again I am deeply suspicious of anyone who would use the r word..and treat this as something worth asking on a public forum for all and sundry to see. Shopping/spending addictions are a terrible thing, that affects anyone, neurotypical, disabled or abled, neurotypical. anyone can gain an addiction and indeed loved ones and professionals should try to help. Bringing it to a public forum isn't helping. I mean just look at how people have turned it into a debate on another person's agency. Or as Bitsy pointed out.. Abled folk trying to decide what is and isn't offensive on our behalf.
  2. Here's a tip on how to help me n this situation free of charge from a "speical needs" person. Unless you know the person personally innrl: stay the ***** out of their business and do not patronise them by assuming you know what is best for them. If they can handle a computer unsupervised, then their spending is none of our business.
  3. As somone with learning difficulties/mental problems I have but a few things to say. It going to be harsh, blunt and not very friendly. 1: Keep the R-word out of your godsdam mouth. The fact that you use it even when you confess that you know it's wrong but do it anyway casts doubt on you "concern". 2: Mind your own business. If he is legally an adult then there is zilch you can or should do. Espically if you don't know him in real life. Honestly, some of the repilies are really disturbing. This is a situation where we have no information aside from one person's account. So we should really not be encouraging a stranger to try and take away an adult's agency. Because that is what some people are suggesting.
  4. Sadly like I said. It's just not possible. those photos where most likely photoshopped. =x none of the male bodies I have, have the option. (I have: Legacy, Slink and Signature's Gerlat. All are just flat)
  5. Unfortnate;y there's isn't a Mid/High/Flat option for the male tmp bodies (og, 1., legacy) or for most male bodies for that matter alas, However, Riot does does have the Trizie socks, that allow male mesh bodies to wear heeled shoes: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RIOT-Trixie-Socks-DEMO-Jake-Gianni-Slink-Adam/15688056 People have been asking mesh body creators for the option however. so if there's more demand. maybe eventually they'll cave.
  6. I just really like my current look right now.
  7. ..I'm not sure how I got it this pretty, but I likes.
  8. This is Part one of why I've basically stopped going to some of the shopping events I used to. The second is my own pet peeve: Events that have a theme but the Coordinators didn't even attempt to do their job and thus the items are like 90% off theme poses, tattoos and unisex accessories and 10% the same dress you've seen ten times already. You know the one. The low-cut one.
  9. ..While I am an advocate for people using critical thinking skills and figuring out their own. I find your post right here, Very... ableist. You may not have intended it. But by putting the onus on Selene instead of the Lab to provide the tools for those that are deaf/hard of hearing to follow along. You are implying that it is the fault of the hard of hearing/Deaf person. ..Which is not a good look for anyone. The Lab and many other places should do more to make information more accessible for all. That's not demanding that it be spoonfed to the person without any effort. But that the information already supplied is yanno.. Able to be accessed.
  10. Lo' There. I'm also interested in J-fashion, particularly Lolita/Ouji. as well as an Artist/Writer with Social anxiety. Friendship is always cool.
  11. What happens when I am left unattended at the Cyberpunk fair.
  12. I'd @geplay in my list of limits because there is always that one sick B that'll try. So I can't really argee on that point. But I do agree on the ones that claim they are no drama tend to be the most drama-filled morons I'd ever had the displesure to meet.
  13. I was so proud of this, until i noticed the gap between the ears an hour after putting everything away. 😡
  14. To bring it around back on topic. There is a market for more androgynous/unisex clothing, Stores like the Secret Store, Stories, all provide more feminine clothing for V-tech that isn't just "yet another crop top", Certain stores provide both male-mesh body and female/flat chest versions of the same outfit. We'll not get a perfect world where every store has fitting for every body. Like other posters have said, that just isn't viable in the terms of profit vs cost and effort. But there can and is a demand for more styles that would suit both without necessarily creating too much effort for too little profit. Even if it's just for the more popular mesh body brands. We just have to prove to the makers that there is a want for it and support and share the stores that do it!
  15. I didn't get to go to the Alt party because I was a tad busy attending a different, very special occasion.
  16. See as Scylla Rhiadra asked so nicely, A lil' bit of Dark Elegance~
  17. If I had to describe my Style. I guess it'd be, part of the time, gothic, Decadent and refined, The other time, cutesy "Kawaii" or a Fae trying to be high fashion. with a sprinkling of playful latex when in BDSM-sims. Or to borrow from a meme, I've one foot in a puddle of darkness, another in a hello kitty roller skate. The only real common point is Androgyny. Being Non binary I try to make my sl-self as ambiguous in gender as possible outside of roleplay.
  18. "Don't even im me unless you have an entire, intalectually deep debate preolanned" Jeeze, calm down Karen. I get annoyed at the "hi sexy :))" randos too but aint nobody got the time to jump through flaming hoops before they can even start a convo with a stranger
  19. I Just wanna slow dance with you, I just wanna slow dance with you.. I know all the other boys are tough and smooth, and I got the blues..
  20. If We shadows Have offended, Say it once and all is mended.. Outfit details: Head: Catwa Catya, Ears:^^Swallow^^ Magic Pixie Ears Hair: .Shi: Ya-Resh Body: Maitreya Lara + V-Tech "Boi" chest. Skin: Birth - Miller Tone-1 Outfit: ::: B@R ::: Ft Wannabe Fairy C2 Wings: Fancy Fairy, Titania Iridescent Bento Fairy wings
  21. In my never-ending quest for the best mesh body for myself, I've come to you dear forum goers. You see, There's two things I want. one: A nice body where I can wear a good range of clothing from either gender and being able to represent myself in all of my chubby/curvy/muffiny glory. Now Avatar 2.0/kemono would be amazing for this.. ..If you could Adjust the dang sliders on kemono and if they acted a bit more noticeably for 2.o D= (and also if they where omega friendly..but I am a small muffin that does not have enough brain juice for texture editing ok) So I ask of you, dear fourm-goers. What Flat-chest-enabled mesh bodies do ya'll recommend and any curvy ones (that also have a flat chest) would you recommend that have the least issue with fitting into differently gendered clothing then it's base?
  22. 'Lo, I'm Robin, 29 years old, Non binary (Zey/zem or They/them is good). My hobbies inculde drawing, writing, make-up artistry. Starting to ease myself into sewing again and I'm introverted but also pretty chatty and extroverted at times. I was a retailer, but lack of work and my disability and a sudden anxiety disorder have left me unable to pursue my career further currently. Currently seeking out assessments, tests and all that fun stuff so I can get back to it. Also pondering a change to web design or similar career paths. On Second life I either roleplay or shop, trying to broaden out my social-sphere but it's hard when most of the sims I try to vist have people.. but nobody typing in chat and all locked up in ims. (While also having a list of rules about how you can and can't interact with them.. x-x)
  23. Hey, Stop using autistic as an insult. You're not really displaying any supposed higher intellect when your erroneously use the term for a non-neurotypical brain development type as an insult, that doesn't even actually fit what autism is. But you certainly are showing alot of ignorance and abelism. Perhaps you should fact check before bemoaning "idiocy culture". - Your friendly neighbourhood learning disabled person. Onto retention. I do think the Lab could do more to try and simplify the learning curve. Which people do have to admit, is getting steeper and steeper with the "demand" for mesh-everything. When I came back, I found myself pretty confused over mesh. with very few willing to teach. But eventually I got it and started to rebuild my inventory..though landmarks and places to converse with people is a different story. -cough- Of course there will always be those that want to rush past. But even for the patient, the SL of Today is pretty tricky.
  24. Sometimes all you wanna do is just relax in a fort and ignore the world.
  25. Lemmie get this right? You want a photo relastic, bento head...done in half an hour.. ...You're trolling right?
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